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Slam (The Riley Brothers Book 5) by E. Davies (17)



The smell of bacon tickled Kevin’s nose. He stretched slowly, rubbing his face against cool-smelling sheets. That was weird. That was definitely not his usual laundry soap.

Oh, yeah.

He cracked his eyes, shielding his eyes against the light spilling in between the wood slats of the blinds. The wall of windows was too bright for ordinary blinds to hold back the morning sun on a day as gorgeous as this one had to be.

Then, his chest jolted. He jerked his head around so fast he nearly strained his neck, glancing over at the other single bed.

Matty was asleep on his front, the covers mostly pulled over him, but one arm was stretched out above the pillow.

Kevin swallowed hard, dragging his gaze off the way the covers rippled around his body before he could start to imagine what was under which ripples in the blankets.

Instead, he hauled the covers off himself and grabbed a fresh change of clothes, then let himself into the en suite bathroom to get ready for the morning. At least with all the time they were spending in the water, he didn’t feel like he had to shower, and neither had he brought his razor. He’d deal with being a little bristly today.

Matty still wasn’t up by the time he left the en suite, so he headed straight downstairs to the kitchen.

“Morning,” Chris greeted. He looked like the only one up so far. “Sleep well?”

“Yeah, like a rock. You?”

“Same,” Chris told him as he approached the fridge. “I’m doing bacon and potatoes, eggs, sausages, uh…”

“Toast? I can do toast,” Kevin laughed. “Are they almost up?”

“Oh, yeah. Good one. Yeah, I’ll dump cold water on them if they’re not up within a couple more minutes. I heard a lot of angry grunting from CJ and Fisher’s room, though.”

As he loaded the toaster with bread, Kevin chuckled. “So, you been out here before?”

“Oh, no. I’ve only been living here a couple years. Last summer I spent pretty much the whole thing with my family.”

“Where you from?” Kevin hopped onto the counter and sat there, swinging his feet now and then. Chris had an American accent, but he couldn’t tell what kind.


“No shit. That’s a long way away.”

Chris chuckled. “Yeah, I know. Got traded up here, and… I dunno, I kinda like it. All the snow’s a nice change.”

“From the desert? I think we’d all trade you,” Kevin laughed.

Chris chuckled. “Yeah. You’re from Fredericton like Cam, right?”

“You were all good buddies with him, weren’t you?” Kevin asked, kicking the drawers lightly with heels before he hooked his toes in the drawer handle. “Everyone won’t stop asking me about him.”

“Sorry,” Chris laughed. “Yeah, he’s a real good guy. Not all guys leave that kind of impression on you.”

Briefly, Kevin wondered: had Cam dated any of these guys? Had he dated Matty? That would be weird. But he pushed aside the thought and half-smiled. “Yeah, he is. He warned me about Coach Walker.”

“He’ll be a hard-ass, but only ‘cause he wants to see you get better.”

Kevin nodded. “I appreciate that.”

There were footsteps on the stairs, and Matty appeared a moment later in almost identical beige shorts to yesterday’s outfit and a white shirt with faded pink and orange stripes. With flip-flops and a fishing rod, he’d look like an obnoxious straight frat guy, not the guy making Kevin’s fingers tingle with the memory of his.

Matty had nice, strong hands.

Fucking hell, I’m gay.

“Morning,” Kevin said, feeling like he’d been staring for minutes even if all of that had flashed through his head in seconds.

“Hey,” Matty greeted. “Breakfast almost done? Need me to go scare up CJ and Fisher?”

“Nope,” CJ hollered. “Be right there.”

Matty frowned in disappointment. “Fine, I won’t.” He jumped down the last three stairs, then swung around the bannister and strode over to grab himself a plate. He had a few moments of not really looking at Kevin, but once he glanced his way a couple times, that passed.

Realizing he’d been watching Matty a little too long, Kevin tore his eyes off him and went to do the same. By the time they’d served up their own breakfasts, the other guys were downstairs and following suit.

Kevin only noticed how relaxed he was at the end of breakfast. He was joining in conversations more now, and it felt like they welcomed him as a buddy, not just Matty’s friend.

After breakfast, they headed down to set up their fishing rods by the lake. Kevin wasn’t that interested in fishing himself, but he was fine watching the others. They all scattered across the island—CJ and Fisher on the old dock, Chris on the new dock, and Matty on the shoreline.

Kevin joined Chris first, shooting the shit. He wound up staying for an hour or two before heading over to join Matty, folding lawn chair under his arm.

Once he had it unfolded and plopped next to Matty’s, he leaned back and stretched. “How’s the fishing?” He leaned over and looked in the bucket—nothing so far.

“Slow today,” Matty shrugged and yawned. “No big.”


Matty was sprawled across his chair, his legs out at odd angles, his arm stretched over the arm of the chair, hand on the top of the tackle box.

Kevin drew a slow breath, then reached out to cover Matty’s hand with his own for a few moments. When Kevin glanced at Matty, Matty’s eyes flickered to him. He gave him a slow, quiet smile that just about melted Kevin’s heart.

“All right?” Matty asked simply.

“Yeah,” Kevin hummed and closed his eyes for a few moments. This was the most affection he dared initiate in public, but Matty turned his hand over so their palms nestled together and that was enough for him.

More than enough.

* * *

“Ohhh, look at my muscles, bro.”

“My biceps are bigger than yours.”

“I do a hundred one-handed pushups every morning.”

Kevin couldn’t breathe from laughing at the mocking Matty was enduring from his buddies. All he’d done was announce that he was doing his daily workout in the house for the next bit, if anyone wanted to join him.

Everyone else was in the water, splashing and shaming him, except Kevin, who stretched out on the dock with his feet on the water and laughed until his stomach hurt.

“What did I ever do wrong?” Matty lamented, trying to grab the edge of the dock to haul himself up.

“Where do we start?” CJ tried to hook his finger in Matty’s waistband.

Matty slapped his hand away and laughed. “Fuck off, all of you. If you wanna work out, I’ll be in the house. Training season doesn’t stop just ‘cause it’s sunny today.”

“I’ll come,” Kevin offered and pushed himself up from the dock. Finally, maybe they could… talk about some of this. Like the fact that Matty’s eyes kept glazing over every time he looked at Kevin in his swim trunks.

The two men wandered up the short flight of stairs to the back deck, walking slowly to let themselves dry off before they got to the house.

“How’s it going, then?” Matty casually asked Kevin. “Liking it out here?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty sweet. Everyone seems friendly.”

Matty smiled. “Yeah, they like you. I knew they would.”

“Cool,” Kevin laughed, giving Matty a quick smile of relief. “Always weird being the new guy.”

“Yeah. That’s why I wanted you to come along this weekend,” Matty nodded. “They’ll keep an eye out for you.” He pulled open the patio door to let them both inside.

At the same moment, they breathed sighs of relief and enjoyment. The air conditioning wasn’t great here, but it was still less humid than baking on the dock, plus a few degrees colder.

Matty was still damp from the water, and he started to shiver almost right away.

“Nippy?” Kevin teased.

“Yeah.” Matty rubbed his arms and chest.

Kevin laughed and reached out to tweak one of Matty’s nipples. They were hard as diamonds. When he rubbed it, it only softened slightly under his touch.

Matty laughed, turning to face Kevin and step towards him. He ran his hand up along Kevin’s side, his eyes catching Kevin’s. In a heartbeat, it had gone from two friends being buddies to

To whatever this was.

“Nipple,” Kevin murmured, then flicked the nipple with a fingertip.

Matty couldn’t stop the gasp that parted his lips and made his eyes go a little hazy as he tipped his chin up.

Oooh, he was sensitive, was he? Kevin was going to enjoy this.

Kevin cast a quick glance out to the patio, but nobody was even in sight nearby. Through the slats of the porch railings, he could faintly see the outlines of the other guys bobbing around the water still.

Reassured and emboldened, he stepped close enough and leaned to press a kiss over one of those hard nipples, rolling the other between his fingers while he gripped Matty’s hip tightly.

“Hnnh,” Matty sighed, his nails digging into Kevin’s back. “Oh, fuck.”

“That warm you up a little?” Kevin murmured, his hot breath ghosting across Matty’s nipple.

Matty laughed breathlessly and nodded. “Fuck, yeah. Jesus, let me work out first, or I’ll…” he trailed off.

“Be tempted to skip your workout?” Kevin teased, letting go of Matty and stepping back again with just a brush of his lips across Matty’s shoulder. “Okay. Tell me what we’re doing.”

He loved that it took Matty a few seconds to focus his eyes again and adjust his swim trunks. “R-Right. Pushups.” Matty dropped to his stomach on the floor, bracing himself on his toes.

Kevin smirked and followed suit, mirroring Matty as he moved through the usual routine. Watching Matty’s muscles flex from head to toe as he worked on his biceps, triceps, abs, and core strength was pretty much Kevin’s idea of a perfect afternoon.

And holding his feet down while he did those crunches? Kevin smirked at the memory of their stolen kisses in the gym, watching Matty’s cheeks flushing steadily more red with exertion.

Once that was done, it was on to the final plank, and he stretched out alongside Matty, tensing up his whole body. That wasn’t hard; his muscles naturally wanted to tighten with arousal.

He curled his fingers into his palms so hard the nails bit into his skin. Maybe Matty didn’t want to hook up in a lake house with his buddies just down at the end of the dock.

It was really fucking hard to focus on that when the rasp of Matty’s rough breathing kept digging into his self-control, chipping away at the flimsy restraint.

Especially when Matty breathed out, “Three, two, one… done,” melted against the floor, and turned that dark gaze on him.

Kevin nearly lost his breath as he met Matty’s gaze, rolling slowly onto his side before sitting up. His muscles ached, but that faded as fast as blinking when his cock demanded attention again.

Matty was just so close

And Matty was thinking along the same lines. His eyes were down on Kevin’s groin now, following the outline of his cock against the loose swim trunks. Considerably less loose now than they had been a minute ago.

“We should go upstairs,” Matty murmured after a few long moments, and by the tone of his voice, Kevin knew he wasn’t just suggesting they change into fresh shorts.

Kevin rocked up and onto his feet, grabbing Matty’s upper arm to haul him up to his feet. He was a solid weight, but he was scrambling up just as fast as Kevin could yank him up.

And they were kissing again, walking towards the stairs all tangled in each other. Their hands were on each other’s chests and hips, cocks hard and pressing into one another through the scarce few layers of fabric. Their bodies were hot, sweaty and rubbing against one another’s, nipples brushing nipples for sharp, unexpected bursts of sensation through Kevin’s chest.

Matty sucked on Kevin’s neck, just below his ear, until Kevin’s knees just about buckled and he grabbed the railing of the staircase hard. “Oh, fuck.” Matty’s stubble scraped his neck, and he almost couldn’t think.

Matty chuckled deeply, then slapped Kevin’s ass to get him upstairs first. Predictably, he could only wait a step or two before those broad hands were on Kevin’s ass, squeezing and kneading.

“Nnh,” Kevin moaned his approval, rounding the top of the stairs and slamming his way into the bedroom.

Matty shoved the door shut with Kevin’s body, pinning him up against it like he was boarding him.

Luckily, Kevin was expecting it. He grunted as he hit the door, grabbing Matty’s hips to haul him in close.

Their lips met roughly at first in quick, hard, open-mouthed kisses. They had to get that out of the way first—the raw desire for skin on skin, wet lips catching and biting, noses rubbing, hands squeezing and pulling until the weight of Matty up against him made it hard to breathe.

With Matty sucking the tip of his tongue, it was really fucking hard to focus on what he wanted to do to him, but Matty had his own ideas. After a couple seconds, he let go of Kevin’s shoulder and ran his hand down Kevin’s chest, igniting a quick burn everywhere his fingertips trailed. He was halfway down Kevin’s stomach when Kevin realized where this was going and moaned a loud, sharp approval.

Matty laughed against Kevin’s mouth, then licked his way in again. Kevin nearly lost his footing at the hot, wet tongue against his own, sliding between his lips, and the hand suddenly shoving its way down his trunks and past the clingy mesh netting to wrap around his shaft and jerk it a couple times.

“Nnnh!” Kevin whimpered, jerking his hips forward into that hand.

Matty pulled away from his kisses, leaving him gasping for breath, and sank to his knees.

“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.”

Kevin was going to come in ten seconds flat at this rate. He was already throbbing with heat as Matty hauled down his shorts, exposing his raging boner to the open air.

Matty smirked, looking him up and down slowly from where he knelt between Kevin’s legs. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip. “Been waiting for this view.”

Kevin’s thighs clenched and trembled as he struggled to think of a smart-ass reply. All he managed was, “You look good there.”

Matty winked, that devilish smile back on his face for a second. “Not to kill the moment, but you get tested and shit?”

“Yeah, man,” Kevin breathed out. “I’m clean.”

“Negative for everything?”

Kevin didn’t miss the reproach in Matty’s tone, and he winced. “Yeah. Sorry. You?”

As fast as that, Matty was over it and winking at him. “Me, too. You cool if I just…” He wrapped his hand around Kevin’s cock again, slowly jerking it and bringing the tip close to his lips.

“Fucking go to town,” Kevin growled under his breath, cupping Matty’s cheek and pushing his hair back with his thumb.

Matty wrapped those full lips around his cock head, the wet warmth barely sinking in before Matt’s lips were sliding down his shaft to the base.

Ohhhh, yeah, Kevin thought so loudly he wasn’t sure if he’d also moaned it out loud. He gritted his teeth and grunted his pleasure when Matty rubbed a tight fist up and down the base, focusing his sucking on the sensitive head and first couple inches.

It was like Matty already knew exactly what he wanted, and all he had to do was lean back, somehow stay on his feet, and enjoy it.

“Yes,” Kevin panted when Matty’s tongue tickled at his slit and swiped under the head, then around it. A few licks later, Matty was back to sucking his cheeks in around his shaft and pushing his lips down.

The heat and pressure were goddamn perfect, and Kevin’s body was already tightening. Just looking at Matty’s hair spilling into his eyes, his stubbly cheeks pulled in around his shaft, the thick lips sliding around reddened, stiff flesh… it all had him on edge. Every time Matty’s eyes flickered up his body to meet his eyes, Kevin curled his toes into the floor.

“Yes, Matt—Matty, I’m gonna…” he warned in a breathy pant, but Matty just pushed his head further down, that sensitive spot on his shaft sliding over the back of his tongue, and he was coming…!

Kevin smacked the back of his head against the door as his hips shoved forward in quick, hard thrusts with each clench and shudder of his muscles.

“Yes…! Matty!”

Matty gave one short, sharp moan, and his tongue worked under and around Kevin’s cock as he swallowed, his eyes fixed up on Kevin’s face, like

Like he couldn’t stop watching Kevin.

Kevin blushed hard, all the blood now rushing from his cock straight to his face. He almost couldn’t look Matty in the eye, but he didn’t want to miss a second of himself sliding over Matty’s lips as Matty knelt back and wiped his mouth.

“Fuckin’ hot,” Matty breathed out reverently. It was impossible to miss the tent poking up from his own shorts.

Kevin smirked and grabbed Matty’s shoulder to, once again, haul him to his feet. This time, he pushed him to the bed, ignoring the slight ache in his back from being thrown into the door. When Matty sat on the edge, Kevin dropped to his knees between his legs, already pressing kisses up his inner thighs.

“Oh my God, dude,” Matty breathed out. “Fuck, I’m already really… really hot.”

“You liked sucking me off that much?” Kevin teased, yanking open the strings on the front of his shorts. He pulled them down to Matty’s thighs.

Matty’s cock was finally freed, standing stiffly up in the air and just begging for his attention. Aside from furtive shower glances, Kevin hadn’t had the chance to really see it, let alone in all its glory.

“Tasty,” Kevin teased, leaning in to drag his tongue from the very base to the tip as he wrapped his hand around the throbbing shaft.

Matty’s response was a short, stifled whimper in the back of his throat, and he raised his hand to bite the side of his fist. It was an almost shy look, and it absolutely captivated Kevin.

Kevin loved the salty musk against his tongue. It had been months since he’d tasted a guy, but now that he had his mouth wrapped around a hot, hard dick, he could suddenly remember why he loved giving head so much. Every little lick of his tongue or extra sucking-in of his cheeks made Matty twitch or tremble, his muscles tense up

He listened to Matty’s breath catching and the quiet grunts spilling from his lips, and the nails digging into his shoulder told him when he was going just fast enough up and down the shaft, Matty’s pleasure in the palm of his hand—and in his mouth.

Just before he could really get into the spirit, Matty shoved his shoulder, his breath catching as he mumbled, “I’m gonna—dude, if you don’t wanna swallow, now’s your chance…”

But fuck, no. Matty tasted amazing, with just a hint of sweaty saltiness, and he wanted to see how all of him tasted.

He kept his hand on Matty’s stomach when he came so that he didn’t grind too hard into his face, but he let him fuck his mouth a little. The way Matty’s eyes widened, red staining his cheeks, it had been a while since he’d gotten to do this, too.

“Oh my God, that was… fuckin’ fantastic.”

Kevin slowly drew his mouth off Matty’s cock and leaned back on his heels to swallow, giving him a broad grin. “Mmm, yeah. You taste great.” Slightly sweet, slightly salty, kinda pleasant, really.

He didn’t expect Matty to blush even harder at that than he had at the sight of Kevin on his knees in the first place. God, Matty was adorable.

When Kevin rose, it was Matty’s turn to help haul him back to his feet. “Wanna brush your teeth?” Matty offered, his eyes sparkling.

“Suppose so,” Kevin smirked. “Like that won’t be suspicious as fuck. Both of us with minty-fresh breath…”

“Well, don’t use my toothpaste, then.” Matty snorted.

“Stop me.” Kevin swiped a taste of Matty’s weird ultra-whitening toothpaste before Matty could grab the tube, then put his thumb to his mouth to suck it off. “Ew.” It was like being slapped in the face with a whole mint bush. “I’ll stick with my own, thanks,” he concluded and squeezed some out onto his toothbrush.

Matty was pressed up against his side as he brushed his teeth, trying to muscle him out of the way of the sink, but Kevin stood his ground until it was time to rinse and spit. When Matty was leaning down under the flow of water for one last rinse, Kevin shoved his head down under it for a moment, then laughed and fled to the bedroom.

Matty caught up with him in two seconds flat, his mouth still wet and minty, grabbing Kevin by the back of his swim shorts and hauling him back to kiss him obnoxiously.

Once the initial punishment was over, Kevin took advantage of the moment to press a few more slow kisses against Matty’s lips, tangling his hand in the back of Matty’s hair. They had to be making out for a good minute before Kevin realized he was losing track of time pressed up against Matty’s body, their arms around each other. He laughed as he pulled away, and so did Matty.

“Last one in the lake has to give a freebie.” With that, Matty was off like a shot and Kevin was hot on his heels.

Not that Kevin minded giving Matty a free blowjob… pretty much anytime, anywhere.

They furiously pounded down the stairs, out to the deck, and down to the dock. Kevin held his breath for the cannonball moment, fighting his way around Matty trying to block his way to the water.

It was hard to say who hit the water first, but everyone was laughing nonetheless.