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Something Tattered (Joel Bishop Book 1) by Sabrina Stark (64)

Chapter 66

Cassie was laughing. "Oh, my God. And you still showed up for work?"

While helping her decorate a fresh batch of sugar cookies, I'd told her how Joel and I had stayed up literally until sunrise working on the guest house and studio.

It was still early morning, and I hadn't slept at all. I should've been exhausted, but I'd never felt more alive.

I said, "Oh, please. Like I'd leave you hanging, just because we lost track of the time?"

"Lost track, huh?" She gave me a sly look. "So that's what they're calling it?"

I felt that telltale heat rising to my face. Obviously, Cassie had figured out that work wasn't the only thing that had kept us from sleep.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, shush."

I went on to tell her how, after my morning shift, I'd be driving to Chicago to sign the official papers for all of this year's art endowments, including Joel's.

She said, "Why Chicago?"

"Well, that's where Claude is, remember?"

"I know," she said. "But doesn't he normally come here?"

"Sure, normally. But with Joel at the house, I asked Claude if we could do it there instead."

"But why?" Cassie asked. "That's a three-hour drive."

"Yeah, but it'll be so worth it. Tomorrow, Aunt Gina's coming to town, and I have this big surprise thing planned for Joel." I smiled. "It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if he was there when I signed the papers."

Cassie gave me a perplexed look. "But he already knows he's getting it."

"Sure," I said, "but this will make it official. And he'll be meeting Aunt Gina for the first time, so this will give us something fun to celebrate."

Cassie was frowning now.

I asked, "What's wrong?"

"Round trip, you're looking at a six-hour drive. And you haven't slept. Are you sure that's safe? And what about Joel? Isn't he going to wonder where you are?"

Her concern was touching, but totally unnecessary. "It's definitely safe," I said. "I'm not even tired. And as far as Joel, he'll just assume I worked all day." I grinned over at her. "Especially if I bring home cookies."

Cassie didn't look reassured. "Maybe you should leave now, so you don't crash on the way home."

"Oh stop it," I said. "I'm not gonna crash."

Cassie was in the middle of objecting again when a loud, pounding noise made both of us look toward the front of the shop. The store wasn't scheduled to open for another half-hour.

I asked, "Are you expecting someone?"

Cassie shook her head and then moved to the narrow doorway that led to the front room. She peered around the corner and sighed. "Oh, crap."


She turned to me and said, "It's for you."

"How do you know?"

"Because it's Derek." She grimaced. "And he looks ticked off as usual."

Damn it. I didn't even realize he was back in town. I so wasn't in the mood for whatever was wrong this time. Still, I couldn't let him pound all day, so I strode to the door and called through the glass, "We're closed!"

"I'm not here for cookies," he called back. "I'm here to tell you something."

I called back, "So tell me later!"

He glared through the glass. "It can't wait."

"Oh, alright," I muttered. I opened the glass door barely a sliver and said, "But hurry up, because I'm on the clock." 

He looked to the slim opening. "Aren't you gonna let me in?"

"No," I told him. "I'm working, just like I said. So just tell me, okay?"

"Alright, you wanna hear it this way? Fine by me. I just wanted to let you know that your boyfriend?" Derek gave me a nasty smile. "He's on his way to jail."

My jaw dropped. "What?"

"Sorry, I misspoke."

Relief coursed through me.

Derek was still smiling. "What I meant to say was prison." He shrugged. "But oh well. See you later." And with that, he turned to go.

"Wait!" Desperately, I flung open the door. "You can't be serious."

He turned back. "Can't I?"