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Soulhated: A Mount Edge Shifter Romance by Sara Summers (37)



After a little kissing and a lot of… something else (wink wink), Cody called his family to come over and help get our furniture put into place. I knew it was his dad’s birthday so I tried to convince him not to call them, but he insisted that they’d rather spend the day moving furniture with us than sitting in their house.

So his whole family and some other guys from both of our packs showed up. Everyone was civil, and I heard Cody and Tanner exchange a few words with their about a possible pack merge. It would be a while before that could happen, but it looked like the pack was starting to come around.

When we were almost done, a few other shifters showed up. They were some of Cody’s old friends I guess, and they weren’t wolf shifters. There were two girls and four guys.

“It’s so good to meet you.” The blonde girl smiled and wrapped her arms around me. She had light blonde hair and pale skin, so we had that in common.

“Um,” I glanced over at Cody, who was heading our way from across the room with a grin on his face. “Who are you?”

“Oh, I’m Lyssie Ellison. We grew up with Cody.” She gestured to the rest of the group, and I noticed the golden cotie that traveled up her entire right arm. “Me and my brother Callum are panthers.”

Callum had jet black hair and blood red markings stretching up and down his right arm, with black tattoos covering his left. With his dark hair and tan skin, the two didn’t look related.

“I’m Jace James.” A guy with crazy, dirty blonde hair lifted his hand. I saw the cotie that circled his wrist before he said added, “I’m a chimp shifter.”

“This guy is the reason I go by Cody.” My soulmate made it over and gave Jace one of those bro-hugs that I couldn’t have mirrored if I tried. “Guys, this is Quinn Longhorn.” He introduced me to his friends, three of whose names I still hadn’t caught.

“Technically she’s a Burgandeau now.” Emma came up and joined the group. Lyssie squealed when she saw her, and they threw their arms around each other.

“And you’re a Lush, which I still can’t believe!” Lyssie exclaimed.

“This is my brother, Layton.” Jace gestured to the guy next to him, and I could definitely see the resemblance in their messy, dirty blonde hair that was sticking up like they hadn’t brushed it in days.

“How are you, Teresa?!” Emma turned to the other girl, whose light brown hair was up in a ponytail on top of her head.

“I’m good. It’s been too long.” She smiled and gave Emma a much more laid-back hug.

“I’m Zane Fulton, Teresa is my sister. We’re grizzlies.”  The last guy offered me his hand, which I smiled and shook. It was obvious that the two of them were related, because not only was their hair the same color, but their faces were similarly shaped.

They looked almost as much like twins as Tanner and Cody.

“Okay, can we all just take a second to ask ourselves how all three of the Burgandeaus’ found their soulmates before any of us? Come on, Jace and I have two years on Tanner and Cody.” Lyssie complained, gesturing to my soulmate.

He and Emma both just grinned.

“Luck of the draw, I guess.” Cody offered.

“It has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with being awesome.” Emma countered.

“Sure it does.” Jace rolled his eyes.

“If it was a matter of awesomeness, we would’ve left you in the dust years ago.” Lyssie argued, though she didn’t seem upset.

“Can we help you guys finish moving in?” Teresa checked, pulling the conversation away from their lack of soulmates.

“That would be great. Thanks, guys.” Cody kissed my forehead before he led the group upstairs, to where the rest of the guys were moving stuff. Lyssie stayed behind with me, just for a second.

“Quinn, this place is gorgeous.” She put her hand on my arm. Normally, the random physical contact would’ve felt strange, but she just seemed like the kind of person who loved people. “When I meet my soulmate, I’m definitely going to get your help decorating.”

“I’d love that.” I smiled, though the gears in my mind started turning.

I’d always liked decorating things, making people and spaces look good, and I’d always thought I had a knack for it. Up until Lyssie said she wanted help, I’d never thought about doing it for anyone other than me or my family, though.

“I was just thinking the same thing!” Leah agreed, crossing the room and pulling Lyssie in for a big hug. “It’s good to see you, cutie. How’s your mom?”

“Oh, she’s great. She just published a book about vampires.”

“Well, I’d better go buy a copy.” Leah smiled, but it looked a little wistful. “Tell her I said hi.”

“I will.” Lyssie promised, before heading off in the same direction everyone else had gone.

I’d given them printouts of where I wanted the furniture, but the biggest problem was getting it all into the right rooms. All of the big, strong shifters who’d come to help were making easy work of it.

“What’s the story there?” I checked, eyeing my mother-in-law. She shrugged a little, that same saddish smile on her face.

“We were a group of best friends who wanted to change the world until one of us got hurt. Most of them are still close, but I usually keep to my family and my pack.” Leah admitted.

“I would probably have overdosed on some sketchy drug without my best friend. Maybe you should talk to them.”

“Maybe I should.” Leah nodded slowly, and I noticed the look in her eyes change a little.

“Quinn, when Tanner and I buy a house, I definitely need you to design it.” Hallie joined the conversation, lightening the mood. “This place is perfect.”

“Thanks.” I smiled. “The only thing it’s missing is candles, and a few decorations.”

“Well then let’s go and grab some candles.” Hallie suggested. “They can be a housewarming present from me and Tanner.”

I glanced toward the stairs, where I could hear my soulmate and a bunch of other guys moving things around. Cody had already asked if he could change the position of some of the furniture, deviating from the plan I’d made online. Since I’d given him the go-ahead, I figured he’d take some of the guys from room to room adjusting things.

“Alright, let’s do it.”

“I’ll tell the boys where you went.” Leah promised, giving both of us quick hugs before Hallie and I headed for the door.