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Soulhated: A Mount Edge Shifter Romance by Sara Summers (4)



If Quinn had done anything besides flipping me off after I stepped away from her, I would’ve lost it. I would’ve yanked her into my arms and kissed her and I wouldn’t have been able to stop.

With the way she reacted to me, she clearly wasn’t going to be stopping us from getting too physical too fast, so I was going to have to do that myself. That meant I was going to have to try harder to keep my hands off of her sexy curves, which definitely wasn’t going to be easy.

I grinned when I remembered the way she had groaned uncontrollably at my touch, the way she had melted into me, the way she’d squeezed the muscles on my arms as she moved in response to my fingers. She was just as attracted to me as I was to her, and that made me feel like a success both as a wolf and a soulmate.

I headed out to shift and go for a run, and then remembered that we were in the middle of the city, and that I’d left my truck at that club when Beth and I brought Quinn home.

Plus, I smelled like puke.

A quick change of plans led me to the bathroom, which of course, reminded me of the memory of Quinn’s naked body before she’d gotten into the shower.

I groaned and shook my head.

It had only been a few hours since we’d met and the image of my soulmate’s body was already burned into my mind. Keeping things PG-13 between us wasn’t going to be easy.


After I pulled on the jeans and T-shirt that only sort of smelled like barf, I stopped in the open doorway of Beth’s and Garrett’s room. I’d heard him come in while I was in the shower, so I wanted to stop in and say hi so he didn’t think I was invading his apartment or whatever.

Garrett was on the bed, watching a baseball game with more focus than I’d ever seen anyone watch a sport.

When he didn’t notice me, I knocked on the door.

He turned, and paused the game when he saw me.

“Hey, you must be Cody.”

He got out of bed and crossed the room, offering me his hand. I shook it.

“I’m Garrett. I play for WWU’s baseball team, so I was just doing some research.” He gestured to the screen.

I nodded like I knew what university he was talking about. Garrett was tall and lean, with short, messy hair. Despite the intensity he’d watched the baseball game with, he seemed pretty chill when we talked.

“Sorry to bug you, but would you be up for driving me over to the club from last night? My truck is there. No worries if you can’t, I can always call an Uber. ”

I’d been keeping a backpack of clothes and toiletries in my truck since I turned eighteen so I’d be prepared when I went after my soulmate. Plus, my wallet was in there, which I’d need when I went to buy a tux or whatever I was supposed to wear to the party that night.

“Sure, man.” Garrett glanced over his shoulder at the screen. “Are you okay to go now?”

I nodded, and we headed out toward his truck. I grabbed the invitation off the fridge on my way out, a plan forming in my mind.


After Garrett dropped me off at my truck, I quickly changed my clothes in the cab of the truck and then headed toward what Google Maps said was the closest Walmart.

There, I grabbed an electric razor and a few more pairs of clothes. The pair of jeans and t-shirt I’d had packed was helpful, but it seemed apparent that Quinn wasn’t going to be up for going back to Mount Edge with me any time soon. If that was the case, I needed some more clothes.

After I left Walmart, I unpackaged the electric razor and popped in some batteries I’d had rolling around in the back of my truck. My chin had gotten pretty hairy since I’d left home to chase Quinn, and I remembered very clearly the way she’d told me she liked her men clean-cut.

The well-dressed thing I probably wouldn’t ever have down, but clean-cut I could manage.

I shaved the beard I’d been accidentally growing on my way to the hair place, and after a twenty-minute haircut, I was on my way to the men’s clothing store that I knew sold suits and stuff.

I’d assumed that the guys who worked there would know what to wear to the kind of party I was going to that night, and I’d assumed correctly.

I handed them the invitation from Quinn’s fridge when I got there, and left two hours later with a perfectly-tailored tuxedo and a pair of fancy shoes.

When I drove off toward Quinn, who hadn’t left my mind for a second since she’d flipped me off and walked out the front door, there was a grin on my face that wasn’t going to budge an inch.

At least, it wouldn’t budge until I watched some other man ogle my soulmate. Then I’d be fighting back my wolf.