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Southern Sass (Southern Desires Series Book 6) by Jeannette Winters (10)

Sissie stormed up the stairs. She couldn’t believe Lou couldn’t handle things for one morning while she was at the ranch enjoying holding Casey’s new baby girl. Just a few hours of forgetting everything. Was that really so darn much to ask for?

It seemed to be because as she swung the door open, her jaw almost dropped. Lou stood, holding a mop and bucket. She looked at the floor, which was covered in some type of liquid. What a mess. “What happened?”

“Guess you ladies left so quickly that you forgot to shut off the sink upstairs.”

Sissie wasn’t going to argue that they’d flown out the door in excitement, but she didn’t make such errors. Actually being an owner of a business, she always double-checked things. Since she was the last one out the door, she knew Donna hadn’t left anything on either. Was someone in my apartment? Left with an uneasy feeling, she resisted the urge to run upstairs and check. Not going there alone.

With all the recent activity, she’d become accustomed to carrying her gun with her. Knowing she was traveling with McLean, she’d left it behind. In my bedroom where God knows who has seen it or taken it? Darn it! Then she realized Lou would’ve already gone upstairs to shut off the water. He most definitely would’ve noticed someone there and would be cleaning up blood not water.

Sissie looked above where Lou was soaking up the water. Even though it was a wood ceiling, she knew there should be some sign of moisture on the planks if not actual droplets there. There was nothing except a few cobwebs clinging to the rafters. She made a mental note to clean those later but quickly deduced things weren’t what they appeared to be. What game are you playing, Lou? Why did you need me back here so urgently?

Since he wasn’t saying anything to her, the urgent matter mustn’t be so important after all. Sissie debated calling him out on it immediately, but she took a second look at the floor. She might as well let him finish cleaning his mess first. If things weren’t already bad enough, she didn’t need her wood floor getting warped, for no damn good reason.

Although she wanted it cleaned up quickly, helping him wasn’t gonna happen. Instead, she walked around the bar and grabbed herself a cold bottle of water. Coffee was her drink of choice, but caffeine and her wasn’t a good mix lately. Her nerves were jittery enough. I don’t like this feeling, but I’m not sure it’s ever gonna go away. What was troubling her had disappeared briefly when she was at the Nash ranch. Seeing the new baby and thinking of good things for the future had filled Sissie with hope and joy. Now back at the Sass, the weight of the world seemed to be consuming her. Guess Lou’s gonna be pilin’ on more when he’s done.

Sissie decided to take a seat at one of the tables between Lou and the entrance. It provided her the best view of his work. If nothing else, he’s washing the floor. Pointing to the right, she said, “You missed a spot.” Lou didn’t bother looking in her direction and must’ve picked up on her teasing tone. You take the fun out of everything.

It took Lou a few minutes to get the remainder of the water mopped up and the cleaning supplies put away. She figured once he was finished, he’d finally make his way to her and kindly provide her with an explanation as to why he dragged her back to the Sass under false pretenses. Instead, he went back to work behind the bar as though she wasn’t sitting there staring at him. Well then. Guess I’m gonna have to drag it out of him.

Grabbing her empty bottle of water, Sissie got up and was just about to confront him when she heard the door open. It was too early for patrons as they didn’t open for business until eleven. Turning around, she saw Ryan taking long strides toward her. And I think the real reason just walked in. Darn it guys, wouldn’t the truth have been easier than messing with my floors?

“Y’all couldn’t have come up with something better than that?” Ryan looked at Lou then looked at her. She wasn’t buying his acting any more than Lou’s. Putting her hands on her hips, she said, “Don’t be lookin’ all innocent. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Ryan didn’t even try to deny it. Instead, he bent down and placed a sweet, gentle kiss upon her lips. Well, that’s one way to shut me up. She smiled up at him. And I like your tactic.

It’d be nice to think Lou was just playing matchmaker with her and Ryan. Goodness knows I’d have pulled something like this to get a couple together. Yet, Lou wasn’t that type of guy. I don’t think he knows the word romance. That meant something was wrong, and she needed to find out fast. Just pull the Band-Aid off and tell me.

Letting go of Ryan wasn’t as easy as she thought. And the conversation she wanted to have, didn’t require an audience either. “Not quite the explanation I was looking for, but it’s a good start.” Sissie gave him a playful wink then took his hand and led him upstairs. She felt even more confident on each step. She knew her chances of standing her ground and demanding the truth from Ryan was better on her turf.

As she turned the knob, she remembered she really should start locking her door. First I’d have to put locks on it. Although she was used to doing everything herself, she wouldn’t mind a handsome man like Ryan taking charge once in a while and doing some of these things for her. What am I thinking? This is not that type of guy. He probably pays someone to do things like this for him.

When she opened the door, she almost slammed it shut again. What was I thinking? She’d never had him in her apartment before. It wasn’t much to look at, as she really didn’t spend much time up there except to sleep. “Maybe we should talk—”

“Here sounds perfect.” Ryan nudged her forward so he could enter.

Sissie looked quickly around and was thankful she’d kept the place neat. Letting his hand go, she walked over to the coffeepot, grabbed a coffee pod and made a cup. So much for staying off caffeine. Without turning she asked, “Sugar and cream?” She could feel him right behind her. Her hands trembled, and she had no idea why. It wasn’t as though they were touching. Just knowing you’re near is enough to throw off my senses.

He reached around her, took the cup out of her hand, and said softly near her ear, “We need to talk.”

Ryan’s tone sent a chill through her. It wasn’t seductive like she wished, but the effect on her was the same. Taking a long breath, she slowly turned and faced him. She’d hoped to see the softness in his eyes as well. She didn’t. There was something very wrong, and he was here to break the news. Was he here to tell her about Jack? Because she’d already been delivered that blow. Lou had told her no one would be told. Does he somehow know? How when I’m not supposed to? She couldn’t think of any other reason for his serious expression. She knew it wasn’t Donna because she was with her when Lou called and put this pathetic plan in motion. Leaning against the counter to steady her for whatever blow was about to come her way, she said, “Okay, let’s talk.”

“Why don’t we sit?” Ryan suggested.

Sissie brushed past him and took a seat at the kitchen table. She looked up and waited for him to do the same. Instead, Ryan paced the room as though he wasn’t sure what he wanted to say. She was normally good at getting people to open up to her. If someone had something on their mind and needed a sounding board, she was it. She could decipher what they said, opposed to what they purposely left out. Heck, she could even read the impenetrable Mark Collins. It was an uncanny gift or curse, depending on the situation. Ryan, on the other hand, wasn’t as easy as most. It was as though she was picking up her own emotions rather than his.

One thing she’d figured out about pushing him, it might just do the opposite of what she was hoping for. The truth. The silence was too much. “Please, Ryan, tell me.”

He met her gaze, and she knew he saw the anxiety building within her. Finally, he took the seat opposite from her. “It’s . . . complicated.”

She didn’t expect anything less. Her easygoing life was no more. “So why don’t you start, and I’ll ask when I don’t understand what you’re saying?”

Ryan nodded. “We need to leave here.”

Well, that’s blunt. She waited, but he didn’t say anything more. “I really thought there’d be a bit more than that to start.” Like why? “Maybe I can ask the questions, and you answer.”

Ryan nodded, but she could see his hesitation. “There are things I won’t be able to comment about,” he answered firmly.

“I expect that.” I don’t like it, but I didn’t think I’d get the entire story. Actually, I’m surprised you’re here tryin’ to share anything with me. Sissie didn’t want to guess what that meant, given where their relationship had progressed to. All they had was the here and now. It wasn’t as though they could have anything real anyway. They came from two different worlds. He was a well-known business tycoon, and she liked her simple life. Just stay focused on facts. Dreaming isn’t a luxury I can afford. “Why do you and Donna need to leave? Did something happen?” That provided him with the perfect opportunity to tell her about Jack. He didn’t.

“Not just me and Donna. You as well.”

She wasn’t prepared to be included in that mix. Sissie wanted to change the subject and dive more into why he wanted her to go with them. But the look on his face said something big happened. Or was about to. She needed to know what that was first.

“And once again, why?”

“There is a threat that makes it unsafe to stay.”

That wasn’t news to her. That reality was a slap in the face when she learned Jack had been killed. From what she could tell, Ryan wasn’t aware of his death. Then again, he seems to know more than I do right now. “You mean everyone here or—”

“Donna and . . . you.”

Me? “Ryan, I understand why they would want Donna. She’s your daughter, and they could use her to get to you.” I’m sure there’d be one heck of a ransom on her. “Why on earth would I be in danger? I own a bar in a town most of the world doesn’t even know exists. I’m no one important.”

His eyes peered into hers as though touching her soul. “You’re important to me.”

Her heart almost stopped. They were words she’d dreamed of hearing. If times were different, she’d get off her chair, sit on his lap, and kiss him until neither of them could breathe. But this was a serious conversation and not one about their wants and desires, never mind any feelings they may have for each other.

Hating to let go, she pushed aside the warm feelings that were flowing through her and focused on the one that needed to be addressed now. The threat. Sissie knew things were bad when Lou told her about Jack. She wasn’t sure how much worse they could’ve become.

Ignoring his comment, she said, “Where do you think you can go that is actually safer than here with Mark’s team watching us?” There was no question, Honeywell needed their protection. Even then, it wasn’t enough to save Jack.

“An undisclosed location.”

The protective wall she held around her heart started creeping up again. “Meaning you won’t tell me.” If he couldn’t trust her, then she wasn’t going to trust him.

Ryan shook his head. “I can’t tell you because I don’t know myself.”

Doubt filled her. She knew that might sound plausible coming from many people, but not him. Ryan was someone who controlled everything. Look what he did to Donna. That’s not going to happen to me. “You want me to go with you to a place that you’re told is safe, but neither of us know where it is? Do you think that’s wise? It scares the crap out of me. Honeywell might not be totally safe, but at least I know people here. We have each other’s back.” This place was more than just a town. They were her friends. They’re like family.

“Sissie, I know this doesn’t seem to make any sense, bu—”

“You’re right. It doesn’t. Nothing does anymore, Ryan. Not one darn thing.” Not even us.

He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. She found his strong fingers comforting. She’d always taken care of herself. Sissie couldn’t remember the last time she had someone wanting to care for her. She had friends like Jack who she could’ve called on at any time, but she never had. Sissie had a wall around her that no one saw. Except for you, Ryan. You seem to see what no one else does. How is that? How is it you know what I need even if I don’t know myself?

She was frustrated with herself for considering lowering her walls of independence and leaning on him. She’d been this way for so long she couldn’t change now, especially for a man who could never be hers.

She turned her hand, and their fingers entwined. All she wanted was to have Ryan hold her and never let go. Why now? Where were you ten or twenty years ago? Or heck even a year ago when my life was so much simpler. Their conversation was far from over, but she didn’t want to go back to the ugly reality of what her life was becoming.

“Sissie, I wish I could tell you everything will be all right. This is bigger than either of us can imagine.”

“I get that, but I need to know what we’re facing. How else can I protect myself from it if I don’t know?”

“Let me protect you.”

“Then start by tellin’ me the truth. What happened, Ryan?” She was considering leaving with him, but only if he opened up to her. If not, she’d take her chances here. On my terms.

“I’m not supposed to talk to anyone about this.”

“Then my answer is no. I won’t go.” She pulled her hand away from his. This wasn’t something she was willing to compromise on. He reached for her hand again, but she put them on her lap.

“Please, Sissie, you have no idea what—”

“And that’s why I can’t go.” Sissie’s hands squeezed so tightly it hurt.

Ryan stood up quickly and knocked the chair over. “I’m not leaving you here,” he growled.

Oh no, you didn’t. She stood, trying to make herself as tall as she could. He still towered over her. “Then I guess you’re stayin’ ’cause I ain’t goin’,” she barked back.

He ran his hand through his hair. “I’m doing this for your own good.”

“Your heart might be in the right place, but your actions ain’t doin’ it for me,” Sissie stated firmly.

“You’re so damn stubborn.”

Ryan wasn’t lying about that. “Been this way for fifty years. I ain’t about to change now just because you think you know what’s best for me.”

“This is what’s best. Not just for you, but for—”


Ryan walked up to her, his tone softer, and said, “All of us.”

It touched her heart seeing how devoted he was to Donna. No one could question his love for her. He had a big heart he didn’t let show often. She wondered if there was room in there for her. Either way, being included with him and Donna deflated her anger. That didn’t mean she was going to submit to his request and ignore her own needs. “Then treat me as though I’m part of this instead of . . . someone whose opinion you don’t value.”

He looked shocked at her words. They weren’t meant to hurt him, but to express how she was feeling. Ever since things started going haywire in Honeywell, she didn’t feel anyone heard what she was saying. Everyone only told her what she needed to do.

“That’s not what I was trying to do.”

He sounded sincere, which was comforting. But that didn’t mean he was off the hook. Not till he opened up. She gave him a small smile. “I know, but it’s how you made me feel. I’m not one of your employees. I’m . . .” She wasn’t sure how she should describe herself. Not wanting to overstate anything, she said the simplest of words, “I’m your friend.”

Ryan didn’t say anything at first. He just stood there looking down at her. Even friend might have been too much.

“Why don’t we sit down and start over?”

She nodded. “I’d like that.”

He sat first, and when she went to sit, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap. She slammed against his hard body and struggled to pull herself back up. He wasn’t releasing her as his other hand came around and held her snuggly to him.

“Ryan. What are you doing?”

“Clarifying something,” he said.

“What exactly are you clarifying? That I’m so weak, I can’t protect myself?” she asked while trying to untangle herself from his grip.

He let go of her wrist and brought it up to cup her chin instead. “To show you we’re more than friends.”

Tipping her head gently, he turned her to face him. Her heart raced as his lips approached hers. Please. She battled within herself. This wasn’t what she wanted, yet it was all she wanted. As their eyes met, she saw the reflection of her own desires in his. It was as though everything else has faded into the background. Kiss me, Ryan.

Her silent pleas were heard, and his lips claimed hers. He kissed her so gently it was almost painful. She wanted to pull herself roughly into his embrace. She yearned for his tongue to tease her lips apart. Instead, his lips were warm and sweet. Don’t you need me? Because I need you. Sissie wanted to rip his clothes off and kiss every inch of the muscular body that was teasing the heck out of her.

She ran her hand up his chest and onto his shoulder. Pulling him closer, she wrapped her arms around his neck. His mouth opened, and his tongue traced her lips, causing a shudder to ripple through her. “Please,” she murmured into his mouth.

His arms tightened around her, drawing her closer. Her breasts now pressed firmly against his chest. Ryan’s tongue darted into her mouth and their tongues danced, entwining with each other. A chill rumbled through her, and Ryan broke their embrace.

“Are you cold?”

There was enough heat flowing through her that air conditioning wouldn’t do a darn thing to cool her. She was far from being a child who needed to pretend or deny herself. She’d told herself when she turned fifty it was time to stop playing safe. Life was about risk, and if she didn’t take this one, she’d regret it always. What’s the worst thing that can happen? I fall for him, and he breaks my heart?

Sissie needed his touch, and it was time to show Ryan exactly what she wanted. She’d never been so bold or suggestive. But Ryan had a strong personality, and she was going to step out of her comfort zone. She always had a flirtatious side and lived a carefree life, but with Ryan things were different. How she felt around him was unlike her. She was . . . shy. That’s about to change.

“Do I feel cold?” she asked as she took the hand that was on her hip and placed it on one of her breasts. He never took his eyes from her, but she felt his body tense beneath her. His body wasn’t the only thing reacting to the contact. Definitely not cold.

“Hot and spicy,” Ryan’s husky voice filled the air as his large hand massaged her breast through her T-shirt.

You’re about to see just how spicy I can be. Pulling herself away from Ryan, she stood, grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt, pulled it over her head, and tossed it onto an empty chair. She could feel Ryan’s eyes on her every movement. On the inside, she was shaking like a leaf. Sissie had his full attention, and she didn’t want to stop. I can do this.

Still only a few feet away, she unbuttoned her shorts, slowly pulled the zipper, and shook her hips till they slipped down. And this is when I hate cowboy boots. Stepping out of them gracefully wasn’t going to happen.

Ryan must’ve anticipated her problem and was off his chair and dropped to one knee in front of her. She watched as he reached out and held the back of one boot and gently pulled it off. Her skin tingled on the back of her calf as he supported her. Before he went to the second one, he ran his hand up the back of her leg, over her backside. He pulled her closer to him, his mouth only inches away from her baby-blue bikini panties, and he kissed her through the fabric. Her stomach quivered with anticipation.

I never liked these boots so darn much. Sissie wanted to reach out and pull his head closer, but he moved away before she could. Ryan ran his hand down her other leg and removed the second boot. Then he helped her step out of her shorts.

Ryan looked up at her, clothed only in her bra and panties, and she met his smoldering gaze. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

She couldn’t believe he could dress in so many layers in this heat. She’d never worn a business suit, never mind in a casual environment. Although she wanted to touch him badly, she wanted a view of what he looked like too. “Actually, I think you can help by removin’ your clothes as well,” Sissie said seductively.

Ryan stood up, shot her a dashing grin, took off his jacket, and tossed it on the chair with her clothing. She could feel her pulse quickening as his hands moved from one button to the next. It took a heck of a lot of self-control not to reach out and help him. Are you taking this long on purpose? By the slight curl of his lips, she could tell he was enjoying the sweet torture he was putting her through. Oh, I plan on making you pay for this. Of course, I’m going to enjoy delivering that punishment as much as you will receiving it.

He kept his opened shirt on, and she was mesmerized by the sprinkle of hair across his pecs. Her sweet stare was broken when he undid his belt buckle. Oh lawd.

All her willpower disappeared. She needed to touch him, feel him. That’s it! She stepped forward and brushed his large hands away. One way or another, that belt was coming off. Ryan didn’t try to stop her as her trembling hands struggled with it. What the heck? Do you need a key? It obviously was customized for him as it had his initials on it. Right now she wished it was a cheap one that came off easily. This is not the foreplay I’m looking for.

Giving up and removing her hands she looked into his eyes and pleaded, “Please.”

Ryan quickly undid the buckle and removed the rest of his clothing, including his boots. He was standing totally naked in front of her. She bit her bottom lip as she took in the sight of him. That buckle isn’t the only large thing you have. She felt her cheeks burn with a combination of embarrassment and desire. Oh, God. What’s wrong with me?

“I think you’re still overdressed.” His voice was deep and filled with need. “Do you mind if I finish what I started?”

Sissie shook her head. I thought you’d never ask. She turned around and felt his warm hands against her back as he unhooked her bra. Then he brushed the straps off her shoulders, and it fell to the floor. It had been a few years since she’d been intimate with a man, and she found herself blushing with both desire and nervousness. She couldn’t bring herself to turn around, but she felt him closer as his thumbs hooked into the sides of her panties, and he inched them downward. Still with her back to him, she felt his lips touch the curve of her back and then one cheek of her bottom then the other.

His hands stroked her legs as he removed the last article before coming to stand up behind her. She could feel his hard manhood pressed against her back. Heat radiated throughout her body. This wasn’t a want, but a raw need that was quickly becoming out of control.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” Ryan said as he kissed her right shoulder.

“Thank you,” she said breathlessly.

He moved her long blonde hair to one side, and his lips traveled up her neck, and finally he nibbled on her earlobe. I’m going to lose my mind.

Her pulse raced. “Ryan.” It was the only word she could say.

“Tell me what you want.”

She was prepared to show him, but saying the words was something else. Sissie turned around, reached out, and ran her tiny hand up his chest. He brushed it away.

“Tell me,” Ryan commanded.

She felt no shame as her eyes roamed over him from head to toe. He didn’t have the body of a man in his mid-fifties. You’re perfect. When her eyes finally reached his again, she replied, “You, now.”

Ryan groaned as though that’s all he was waiting for. Sweeping her into his arms, he said, “I’m all yours.”

Being pressed against his naked body broke down all her inhibitions. All she felt was an overwhelming need to touch and be touched.

He bent toward her and claimed her lips. She leaned into him as though she wanted their flesh to be one. That was all the encouragement he needed, and his lips took hers hungrily. Sissie moaned as his tongue traced her lips, begging her to open to him. She felt more alive than she’d ever felt. Every cell of her body ached for him.

He lifted her off the floor and asked against her lips, “Where?”

Sissie pointed toward her bedroom door. As he carried her to the room, she’d never felt so fragile, so tiny. So wanted.

Ryan kicked the door shut before he laid her gently on the center of her full-size bed. It seemed smaller than normal with him in it with her. He didn’t release her. Instead, he held himself up over her, his large biceps and shoulder muscles fully flexed. She reached up and let her hands run over him as his eyes swept over her hungrily.

He was so darn delicious to look at, and she wanted to kiss every inch of him. She was having a difficult time deciding where to start. She spotted something that shocked her. How was it she hadn’t noticed it before? There was a small tattoo of a phoenix slightly covered by his chest hair. A good place to start.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself up to place a kiss on the tattoo. Her body ignited as she inhaled his masculine scent. He dropped to rest on one elbow as his other hand gently ran up the outside of her leg, over her hip, finally resting on her bare breast. She leaned into his touch with more yearning than she’d thought possible.

She also ran her hand up his rock-hard body, but he brushed it away. “I want to take this slow and enjoy every inch of you.”

“We can enjoy each other,” Sissie whispered. I’m aching for your touch.

“If you keep touching me like that it will be over before it starts.”

Knowing he wanted her as desperately as she did him only fueled her desire. Sissie looked him over hungrily and felt his manhood move against her. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, trying to maintain the slightest control. “You asked me what I wanted.”

He looked into her eyes and said, “I did.”

“Then I want you to . . .” Her pulse was racing out of control. The raw need within her made it impossible to voice her wants.

Ryan kissed the tip of her nose, trailed kisses down her cheekbone, over her, and to her neck. Slow wasn’t going to work for her. Not this time. When Ryan lips came and nipped and sucked at her taut nipple, a shiver ran through her body. She needed him now.

“Ryan, I need to feel you.”

“Patience.” His kisses continued to trail down her body, and his fingers followed. Her voice trembled with need.

“Ryan, please.” She gripped his arms, trying to pull him to her lips. He ignored her pleas and continued to flick with his tongue or nip with his teeth. His mouth crossed over her abdomen and then lower. Oh, God, I can’t wait. I need him now.

“Trust me. You’ll have me, all of me.” His words were muffled by her flesh.

Sissie’s moans echoed through the room as the need between her legs was unbearable. Although her pleas may have fallen on deaf ears, she was going to make her point in other ways. She wiggled her hips and parted her legs. “Please, I need . . .”

He didn’t deny her. He reached between her legs, his fingers finding her swollen clit. She felt the heat from her core spread, and she opened farther for him.

“Is this what you want?” he asked as he slowly circled it, bringing her even higher.

“No . . .” She responded so softly she wasn’t sure it was even spoken out loud. Her body trembled as he repositioned himself, so his mouth was now only inches from her core. It was daylight, and he was looking at her so intimately. If the need in her wasn’t so great, she’d have asked him to close the curtains. Instead, she offered him all of her, spreading farther until he had full access.

Ryan slipped one finger inside her and pulled it back out. Then again and again. Sissie gripped the sheets as the building rhythm continued. His finger entered her again, and his thumb continued to circle her clit. “Ryan.”

“I want to taste you.”

She moaned, unable to respond.

Then she felt his thumb replaced with his lips and her body ignited. Oh, yes. She moaned and opened her legs wider. His tongue darted out and licked her so intimately she melted. He circled her clit, teasing her beyond belief, then he sucked, causing her legs to tremble. It was as though he knew what she wanted and how to please her. Entering her deeply, he fingered her G-spot while continuing to lick and suck her clit.

She cried out his name in pleasure.

Ryan increased his onslaught and entered her faster and deeper with his finger until she felt herself losing control and her body jerking as she lost herself in a powerful release. “Yes! Ryan. Oh, yes!”

She felt him leave her briefly and heard the bedroom door open. He returned quickly, and she heard him open the foil packet. She wanted to tell him she had condoms in her bedside nightstand but that would be for another time. Maybe round two. She was still tingling from her release, and right now she needed him inside her. As he climbed back on top of her, she wrapped her legs around his hips.

“I’ve been patient enough,” Sissie said as she lifted her hips toward him. Ryan didn’t enter her right away. He gripped himself and stroked between her wet folds with the head of his shaft. Her body trembled with need. Tightening her grip with her legs, she pulled herself up and cradled him slowly through her folds until he entered her. With her body still tingling from the first climax, it didn’t take much to bring her to the brink of another. Quivering she begged, “Ryan I need . . .”

Ryan plunged deep into her, and her body clenched tightly around his large shaft.

“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked her sweetly. She could hear the concern in his voice, and it warmed her heart.

She was overcome with emotion at his tenderness. Sissie needed him on more levels than she’d ever thought possible. What are you doing to me? This was so much more than a physical connection they were sharing. More than just sex.

Sissie shook her head. “You couldn’t ever hurt me.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him to her. Claiming his lips, she opened her mouth and traced his lips with her tongue. It was all the answer he needed, and he began to enter her again and again. Each thrust deeper and harder than the prior.

She raked her fingernails down his back, and he drove into her. He was large, yet it was painfully sweet. He stroked her perfect spot as though they were a perfect fit. There wasn’t going to be any holding back.

“Sissie, I can’t—”

“Please, Ryan, give me all of you. I need to . . .”

He reached beneath her and with one hand cupping her bottom, he pulled her closer. With a fierce thrust, she felt her body on the brink. She clenched around him, and she felt his body tense with hers. “Oh baby,” Ryan cried out.

“Yes. Oh, Ryan, yes!”

The moans and cries of pleasure filled the room as they both rocked with a more powerful release than either expected. She tried to watch him, wanted to see the pleasure in his eyes, but she was lost in her own. Arching against him, clinging to him as though she’d die if he let go, a single tear rolled down her cheek, and their bodies joined for one last time.

A deep growl escaped his lips before he collapsed into her waiting arms.

Neither spoke as they both gasped for breath. After a moment he lifted himself off, and he lay beside her without releasing her. His hands gently caressed her, massaging her as though he didn’t want it to end either.

“Sissie, that was . . . I’m not sure how to explain it.”

She knew what he meant, or at least she hoped so. That was unexplainable. “Maybe we shouldn’t try.”

He raised himself up on an elbow and glared at her. “What does that mean?”

She wanted to say what was going through her mind, but she couldn’t. They had shared something so amazing, but anything she’d say would ruin it. Relationships based on need and distress won’t last.

“It means the only thing I want you to do right now is hold me.” And never let me go.

Ryan smiled and pulled her close. “That is something I have no problem doing.” He claimed her lips, and all thoughts of what could be in store for them disappeared. She was where she wanted to be, and for the moment she was happy.

He hadn’t planned on any of this. All Ryan wanted to do was convince Sissie she needed to go with him. Now she was lying fast asleep, curled up against him. It might feel like heaven at the moment, but once she woke up, the conversation they’d avoided had to take place.

Ryan could hear a vibrating noise coming from the other room. He knew his SAT phone was still in the pocket of his jacket. Getting up now wasn’t his priority. Whoever it was could leave a message.

Sissie stirred and snuggled closer. Her skin felt cool against his. He reached down and grabbed the corner of the sheet and reluctantly covered her beautiful naked body. As he did, she moaned, almost a purr, and turned over. Now her slender backside was pressed against him. He turned to his side as well, tucked his knees behind her and pulled her in. There was no hiding the growing need within him. He wanted her again. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of her sweetness.

As he brought his right hand up, intending to cup her breast, he heard the phone vibrate again. Screw it. Leave a damn message.

Instead of touching her breast, he brushed away the long blonde strands of hair that had fallen to cover her face. She looked so peaceful. If he had a better view, he’d think she was smiling in her sleep. Dreaming of me? He had no doubt there would be some sleepless nights in his future, wishing he was with her.

That was the thing he avoided thinking about. This was it. The one time they had to be together before she had to go to the safe house Don had prepared for her and Donna. What was I thinking? She has no idea I’m not going to be staying with them. She’s gonna think I’m a total jerk to bed her and leave her. Hell, she’ll be right.

There was nothing he could do. The deed was done. He didn’t want to regret what they’d shared. If he was being totally honest with himself, he’d never imagined it would be so damn mind-blowing. She might own a bar called the Wild Sass, but he knew she was the Southern sass who ran it. You’re full of surprises. And if we get through this mess, I want to discover every single one of them.

Ryan wasn’t foolish enough to believe he could go back to the office and be safe there. He wasn’t sure exactly what Carl was capable of, but he knew Henri’s disappearance wasn’t a coincidence. He did wonder what had changed that Carl had made such a move. Ryan was often out of the office working elsewhere, so why now? It was clear no one was safe, but the timing remained the question. He would bring a few of his trusted security team members back with him, but they couldn’t be with him twenty-four seven. If they want me, they’ll find a way to get me.

Running his hand down her arm, and back up again, his heart ached. I don’t care what happens to me, as long as you’re safe.

It was a realization of what she meant to him. For so long the only person he cared about was Donna. He was going to do everything he could to protect her as well, but now, he had Sissie’s well-being to consider. And I have a feeling doing so isn’t going to be easy.

Once again Ryan heard something from the other room. This time it wasn’t his phone. Damn it. Someone was knocking on the door. He should get up and answer it, but this wasn’t his house. Also, all his garments were in the kitchen.

“Sissie, someone’s at the door.” She stirred but didn’t open her eyes. Kissing her shoulder, he tried again. “Baby, you have to wake up. We have company.”

This time her eyes flew open, and she sat up quickly. So much so her head butted him in the mouth as she leaped from the bed. The taste of blood filled his mouth, and he brought his hand to his lip. Yeah, how am I going to explain this?

Sissie was too busy grabbing clothes out of her drawers to notice. Ryan sat up on the bed and watched her. She was all dressed and was searching around the room.

“Did you lose something?”

“My boots,” she replied while looking under the bed.

“I believe they are in the kitchen with my clothes.”

Sissie stood up and finally noticed him sitting there naked. Her cheeks turned bright red. “Oh . . . I guess I better collect them for you.”

Ryan stood up not the least bit ashamed. He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her to him. “We’re grown ass adults, Sissie. There’s nothing to blush about.” He bent and kissed her briefly. “Unless you’re saying you didn’t enjoy what we shared.” He knew damn well she had, but he wanted her to tell him.

“Ryan, there’s someone at the door. We can’t—”

“We can do whatever we want to.” He knew he was being a cocky bastard, but he wanted to make a point. No matter what was going on, they still had control over their lives. Not totally, but at least this part of it.

Sissie smirked at him. “I want to see who’s at my door. The question is would you like clothes on when they come in or not?”

Ryan laughed. He’d opt for his current attire, but he knew she would be mortified if he actually followed her to the door like that. Before releasing her, he kissed her one last time. “How about you grab my clothes when you get your boots?”

Sissie nodded and dashed out of the room. Whoever was at the door hadn’t left as they knocked again and again. Sissie returned and tossed him his pants and shirt. “I don’t know what happened to your belt.”

He didn’t care at the moment. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I’ve got to answer that.”

“No. Wait for me.”

“It’s okay. Lou is downstairs. If it weren’t safe, they wouldn’t have made it this far.”

Ryan wasn’t taking any chances. “Sissie, do not answer that door. Not without me with you.” He’d never used such a firm tone with her, but there was so much she didn’t know. And you won’t if I can help it.

She stopped, and he could tell she was about to argue with him. Something changed in her expression, and she closed her mouth and waited. Quickly pulling on his pants and shirt, he said, “Okay, let’s go see what’s so damn important.”

“Don’t you want to button that?” Sissie pointed to his open shirt.

“Not as bad as I want to see who’s at the door.”

They left the bedroom, and Ryan stopped and retrieved his gun that was in his coat pocket. Her eyes widened. “You really think that is necessary?”

“You never know.”

When she opened the door, Ryan stood there with the gun cocked and ready. If anyone intended to hurt her, they were in for a fight.

He lowered his weapon when he saw who it was.

Ryan saw Lou scan the room before speaking. “Donna’s on her way here. ETA is five minutes. Thought you two might want to know.”

Sissie shot Ryan a quick look then turned back to Lou. “Thank you.”

Lou looked over Sissie’s shoulder and said before heading back downstairs, “Next time, Watson, answer the damn phone. It might be important.”

He figured Donna returning was important enough for Lou to bang on the door. A man to man courtesy. I’d prefer Donna not find out about Sissie and me by our clothes sprawled out all over the place.

It was an odd thought. Me and Sissie? There was no other way to say it. They’d gone from friends to lovers. There was no commitment between them, yet what they shared was a connection like he’d never encountered before. Not even with Janet.

It wasn’t just the physical aspect. They actually opened up and shared parts of their lives with each other. Ryan might’ve been married before, but they kept their walls up and had their own lives.

Sissie quickly picked up her garments that remained in the kitchen, and he realized he didn’t want to make the same mistake with her. She wasn’t like Janet. Sissie was full of life and wanted to talk and be close and open. It was foreign to him, but he wanted to give it all to her. Can I change now? You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. He hated it, but she was too damn good for him. She’s a better person than I’ll ever be.

Ryan grabbed his boots and pulled them on. Then slipped his gun back into his coat and sat down. “Sissie, we never finished our conversation.”

“I know,” she said, not meeting his eyes.

“You know you have to go.”

“I know,” Sissie said softly.

“I’ll go with you to make sure you and Donna will be okay. But I can’t stay. I’m needed elsewhere.” He couldn’t tell her where, or she might try to follow him.

He heard her take a deep breath. “Donna and I will be fine. I’ll make sure nothing happens. You can go and do whatever it is you need to do.”

“Sissie, it’s not that I don’t want to—”

“Ryan, it’s best this way. Just tell me where Donna and I need to be, and I’ll take it from there.”

Best this way? It sure didn’t feel that way, but he knew she was right. Collins trusted Farrell with his family. There is no way the guy would do anything to jeopardize Sissie and Donna. The only thing that was going to put them at a greater risk was him being around them. I can’t put any more of a target on your backs. I need to do this for all of us.

“Be ready; the chopper will leave at midnight. Lou will ensure you get on board safely. And pack warm clothes.”

She finally looked in his direction. “Like Alaska cold?”

“I don’t know. That is all I’ve been told.”

He could see it coming. Sissie’s foot was tapping, and she didn’t look happy. “You’re sending us someplace with some stranger, and you don’t seem worried. So much for caring about what happens to us.”

Ryan wished he could explain that his lack of information was because he cared so much. If he didn’t, he’d blurt out everything that was going on, even with his company. He hoped the little bit he could share would ease her mind. “Not a stranger. From what I gather, you know this person. Or at least, he knows you.”

“I run a bar. I know a lot of people,” Sissie snapped.

“He’s not from around here. I could be wrong, but he sounds Northern.”

“I don’t travel much, and I sure don’t go up north.” She wrinkled her nose then said, “Well there was a time I almost made it up north to meet the radio personality, Wayne, who I listen to each week. I had sent him an email asking to meet him, and he agreed. I was going to get a signed copy of a book he wrote and everything. I was just about to buy my plane ticket when he announced the high temperature for where he was, and nothing is ever gonna get me to travel to a place that is colder than an icebox. The only thing I like that cold is my beer.”

He was thrown off by how Sissie rambled through a story just to tell him she hated cold weather. The funny part was he enjoyed hearing her talk about anything other than the crap that was going on. He wished it could continue, but he’d put off the conversation long enough. “Well, he’s looking forward to seeing you. Some guy named Farrell.”

“Don? He’s coming here? Why?”

The look of surprise on her face said she knew him, but the pieces weren’t adding up. None do, darling. “Lou and Collins arranged it. How do you know him?” He didn’t mean for the jealous tone to shine through, but it did.

“He’s Mark’s best friend.”

He was hoping she’d elaborate, but she didn’t. And this is what I get for not sharing what I know. She shuts me down too. He wasn’t sure where this odd feeling of jealousy had come in. But he hoped there wasn’t more between Sissie and Don she wasn’t saying. Ryan wanted to ask a million questions. Instead, he did what he had to do. Trust this is the right decision. “Then I’m sure you’re in good hands.” Better be great hands or both Collins and Farrell will be answering to me.

“I’m sure I can finagle the location out of Don.”

Ryan didn’t like that tone. He knew she was purposely trying to push his buttons and damn it, it was working. He had to resist the urge to get on that chopper. If his reasons were for anything other than jealousy, he sure as hell would.

“Don’t get too comfortable. You won’t be there that long.” Unfortunately, his comment wasn’t based on any fact. All he knew was things were changing quickly, but that didn’t mean they were going to change for the good.

“Donna should be here any minute. I’ll leave you to tell her the good news by yourself.” Sissie didn’t wait for him to respond. He was left alone in her kitchen.

He looked at the kitchen table and saw her bra hanging on the back of one chair. Grabbing her bra, he noticed the other chair held his belt. Ryan was just about to grab it when Donna came into the room.

“Hi Dad, what are you doing here?” He watched as Donna saw what was in his hand. Then her eyes traveled to the rest of the garments. “Please don’t answer that.”

Wasn’t planning on it. Ryan had never been a kiss and tell type of guy and definitely not with his daughter. What was going on between him and Sissie was no one’s business. And I’m not sure what I’d say if I could.

Ryan grabbed the rest of Sissie’s personal items and put them all on one chair. Then he turned back to Donna and said, “Sit, we need to discuss something.”

“Really Dad, I don’t need details. Like I said before, I think she’s great. Even better, I think she’s great for you.”

“Wonderful, but that’s not what we need to talk about. Now sit.” Ryan was back to using his commanding tone. It didn’t fly with Sissie, but Donna sat right down and waited. At least, someone listens to me. Not that it’s gonna matter because you’re not gonna be anywhere I can help you.

“Where are you sending me now?”

Ryan grinned. “You know me that well, do you?”

“Unfortunately, Dad, I do.”

He sat for the next half hour and talked about everything but what was going on. He’d missed this. Connecting with his daughter. Ryan didn’t want to leave, but he needed to get back to the office today, and the clock was ticking. If there was anything he could do to help find Henri, he needed to. This wasn’t choosing one over the other. It was his way of doing what was best for everyone.

“Okay, come and give your dear ole dad a hug before I go.” Donna got up and went right into his waiting arms. “Donna, you need to promise me something.”

“What now?”

He ignored the sarcasm in her tone. “Whatever you do, do not come home or go to the office unless I tell you it’s okay.” She looked at him, and he could see the fear in her eyes. “Just promise me.”

Ryan saw her eyes glisten over, but she fought back the tears. He was grateful because he didn’t do well with his baby girl crying. No dad does.

“I’ll promise, if you promise you won’t do anything stupid.”

Kissing her on the top of her head he said, “Deal.”

He left her to pack and headed out to make his own travel arrangements. Things changed so fast. This wasn’t the way he wanted it to be. He’d pictured himself flying off with Donna and Sissie to whatever secret location Farrell had. Maybe even spend a bit of time with them both before taking off to handle his business. Instead he was saying goodbye again to his daughter and parting ways with Sissie and she wasn’t even speaking to him. But it was happening no matter how hard it was leaving them both at the Wild Sass. The only thing that helped was he knew Lou would protect them with his life. I just hope that’s enough.