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Sprung (The Frenemy Series Book 2) by Kate Benson (10)


“I hate this idea,” he says bluntly as we stare back at the house I grew up in. “I think it’s really dumb.”

“Listen, we tried it your way and that was a disaster,” I sigh, turning to face him, the bruises growing more pronounced around his lip and eye. “We both know the worst Mason will give me is an ass-chewing.”

“I still don’t like it,” Dash shakes his head releasing a long, low sigh after a moment and facing me. “I really wish you’d let me talk you out of doing this, Evie.”

“I know, but you won’t and I’ve made up my mind.”

He stares down at me, shaking his head in annoyance after he realizes I won’t budge.

“Fine, I’ll go back to the bar and cover his shift until I can get someone else to come in so he doesn’t have to hear any shit from Walt,” he concedes. “If you need me to come back, though, you better fuckin’ call me, babe.”

“I will.”

“I mean it, Evie. Say you swear, baby.”

“I swear,” I answer, smiling inwardly as I take in his concerned features.

“Gimme a kiss,” he orders, returning it when I do. “Call me when you’re ready and I’ll come back and get you.”

“Okay,” I nod, pushing the door to his truck open and slipping out.

I’m about to push it shut when his voice stops me, pulling my eyes across the cab to his.

“I’m sorry shit’s all fucked up right now, babe,” he says, his features uncharacteristically emotional as he glances back at me.

“It’s gonna be fine, right?” I repeat his words, trying to be as brave as I’d like to be.

As brave as the man staring back at me, his eyes never wavering as he gives me a quick nod.

“Yeah,” he whispers, his lip quirking up on one side. “I love you.”

“Love you,” I reply, returning his smile before I push the door shut and make my way across the grass.

I glance over my shoulder once more as my hand grips the doorknob and he’s still watching, nervously chewing on his thumbnail. I blow him a kiss before I pull in a deep breath, pushing the door open.

Although I can’t say what I expect when I walk in, it isn’t the silence I’m met with. I take a few moments to collect myself, the sound of Dash’s truck very slowly pulling away long after I thought he would the only thing I hear inside the small entryway. I’m about to call out for Mason when I hear his footsteps on the familiar staircase.

“How was the gym? Did you have a nice workout, liar?” he sneers, making my cheeks heat as he glances toward the door. “He didn’t even have the balls to come with you, huh? That’s pretty fuckin’ lame, even for him.”

“I asked him not to,” I admit, my voice low. “Can we talk, Mase?”

“What do you want to talk about?”

“This,” I say, pulling his eyes to mine as he comes to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. “I’m sorry you walked in on us. I didn’t want you to find out that way and I also don’t want you mad at me. I feel like I owe you an explanation and I… Mason, I can’t stand fighting with you.”

“Who says we’re fighting?” he shrugs, his features showing false indifference. “You know how I feel about it, but if you’re determined to fuck your life up, then good luck. What the fuck ever.”

“That’s not fair,” I sigh, my shoulders falling as I deflate. “First of all, you never told me how you felt about anything. You just punched Dash in the face and left…”

“I think that pretty much covers my feelings on the subject, don’t you?” he laughs without humor, cutting me off as he steps passed me, still refusing to meet my eyes. “Not sure what you find so unfair about that.”

“Okay, fine,” I admit. “You’re not crazy about the idea of me and Dash. I get it,” I sigh, following him into the kitchen. “But what’s not fair is to assume I’m fucking my life up, because I’m not.”

“I guess that depends on who you ask.”

“I’m not asking anyone,” I insist bluntly, watching him pull a beer from the fridge and toss the cap onto the counter, folding his arms over his chest as he releases a long sigh of disapproval. “The only thing I’m asking of you is to support me, to be my brother. I get that you’re upset that we kept it from you and that it’s unexpected. I understand you being pissed about that, but what I don’t get is why you assume I’m fucking my life up. You don’t-”

“Because he’s not good enough for you, Evie,” he spits, cutting me off. His eyes finally meet mine and I immediately wish they hadn’t. He’s fuming, yes, but there’s something else there. Disappointment. “And I’m being this way because Mom and me? We’ve busted our ass to help get you through school.”

“School has nothing to do with this.”

“It does if you’re just gonna shit it all away on some asshole who doesn’t deserve you.”

“He’s an asshole now?” I laugh, although I find no humor from any of this. “Dash has been your best friend for years. How can you even talk about him like that?”

“Because he’s been my best friend for years and I know him better than anyone,” he counters. “I know how he is with women. I’ve seen the ending to this little love story a million times and I’m not going to sit idle while he does it to my fucking sister. It’s not gonna happen, Evie.”

“Give him a little credit, will you?”

“No, I won’t and if you do, you’re a fool.”

“You think I don’t know how he was before? You think I haven’t seen how he was, how you both have been, with girls?” I argue, pulling his annoyed gaze back to mine. “I mean, come on. I’ve seen you do the same thing, so don’t get all high and mighty now because you’re mad, Mason.”

“It’s not the same thing, Eve.”

“Yes, it is!” I shout. “How is it any different?”

“Because those girls weren’t you!” he smacks the counter. “Those girls before weren’t my baby fucking sister.”

“Well, they were someone’s,” I say evenly, swallowing the lump in my throat. “And you can say a lot of shit about Dash, but as mad as you are right now, even you can’t say he doesn’t care about you. Am I right?” he meets my eyes, refusing to answer, but I don’t relent. “So, if you know that, why do you think he’d treat his best friends sister the same way he treated every other girl, Mason?”

“Because it’s Dash and because in his eyes, no matter who you are and no matter what he’s told you, you’re nothing more than a pair of tits in a skirt,” he spits, making me flinch. “You’re right, Evie. Dash does care about me, but he cares about himself more than anyone,” he says evenly. “And usually, I can deal with that, but I’ll be damned if I let him use you the same way he’s used every other woman he’s ever been with.”

I say nothing, my chest aching at the thought that my biggest fear is being realized in this moment. I’d always known telling Mason would be difficult, that he’d have a hard time adjusting to the idea of Dash and me being together, but it’s clear with his words that it’s much more than that.

Mason has supported everything I’ve ever done, but he won’t support this.


“Did he tell you he wanted to take things slow?” he asks, his voice slightly softer, but his resolve unmoving. I say nothing as the memory of those very words leaving Dash’s lips the day I got home sound off in my head, the expression making it obvious to Mason that he’d struck a nerve. “Yeah, that’s his hook. He says that to everyone, Evie. That’s how he gets girls to think he’s a good guy, but he isn’t. Not when it comes to women,” he continues, his voice gentle this time as my eyes go glassy. “I can tell this is hurting you and I really am sorry for that. Regardless of how mad I get or how much we might disagree, you have to know how much I love you. I’d do anything for you, Evie,” he continues, still soft. “But I’d rather hurt you with the truth now than watch you waste months of your life on whatever fucked up fairytale he’s trying to sell you. I’ve loved him like a brother most my life, but you? Eve, you deserve better than Dash Hunter.”


The night feels longer than it should, the feeling she’s been avoiding me stronger than I’d like to admit.

When two hours pass and still haven’t heard a word from her, I call and get no answer. Another hour passes and I text her, but my luck is no better.

I know Mason would never do anything to intentionally hurt Evie, but the thought of her alone and upset weighs heavy as I slip into my truck. I’m about to head over to check on her, consequences be damned, when my phone begins to vibrate with her phone call.

“Hey baby,” I answer quietly. “I was just about to try calling you again.”

“Sorry I didn’t answer before. I just…” she says low, her voice just over a whisper. “After I talked to Mason, I came upstairs and ended up falling asleep. I just needed to be alone for a while.”

“Are you alright?” I ask, leaning back in the seat as I glance out at nothing. “Do you want me to come get you?”

“I’ll be fine,” she says, though I’m not sure I believe her. “I think I’m just going to hang out here for a while, try and clear my head some.”

“Okay,” I shrug. “If you’re sure th-”

“Dash, when we were at your apartment the other day, why did you say you wanted to take things slow?” she cuts me off, the bustle on the other side of the line making it obvious she’s shifting nervously. “Nothing about our relationship has ever been slow. Why did you suddenly say that?”

“Evie,” I start. Fucking Mason. “Look, I’m not sure what your brother said to you, but…”

“Just answer the question, Dash,” she cuts me off again, although it’s not anger I’m hearing in her voice, but nerves. “Please, just tell me the truth. If you’re just leading me on, you have to-”

“Baby, listen to me,” I say immediately, cutting her off this time and shaking my head. “I know today was shitty and Mason probably said a lot of things to make it even worse, but please don’t let him get in your head like this. Just because I freaked out a couple of tampons and said I wasn’t ready to give you a key to my apartment doesn’t mean I don’t feel anything for you, Evie. You should know better than that.”

“I thought I did,” she says quietly, her voice so low, if it wasn’t for the clench in my chest, I’d swear I was hearing things.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing,” she lies, clearing her throat. “I’ll call you later, okay?”

“You know what? Don’t bother,” I say, cranking my truck and shifting into reverse before quickly backing out of the parking lot. “I’m on my way over.”

“Dash, don’t. Mason’s here and he’s probably still pissed.”

“Yeah? Well, now so am I,” I admit, furious that Mason would be so selfish that he’d hurt his own sister just to make me look like an asshole. “I guess we can all be pissed off together.”


“Mason!” Dash shouts from the entryway ten minutes later, prompting me to put a stop to my frantic pacing and open my door at the same time my brother’s does across the hall. “Get your punk ass down here!”

Our eyes meet, his furious, mine nervous.

“You told on me?” he whispers harshly across the hall, taking a step out.

“Oh, what are you, eight?” I roll my eyes, meeting him in the middle of the landing. “No, I didn’t tell on you, but I probably could have because you’re acting like a child.”

I’m acting like a child?” he counters, eyes wide with disbelief as he faces us both. “You two liars didn’t even have the courtesy to talk to me. You got caught, then in the process of trying to cover your fucking tracks, he bitched out, you ran and told on me, but somehow I’m the child?”

“What the fuck did you say to her, Mason?” Dash insists from the doorway, slamming the door shut.

“I told her I was an alien!” he shouts, throwing his arms open when we both look at him like he’s crazy. “Oh, come on,” he smirks. “I thought for sure you two liars would appreciate that little gem.”

“We were going to tell you, Mase!” Dash replies. “Shit just kept happening.”

“Really? Shit just kept happening, huh? Shit like you trying to shack up with my baby sister?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Well, it looked pretty straightforward to me!” he rails.

“Mason, you’re totally overreacting!” I attempt, but I’m quickly met with the shake of his head.

“Don’t tell me how to feel about this, Evie,” he orders as his eyes fall back on Dash. “What the hell are you doing here? Huh? Did you decide since you let her do all your dirty work, you’d come over and try and save the day?” he narrows his eyes. “You forgot your cape, Super Douche.”

“She called me upset because of your sorry ass, so I came over.”

“So, you did tattle on me!” Mason’s eyebrows raise as his gaze swings back to mine, his voice riddled with annoyed laughter. “Now who’s the child?”

“Mason, I live here, too and you’re acting insane!” I insist. “Jesus Christ! You should be happy.”

“Why the fuck would I be happy, Evie?”

“You’re always saying how you wish we’d get along and hang out together. Well…” I shrug, gesturing awkwardly toward Dash. “We’re hanging out now.”

“I didn’t mean you should start fucking him!”

“Dude, don’t,” Dash warns, shaking his head. “Don’t fuckin’ talk to her like that.”

“You shut up! I’m this close to punching you in the face again.”

“You think I didn’t let you have that fuckin’ shot?” Dash smirks. “I deserved that one and I gave it to you, but that’s it. You try and hit me again and I’ll gonna beat your fuckin’ ass, Mason.”

“Oh, whatever!” he retorts. “Why don’t you come up here and say that to my face, you sister fucker!”

“What? You think I won’t?” Dash smirks angrily. “I’m not fucking scared of you, Mason.”

“You’re doing a whole lot of shit talking for someone who isn’t scared.”

“And you’re doing a whole lot of standing by your bedroom in your pajamas at your mommy’s house like a little bitch.”

“I’m saving my money! I had a lot of student loans!” Mason retaliates. “How dare you throw that in my face!”

“Okay, just stop! We’re not getting anywhere right now,” I interject, rolling my eyes as I balance myself on the steps between them. “Dash, I appreciate you coming over here to try and defend me, but I don’t need you to save me from everything in the world.”

I make my way down the stairs, gripping Dash’s arm and pulling him back toward the living room.

“Yeah!” Mason starts, following us, but quickly clams up when I whip my head around and my angry gaze finds his.

“Mason, shut up,” I spit. “If I want him here, then you’re just going to have to deal with it.”

“Why should I have to fuckin’ deal with it, Evie?” he demands as he comes to a stop in front of where I continue blocking the two seething men in my life from each other. “We both live here.”

“Well, when I didn’t want him here, I sucked it up, so I guess it’s your turn now,” I shout. “Turns out karma really is a bitch, Mason.”

“That’s a load of shit, Evie.”

“Why? Why are you so different?”

“Uh, how about because I’m not a fuckin’ liar,” he shrugs with a smirk. “Maybe because I’m the only one who hasn’t been lying my ass off for… Let’s see. How long have you two lying little lovebirds been at it, hmm?”

“This is a fucking disaster,” I groan, shaking my head, glancing toward Dash. “I told you to let me handle this, but you just had to get your way, didn’t you?”

“If I’d had my way, we would have told him this morning when he came over!”

“You were there?” Mason shouts. “You were there and didn’t say anything?”

“No, I didn’t say anything because I knew you were going to freak out and he said he had a plan!”

“And you believed him?” Mason laughs. “Are you insane?”

“I’m standing right here!” Dash shouts. “If you have something to say to me, say it to me, Mason. Why are you telling her?”

“Because I don’t have anything to say to you!”

“What the fuck is the difference if I can hear you, dumbass?”

“Why don’t you eat my ass?”

“Why don’t you stop acting like a nine-year-old?”

“Why don’t you come up here and make me!”

“Oh, my God,” I bury my face in my hands. “This is worse than when you asked me to strip for you.”

What? You made my baby sister strip for you?”” Mason shrieks, pulling my eyes up to find the vein in his neck popping out as he stalks toward us. “I’ll kill you!”

“Baby, what the fuck?” Dash’s eyes go wide before they swing to Mason. “What? Now you wanna talk?”

“Oh, my God! No one is killing anyone!” I shout, standing firm between them once more. “He didn’t make me, Mason! He said he liked strippers and I offered. It just didn’t go that well because I was hammered, okay?”


“Jesus Christ, would you shut the hell up!” Dash hisses, anxiety finding his features for the first time since he arrived. “You aren’t helping shit right now!”

“No, you know what? I think both of you need to start doing the exact opposite and be fucking straight with me for once,” Mason insists, his chest still heaving when we both turn to face him. “Now answer my question. How long have you two been lying to me? Just since you got back home, Evie? Or has it been since she visited a few weeks ago, bro?” he asks as he glares at both of us, his eyebrows raising when we say nothing. “Longer than that?”

“Yes,” I whisper, Dash holding Mason’s eyes as he gives him a truthful nod.

“How long?” he asks, staring daggers into Dash. “Evie, tell me.”

“Mason, it doesn’t matter…”

“You’re damn right, it matters!” he shouts, making me jump slightly.

“Dude, don’t,” Dash shakes his head. “I know you’re pissed, but don’t yell at-”

“Fuck you,” he grounds out, cutting him off before taking a step closer to him. “You’ve been talking shit to my sister for years. You don’t get to tell me shit about how to talk to her.”

“Fair enough. Go ahead,” Dash shrugs, taking his own step forward, edging me out. “Snap at her one more time and we’ll see how that works out for you.”


“Alright, Prince Charming,” Mason says with a sarcastic smirk. “You have a lot to say, so why don’t you start talking?”

“Mason…” I try once more, but he cuts me off again.

“Dash, how long have you been fucking my sis-”

“It started in Dallas,” Dash cuts him off this time. “The night we got stuck at the airport when we flew to meet you at the cabin.”

“The cabin? What cab-?” Mason asks, confused for a moment before he realizes what Dash means. When it finally clicks, his eyes go wide and I’m so sure he’s about to swing on him again, I duck behind Dash. “The cabin from Christmas? You’ve been lying to me for four fucking months?” His gaze is furious as his chest heaves in anger at the betrayal in front of him before his eyes shift to mine, his voice calmer despite the disapproval still vibrating from his chest. “Is he the reason you didn’t want to sign the contract for the job in New York?” 

“It’s isn’t important right now.”

“It is, Eve,” he disagrees. “Answer me. And this time, don’t you dare lie.”

I swallow hard, the admission being one I’d never spoken to anyone else, not even myself, aloud. Every time it had come up, I’d played it off. I’d even told myself the same line for so long, I’d almost began to believe it, but deep down, I know better.

I just haven’t had the courage to say it.

Not to Dash, not to anyone.

“Don’t be stupid, Mason. Evie wouldn’t throw away a job for me. She’s too smart for that shit,” Dash interrupts my thoughts, his words making my stomach drop. “Baby, tell him.”

When I remain silent, I feel him glance over his shoulder, their gazes falling on me. Dash is willing me to say the words he thinks I will, but they get stuck in my throat.


“I can’t,” I cut him off, my voice barely a whisper.

“Why not?” Mason asks, holding my eyes as he squares his shoulders, seeming to prepare himself for the words he knows are coming.

“Because,” I manage, avoiding Dash’s eyes while I take in the disappointment in Mason’s. “You asked me not to lie.”

“Son of a bitch…” Mason sighs, shaking his head.

“I never told anyone else, but yes, Mason,” I say low. “He’s part of the reason I still haven’t taken the job in New York.”

The room fills with a thick silence, my chest clenching with emotion as their warring emotions wash over me.

“Evie,” Dash starts, turning to face me. “Baby, you can’t-”

“Are you in love with him?” Mason cuts him off, his voice quiet.

“Yes,” I admit as I hold his eyes. “Yes, Mason, I am.”

He stares at me, swallowing hard in thought before releasing a long sigh and slowly nodding his head, my relief building.

“Okay, Eve,” he says quietly, raking his palm over his jaw before he releases a low, deep breath toward the floor. “Okay,” he sighs, glancing up to find my teary eyes. “You know I love you, don’t you? You know there isn’t a fucking thing in the world I wouldn’t do for you, right? You and mom? You mean everything to me. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I whisper, swallowing hard, leaning into his palm when he places it gently on my cheek. “Of course, I do, Mase.”

“Good,” he says, forcing a smile, pulling me close enough to kiss my forehead.

He studies me, his eyes sad and resigned, but soft for a long moment before he clears his throat and faces Dash, his gaze suddenly cold once more.

“Get out.”

“What?” I ask, my mouth gaping. “Mason, he didn’t kn...”

“I don’t care,” he shakes his head, moving toward the door and pulling it open furiously. “Get the fuck out of my house, Dash.”