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Sprung (The Frenemy Series Book 2) by Kate Benson (23)


When he slams the door in my face, I can’t help but swallow hard. Between helping Amy and Tony clean up the bar and my thoughts, I’d been up half the night agonizing over the showdown I’d known was coming when I knocked on his door.

If I’m being honest, I knew last night after seeing them together that I was wrong about Dash and my sister. Yes, I still hate the idea of them together. Yes, I’m still worried about her getting hurt, but at no point in my selfish thoughts did I realize I’d been the true threat to her heart.

That’s never what I wanted.

Dash’s words resonate through me and I can’t help but be impressed. Even though I’ve been too distracted by my own emotions to keep her best interest at heart, he’s never wavered.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and release a low breath, internally cursing myself as I raise my fist and knock on the door once more.

This time, he swings it open quickly.

“Back for round two already?” he steps out, his eyebrows raised in annoyance. “Dude, you’re really starting to piss me-”

“Is this real?” I cut him off. “You swear this isn’t just some fly by night bullshit? You really love her?” 

“I swear on my mother’s grave,” he says immediately, his words holding weight as he meets my eyes. “It’s real.”

“Okay,” I nod, releasing a low sigh as I run my palm over my jaw. “I believe you.”

“Don’t really give a shit, but okay,” he says bluntly, shrugging at my expression. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt your fuckin’ feelings?” he asks, cutting me off before I have a chance to answer. “Well, get over it. Stop being a dick.”

“I’m sorry, okay? Can I talk to my sister now?” I ask, watching his eyebrows raise in challenge. “You have my word.”

“Alright, but I’m serious, Mason. I don’t care if she sneezes hard. You make one more fuckin’ tear comes out of that girl’s eye and I’m gonna kick the livin’ shit outta you,” he threatens, making me roll my eyes. “Go ahead and roll your eyes. You can roll your ass right back down those steps.”

“Okay! I get it!” I shake my head. “Jesus… you’re starting to sound like a fuckin’ girl.”

“Eat me,” he says. “Don’t let the cat out.”

“When’d you get a cat?”

“Don’t ask,” he shakes his head, beginning to take a step away before he turns back to face me again. “And stop acting like we’re cool. I’m gonna be nice because I know I fucked up by sleeping with your sister and lying about it, but I’m still pretty fuckin’ mad.”

“Alright, whatever,” I sigh, following him into the kitchen. “You got any coffee?”

“Yeah,” he gestures toward the pot still steaming on the left side of the stove. “Watch this, will ya?”

I nod, watching him dry his hands on the towel hanging over his shoulder before tossing it onto the counter.

“Baby?” he calls out as he steps out of the kitchen, making his way down the hallway.

I hear her voice as he slips into his bedroom, but I can’t make out her words.

I knew he and I would be fine, but me and Evie? This is the longest we’ve ever gone without talking. Sure, we had our normal brother/sister bullshit, but never like this. We’ve always been thick as thieves, but for the first time ever, I’m nervous to talk to my sister.

Dash is right. I’ve been a total dick.

I twist the knob on the stove, shutting off the burner and moving the pan off the heat before I release a long, low sigh of anxiety. I glance into the apartment that’s become a second home to me since Dash moved in a couple years ago. For the first time since I walked in, I see the subtle differences I hadn’t noticed before. Evie’s keys on the hook by the door, her favorite blanket on the couch, a couple of romance novels on the end table next to her laptop and a pink candle.

I see all of it now, but it’s the familiar sight of a paint smudge in the hallway that pulls my gaze the most. I take the few steps to the room that had always been empty, surprised when I find it no longer vacant, but full of Evie’s art supplies.

“You didn’t forget the eggs, did you?” Dash’s voice interrupts my thoughts, making me swallow hard as I shake my head. “Cool. She’ll be out in a second.”

“Thanks,” I start before gesturing toward the room. “What’s all this?”

“Evie’s working on a thing for school,” he answers. “It’s not as big as her place at your moms and I’m sure she’ll still need a few things, but I thought it would help.”

“You did this?”

“It wasn’t a big deal. She needed it,” he shrugs. “Oh, by the way, I broke into your house yesterday while you were at work,” he admits, moving toward the kitchen. “You want your key back?” he glances over his shoulder. “It’s on the hook over there.”

“No, man,” I shake my head, fighting the smirk. “Nah, I’m good.”


Aside from the fact that I just threatened to beat my best friend’s ass on my front porch, something that’s happened maybe twice, I’m feeling pretty good when I hear her shuffling around my bedroom.

I glance over toward where he’s taking a seat at my kitchen table a moment later, but there’s still no sign of Evie.

“Be right back,” I tell him, heading down the hall and not surprised at all when I see her standing at the foot of the bed, a string of profanity leaving her lips as she stares up at the ceiling.

“Yo, Emily Blunt,” I pull her eyes to mine, their hazy appearance making me stifle a smirk. “Your breakfast is ready.”

“Don’t make me laugh,” she whispers, biting her lip in an attempt to hide the goofy smile threatening.

“Why can’t I make you laugh?”

“Because this is gonna be awkward as fuck,” she sighs, leaning her head against my chest. “And I’m sick to death of fighting with Mason.”

“So, don’t fight with him,” I angle her face to mine. “Just come eat breakfast with me.”

With a nod, she slips her fingers into mine and follows me out. When we make the corner, Mason glances up at her, making her steps slow. I nudge her forward, pulling the chair out across from him.

“Sit,” I order gently, releasing her and moving back toward the kitchen, leaving them to stare each other down silently.

By the time I come back, he’s still staring at Evie awkwardly.

“You? Eat,” I set her plate down in front of her, taking a seat on the end between them. “You? Start talking,” I tell him, not missing the way he fights the eye roll before he clears his throat and leans forward.


“Hi,” she says quietly, folding her legs into the chair and swallowing hard before meeting Mason’s eyes. “So, what’s up? Dash said you wanted to talk to me.”

“Yeah,” he nods. “But it can wait until you’re done.”

“Or you could just say what you came here to say,” she says low with a shrug, glancing up as she picks at her breakfast. “Unless you’ve come here to offer me another life lesson or tell me what a disappointment I am. I’m all set.”

“Evie, I never…” he shakes his head, rubbing his palm over his jaw as he faces her again. “I never said that. I wouldn’t.”

“Maybe not in so many words, but I’m a smart girl and I know you better than you think, Mason,” she argues softly as I finish my last bite and rise, pulling their eyes to mine. “You didn’t really need to spell it out.”

“Listen, I’m gonna give you two some space,” I start, the feel of Evie’s eyes widening in my direction making me swallow a smirk.

“Thank…” Mason starts, but Evie cuts him off.

“You don’t have to leave, Dash,” she grounds out, pulling my eyes to hers. “Sit down.”

“Talk to your brother,” I say quietly, fighting the smirk her furious expression brings to my lips. “Just do it. Things aren’t going to feel right until you do.”


As he bends to kiss my forehead, it’s sweet, but I’m pissed.

“You lying sack of shit,” I hiss under my breath. “You said you weren’t going to leave.”

“I don’t think I did,” he shakes his head, twisting away from me before I can pinch his side. “I said there would be eggs.”

“Dash! I don’t want-”

“Be a grown-up,” he insists.

“I hate you!” I whisper after him, shaking my head as I twist back to face my brother, my arms crossed in silent revolt as his laughter trails down the hall behind me. Idiot.

“Subtle,” Mason deadpans, making me roll my eyes. “Thank you.”

“Sorry,” I say with a shrug, both of us knowing it’s only a half-truth as I pick at my breakfast. “So, do you want to go first or should I?”

“I’ve been pretty vocal,” he admits with an apologetic smile. “Why don’t you start?”

“Okay,” I sigh, leaning back in my chair. “I’m tired of fighting with you and I think you’ve been acting really stupid,” I shrug, finally facing him fully. “I get all your reasons for being pissed about the secrets and the lies and the unfortunate way you had to find out,” I blush, clearing my throat before returning my eyes to his. “I even get that you weren’t ready to hear an apology, but this situation isn’t just going to go away, Mason.”

“They rarely do,” he agrees quietly.

“Nothing is changing with me and Dash,” I admit with a shake of my head. “Were we nervous about telling you? Sure, but not because us breaking up was ever on the table,” I shrug. “Save for all of the drama right now, we’re really happy, Mase. You might not get it and that’s okay. You don’t have to, but is this grudge of yours seriously worth losing your best friend or driving a wedge between you and me? Because that’s all that’s happening right now. You’re pushing me away and destroying your relationship with him.”

“Eve, don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?”

“No, I don’t!” I shake my head. “And you know what? After the way you’ve acted this week, you’re never allowed to call me that again!”

“Okay, fair enough,” he allows, raising his hands in retreat as a gentle smirk touches his lips. “But Evie, why didn’t you just talk to me?” he asks. “I’m not gonna lie and tell you I’m completely on board with all of it. I meant a lot of what I said before and I can’t take it back now, but if you both really feel the way you say, if you don’t see any truth in any of my concerns, why did you hide it for so long? That’s the thing I can’t let go of now, Eve,” he shakes his head. “We’ve always been really honest with each other, right?”


“Okay, well if you can’t be honest with me, are you sure you’re being honest with yourself?”

“I’m sure,” I nod. “And for the record, Mason, you say you want me to be honest with you, but I don’t think that’s always true.”

“Of course, it is, Evie,” he argues. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted from you.”

“Fine,” I shake my head, dusting the crumbs the toast left behind on my fingers as I face him. “Do you remember when you came to the bar the other day and Dash said he wanted to talk to you?”


“We were going to tell you then, come clean about the whole thing and I begged Dash not to. I told him I was scared, which was true. I knew you were going to freak out and show your ass, but there was more to it than that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I just didn’t want to tell anyone.”

“Why? If you love him so much, have so much faith in him, why wouldn’t you want to tell anyone?”

“I just didn’t want to,” I shrug. “I mean, yeah, it started as a drunken mistake and that’s why we kept it secret in the beginning. We were both convinced given our history the whole thing was a one-time fluke, but it didn’t take long for things to change. By some weird twist of fate, we fell in love and it was new and exciting and fun. I guess we could have told you then, but we chose that instead. And maybe you want me to feel bad for it, Mason,” I sigh, glancing down at my hands. “Hell, maybe I should feel bad about it on some level, but I just don’t,” I return my eyes to his. “In the beginning, we were just as clueless about what was happening as you were. Neither of us saw this coming and if we’d come clean four months ago and you’d reacted this way, we wouldn’t have fought so hard for each other. We probably would have gone our separate ways and that would have been it, but it would have been awful, Mason, because look at what we would have missed out on,” I continue, shaking my head. “I mean, I get it. Dash is an asshole who works behind a bar whose history with women is horrible at best, but can I tell you something? I’m not a bowl of fucking sunshine, either, Mason. I’m flighty and selfish and can be about as bitchy as they come, but even before this all started, any time I’ve ever really needed him, Dash has been there. It didn’t matter if I needed a ride home from the airport or I was stranded in an airport or I had a meltdown over a cat. Even when I showed up crying on his doorstep at three o’clock in the morning because I had a fight with his best friend, he shows the fuck up for me,” I swallow hard over the lump in my throat. “You say falling for Dash was a mistake. For all I know you’ll turn out to be right, Mason,” I shrug. “But if a broken heart is part of my destiny, there’s no one else I’d rather have destroy me.”