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Straniera by Jackson, Daniela (10)


I hear him moan and it gives me a sense of fulfilment. He wrenches in his pleasure with three more thrusts and pulls out. We collapse on the bed. I turn, cup his face with my hands and kiss him.

“I love you,” I say.

I didn’t just say that. That’s not true. It can’t be true. He bought me. I’m his property and I hate him as hell. Women sometimes confuse sex with love.

He inhales deeply as my being stiffens. Then he rolls on his back and pulls me onto his chest. I feel his cum drip from my ass.

His arms wrap around me and shelter me. I feel safe and complete for a moment.

“I will be away,” he says, stroking my hair. “For a few lunar triads.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Rest and eat. Wait for me.”

I nod. “I’ll go through all your account books.”

He kisses me. “Let’s have a bath.”

He crawls off the bed and carries me to the pool. We immerse ourselves into the water as my chest is pressed against his.

“I love you,” he says. “I’ll be good to you.”

I’m so stunned, my jaw drops and my breath stops in my throat. His lips land on mine and we kiss like teenagers. Something raw squeezes my heart and it’s good and beautiful and so wild. So unexpected. I want our kiss to last forever then we fuck in his bed to the point where I almost pass out.

I drop off to sleep.

I wake up alone.


My heart has stayed with her. It’s painful, more and more painful as I am farther and farther away from my home. The hoofs of my stallion hammer against the cobblestone path as the river rumbles on my left. My two soldiers are following me, Timur and Zigg.

I haven’t seen Arnau yet, but according to Vosgi he’s recovering.

Heaviness sits on my chest.

I will give him Almast as soon as his wounds heal. She’s honest and hardworking. She’ll please him in bed.

I see the wall of the Scarlet City rise in front of me—rock mingles with stone and iron. The name of it is derived from the colour of the water that spurts in the fountains in the centre. Some say there’s wealth beneath the city just waiting to be excavated.

The abbey perches on the hill and the river separates it from the city—two different worlds—the fever and noise of the city and the peace of the abbey. The dirt of the city. The sacred mystery of the abbey. I kick my stallion and ride along the bridge. The smell of herbs settles in my nostrils. I inhale deeply then stop and slide down to the ground. My men take over the stallion, and I pull forward.

The main gate is wide open and about twenty men are queuing in front of it. An old monk tilts his head to me so I approach him.

“I am Vahan,” I say. “I’m going to take a wife.”

He nods at me and gestures for me to stand in the queue.

“I am Vahan,” I growl. “The ruler of Nassara.”

I’m not going to wait. That’s my privilege as a high-born man to enter the abbey before everybody else.

The monk smirks at me then smacks his lips like Yasen. “We’re all equal in the abbey. Stand in the queue, Vahan.”

I raise my hands in a warding gesture and stand behind a young man who looks like he’s from my race. A few half-gods are standing at the beginning of the path. Those men are taller than I am, their heads shaven bald, eyes as navy as a Sissica flower.

I perch on the low stone wall that stretches from the gate to the bridge. Time passes as I float in my mind, thinking of my little treasure. Her little cunt and tight ass occupy my head until the monk shakes my arm.

“Your turn, Vahan,” he says.

I rise to my feet and stride inside the abbey. Another monk gestures for me to turn right so I immerse myself into the shade provided by an arcade then I go through an arched passage and enter a large room. The light coming from the screens on the walls blinds me.

“Sit down, Vahan,” a male voice full of power says.

I rub my eyes and see a god sitting behind a desk. His eyes glitter like two iolite gems—violet-blue against the whiteness of his skin.

I drop into the chair at the opposite edge of the desk and clear my throat.

“I’m going to take a wife,” I say.

“There’s a foreigner in your estate,” the god says.

“I’m going to marry her.”

He nods and corrects the front of his brown frock. His hand rises and he draws something in the air with his finger. One of the screens flashes with blue and I see my Alyssa on it—from her cleavage up. Words in a language I don’t understand appear at the right side of the image.

“She’s young and healthy,” the god says, gliding his palm over his shaved head. “She will give you offspring.” His full lips curl into a grin. “If she doesn’t, she is to be returned to us.”

“She will give me children,” I growl. “She’s mine.”

“You paid a lot for her.” There is a flicker in his eyes like he’s intrigued.

I clear my throat. I should be more respectful towards him. He’s a god, my authority. The law on the Continent. But, I fucking don’t like them. They came to Zaria a very long time ago. We were primitive—they were very advanced.

“With all due respect,” I say. “She will give me children and there will be no need to return her.”

“Love,” he says, propping his elbow on the armrest. He sinks deeper into his chair. “Take her. Give the Continent many children.”

I jerk my body up, but he gestures for me to sit down.

“You’re a wise man, Vahan, an enlightened man. The city needs you.”

“I’m not interested in politics.”

“You’d be a good leader.”

I freeze for a moment. “We have a good leader.”

“The emperor is old. Weaker and weaker as time goes by.”

I shake my head. “I’m just a simple vigneron. I know nothing about politics.”

“You’re true to yourself, Vahan. You’re open-minded. You’d be a perfect leader. Think about it.”

“I will.”

The god nods several times, his grin almost friendly. He stands up and arcs the desk as I rise to my feet. I stiffen as he slaps me on the back.

“She’s very intelligent,” he says. “Use her intelligence wisely.”

“I will, God.”

He chuckles. “Wuylir. I’m Wuylir.” He slaps me on the back again then lays his hand on my shoulder.

I’m stunned.

I’m never stunned, but a god has just introduced himself to me so I have the right to be stunned.

“Visit me one day,” Wuylir says. “We could have a glass of your wine. We could get drunk together.”

“You want to get drunk with me?”

“You’ll bring your wine and I’ll bring something really strong. And nasty.” He nods.

I bow my head at him and walk out of the room. My mind is fuzzy.

I’ve never seen such an eccentric god. They’re distanced and cold. They don’t touch anyone and sure as fuck they don’t drink wine with anyone. This god is strange as fuck.

I shrug off my thoughts and sit myself on my stallion. Then I go to my little flower as fast as a punnica.


My head feels like it will explode from the excess of numbers and words I’ve been trying to decode. Yasen hasn’t bothered to even say his hello to me today. He’s resting and drinking wine.

I’m working and sleeping. I’m tired. My muscles are achy and stiff. I feel every bone in my body. My eyes are red and feel dry.

I huff out and scramble to my feet. Some fresh air will do me good. I leave the library and go outside the house then I saunter towards the garden, passing the training ground. I freeze at the sight of Arnau. Pain pricks my heart. Dizziness fills my head. Arnau notices me and walks towards me.

My legs wobble as he stands in front of me. A warm smile crosses his face and a sense of loss wafts through me.

“You look good,” I say as his manly scent circles around me—the wildness of wind, the allure of spices. A hint of light sweat.

“You look good too, Alyssa.”

I sweep a few wisps of my hair away from my face. There is silence between me and him, but this is as it should be.

This one moment belongs only to me and him.

He raises his hand as though he wants to stroke my cheek. But he doesn’t.

We stir.

We almost touch.

We almost kiss.

It’s as though a flicker of a candle is dancing. It fights against the wind for a split second. It dies. It must die.

I smile for him this last time.

I set him free.

A strong arm wraps around me from behind and I yelp as Vahan’s smell settles in my nostrils.

“Vahan,” Arnau says.

“Arnau,” Vahan says. “Come to my office later.”

Arnau bows his head at me then at Vahan and walks off.

“I just needed a walk,” I shriek. “I didn’t disobey you, I swear.”

Vahan turns me round and I feel dizzy. He grasps my waist and rests his forehead against mine.

“I missed you,” he says as torment blends with anger in his voice.

Relief washes over my heart then I feel like I want to take this torment and anger away from him. I run my knuckles down his rough cheek then hold his hand in mine. I start walking towards his house, pulling him behind me.

We enter the kitchen, cross it and go to the hall. I stop by one of the pillars and turn to him.

“I missed you too,” I say.

It just pours out of me. Is this love or being obedient? I can’t grasp my own feelings. I feel hollow and I need something to fill me. I need to be sheltered. I need to be owned and loved. I need to be complete again.

The fire in Vahan’s eyes touches my very soul. I put my hand on the back of his neck and bring his lips down to mine. We kiss and it’s frantic and desperate like the world is going to end. He growls into my mouth as my hands travel to his trousers and I start unbutton them impatiently.

I burn for him. I die for him. I’m reborn for him.

I free his hard cock and stroke him, his member so warm and sleek against my palm, as he gathers my dress up, grips my waist and lifts me off the floor. My thighs wrap around his hips as he slams me on the wall. Our lips meet hungrily. Our tongues dance and mate. His breath is mine. My breath is his.

I feel his cock push at my entrance. I’m soaking wet for him, my pussy so greedy, so impatient for his cock to fill it and stretch it.

“I can’t breathe without you,” Vahan rasps and he impales me on his cock in one firm thrust.

I whimper at the pain from his thickness stretching my pussy.

“You’re mine,” he says and thrusts into me hard. “My wife.”

My body rocks against the wall as he punishes me with his deep thrusts. I spread my knees wide apart as he carries me towards my peak. Bliss surges through me as my pussy contracts around his cock, and I black out for a split second.

Vahan growls his satisfaction and buries me in his arms. He’s still hard inside me as he carries me to his bedroom.

We lie down naked on the bed; I’m on top of him, the sheets clinging to our sweaty bodies. The smell of sex hangs heavy around us. My lips search for his. We tumble over, clenched together, so I’m beneath him. My hands absorb the hardness of his muscles as I stroke and massage his back. I touch his buttocks. My God. I have the hardness of stone under my palms. Vahan pulls out of me and I groan my disappointment. I need his cock inside me. I need him to wreck me. I need him to love me.

His lips curl into a smirk. I’m all shaky, needy, desperate. I’m all hotness. My arousal mixes with his cum and moistens my inner thighs.

“You really missed me,” he says.


He crushes my lips with his then puts my calves on his shoulders. I gasp as the head of his cock circles my entrance; it teases me and makes me feel insane.

“Vahan,” I say in a low voice.

His eyes fill with such lust it almost scares me.

“My little treasure,” he says. “Tell me what you need.”

“I need your big cock inside me.”

He grunts.

I yelp as Vahan guides his shaft to my tight opening and pushes in. Pain slices through me, but his massive body immobilises mine. He rocks his hips and buries his cock inside me balls deep. His mouth caresses mine, but I avert my face and tremble, floating in searing pain.

Vahan holds my chin and turns my face, planting a soft kiss on my lips. He doesn’t move, but I feel his finger stroking my clitoris. Flutters of pleasure fill my tummy and the pain fades. He starts thrusting. I feel delirious. It’s dark and decadent and I want more. I want harder. Then I just rise higher and higher like I’m part of the universe—I’m all pure bliss. My orgasm rolls over me violently and Vahan moans his ecstasy just after me. His hot cum fills up my ass.


Vosgi wakes us in the late morning. We eat our breakfast and I go to inspect the vineyards as Alyssa hurries to the library.

I catch up with her in the kitchen in the evening.

“What wine do you want me to serve during your business meeting?” Vosgi asks.

“Choose something,” I say and hold Alyssa’s hand in mine. “You’re going to attend with me.”

“As who?” Vosgi explodes. Her eyes flutter like she regrets her outburst.

“As my lawyer,” I say and grit my teeth.

I don’t have to explain myself. Vosgi is my cook, not my mother.

Vosgi puts her hands on her hips. “Are the whores attending as well?”

Alyssa looks at me with cold eyes, and she tears her hand away from mine.

I knew my life would change forever the moment I saw my little flower for the first time.

“No whores from now on,” I say. “Just wine. Fountains of wine.”

Vosgi flashes me a contented smile, and I feel like a little boy.

I pull Alyssa to me and kiss the top of her head, but her body stiffens against mine and she tries to pull away from me. I tighten my embrace around her.

“Alyssa,” I say sharply. “I said no whores.”

“I know,” she growls.

Vosgi sneaks out of the kitchen. Right. Now the whole Nassara will know I’m soft. I realise I don’t care though. I only care for my little flower to be in a good mood.

“Don’t make a fuss,” I say.

“I’m not, Master.” There’s a pinch of sarcasm in her voice.

I hook the back of her neck and tip her face up to mine. “I’ll smack your ass, Alyssa. Behave and stop worrying. No whores. Ever.”

She rolls her eyes, and I squeeze her ass cheek.

“I know what I want in life, dzie’ta.”

She rolls her eyes again, and I wonder whether I should punish her or buy her a big sack of jewellery.




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