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Strings of the Heart by Katie Ashley (5)

As soon as I could clock out, I peddled like lightning home. I only had an hour to shower and get ready before I was supposed to meet Rhys at the Mercer Williams House. Considering I reeked of pizza and beer, I needed some time to transform myself so that I would look and smell acceptable for him.

I tore through the front door to find Cassie lounging on the couch. “There you are. I laid the dress out for you on your bed.”

“Thank you,” I panted. Without another word to her, I streaked down the hall to my bedroom. When I threw open the door, I bent over at the waist, bracing my hands on my knees to try and catch my breath. Once I had regulated my breathing, I jerked my head up and eyed the dress draped across my homemade quilt. “What the…?” I murmured, taking a few shaky steps over to the bed. “Cassie!”

“What?” she called.

“Get in here!” I demanded.

Within seconds, I heard her footsteps hurrying along the creaky old floorboards. When she burst through the door, she stared quizzically at me. “What the hell is the matter?”

I couldn’t find the words, so I pointed to the dress. Cassie crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t tell me you don’t like it?”

Reaching my hand out, I lightly touched the silky material. “No, it’s not that. The dress is gorgeous.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

I didn’t know quite how to articulate that the little black dress was in fact an extremely tiny black dress. I took it in my hands and held it up to my body. “Don’t you think it’s a kinda…” I wrinkled my nose. “Slutty?”

Cassie threw her head back and laughed. “Well, duh, of course it is. After all, it came from Paris.”

As I eyed the bottom of the dress, I couldn’t help thinking the slits and tears in the fabric made it look like it had been caught in a paper shredder. I loved fashion, but at the moment, I was not digging the designer’s approach.

“You’re going to be a fucking knock-out in that dress. I predict that several guys will come in their pants at the mere sight of you.”

“Eww,” I muttered with a laugh.

With a knowing look, she said, “Would it be gross if it were Rhys blowing his load just looking at you?”

“Must you be so vulgar?” I said, mimicking the haughty tone I’d heard her mother use at Cassie’s antics.

Cassie grinned. “Why yes, darling, I must. And don’t try to change the subject from Rhys.”

Feeling warmth flooding my cheeks, I laid the dress back down on the bed. “I need to hop in the shower.”

“There you go avoiding it again. I know how you feel about him, Allison.”

“But he doesn’t know.”

But he should. You need to tell him. Hell, if you can’t say the words, then you should show him with your actions.” When I opened my mouth to protest, Cassie shook her head. “I know what I saw the other night. The man may be in denial, but he is totally and completely into you.”

More than anything in the world, I wanted to believe what Cassie was saying was the truth. While I’d never had the chance to be alone much with Rhys, I couldn’t help but see how differently he had treated me yesterday, not to mention that he called me sexy and beautiful. Surely someone who just considered you their little sister wouldn’t say that. But at the same time, there was still far too much unsaid between us to believe that we had really turned a corner.

I shook my head at Cassie. “You don’t understand. What happens between us…it has to be all or nothing. If things were to go wrong, it would affect so many others besides us.”

“But you won’t ever know if it’s going to work or not if you don’t try.”

“Look, I know you’re right, but I just have to take things slow, okay?”

Cassie scowled. “Just how much slower do you plan on going? You’re already moving at glacial speed now.”

With a sigh, I held up my hand. “Can we finish this discussion later when I’m not running horribly late?”

“Fine, fine. Go shower the tomato and beer smell off you.”

I threw my arms around Cassie and squeezed tight. “Thanks for the dress, but most of all, thanks for caring about what happens between me and Rhys.”

She squeezed me back. “I just want you to be happy, Sonny.”

“I know.”

After I pulled away, she smiled. “Now hurry up. You don’t want to make Prince Charming wait too long.”

“Exactly,” I replied, before hustling into the bathroom.

Once I was undressed, I hopped into the steamy shower. I managed to wash my hair, shave my legs, and bathe all in record time. After I dried my hair, I wrapped a towel around me to run out to get my dress off the bed. As I came out of the bathroom, I skidded to a stop. Cassie was no longer alone on the bed with my dress. Instead, she was making out with some woman I’d never seen before. “What the hell?” I couldn’t help saying.

Cassie pulled away and shot me a sheepish grin. “Sorry, Sonny. We got a little bored waiting on you to get out of the shower.”

Tightening my towel around me, I mumbled, “Please don’t let me interrupt you,” before starting to back up into the bathroom.

“Whoa, whoa, don’t go anywhere.” She motioned to the blonde waifish girl next to her. “This is Shelly. She’s going to do your hair and makeup.”

I glanced between Cassie and Shelley. “She is?”

Shelly smiled. “I own a salon just up the street.”

Cassie nodded. “She was coming over tonight anyway, so I thought she could help you out. You know, make you absolutely drop-dead gorgeous for Rhys.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” I asked Shelly.

“Of course not.” With a wink, she added, “I’m happy to do anything in the name of love.”

I laughed. “Okay, if you insist, I would love for you to make me beautiful.”

“You’ve already got that in spades, love. I’m just going to enhance what you have.”

Glancing down at my lacking cleavage, I asked, “Can you enhance this, too?”

Shelly grinned. “I’m not a miracle worker. I’m pretty sure that dress is going to help cinch you up and push you out. Go on and put it on, and then I’ll do your hair and makeup.”

I nodded. After taking the dress and the underwear I would need back into the bathroom, I slid them on. Since there was no way I could zip the dress by myself, I came back out to get Cassie to help. After I was zipped up, I was pushed down into a chair, and Shelly started working on me. Minutes ticked by as my hair was dried, curled, and teased, and then my makeup was done. “There. All done,” she finally said.

Whirling out of the chair, I hurried to get a glimpse of myself. As I stood back from the tall, oval mirror that I’d brought from home, I couldn’t help shaking my head in disbelief. Part of me fought the urge to reach forward and tap the glass to make sure it was really me. “Oh my God, Shelly, you’re really a miracle worker.”

She laughed as she fluffed and then sprayed some of the curls trailing down my back. “Once again, I only enhanced the beauty that was already there.”

My gaze dipped from my long and feathery fake eyelashes to my plumped-up lips shimmering with gloss down to the tight, strapless bodice of the couture dress. Shelly had been right when she said that the dress would help enhance my cleavage. For once, my B-cup was looking like a full C as it spilled over the top of the dress.

I don’t know when I had felt so beautiful—maybe my Sweet Sixteen party, if even then. I desperately needed to feel this level of desirable to boost my confidence to approach Rhys. He was used to gorgeous women brazenly throwing themselves at him. Although I could never see me throwing myself at him, I could definitely work on making him notice me. Then maybe things would really begin to change for us.

“You’re going to take his breath away, Sonny,” Cassie said behind me.

“Thank you. I sure hope so.” My gaze flickered to the clock on my nightstand. “Oh shit, I’m already ten minutes late!”

Cassie reached out to place her hands on my shoulders. “Easy, you’ve got to breathe or you’ll pass out.”


“No buts. There’s a cab waiting on you outside, so you’ll be there in less than ten minutes with traffic.”

“There is?” I asked, as I hurried over to dig my slinky, black heels out of the closet.

“Yep, I called one for you while Shelly was working her magic.”

After I slid on the heels, I grabbed my purse. “Thank you both so very, very much for tonight.”

“You’re welcome,” they replied in unison.

When I got to the door, I turned around. “Oh, just one thing.”

“What?” Cassie asked.

“Could you please refrain from making out on my bed? I don’t even get to make out on it.”

Cassie laughed. “No problem.” Shooing me with her hand, she said, “Now get the hell out of here.”

“I’m going, I’m going,” I said, slipping out the door.

After I hurried out of the house and pounded down the steps, I slid into the seat of the cab, which in a corny way felt kind of like Cinderella’s carriage. “Take me to 429 Bull Street, and please try to hurry if you can,” I said to the driver.

He took my request to heart as we squealed away from the curb and started careening down Oglethorpe Avenue before making a sharp right. I gripped the leather seats while silently praying I actually made it to the Mercer Williams House in one piece. When we got to the turn to Monterey Square, we began to inch along. Peering out the window, I watched valets in white jackets run along the front of the house, handing tickets and then parking cars. “You can just let me out here,” I said to the driver.”

“All right.”

After I dug a ten out of my wallet, I handed it to him. “Thanks.”

“Have a good evening, miss.”

“You too,” I replied, as I put one high-heeled shoe out onto the pavement. Once I closed the door, I started walking as fast I could on my heels. I followed some of the couples through the wrought iron gate and up the front walk. When we got to the door, a man in a tux was checking invitations.

That’s when I started to panic. Rhys hadn’t mentioned that I would need an invitation. Just as I was about to dig my cell phone out of my purse to text Rhys, the man questioned, “Miss?”

“Oh, um, I don’t have an actual invitation. I was invited by someone,” I said, instantly realizing how idiotic I sounded.

Glancing down at his clipboard, he demanded, “Name?”

“Allison Slater.”

His finger ran down a sheet and then he stopped. “Good then. Go on in.”

I exhaled a relieved breath as I breezed past him into the black and white tiled foyer of the house. Instantly, I felt like I was stepping right into the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I half expected Kevin Spacey to walk by, puffing on a cigar, as he played Jim Williams.

Standing on my tiptoes, I craned my neck, searching the long, crowded room for Rhys. When I didn’t see him, I started into the first room on the right. It was filled with people talking and drinking champagne. I left that room and made my way across the hall. When I still didn’t see him, I decided that I better start asking.

Tapping one guy on the shoulder, I said, “Excuse me.”

After he whirled around, his gaze dipped slowly down my body, as if he were trying to memorize every curve I had. “And what can I do for a sweet thing like you?” he drawled.

“Do you know where I could find Rhys McGowan?”

He smiled. “Are you looking to bet on him tonight?”

I furrowed my brows in confusion. “Excuse me?”

Leaning in much closer to me than I would have preferred, the guy said, “Why waste your money on him when you could go home with me? I guarantee I’d show you a screaming good time. All. Night. Long.”

“Give it a rest, Donaldson,” Rhys’s voice came from behind me.

At the feel of his hand on my lower back, I instantly relaxed. Tilting my head, I took in his tight smile. “I apologize for not being able to meet you sooner.”

“It’s okay.”

Rhys glanced from me to my lecherous admirer. “I see you’re making some acquaintances.”

Donaldson, as Rhys had called him, held out his hand. “Where are my manners? I didn’t introduce myself properly to you. I’m James Donaldson.”

“Allison Slater,” I replied, shaking his hand quickly. But before I could pull away, he was bringing the back of my hand to his lips.

“I’ll see you later then, Miss Slater. I certainly hope you’ll be betting on me tonight.”

“Don’t fucking count on it,” Rhys growled under his breath.

James winked at me before thumping Rhys on the shoulder. “Always a pleasure seeing you, too, McGowan. Have a lovely evening.”

Rhys scowled at James as he walked by us. Then he turned back to me. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that asshole.”

“He wasn’t that bad.”

“Oh, trust me, I’ve known him since we were kids. Not only is he a bully, but he is a womanizing douchebag.”

“Then I should have kneed him in the balls rather than allowing him to kiss my hand.”

Rhys stared wide-eyed at me for a second before busting out laughing. “While I would have loved to see that, I’m not sure you would have made the best impression.”

I giggled. “Me either.”

“Enough about that asshole. Thanks to him I didn’t even get to greet you properly.”

“It’s okay.”

He shook his head and stepped out in front of me. Taking my hands in his, he surveyed my appearance. The heat of his stare caused my heart to break into a gallop. “You are absolutely breathtaking tonight.”

“Thank you,” I replied, breathlessly.

Rhys smiled. “Considering that you’re putting every woman in this room to shame, I’m not surprised that jerkwad was coming on to you.”

“Aren’t you the flatterer tonight?” I teased, while trying to keep my careening emotions in check.

“I just call it as I see it.” When his gaze dipped from my eyes down to my chest, his jovial expression momentarily faded.

In one fluid movement, Rhys closed the space between us, backing us into the corner of the drawing room. Immediately my head spun as I went into sensory overload at the nearness of him. His deep musky scent filled my nose while the heat radiating off his tux-clad body almost singed the skin exposed by my strapless couture. While I stared questioningly into his face, his dark eyes remained locked on my chest. To the average observer, one would have assumed Rhys was exhibiting typical male behavior by ogling my breasts, but I knew better. Most of all, I knew him better than that. His attention was drawn to the pendant nestled in the valley between my average-sized cleavage.

When his fingers grazed against the bare skin of my breastbone, I couldn’t help the tremble that went through my body. I wanted nothing more than to feel his hands on me. If I was honest, I fantasized about them most nights, especially to get me through a dry spell without an orgasm.

Once he had grasped the pendant, Rhys weighed it in his hand, taking in every aspect of it before his gaze flicked up to mine. “I can’t believe you still have this, least of all wear it.”

His almost accusatory tone momentarily stung me, and I jerked back from him. His grasp remained firm on the pendant, causing the satin ribbon to slice into my neck almost like I was on a leash. “Why wouldn’t I still have it?”

He shrugged. “I guess because it was so long ago when I gave it to you.”

“It was at my Sweet Sixteen party,” I reminded him.

“I remember,” he murmured.

“You do?”

He held my gaze as he fingered the raised magnolia on the pendant. “Of course I do.” One side of his lip quirked up in a half smile. “That was only four years ago, Allie-Bean. I’m not so old that I’m having memory loss.”

A nervous laugh escaped my lips. “You’re not old.”

“Just older than you,” he mused.

“Only by a few years,” I countered, kicking my chin up determinedly.

In his brown eyes flecked with gold, I saw the question he would never dare to verbalize. Four and a half years had passed since that momentous night by the fountain at my party. There had been other loves and other life experiences for me. After all that time and distance, he wondered what it was about the simple necklace, hand painted by his sister, that made me continue to wear it, especially on the choker so close to my heart?

What I wanted so desperately to tell him was I wore the necklace because in spite of all the loves and other life experiences for me, I was still madly and completely in love with him. Swallowing hard, I replied, “I like to wear it because I love magnolias—I always have. Magnolias remind me of strong women—the kind I aspire to be like. But most of all, it reminds me of home.”

Rhys bobbed his head, accepting my half-truths as if they were the gospel. In the end, maybe avoidance was better for both of us. At least for now, I would keep telling myself that. Now that we were on the cusp of unchartered territory, I would play the game for as long as I had to in order to win his heart.

He tenderly placed the pendant back on my breastbone and then stepped back. “I’m glad you still have it, and that it means so much to you.” Just as we were about to lapse into an awkward silence, Rhys asked, “Are you hungry?”

Of course he would have to change the subject. “Maybe a little.”

“Come with me.” He then led me back into the hallway and down to the dining room. He grabbed me a plate and started piling on some hors d'oeuvres. “You still like all things cheese, right?”

I stared at him in shock. “Uh, yeah, I do.”

He grinned. “Try the spinach and cheese canapés. They’re delicious.”

As he went about adding some fruit to my plate, I couldn’t help asking, “How did you remember I liked cheese?”

He shot me a withering look. “Like I haven’t sat beside you at a million BBQs and dinners over the years. You even eat shredded cheese on your hot dogs.”

If this had been an old Southern novel or movie, I might’ve swooned at that very moment. Sure, it was just a detail about cheese, but he remembered it. About me. “You’re right. I do. My mom claims it was because she craved it so much when she was pregnant with me. Apparently, she never liked it before.” I clamped down on my lips to once again keep from blabbering like an idiot.

Rhys smiled as he handed me the plate. “There. That should take the edge off until we can go to dinner.”

“Thank you, kind sir,” I teased.

With a laugh, he rested his hand on the small of my back. He then led me down the hall to a beautifully decorated living room or sitting room. Motioning up the length of the room, he said, “The auction is going to be in there. Most of the people who are betting will be in there and in here.”

Chewing on one of the canapés, I wrinkled my nose. “It’s still so bizarre to me that they have bachelor and bachelorette auctions. It seems so outdated.”

“I totally agree with you. That’s one reason why you won’t find me listed in the program.”

“What a shame. I might’ve been inclined to bet on you.”

Rhys gave me a sexy smirk that outrivaled any of AJ’s. “Yes, but you’re the lucky girl who gets to have me for free,” he challenged.

I swallowed hard. Trying to save face, I quickly said, “That’s true. I wouldn’t want to waste my money.”

Rhys laughed heartily. He opened his mouth to say something else when we were interrupted by a woman in a glittering blue gown. “There you are,” she said.

Rhys instantly tensed. After appearing to force a smile, he replied, “Hello, Mother.”

Although I tried not to stare, I couldn’t help taking in every aspect of his mother. They both had the same dark hair and eyes. Her hair was swept back into a tight chignon at the base of her neck. Although she had to be in her fifties, she appeared very fit and youthful. She had a face devoid of wrinkles, which was either good genes or a good plastic surgeon. I was betting on the latter.

“It’s almost time to start.” She glanced from him to me. Her red lips pursed curiously while her eyes narrowed shrewdly. “And who is this young lady?”

“This is Allison Slater. You know my bandmate, Jake?”

Disdain flooded her face at the mention of the band. “Yes, I do.”

“This is his younger sister. She’s attending SCAD.”

“How lovely,” Rhys’s mother replied, with as much enthusiasm as if Rhys had said I was in Savannah for a prostitution convention. Instantly, I was assaulted by the line from Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts’s character, Vivian, says about Edward’s friend that you could freeze ice on his snotty wife’s ass. That was the epitome of Rhys’s mother.

Ignoring her tone, Rhys said to me, “This is my mother, Margaret.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said, extending my hand.

After she gave my hand a quick shake, she turned her attention back to Rhys. “I hope that you’ll fetch a good price tonight at the auction.”

“I think we’re going to raise a good deal.”

“You misunderstood me. I meant, I hope you bring in a lot of money.”

Rhys dark brows knitted in confusion. “I don’t think I understand.”

“You’re the final bachelor of the evening.”

I couldn’t help gasping in surprise, especially after the conversation we’d just had. Rhys also appeared floored, but then his face reddened with anger. “I don’t recall agreeing to be paraded around tonight, Mother. In fact, I’m pretty sure you know how I feel about auctions.”

She gave a dismissive wave of her diamond encrusted hand. “It’s all for a good cause, isn’t it?”

“I don’t like being played like this. I think I will have to graciously bow out.”

Margaret narrowed her eyes at him. “With your name already in the program? I don’t think so, Rhys.” When Rhys started to protest further, Margaret shook her head. “I will not have my event ruined by your petty demands.”

As an antique clock struck the hour, Margaret jerked her chin up at Rhys. “It’s time to start the auction.” Without another word, she turned and stalked away from us.

Rhys’s jaw clenched and unclenched. Reaching out, I tentatively touched his arm. When he didn’t flinch away, I patted him. “I’m so sorry.”

He momentarily closed his eyes. “It’s okay. I don’t know why I’m even surprised. She does bullshit like this all the time.”

“I know earlier I was teasing, but if I had any money, I’d totally bet on you.”

Rhys’s eyes popped open and a smile curved on his lips. “I think that’s a great idea.”

“But—” I started to protest.

He shook his head. “To ensure that I don’t have to be someone’s plaything for an evening, I’ll give you the money to bet on me.”


“Sure. Why not?”

“But how will I know when to stop?”

“That’s the thing. You won’t stop. You will be the winner. Okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

Rhys leaned in and kissed my cheek. “Thanks, Allison. You’re a lifesaver.”

I enjoyed the nearness of him for a fleeting moment before he whirled around and made his way to the front of the study. Picking up a microphone off a marble-topped table, he stood behind a small wooden podium that had been brought in. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’ve come here ready to dig deeply into your pockets for this wonderful cause because it’s now time to start the auction for autism research.”

Applause rippled through the room. “I am your host this evening, Rhys McGowan—” He was interrupted by shrieking whistles and cheers. He smiled good-naturedly. “Thank you, I appreciate your enthusiasm. I hope you’re paying attention to your programs this evening for which bachelors are available and in what order. So let’s get this started by calling up our first bachelor of the evening, Walt Harrison.”

I stood back, watching Rhys go through the motions. He was actually quite good at emceeing. He kept the crowd laughing and the bachelors moving through.

I was momentarily distracted when a girl my age bumped into me. “Nice dress.”

“Oh, thank you. I actually borrowed it from a friend.”

A sickeningly sweet smile appeared on her face. “No doubt from the back of her closet considering it’s so old. I can’t even count how many seasons ago that dress was fashionable.”

Her friends encircling her giggled behind their hands. While there were a million and one things I wanted to say to her, I found it incapable to verbalize any one of them. Gripping my champagne flute tighter, I merely edged away from the group of stereotypical society bitches.

I had just taken a sip of bubbly to calm my nerves when a voice behind me caused me to choke. “Don’t worry about my niece, honey. She’s a second generation cunt.”

Whirling around, I took in an elegantly woman in an emerald dress. Her salt and pepper hair was swept back from her face with glittering combs. She gave me a genuine smile—the first one I had witnessed all night besides Rhys’s. “Thank you…I think.”

She laughed. Extending a white gloved hand, she said, “I’m Vivian Percy.”

“Allison Slater.”

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around these shark-infested waters before.”

“No, thankfully, this is my first time and hopefully my last.”

“I don’t blame you on that one. Who are you here with?”

“Rhys McGowan.” When her blue eyes widened, I quickly said, “He and my brother are bandmates.”

“Ah, yes, Rhys McGowan. He grew up to be such a cutie pie, didn’t he?”

With warmth flooding my cheeks, I replied, “Yes, he did.”

“Thinking of betting on him this evening?”

“Um, well…” I wasn’t sure if Rhys wanted me to make our plans known.

“He’s a hot ticket, honey. If it were me, I wouldn’t have to think twice.”

“Yes, I am planning to bet on him.”

Vivian smiled. “Good for you. Now hold my spot a minute while I run and grab a bite to eat. I’m famished.”


Two more bachelors were auctioned by the time Vivian returned. “Who is next?”

I glanced down at the program. “A Jackson Marshall.”

Shifting her plate to her left hand, she said, “Oh, thank God, I didn’t miss him.”

“Is he your boyfriend?” I asked casually.

Vivian hooted with laughter. “Oh honey, maybe forty years ago I would’ve tried to get my hooks into him, but he’s young enough to be my grandson.”

“I’m sorry.”

She waved her hand that held a canapé. “Don’t be. There is a reason why I want to bet on him.”

Rhys interrupted my thoughts by saying, “Going once, going twice, sold for one thousand dollars.”

As applause erupted around us, Vivian leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Jackson’s father was arrested awhile back for absconding with investors’ money—total white-collar criminal, if you get my drift. The one thing that people in Savannah society prides themselves on are being close-minded, unforgiving assholes. It doesn’t matter that Jackson is an upstanding young man with a 4.0 GPA at Vanderbilt. Most people here would love to see him ostracized, even though he couldn’t help, nor was responsible for, what his daddy did.”

At that moment, Rhys called Jackson’s name. When he strode up to the podium, my eyes bulged in surprise. It was as if Chace Crawford had entered the room. Jackson’s blue eyes sparkled as he glanced into the crowd. “Oh my,” I murmured.

Vivian chuckled. “I forgot to mention how handsome he was, didn’t I?”

“Just a little.”

Taking the microphone, Rhys read off a biography about Jackson that of course made him sound entirely too good to be true. When he finished, Rhys said, “Now let’s start the bidding at five hundred.”

Silence reverberated around the room. As Jackson’s beaming smile receded a bit, Rhys cleared his throat. “Do I have five hundred?”

As Vivian drew in a breath, I shot in front of her. “Five hundred!” I blurted before I could stop myself. It didn’t matter that I didn’t have five hundred dollars or that I didn’t even want to begin to explain to my parents why the charge on my “emergency” credit card was actually for a bachelor auction.

A gasp went up in the crowd, and Rhys blinked at me a few times like he wasn’t sure he could believe what he was seeing. Jackson, meanwhile, broadened his smile and winked at me. I ducked my head as my cheeks flushed.

“Well, well, look at you,” Vivian whispered.

Cutting my eyes over to hers, I replied, “I couldn’t help it. I felt so bad for him up there.”

“Never fear, honey. I’m about to put all these narrow-minded assholes in their place.” She grinned. “I just hope you don’t mind if I outbid you.”

“Oh no, please do. My bid was simply a moment of impulsive stupidity.”

I then shifted my gaze back to Rhys who appeared to have finally recovered from my outburst. It seemed that I had gotten the ball rolling on some bets for Jackson. “We have nine hundred. Do I hear a thousand?”

With a wave of her hand, Vivian said, “Ten thousand dollars.”

My mouth gaped open in shock while chatter buzzed around us. Jackson grinned and shook his head at Vivian. Rhys coughed. “I believe that was for ten thousand dollars?”

“That’s right, sugar,” Vivian drawled.

“So we have ten thousand for Jackson Marshall. Do I have eleven?” He then had the audacity to look at me and raise his brows. When I scowled back at him, he laughed. “That’s ten going once, twice, and sold to Mrs. Vivian Percy.”

As faint applause echoed around us, Jackson came striding toward us. He pulled Vivian into a bear hug. “Thank you, Miss Vivian. You once again have managed to be far too generous when it comes to me.”

She gave his cheek a smacking kiss. Rubbing her lipstick off him, she said, “I think it was just enough.” She winked at me. “I’m sure that’ll have their tongues wagging all night, especially when Jackson here goes for the highest price all evening.”

“I do appreciate it. And I hope you’ll let you me take you out for dinner and drinks—all on me, of course,” Jackson said.

“I would be honored. I’d love to catch up with you about how college is going.” Vivian snapped her fingers. “Oh my, I just remembered that Jules will be here for a visit in a few weeks.”

Jackson smiled. “I’d love to see her.”

“Then it’s all settled.”

After he gave Vivian another hug, Jackson turned to me. “Thanks for betting on me, even if you didn’t win, Miss…?”

“Slater. Allison Slater.”

“Nice to meet you, Miss Slater.”

“And you’re welcome. You know, for my bid.”

Leaning in closer to me, he gave me a smile that would’ve normally caused my panties to get wet. “I’d love to take you out for dinner sometime, too.”


He nodded. “What are you doing after this?”

Glancing away from his hypnotic blue eyes, I stared over to where Rhys stood at the podium. He was auctioning another bachelor, but his attention was focused on me and Jackson. I couldn’t help getting a sense of a pleasure from the fact he looked like he wanted to punch Jackson for daring to talk to me. “You seem like a really wonderful guy, but I have plans.”

“Meaning there’s someone else you care about?”

I nodded. “Yes, there is.”

“Ah, all the good ones are always taken.”

I couldn’t help blushing with his compliments. “Thank you.”

“See you around.”

Waving, I watched him disappear through the crowd. The sound of Rhys’s gavel coming down caused me to jump. “And now we come to our final bachelor of the evening.” He paused and smiled. “Which appears to be me.”

Whistling pierced my eardrums. Turning to Vivian, I said, “I’m going to get closer.”

“You do that, doll.”

When I was almost right in front of Rhys, he asked, “Shall we start the bidding at five hundred?”

I opened my mouth, but a voice behind me cut me off. “Five hundred.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw it was Vivian’s niece—the bitch who had insulted my dress. Oh, she was going down all right. “I have five hundred. Do I have six?”

I thrust my hand into the hair and said, “Six.”

Rhys grinned. “I have six. Do I have seven?”

For the second time that night, the bitch knocked into me. “One thousand.”

Amused chatter filled the air that Miss Bitch had upped the ante. Rhys bobbed his head. “Well, then, it appears we have a thousand. Do I have fifteen hundred?”

“Two thousand,” I spat.

“Okay, that’s two thousand. Do I have—”

“Three thousand,” Miss Bitch interrupted Rhys.

I glared at her. “Four thousand.”

Stepping between us, Margaret said, “Ladies, you need to follow protocol.”

Lowering her voice, Miss Bitch hissed, “You are not going home with him. I am.”

Feeling like I was back in high school rather than a grown woman, I snapped, “Wanna bet?”

Rhys cleared his throat into the microphone. “So that’s four thousand, do I have forty-five hundred?”

“Five thousand,” Miss Bitch said, never taking her eyes off mine.

At this rate, we could go on all night. Something had to be done. Drawing my shoulders back, I punched my hand into the air. “Ten thousand.”

Miss Bitch’s eyes widened. “Did I hear you just bet ten thousand dollars?”

Cocking my brows, I countered, “Did I stutter?” When she didn’t respond, I said, “Yep, I thought you heard me correctly.”

I flicked my gaze from hers to Rhys. He grinned and shook his head. “Looks like we have a bid of ten thousand. Do I hear eleven?”

I shot Miss Bitch a look that dared her to try eleven. She then huffed out a frustrated breath before crossing her arms over her chest. I took that as she was conceding. When no one else bid, Rhys banged the gavel down on the podium. “Looks like Mr. Marshall and I will be tying for the highest bids tonight of ten thousand dollars.” Once again applause and whistling assaulted my ears. “Thanks to everyone who came to help make tonight such a success. Thanks also to all the bachelors who have offered their time and services. Most of all, thanks to my mother, Margaret McGowan, for planning and executing this evening’s festivities.”

When the applause started to die down, Rhys bypassed anyone else waiting to talk to him and came straight for me. I couldn’t help the beaming smile that lit up my face when he pulled me into his arms.

“I think I just won a date with you with your money,” I said against his ear.

He chuckled, causing my body to vibrate with his. When he pulled away, he was still smiling. “I believe you have. And where do you intend to take me on your date?”

Since I had had enough high class for one night, I knew it had to be somewhere low-key. “How about a B&D burger and some fries?”

“Ah, I see how it is. You’re planning to go cheap on me now that you’ve spent a lot of my money.”

I grinned. “Yep, sounds good to me.”

“You’re in luck, cheapskate. I happen to love B&D burgers.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” I replied, a little breathlessly since Rhys still had his arms around me.

Someone cleared her throat behind us. It was Margaret with her “I’ve been sucking on lemons” expression. “Rhys, darling—” she began.

He held up a hand. “Mother, I’m sorry, but this young lady just bought my time fair and square.”

“The newspaper wants to get a picture of us.”

When Rhys scowled, I nudged him forward. “Go on. Your adoring public awaits you.”

“I would happily like to tell my adoring public to get bent,” he said, in a low voice.

I couldn’t help giggling. “Why don’t you give me your keys, and I’ll wait at the car.”

He cocked his brows questioningly at me. “I think you’re just trying to abscond with my car.”

“Could be. Guess you’ll have to wait and see.”

Rhys laughed as he dug a ticket out of his pants pocket. “Go ahead and have the valet bring it around. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“No problem.”

As I started out of the study, I ran into Vivian in the hallway. “Leaving, dear?”

“Yeah, Rhys and I are going to get some dinner.”

She grinned. “Have fun. Oh, and do something I would do.”

I couldn’t help laughing at her audacity. The truth was I would be happy to do all the wicked and naughty things Vivian could possibly do if only Rhys was willing. Being in his arms earlier, if only momentarily, felt so damn good. I couldn’t help but wonder if he had any idea what he did to me. Ugh, I hated feeling this mixed up and neurotic. I had to remember that I was strong, beautiful, confident, and that there was no reason why Rhys shouldn’t want to be with me.

As I handed over the ticket to the valet, I silently said a wish for strength so I could get my man.