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Surrendering to His Rules: A BDSM Romance Collection by Opal Carew (12)

Chapter 2

Kalie shifted in the leather chair, rethinking her whole strategy. In Erik’s role as her captor, while playing out her sexual fantasy, he’d worn jeans and a casual shirt. She’d never expected that a wealthy entrepreneur, like he clearly was, would take the time out to indulge in play-acting with her.

Maybe it was his idea of slumming.

The sight of him in his tailored business suit, accentuating his broad shoulders and trim waist, reminded her of the muscular body that lay hidden beneath the expensive clothes. His chiseled chin and finely sculpted features had filled her dreams for weeks. And right now, she couldn’t help remembering his full lips moving on hers, then over her naked body. Touching her in soft, intimate places.

She gazed up from her folded hands to his unsettling blue eyes. She’d seen those eyes with a dominating edge. She’d seen them filled with passion. And even filled with an intense need that rivaled her own.

But right now they were simply cold and detached, as if what the two of them had shared had been nothing to him.

Yet she sat here quivering with need being this close to him. Yearning for him to drag her into his arms and kiss her, then ravage her right on top of his desk.

“So what did you come here to say to me?” he asked, eyebrows arched.


His cool gaze made it hard to say the words. Deep inside, she had believed when he saw her again, he would realize how much he wanted her. That she would barely have to convince him at all.

But clearly that wasn’t the case.

She drew in a deep breath. “I wanted to say that what we shared was amazing and, especially that last night...” She bit her lip. “I would really like you to give us a chance.”

“A chance to what?” he asked, his voice deadpan.

Oh, God, he wasn’t going to make this any easier.

“A chance to see if this might lead somewhere. To see if it’s worth pursuing a relationship.”

“A relationship?” He eased back in his chair. “So you see flowers and candlelight in our future? Soft words spoken in front of a fire? Holding hands as we watch movies together?”

The mention of watching a movie together reminded her of when he’d held her on his lap, her totally naked except for a bustier that was gaping open, exposing her breasts, and he and Carl stroking her to desperate distraction. The resulting sex with the two of them had been wild and intense.

Erik stood up and walked toward her, then leaned back against his desk.

“In case you didn’t get the idea, I’m not a romantic kind of guy. I like my sex rough and hard. And I like my women soft and submissive.”

She nodded. “I understand. I can do that.”

His eyes narrowed. “You really think so? Just because you had a fantasy about being abducted by two powerful man and having sex with them, you think you can handle what I want? Baby, what I enjoy is in a whole different league.”

She drew in a deep breath. During her fantasy role-playing, Erik had been hard and demanding. He had stayed in the role the whole time, while Carl had slipped out of it several times, ensuring she wasn’t frightened by Erik’s commanding presence.

But nothing Erik had done had frightened her. On the contrary, it had turned her on immensely.

Now, with his hard gaze and cool demeanor—and that intimidating statement—she wasn’t so sure of herself.

Buoying up her courage, she said, “I’d like a chance to try.”

“I’m not looking for a romantic entanglement.”

She didn’t let his words deter her. She wouldn’t expect him to agree to a romantic relationship right off the bat. Most men wouldn’t.

“It’ll just be sexual then.” She was sure if she could convince him to spend more time with her... if they could share more passionate encounters together... that he would come around.

“And what do you think I’ll want from you during this sexual alliance?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know exactly. I assume you’d like to take control. To command me to do things. Maybe to tie me up.”

“That sounds pretty mild.”

She drew in a deep breath. “Maybe punishment.”

He pushed away from the desk and moved in front of her chair, then leaned forward and coiled his hand in her hair, until it was tightly wound around his fingers against the back of her head. Then he pulled her to her feet.

Her body was pressed to his, her breathing erratic, as her gaze locked on his frigid blue eyes.

“There definitely would be punishment.” His cold, velvety voice sent shivers through her. “And I would make demands I doubt you’d be willing to obey.”

Her breath caught as he tugged back her head and his lips fell to her throat. Quivers danced down her spine at the feel of his warm mouth teasing her neck. Then he nipped her skin with his teeth, making her whimper.

He turned her around and, his hand still coiled tight in her hair, pressed her toward the door.

“Are you sending me away?” she asked in panic.


“Then where are we going?”

He released her as he reached for the doorknob.

“You’d best learn to simply do as you’re told and not ask questions.” He opened the door. “I’m taking you to meet my partners.”

She felt flushed and a little disheveled as he guided her down the hall. He glanced in the door of the first office they passed, then continued to the next.

“There you are,” he said as he peered inside. He rested his hand on the small of her back and pressed her into the room.

Inside the office was Sean Connor and another man. Both smiled.

“This is Kalie,” Erik said as he closed the door behind him.

“Hello, Calie. I’m Gabe.” He offered his hand and she shook it.

“Hi again, Kalie,” Sean said with a warm smile.

“Kalie is a friend of Sylvia’s. She and I are discussing the possibility of her performing a similar role for us here on occasion.”

Sean’s eyebrows arched. “Really?” His warm smile broadened. “That would be...”—his gaze glided down her body—“...delightful.”

Gabe’s eyes also lit up. “We really enjoyed Sylvia’s time here.”

These two men seemed very excited at the prospect and she realized that Sylvia must have been with them along with Erik—Mr. King as Sylvia called him.

So he was suggesting... if they started their sexual alliance as he called it... that he would expect her to


She realized she’d gotten lost in a fog, missing whatever they’d been saying.

Her gaze turned to Erik and she saw he was waiting for her at the door. She followed him back to his office.

“Tell me, Kalie,” he said as he sat behind his desk again, his hard gaze locked on her. “If I had told you to, would you have dropped to your knees and pulled out Gabe’s cock, then sucked it in front of all of us?”

Her gaze darted to him.

“Then once you’d finished him off, would you have leaned over Sean’s desk on command and let the three of us fuck you, one after the other, each hard cock pumping into you until it erupted inside?”

She quivered. The thought that he might order her to do that was both a little alarming... and wildly exciting.

She’d had sex with both Erik and Carl when they’d held her captive, but that had been her fantasy, so it felt under her control. But to give herself over to Erik’s sexual whims... where he might make her have sex with other men... felt overwhelming.

“If you can’t answer that simple question, then we’re done here.” He rose to his feet.