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Sweet Days (Four Days Book 2) by A. S. Kelly (3)

all help you. We won’t let you go anywhere and

especially you won’t be alone.”

I nod, overwhelmed.

“But I do think you should seriously consider

the idea of calling your family. You need them.”

“It’s just … I’m not brave enough.”

“You can do it,” he says, squeezing my hand.

“And now, let us get you a cup of tea and pamper

you a bit, okay? It seems like you need it.”

“What about the pub?” I ask, alarmed.

“Patrick is downstairs,” he says, breaking our

eye contact for a moment. “And the guys. Rain

will be here soon and as soon as she is, she’ll come

up and take our place. We don’t want you to be


I nod again, unable to find my pride and try to

refuse their help and make a show of some kind, a

pretence that I can make it on my own. Because

the truth is, I can’t. I do need help. I’m just an

immature young woman with no experience who

let herself get knocked up by an idiot and who was

about to fall in love with a bastard who specializes

in confusing your ideas and fogging up your mind,

but won’t ever be able to give anything to anyone.

The only person Patrick loves is Patrick.


The guys have been up there for forty minutes and

seventeen seconds. They’re still pissed with me

about what happened in London and ruining the

offer that was proposed to us.

They left me here at the counter, begging me

not to show my face upstairs and to calm down

because let’s face it, I’m a concentration of rage

that’s ready to explode and take down everything

with me.

How the hell could she say those things to me?

After I was close to her, after I offered her my

help. Accusing me of having taken advantage of

her! If she only knew that every kiss I gave her my

legs were shaking, my lips, even my heart! I knew

it! Christ, I always knew it! Look what happens if

you lower your guard five minutes.


Shit, that’s all that was missing was her. Now

everybody’s here, all accounted for. All the people

who hate Patrick?


I turn without really looking at her and jut out

my chin, which means, ‘I hear you’.

“Are they still up there?”

“Of course. They’re trying to figure out a way

to get rid of me.”

Rain takes a few deep breaths before sitting on a

stool in front of me.

“Patrick Doyle, I love you, you know. You’re

like a brother to me, but let me tell you something.

You’re a boy who hasn’t ever fully grown up, you

are irresponsible and counterproductive. You’re a

disaster in every way. You’re arrogant and have a

devil-may-care philosophy about a lot of things

and you’re quite arrogant.”

Okay, I’m not shocked by her words, but they

do bother me because she is my family and I

thought she saw something more in me.

“Do you know why I allowed you to get close

to her even though I know you so well? Because I

saw something in you. A spark that was in your

eyes the night you went out there and gave Nate

what he had coming to him. And I saw another one

when you went with her to go get her things. And

another one still when you were playing with the

band and you had an expression on your face of

someone who would drop to his knees and beg the

woman he loves to be his forever. You see, I

thought that with her you would finally cool off a

bit, that you would confess to yourself that you’re

better than what you want yourself to believe. And

instead, it seems I was wrong, because here you

are being what you always are, making the same

mistakes and you don’t let anybody get close to

you and love you.”

“You know full well what I am, Rain. I never

kept it a secret. This is it,” I say, spreading out my

arms. “All I am is this piece of shit, there’s nothing

else there, and I’ve got nothing to hide, no deep

feelings or anything else, okay? Get it into your


I finish up my little discourse by raising my

voice a few decibels.

“You’ve disappointed me, Patrick,” she says,

starting to shake. “I did expect better of you,” she

concludes on the verge of tears as she gets up and

heads upstairs.

There is no place I cannot go … My mind is

muddy but my heart is heavy. Does it show? I lose

the track that loses me, so here I go.

What do they all want from me? What are they

trying to find under the surface? I’m not hiding

anything. I am an absolute nothing and will remain

so. For all of my fucking life. I will not let myself

be taken for a fool anymore nor will I ever let a

woman try to get close to what she doesn’t know,

something that’s so deep inside of me, that is total

blackness and all it does is suck everything into

itself in an instant to then destroy it in a second.

Because I destroy every fucking thing.

Give me reason but don’t give me choice …

’Cause I’ll just make the same mistake agai

The last words of that depressed asshole James

Blunt push me over the edge and I turn my back to

the counter and throw the glass I was washing

against the wall. I throw it with all the force I have

Same Mistake, James Blunt, All the Lost Souls

in my body. It’s enough to almost dislocate my


The customers all turn to see what’s happening

and I come up with some stupid excuse to get

away from this disgusting pub, this stupid family

and from her and the hope that there could be

something more for me than this emptiness I bring

around with me.

I approach a table with three girls where the one

who was waiting for me the other night happened

to be when I ignored all the bells going off in my

head and I went to Erin instead of having some fun

with that one.

Two lines of chat, another round on the house,

and she’s already on my bike with her arms around

my waist.

I go to her place and I don’t even have my foot

in the door and I’m on her. I’m hungry and all I

want to do is lose myself and get that image of

Erin rubbing her rounded belly out of my fucking


I kiss her, I bite her, I undress her of what little

she’s wearing before hitting the bedroom. I give

her a light push to lay her out before me and I

jump on her as if she were my prey, as if tasting

her would satiate me, would give me back what I

had and what I threw away for a pair of dark eyes.

She unbuttons my jeans and takes my top off

saying something about my tattoos but I can’t hear

her. I can’t feel her … her hands, her wet tongue

playing around just where it shouldn’t be.

I don’t feel anything except an echo of contempt

that I feel with myself right now. As I try to drown

a soul that is trying hard to stay afloat, that’s

begging for help and finally lets go of the hand of

who’s trying to pull him out of the water.



“Hi, Dad.”

“Hey, honey, I haven’t heard from you in a

while. How are things?”

I finally have the courage to call my dad and tell

him what’s happening with me.

“How are your studies going? How’s Nate?”

I sigh and decide it’s better to just get right to it.

“Nate and I broke up.”

“What, how? When?”

“Nate’s got someone else, Dad.”

“What kind of … I’ll come back to Dublin right

away and we’ll get things worked out.”

“I’ve found a place to stay.”

“Another place? And how are you paying for it,


“Well, for now I’m not paying rent. The guys at

the pub are letting me use the apartment above it.

I’m here for now.”

“You’re living in that place? ” he says


“It’s not a bad place, Dad.”

“Do you need money? I can send a wire


“No, Dad, I don’t need money. I just…”

“Erin, you’re making me worry.”

“I just need you, Dad.”

“What’s happening, are you in trouble?”

What’s happening? I’m pregnant dad. Very


I rub my belly unconsciously as I try to find the

right words to tell my dad he’s going to be a


“I miss you.”

What a coward I am.

“I just miss my dad,” I say like a five-year-old


“Oh honey, I’ll try to leave tomorrow.”

I’m not strong enough to tell him on the phone

and I sure don’t know how I’m going to do it when

he’s standing in front of me. But the time has come

to tell everyone. I can’t hide it anymore.

~ ~ ~

I get my books and start studying for the upcoming

exam. It’s already late and I should be sleeping so I

can wake up relaxed and less tired than usual but

I’ve rested too much today and I’m not that tired

now. What’s more, I’m hungry. I’m craving

pancakes but they just make me think of Patrick.

I sigh and get back to my studies but every

excuse is good for a distraction. I am miles away

from these books, from what I’m trying to study.

They say all roads lead to Rome … all my roads

lead to him.

Then I get up off the couch and go to the

window that looks out over the street and his

motorcycle isn’t out there. I decide to go down,

maybe get a cup of tea with Rain who’s working

tonight, seeing as he’s not there.

I slip my shoes on and a zip-up sweatshirt that I

can barely close, but by now everybody knows,

there’s no use trying to hide it. I get down to the

bar counter where Rain is laughing at something

that Liam just said and I decide to go back because

I can’t stand being around their love right now, but

before I can turn around I smack right into

something thick and massive.

My legs are quivering.

I don’t need to turn around. I know it’s him.

I can sense his presence like I know myself, as

if it was something that belonged to me. His hand

brushes my shoulder and I tremble at his touch

because I’ve missed him and I’m still missing him,

but I can’t give in and go back on what I’ve

already decided.

“Erin…” he whispers in my ear in that rough

sexy voice and God only knows what else. “Don’t

run away, I beg you.”

I shake my head and choke back the tears and

pray to God that this is some kind of hormonal

hallucination. I’m not strong enough to let him go.

“I’d like to talk to you. I need to talk to you.”

I grab my courage and breathe in before saying:

“We don’t have anything to say to each other.”

Then I free myself from his grasp and go back

upstairs with a shoulder that still burns from his

touch. I climb the stairs knowing that he is behind

me. Patrick isn’t one who easily gives up. I try to

shut the door in his face but he blocks it with his

foot. So I run into the bedroom and lock the door.

“Erin, please.”

“Go away, Patrick.”

“I’m not going anywhere and I swear to you,

I’ll kick down this fucking door if you don’t open


I back away from the door as soon as I start to

hear him punching it.

A few hits and the door gives way to his weight.

I cover my mouth with my hand and let out a

terrified scream of surprise and he doesn’t miss a

second, coming right at me and wrapping me up in

his secure embrace and covering my mouth with


It’s not a delicate kiss, it’s not sweet. It’s strong

and raw and possessive.

Patrick eats my lips, he bites them with his

teeth, he sucks them and then he licks them in this

vortex of emotions. I completely lose control

because my hormones are going nuts and I want to

feel him inside of me right now.

He takes off my top and throws it on the floor

and his shirt ends up right next to mine a second

later. I don’t have anything on under it, I haven’t

had time to buy anything for my new chest size

and at the sight of my bare amplified breasts, he

lets out a growl that I can feel on every inch of my


He lifts me as if I hadn’t put on ten pounds and

lays me on the bed. He kneels in front of me and

just stares at me, like he wants to memorize every

detail, every inch of my body.

I shiver at the idea and blush before he leans

over me and starts kissing my hips.

The outburst has been set aside and is

substituted with infinite sweetness and brings tears

to my eyes in thirty seconds. I cover my eyes with

my hands but it’s too late. He continues kissing me

and caressing me, as if I were the most beautiful

thing he’d ever seen in his life.

He slowly rises up toward my breast, where he

doesn’t stop even if inwardly I’m imploring him to

take me in his mouth and suck until I shout for him

to stop. He starts kissing me again when he gets to

the breastbone, passing the clavicle and going back

up along my neck, where he starts leaving a path

of little bites that set me aflame and I need to

orgasm soon, and possibly more than once.

He arrives at my lips and licks so lightly the

bottom one only and a gasp escapes me and it’s a

foreshadowing of what’s going to happen.

Then he looks me in the eye and it’s him, it’s my

Patrick. His eyes are sweet and sensual and I’d like

to run in this darkness and turn on a lantern to help

show him the way to my heart.

“Forgive me. Forgive me for the crap I said and

for having made you cry, for having broken your

door and jumped you. I promised I wouldn’t do it,

but knowing that you didn’t want me near you … I

went out of my head, Erin.”

I nod a few times to let him know it’s okay,

even if in reality it isn’t.

“You drive me insane. I completely lose control

when it comes to you and I can’t allow myself to

lose it, do you understand? I could only do

something bad. To both of us.”


“Please, forgive me. I can’t stay.”

“Wha… what?”

He sits up with his shoulders towards me. He

drops his head into his hands before speaking to

me without lifting his head.

“I’m no good for you, can’t you see that? You

can’t want this … you can’t want me for you and

your baby.”

He stands up and goes towards the living room

before leaving me with the words that will break

my heart.

“I can’t allow you to fall in love with me.”


I sit on the floor under the counter with a bottle of

Jameson in my hand. The others have gone home

while I can’t leave this place because I know she’s

up there alone.

I jumped her like I would any other girl I want

to have fun with. I jumped her with no regard for

her feelings, without thinking, without reasoning.

And then, I walked away. All that sweetness, all

those feelings … they completely destabilized me.

I thought I could do it but she is too much for me,

I’m not able to contain everything I feel. I am not

able to maintain control.

I want her, I desire her, and I want to spend

every night with her in my arms, to help her…

I want her goddamnit.

All of her.

But I’m not able to, I don’t know how it’s done

… I’m not able to love.

What can I do? Stay with her? Raise somebody

else’s child? Me? The guy that’s always refused

the idea of a family, me who doesn’t want to end

up like my parents, that doesn’t want to live in a

shithole of a house in a rat hole of a neighborhood

with six mouths to feed and a part-time job?

Okay, things are going well for me now, I’m

alone and I have no responsibility, I have no one to

maintain and no one to take care of.

And I’m not able to face anything more than

day-to-day life where I am all that matters.

Love consumes you, it bends you and it

destroys you.

I bang my head against the wood, cursing

myself for having gone to that girl’s house and

trying to screw her and then leaving half naked

with my mind completely flooded with Erin, Erin,


I wasn’t able even to look at her.

Couldn’t do it.

And now I’m here cursing myself for having

followed her upstairs, jumping her and then

leaving her alone. In front of her body I couldn’t

hold back. I just wanted to kiss her, her sweet

stomach that drives me insane, her swollen breasts

and her pink round face. I wanted to kiss every

part of her. And I can’t explain myself, I can’t tell

you why her body excites me more than anything

I’ve ever seen in my life.

She’s pregnant. By someone else.

And I wish it were mine.

That they were both mine.

I must have drunk too much and am completely

delusional by this point, but it feels like someone

is calling me.


I shake from my stupor that I was wallowing in

and try to stand up and don’t make a good show of


“Get outta here, Erin. You shouldn’t be next to

me, especially in these conditions.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve seen you drunk.”

“No, I don’t imagine it is, nope.”

She comes towards me slowly and tries to touch

my face but I pull back, turning away.

Her hand remains in the air and I can hear her

disappointment even if I don’t see it painted in her


Erin doesn’t give up; she takes another step and

forces me to turn, taking my face in her hands. Her

eyes are kind, sincere and so sweet, chocolate

colored, the good kind that in my house we only

bought once a year at Christmas.

She smiles at me and I melt like a baby in front

of a puppy, like an idiot in love and completely

gone, slave to something I didn’t look for, but did

manage to unearth despite it’s being far from the


Because this girl is like the unexpected sun that

turns up on a crappy day. One of those days you’re

convinced it’ll never stop raining. And yet, it does,

the clouds open up and the first rays of light

appear in the sky, letting you know that

tomorrow’s going to be a better day.

That’s how I feel when she looks at me. I feel

hope grow and life is colored in a hundred shades

and my heart starts to beat again.

Why is she so special? Why is she able to make

me believe I can be different, to be better than

what I was yesterday?

“Erin…” I make a last attempt, trying to think

like the old Patrick, even if I know it’s too late for

that. The old Patrick is waving goodbye from a

distance and slamming the door behind him.

I let her touch my face with her warm hand and

it’s shaking and I feel a strange sensation, a sort of

tickling in my eyes.

Am I about to cry?

“Don’t do it, please. You’re going to get hurt.

You’ll hurt yourself. You said it, I’m good for a

night and a goodbye kiss.”

“I’m scared too,” she says instead.

“I can’t take care of anyone.”

“You’ve been doing it all your life,” she says


“You don’t know what you’re saying, Erin. I’m

not able to think about anyone besides myself.”

“You’ve been taking care of your family since

you were just a boy.”

I look at her, confused.

“Did you think I didn’t know? And you take

care of your friends, and you’ve looked after


I shake my head back and forth and bite my

cheek so hard it starts to bleed. Anything not to cry

in front of her.

“I’m tired of spinning in circles, I’m exhausted

of taking care of everything and everyone … I

can’t take any more on my plate, I can’t take care

of you.”

Her smile widens even more and I think I’ll die

of shame in light of her shared confidence.

“Then I’ll take care of you.

“You’ll what?” I let go of my cheek and a big

fucking tear slides down the corner of my eye and

falls until it hits the corner of my mouth.

She steps closer and rests her forehead against

mine. “I’ll take care of your heart and make sure

nothing bad happens to it.”


“Shh! Everything’s going to be alright, trust


And so let’s see, asshole, idiot and let’s add

coward to the CV.

She’s the one who needs someone to support

her and help her, not me. She needs me, not the

other way around.

“And if I screw it up? If I should hurt you?

Make you suffer?”

“One day at a time. We’ll try it together. I’m

letting you into my life, Patrick Doyle, I’m giving

you my trust.”

“You’re giving your trust to someone who

leaves the next day?” I ask, incredulous.

“We’ll start by spending this night together. And

tomorrow we’ll think about the rest,” she says as

she takes my hand and asks me to follow her.

And I follow her upstairs, where she lays me on

the bed and lies next to me, hugging me and

reassuring me, warming me with her body and her


I rest my head on her chest and place a hand on

her stomach and she sighs. I caress her under her

shirt to feel her skin with my fingers, to feel this

life that is growing inside of her and that is asking

me to stay.

And I want to stay, damn it.

I really do.

Tonight and tomorrow morning.

And all of the days that are to come.



“Are you sure you want to go alone? I can go with

you,” Patrick says as I try to prepare myself

psychologically to go to the airport to meet my

father. He’ll be here in the afternoon. He called me

this morning to tell me he had booked the first

flight for Dublin.

“This is something I have to do by myself.”

He nods, not very convinced.

“Erin,” he starts, uncertain. “About last night


“We don’t have to talk about it right now,” I

interrupt him. “I was already out of sorts after

what’s happened and now my dad’s coming … I

don’t want to analyze it all now.”

“I think we’re going to have to face it.”

I nod in agreement and take a deep breath.

“I know, just not right now.”

His cell phone has been going off incessantly

for a few minutes. Patrick looks at the display

distractedly and then decides not to take the call.

“You should answer,” I tell him, giving him a

sideways glance.

“Whatever it is it can wait.”

I go to him and take the phone out of his pocket.

I push the green button and hand it to him.

I don’t want him to forget about everything else

just because he’s with me now.

He reluctantly responds. A few phrases and he

wrinkles his forehead and starts to drum his fingers

nervously on the kitchen counter. He closes the

phone and looks at me uncertainly.

“What’s the matter?”

“It was Ciara. My … father showed up at my

house.” He huffs, dark in the face.


“And it went badly. My brother Danny beat him


My heart tightens in my chest at the idea of a

father that could abandon his children like that,

without looking back, only to show up when it’s

convenient for him knowing how it will upset


Patrick is worried, I can read it very clearly in

his eyes. He’d like to run there and punch

everything up and I can’t help but worry that it

could truly happen. But I can’t keep him here or

oblige him to stay with me. He has to worry about

his family and resolve the situation.

“You have to go to him, he needs you.”

“You need me.”

“I’m fine and in a little bit I’m going to collect

my father. It’ll be okay.” I smile at him.

“You’ll call me if there should be any problems,

right?” he asks worriedly.

“Go on,” I reply, turning my back to him.


In an instant his breath is on my neck.

“I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry for


I turn around again and caress his full beard.

“I know.” I smile again.

“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“There’s nothing to forgive, Patrick. It was just

a moment, you lost control, that’s it.”

“It should never happen again.”

I look at him, tilting my head and trying to

figure out what this means. “And what does that

mean exactly?”

“You have to promise me that if something like

that should happen again where I lose control, for

any reason, in any moment, that you will get far

away from me, kicking me if necessary, so that I

cannot and do not want to hurt you in any way.”


“You have to promise me, Erin.”

His words scare and confuse me.

“Please,” he implores me.

“I promise you, Patrick.”

He sighs and comes a bit closer and gives me a

chaste kiss on the cheek and goes, leaving me


I can’t understand why he’s so scared of hurting

me. I know anything could happen with anyone.

Look at Nate for example.

Nate. Thinking of him makes me sad instantly.

Not so much because I miss him but because I

realize how easy it was to set aside my feelings

and not only because he betrayed me and fell in

love with someone else. It was enough for me just

to be near Patrick for a few minutes to understand

that what I felt for Nate was nothing in comparison

to what I feel when I’m looking into Patrick’s eyes

and what I feel in my heart when it’s close to his.

How could I believe that what I had before with

Nate was love? How could I have imagined even

for a minute that I could have had a future with


What I feel for Patrick is intense and

destabilizing. It scares me and leaves me wanting

more at the same time. To have him for me, for us.

That’s right because I’m not alone anymore,

there are two of us and I understand having me

means a lot more than having a relationship with

two people.

I’m going to have a child. My life will change,

my priorities will change, and everything will be

different. Difficult and complicated. I really don’t

know if Patrick will be able to handle all this and

his request only makes me dubious but it’s too late

to turn back now.

By now, I’m in the thick of it with all my heart.

I already feel like I can’t and don’t want to give

him up.

I want him. For myself. For us. With all that

comes with it, the risks and the fear.

Even if it should break my heart.


My mother is completely shaken. I went to see

what I could do to ameliorate the damage caused

once again by the man who should be my father.

He shows up once or twice a month at my family’s

house, to see my brothers, Robbie and Danny. No

big deal, he just drops by, has a cup of coffee, a

chat about nothing. But more often than not, he’s

drunk, which only causes trouble and upsets

everyone with his presence. But Robbie and

Danny were still little when he left and still hope

and believe that he is something better than he is.

They decided to give him a chance, a trust that he

has never deserved and every single time they end

up being disappointed.

This time, the situation has degenerated. My

dad can’t stand the sight of Carl and when Danny

called him ‘Dad’ in front of him, he lost control

and threw himself at his wife’s new man.

Danny loves Carl as if he really were his father

and ran across to defend him. He came out of it

with a bloody nose and a busted lip.

I found him on the couch at home as my mother

was trying to patch him up, and he’s still angry

because of the fight. Carl is sitting in the corner

feeling guilty as always for just being there. As if

it were really his fault.

How is it possible to abandon a family like that?

To deny them everything when it mattered and

then to show up when you feel like it and just

create problems? How can you get married, have

children and then destroy it all? Kill all of their

dreams, make them feel worthless, leave them with

their ass on the ground with no security or money?

That’s what love is? This is what we’re reduced

to? This is what love reduces people to?

None of my siblings got out without damage

from our father in our lives, just like our mother.

We carry the wounds that have healed. The ones

that teach you that life can be a real shit sandwich,

and so can love. That certain people hurt you and

frequently they do it on purpose. You can’t even

trust your own parents, because they too could

leave you in any moment and then there you are

alone and insecure with your hopes down the drain

and your heart turned to stone.

After having calmed Danny down and

reassuring mom that everything’s going to be fine,

that I will always take care of them, I go back to

the pub. Tonight I have to work even if I’d like to

run to her to find out how things are going with

her father.

So I make my way to the door of Only4you with

my morale in the toilet, worried about my family

and in desperate need of some dark liquid to drown

my anxiety in.

I feel a wreck, and without any certainties. I

think that my life is a big disaster, everything

always goes wrong. There doesn’t seem to be any

hope to breathe in any happiness and love when

people hurt each other, deliberately trading barbs

with little regard for the consequences.

What’s the use of even trying? What’s the use of

trying to find a reason to go on?

Life bends you.

Love breaks you.

Hope fogs your mind and then shows itself for

what it really is, just a little cloud that doesn’t

permit you to see reality clearly.

I am so worn down by what’s happened and

wrapped in clouds of dark thoughts. I raise my

glance and her eyes capture me, they tie me to her

and drag me to her feet.

After having held my breath and my rage for

hours, I completely melt in her arms where I fall

hard without thinking of the consequences.

She holds me tight and whispers words I don’t

hear with my ears but which have a healing effect

on my open, bleeding wounds.

Lost and insecure … You found me, you found

me … Lyin’ on the floor … Surrounded,


The words of the song playing in the pub reveal

what has been hidden to my own eyes. What I

didn’t want to see or understand. What I denied

with all my heart.

There it is, damn it.

There’s my hope.

She is my hope.

~ ~ ~

“Shh … everything’s alright.”

I rest my head on her shoulder and just let it go.

My tears fall and in so doing unknot that twisted

mass that had me suffocating in a terrible excuse

of a life only to escape to something that could

hurt me even more.

Where were you? Where were you? … Just a

little late … You found me, you found me

I don’t say anything, I just let her hold me like a

child abandoned by his father in his moment of

need. Like a boy who had to drop out of school

and forget about his dreams to take care of his

family. Like a boy who was trapped in a spiral of

bullshit and false convictions which brought him

even lower and more needy of affection.

That boy needed to be reassured and brought

back home. He needed to grow up and become a


You Found Me, The Fray, The Fray

“I need you,” I whisper into her hair. “I need

you, Erin. It really terrifies me because I’ve never

needed anyone in my life. But now,” I say, raising

my head, “I need you.”

She looks at me and she’s so beautiful and true

and … mine.

She is here for me.

And it’s real, even if it scares me.

She shines like a light on a stormy night that

shows you the way home safe and sound.

I take her with both hands, not careful about the

fact that we’re in the pub full of customers and

I’ve probably got everyone looking at us, that

Rain’s probably in the corner somewhere crying. I

don’t give a shit about anything. The only thing

that matters to me is in front of me and I’m

looking her in the eyes.

“It’s you,” I whisper before smiling like a

crying idiot.

“It’s me, what?”

“You’re my hope, Erin O’Neill.”



His hope.

I’m his hope.

I look at him dreamily with my heart galloping

in my chest and my head and tears flooding my


He is handsome and sweet.

And he’s mine.

I caress his face, which is magnificently

covered in beard, and I smile at him, so thankful

for opening his heart to me, for letting me in

despite everything.

I draw closer to his lips and brush them

delicately, tasting his tears that fall undisturbed

since the minute he set foot in the pub and our eyes



I turn from this beautiful dream, which I would

not like to wake up from because my father just

walked in the door of Only4you.

~ ~ ~

He had called me to let me know his flight was

going to be late and that he’d take a taxi so I didn’t

have to wait for him.

We separate from each other immediately,

embarrassed and shaken up to face what I’ve

feared for weeks.

“Do you want to explain to me what’s going on

here?” he asks, closing the distance between us.

“Dad,” I start, but Patrick moves to the side and

I can read in my dad’s eyes that the revelation has

hit him full on.

“Erin … what…”

“Dad, I can explain.” I begin swallowing hard

but Patrick steps in front of me and does

something I never would have expected.

“Sir,” he says, looking him right in the eyes.

“Erin and I wanted to tell you before, but we didn’t

think it was appropriate on the phone.”

What the devil is he doing?

I pull him on his arm to get him to look at me,

but he gives me a very confident and disarming

smile that makes me shut up on the spot.

“Erin … so that’s it? You’re pregnant?”

“Let’s not do this here, Dad. Let’s go upstairs.”

He nods, confused, and I lead him towards the

door that leads to the stairs and everyone in the

pub resumes their business. By now the show is

over. As I walk slowly with my head down, I feel

some fingers interlacing with mine. I freeze and

raise my head.

“What are you doing?” I ask him in a whisper

with my father at our heels.

“I’m coming with you.”


“I’m staying, Erin.”

I nod gratefully and feel the anxiety fleeing

from every part of my body.

He is with me.

He is here to stay.

His closeness and his tight grip on my hand give

me courage and make me feel less alone.

We go up the stairs in silence; I open the door

and let my father in.

“So … this is where you live?” he asks, looking

around. “And does he live here too?” he continues

without even looking at Patrick.

“Dad, please…”

“Erin,” he says calmly (my father is not the type

of man to raise his voice). “I have just returned to

you. I left you alone for a few months in safe

hands and now I find you without a house,

pregnant and tied to a penniless bum who works in

a bar?”

“The penniless bum is standing right here,”

Patrick sarcastically chimes in. “And he doesn’t

work at the pub, he owns it.”

“Oh, please excuse me,” my father intervenes.

“But you’re one of four owners, isn’t that right?”

“Five,” he corrects. “Now there are five of us.”

“Oh, even better. A dive bar in a neighborhood

of drunks and beggars, its ownership divided into

five parts of which you have one. Congratulations

on your choice, Erin.”

I bite my lip so as to stop myself bursting out

crying, but Patrick puts his hands on my shoulders

and squeezes, letting me feel his nearness and his


And I fall apart, I start crying like a baby

because I feel the shame hit me and the uncertainty

about the future hits me full on.

So Patrick turns me towards him and holds me

in his arms, gently kissing my forehead. He

brushes my hair and tells me it’s all going to be

okay and that he’s with me.

“So that’s how it is, huh? You got my daughter


“We’re expecting a baby,” Patrick corrects him.

We’re waiting.

Oh my goodness. His words fill me with

security. Suddenly I’m not alone or helpless or

intimidated by my father. I feel strong, sure and

fortunate. Because there is a life growing in me

and because Patrick is saying that in his way he

wants to be part of my life.

Of us.

I lift my head from his chest and dry my tears. I

look at him for a moment before taking his hand

and squeezing it hard in mine. He let’s out his

breath and gives me a big smile and I return it right


Then, I turn to my father, feeling proud and with

my head held high. I tell him: “We’re expecting a


My father shakes his head and begins pacing the

apartment. Then he stops, clears his throat and

speaks to me in a calm tone of voice.

“Okay dear, what’s done is done. There is no

problem. You will come with me and I will take

care of everything. You will have the baby and we

will find someone to take care of it so that you will

be able to continue with your life and—”

“Dad,” I interrupt him. “This is my life.”

“This?” he looks at me, unbelieving. “Working

part-time in a pub for some guy that got you

pregnant? That’s what you’re aspiring to? We had

plans, Erin.”

“She’s grown up, sir. She’s grown into a

wonderful woman. And she’s my woman.” Patrick

intervenes with eyes full of pride and with his

chest puffed out with emotion.

“Good lord, Erin! How could you have fallen so

low? Look at him! He’s a complete failure. How

old are you, lad? Twenty-eight? Twenty-nine?”

“Thirty,” Patrick corrects him once again, and

once again my dad replies with the same words.

“This gets even better! Thirty years old and still

here playing barman and what? Wait a second,

you’re a musician, right? What do you think you

can give my daughter? Come on, let’s hear it.”

Patrick does not freak out even though I can see

his jaw is tense. I squeeze his hand hard to give

him my support, hoping he looks at me and that he

knows how much this situation is upsetting me.

But he doesn’t. He just looks at my father with a

cold stare and when I start to fear the worst, he

simply says: “All of me. I will give her all of me.

It’s the only thing she needs right now.”

My father raises his hands to the heavens

exhaustedly then looks at me. “I’d like to talk to

you in private, Erin. Maybe tomorrow, when

things have calmed down a bit.”

He leans over, gives me a kiss on the cheek and

leaves, leaving us in this apartment which

suddenly feels too tight and too silent.


I take a few deep breaths to calm the rage I’m

feeling right now. Okay, it’s all right. He found out

Erin is pregnant and I told him the baby was mine.

I understand it’s a shock, a surprise, whatever you

want to call it. But what I didn’t hear was one

word of support, comprehension or love come out

of his mouth. What the fuck? Not even a ‘how are

you doing?’, how about a ‘you okay?’ or maybe a

‘are you and the baby well?’


I turn slowly to look at her. Her eyes are fixed

on the door her dad just walked out of. I let her

hand go and start to walk away when she grabs my

wrist and literally throws herself in my arms. This

time I don’t hesitate even a second to pull her

towards me.

“I’m so terribly sorry for the things he said,”

she mutters, burying her face in my chest.

I rub her nape and kiss her hair.

“Are you alright?” I ask, for I’m worried about

how she must be feeling.

“No,” she whispers. “It was really bad. He

shouldn’t have said those things to you. He doesn’t

even know you, I’m sorry. I feel so guilty, you

should not have said—”

“Erin.” I stop her before she can go on. “I don’t

care what people say or think about me, including

your father. The only thing that matters to me is

what you think.”

She looks at me through red tear-stained eyes,

for she’s been crying so much.

“I think you’re a wonderful man, Patrick. And

that I’m the luckiest woman on the earth because

I’m here in your arms. It’s the only place I want to


A man.



“Erin,” I say, but in reality, I don’t want to say

anything at all.

The only thing I want is to have her for myself

all night.

I take her face and bring it to mine. I gently bite

her lower lip and she trembles against my lips.


“I want you like I’ve never wanted anything or

anyone before. I want you with every inch of me. I

want your heart, your body. I want to be inside of

you and your life. I want to come in and not


I feel like a jackass saying these things, but I

know she needs to hear it said out loud and

deserves someone that tells her how desired she is

and how much he wants her for himself.

And that someone, damn it, must be me.

“Do you understand what I’m trying to tell

you?” I ask her, because she keeps looking at me

without speaking.

Maybe I’m not doing this right, maybe I don’t

even know what I’m saying or doing.

This is all new for me.

It’s scary as hell.

Until just a while ago I didn’t think I was cut

out for these things, that I couldn’t feel real

emotion and was certainly incapable of creating a

lasting bond with another person. And yet for her

I’m willing to try. A thousand tries. She’s the only

one who can teach a man to love someone other

than himself.

“Erin.” I look at her, worried. She continues to

look at me without responding. “Have I said


She doesn’t let me add anything else. She wraps

her arms around my neck and her legs around my

waist. I take her, sure and steady and bring her as

close to me as possible.

I want to feel her now.

I need it.

It’s a desperate need.

“I’d like to make love with you, Erin. Tonight.

All night. And for all the nights after that.”

Her lip starts shaking again.

“If you’re not ready, I’ll wait. Take all the time

you need. I’m not in a hurry, and I’m not going

anywhere. I’ll be here until you’ve had enough of

me.” I reassure her, smiling.

“Do you really want to make love to me?” she

asks me in a broken voice.

“Holy God, do I want to!”


“Even what?”

“Even in my … condition?”

I lower my gaze just a bit.

She thinks I don’t want to be with her because

she’s pregnant? Doesn’t she have any idea what

I’m going through right now just holding her close

to me?

“God, Erin … I want you so bad it’s hard for me

to even breathe. I’m not talking about sex. I’m

talking about you. I want all of you. I’m afraid. I’m

paralyzed with fear. Fear that I could hurt you. It

feels like I might destroy everything.”

She smiles at me and brings her mouth close to

mine. “I want you too, Patrick. I want your absurd

messes, your jokes and your colorful language. I

want your hands on my body and I want you in my

life.” She takes a quick pause and a deep breath.

“Our lives,” she corrects herself, biting her lip. “If

you want us.”

Holy Christ. If I want them?

I want them both.

I want her so completely that I couldn’t even

imagine not having this new life that goes with it.

And I could not desire this child any more if it

was my own.

I hold her tightly in my arms and bring her to

the bedroom, because now I want to make love to


I want to give her everything I have without

asking for anything in return.



Patrick sets me down gently on the bed without

ever taking his lips off of mine. I’ve wanted him so

much in these months that I’m shaking like an

idiot from the emotion and the anxiety. I feel

invaded by him, with his body so close to mine

and the heat rising from it, that burns my skin.

The way his eyes are devouring me shows me

how much he truly wants to make me his. From all

of this intensity of us being together.

As if we had just become one person in this


His kisses are needy: Patrick bites my lip until it

swells and becomes red, then lets up on this sweet

pain letting his sensual tongue run down the lip,

only to suck me in with his greedy lips.

I could have an orgasm just with his kisses.

He pulls away from me with a cry of

disapproval, as he removes his shirt. I gulp down

hard and loudly and in such an embarrassing

manner that he busts out laughing and touches his

magnificent head, with its buzz-cut hairstyle.

“God … you’re…” I don’t have the right words

to describe his body.

He’s a work of art, sculpted by fairy hands with

a thick golden chisel. He’s robust and well defined;

he’s got the perfect turtle abdomen. His arms are

strong and possessive and covered in tattoos, over

which I slowly pass my hands, defining the edges

and the lines and imagining some secret meaning.

I’ve never liked tattoos, just like I’m not a big fan

of piercings, but on him … everything would be

good on him.

“Stop looking at me like that. You’re

embarrassing me,” he says, blushing just a bit.

What? Him? Embarrassed?

“No false modesty please, Patrick. We both

know you have a body that people get orgasms just

looking at.”

He bursts out with the most uproariously loud

laugh that makes me smile spontaneously. It’s so

nice when he laughs, when he loses that for the

man who never has to ask persona and is a bit

insecure, just enough to make him human and lets

me know I’ve got an earthling here in front of me

not some Greek divinity reincarnated.

His laugh simmers down and the look in his eye

changes: it becomes deeper, more intense and it

seems like he’s eating me with his eyes.

He brings his hands up to my shirt and gives me

a malicious smile before pulling it over my head,

leaving me topless before him. I blush and avert

my gaze because I’m afraid of drowning in

emotion and not being able to make it back up to

the surface again.

“Erin,” he says, taking my chin in his hands.

“You are beautiful. Breathtaking.”

I shake my head. I know it’s a lie. I’m pregnant,

my Lord, how does he expect me to believe that?

“Look at me,” he asks me and reluctantly I do.

“I’ve been dreaming about touching this body

for months. And…” He breathes loudly. “Since I

hugged you that night outside the bar for the first

time, I haven’t been with any other girl.”

“Wha … what?” I ask incredulously.

He shrugs his shoulders.

“I just wanted you to know.”

So I didn’t imagine it all. I didn’t romanticize

his words in my mind … every word, gesture and


It was all true.

He wanted me just like I wanted him.

I draw him to me, sliding my hand behind the

nape of his neck. He responds to my call and I

abandon myself to his touch, to his tongue that

traces the irregular line of my neck to my spine,

arching around my back and I offer myself to him.

He takes off my leggings and my underpants.

He throws them to the floor before unbuttoning his

jeans and freeing himself of them and becoming

completely naked.

Oh my God, he doesn’t even wear boxers. My

body blocks up at the sight of his erection.

And … okay. It’s enormous.

Hormones. Right?

He laughs again and oh my God, please, never

let this stop because it’s perfect.

And he’s completely mine.

He comes closer to me and our bodies brush up

against each other for the first time and it’s almost

enough to make me faint.

I’m in really big trouble.

He lightly rubs my belly before resting the

lightest butterfly kiss there, causing such a fit in

my chest that I have to close my eyes.

“You know,” he says, “we could just not—”

“Patrick,” I interrupt him.

We’re not even going to consider that option.

“I could also make you come like this,” he says,

rubbing me so lightly between the legs and I let

out a scream. “Or with my mouth,” he adds, while

I’m so excited I could seriously have an orgasm on

the spot if he said another word like that.

What’s the rest of this going to be like?

“I want to make love with you,” I tell him quite

seriously. “Now.”

“I wouldn’t want to hurt the baby.”

He’s joking. Right?

Exasperated by all this, I slide my hands down

his tattooed back until I arrive at his gluteus

muscles and it goes without saying that they are

disgustingly perfect.

Where is this guy hiding his defects?

I push them slowly towards me, begging him to

enter me, possibly right now.

“Erin,” he sighs, frustrated. “We don’t have to

be in such a hurry.”

“Yes we do!” I exclaim, exasperated. “My

hormones are going a million miles an hour, and I

haven’t had sex in a very long time, Patrick. I need

it right now.”

He smiles maliciously before saying “At your

service” and plunges his face between my thighs.

Oh God.

He looks at me for an instant before opening his

mouth and kissing me delicately on my inner

thigh. Then he slides his tongue into me and I grab

on tightly to the sheet and throw my head back.

Patrick plays with my most intimate parts with

his tongue, biting me to make me shake even

more, but he’s so delicate and careful that I’d like

to scream ‘stop going so slow’ because I’m not

made out of porcelain and am not so delicate, and

that I won’t break.

So I let go of the sheet and put one hand on the

back of his neck, pushing him to go deeper.

He growls in approval and the sound comes up

from my legs. In a second, his movements change.

His tongue penetrates me deeper and the metal of

his piercing rubs against my vaginal lips, making

me lose control so completely that I move against

him, begging him to bring me there as fast as


His hands grab my hips, his fingers pushing into

my flesh, his tongue tireless; his assault, his desire

to hear me scream and my desire to free myself

leave me quivering against his mouth and I call his

name repeatedly, letting the orgasm course through


Patrick continues to gently kiss me while I try to

bring my breathing back to normal; he slides down

one thigh and then comes back to me. I cover my

face with my boiling hands as he goes to my ear.

“I can do better,” he whispers.

I let my hands fall and turn to look him in the


“Can’t wait.”


I am completely drugged by her. By her smile. By

her big dark eyes. By her body that excites me by

just looking at her like never before.

And I’ve had my fucking share.

But there’s something unexpected and

wonderfully perfect in her and I’m sure after

tonight, after having discovered everything about

her body, I won’t be able to look at another

woman, even by accident.

I’d like to go slow, really I would. I’d like to

enjoy every moment, feel her in every part of me

and let her know how involved I am in this thing

between us, how much I want to be only hers now

and tomorrow.

As long as she’ll want. But Erin is terribly

excited. She moves against my body, eager and

impatient: she can’t wait.

Thanks hormones, may God bless you.

I caress her legs in all their length with my

hands on her thighs; I smile, pleased, and lay her

down before she can say or do anything, my lips

touch her intimately.

Her flavor makes me lose all of my senses in

three seconds. I try to control myself, to be careful

and delicate but she’s not allowing me to. She

grabs me on the back of my neck pushing me

deeper inside of her.

And it’s something I’ll never forget. How she

tastes, this intimacy … And I’m not just talking

about sex. I’m talking about something more

profound, more powerful and extraordinarily

intense that I’ll never be able to put it into words.

And when I feel her pushing against my mouth

in search of more contact and letting out a gasp of

liberation, a new kind of shiver runs up my spine,

making me shake.

I give her a moment to recover from the waves

of pleasure wracking her body, before going back

to work and this time I want to enjoy every instant

of her.

And I want to give her everything in my power,

I want to feel every emotion and make her feel

every beat of my heart, which is now beating only

for her.

I caress her face and drop my hand to her breast.

I draw a circle around her nipple as she arches her

back and calls my name.

And it’s so damn exciting I don’t know if I’ll be

able to contain myself.

I pinch her with two fingers and she shakes

harder and so I take it in my mouth and bite down

gently and she slithers under me. I can only use

one hand I’m holding myself up with the other so

as to not squash her under my weight.

I concentrate on her breasts, passing from one to

the other, giving both of them equal attention. I

tickle her nipples with my tongue, I bite and pull

them with my teeth, and she doesn’t stop rubbing

my neck pulling me closer to her.

She wants me.

Jesus, does she want me.

I slide down, leaving a wet trail on her skin that

burns under my tongue. I stop on her round sexy

belly, where I dedicate more sweetness and where

I’d like to rest my head to feel any imperceptible


I continue along her legs until I get to her toes. I

kiss them and worship them, because this woman,


This woman is forever.

I go back up towards her lips and bite them, full

of desire and she scratches my back, digging her

nails into me.

I let out a grunt and bite her lips harder.

“Patrick … please … do it now!”

She wants me right now.

I move over to get a condom from my jeans, but

she stops me before I can completely get off her.

“Patrick, we don’t need it.”


“Are you sure?”

“Shouldn’t I be?”

“I … I swear, Erin, that I haven’t been with

anyone like this. Not after…”

She smiles at me in love and pulls me to her.

I come to her and brace on my elbows as I

slowly enter her.

My vision goes blurry, my heart stops and my

limbs go paralyzed the moment I feel her heat

surround me.

God. Is this what it feels like when someone is

so important to you that you forget your own


I push in deep as she relaxes her legs, opening

herself up for me. And I think the rest of the world

just stopped in that moment. I try to get control, to

feel my pulse and get some air because I don’t

have any more.

“Patrick?” she calls me. “Are you alright?”

Everything all right?

“It’s fucking great.”

She laughs and shakes her head before I make

her gasp as I fully re-enter her.

I move within her, convinced but cautious,

never taking my eyes off hers.

I want to capture every expression. She grabs

onto my shoulders and maintains visual contact the

whole time, penetrating me deeply, digging in my

soul, removing all of the weeds and every dead

flower. She takes out everything, leaving the

garden clean, free and light.

And I will never thank her enough for it.

We continue to look at each other as I move

faster and deeper and it seems I can almost see out

of her eyes, to see the better part of me that is

knocking on the door asking to come in. And I do

it, the moment in which Erin looks for my mouth

to breathe me in, I let it go free to fly and mix with


“God, Erin…” I’m so near the limit that I could

explode in a moment. “I want to hear you … and I

want to see you when you say it. My name. Only


Erin says my name again and again first slowly

and then faster as we reach the climax together and

allow our bodies to quiver inside one another.

I rest my forehead on hers and kiss her slowly,

deeply, hoping that it will transmit what I’m

feeling in this moment because really, I’m not able

to emit sound, much less an entire phrase.

And yet, I’d like to tell her how I feel, what I

feel for her, for them.

For this thing between us that I did not want or

look for but that found me just the same.

Because when love calls, you have to fucking




Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road …

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to


I move in my sleep, cradled by a light melody

that makes me smile instinctively.

It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is

right … I hope you had the time of your life.

I open my heavy eyelids weighed down by

tiredness with difficulty. I really did not sleep

much last night. Patrick was … Wow. I can still

feel my skin burning after being his prey almost all

night last night.

Thanks to the light that’s passing through the

curtains I am able to focus on what is happening.

Patrick is sitting on the bed. He’s got a guitar and

he’s strumming so softly that I can barely hear it.

But his voice, God, his voice is a concentration of

tenderness and emotion that brings tears to my


It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is

right … I hope you had the time of your life

“What…” I start with a voice weighed down

with sleep.

“Good morning.” He smiles with his whole

face, before planting a kiss on my belly and

another on my face.

“Were you singing?”

He shakes his head and averts his glance.

I pull myself up and rest on my elbows and I

realize I’m only wearing his shirt and nothing else.

“You sing?” I ask, looking for a sheet to cover

my body.

“Nah, I have a shitty voice.”

“But I heard you,” I add, sitting up. “You were

singing something.”

“I was just playing around.”

“Were you singing to the baby?”

He gets off the bed and turns his shoulders to

me, revealing his perfect figure in the morning


Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life), Green Day, Green Day Bluegrass

“I just wanted to…” He rubs his hand on his

head. “Let him know that I’m here, I guess. That

I’m here waiting too.”

I cover my face immediately with my hands

because the emotion he invokes in me causes

another outburst of tears.

Patrick turns to me and comes in close, kneeling

down on the bed and moving my hands away from

my face.

“What … what is it? Why are you crying? Have

I said something wrong?”

“Excuse me!” I say through my sobs. “It’s just

that … it’s so emotional for me, okay? I am so

emotional anything makes me cry. And you … you

were kneeling by my stomach singing to the


“I’m sorry,” he says in a worried tone. “I didn’t

want you to feel badly.”

“I don’t feel badly, Patrick. Don’t you

understand? You’ve filled my heart to the brim.”

He looks at me for a few seconds in the eyes,

and then his face opens in a sweet smile that would

just kill me and he comes closer to me and sucks

on my lips in a tender touch.

“It was just a song, I wanted him to feel safe

and protected. I’d like him to know that I’m here


I throw my arms about his neck and jump in his

lap, sitting on his legs and wrapping my legs

around him.

“He knows,” I tell him, still weepy. “We both


He smiles in my hair and kisses me sweetly on

the head. “Are you hungry? I’ll make you


“I’m always hungry,” I reply, making him


“Now that I don’t feel constantly sick, I’d eat

anything at any time.”

“Well, lucky for you you’ve got this guy who

isn’t so bad and, as an added bonus, knows how to

cook. Just don’t spread it around.”

He gets up and stands in front of me.

He’s naked. Completely.


“What can I do for you?” he asks me with a

twinkle in his eye.

“I’d say breakfast could wait fifteen minutes.”

“Fifteen minutes?” he says, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t think you’re giving me enough credit.” He

smiles back before showing me what an hour,

forty-three minutes and ten seconds of ‘not enough

credit’ I had offended him with.

~ ~ ~

I get out of the shower wrapped in a towel. I feel

tired and just plain exhausted for the night passed

and the morning started, but I also feel light and

serene. Happy. For the first time in months, I’m

feeling good, like maybe I will be able to pull this


I leave the bathroom and, attracted by the good

smells coming from the kitchen, I take a few steps

to the kitchen worktop and find Patrick at the

cooker, wearing just a pair of jeans, barefoot and


He’s humming softly, but I can distinguish

every syllable and hear it right in my heart.

I’m feeling better ever since you know me … I

was a lonely soul but that’s the old me.

It’s a splendid vision I shall never forget. His

shoulders designed with letters and embellished

with images, the curve of his perfect back that

ends in his slow rise jeans. The way he moves

slowly with the tempo and the words.

But with you … I feel again … Yeah, with you …

I can feel agai

He turns slightly to grab something on the lower

shelf and catches me watching him out of the

corner of his eye.

“Hey, there are pancakes, eggs, bacon and…”

He interrupts himself and wrinkles his face. “Is

everything alright?”

I fill my lungs with all the air in the apartment. I

smile as big as I can and it’s almost a giggle.

“Fucking great.”

Feel Again (With Heartbeats–Native) OneRepublic


After the night I just had, I’m feeling strong, I feel

good, I’d almost say invincible.

A new awareness has taken hold of my mind

and my outlook. I haven’t been living at all, all of

these years. I’ve wasted so much time, gone

around in a fog, thinking that setting my heart

aside I wouldn’t have hurt myself. That I could

live alone with no feelings for anyone.

What an asshole.

Then, she came along.

And I started really breathing and really living.

What I feel now after having her close to me

and after having loved her in every way possible,

it’s something I can’t describe and it’s priceless.

Because what I feel is so huge and scary, now that

I’ve been able to touch it with my hands, I can’t

and don’t want to ever let it go.

I go back home after having made breakfast and

taken Erin to University. She had her last exam

this morning. She was nervous but I’m sure it will

go well.

I open the door of my house, sighing like an

idiot and find everyone at the table having


“Hey,” I greet them and their serious faces.

“Something happened?”

“Nothing’s happened here,” Aaron says coldly.

“I’ll take a quick shower and go to the pub,” I

say, heading towards the stairs.

“Nope. You’re not going to get out of it like

that.” He blocks me. “Where the fuck were you

last night?” he asks me accusingly.

“I don’t think I have an obligation to let you all

know about where I go,” I say, stopping at the foot

of the stairs.

“Were you where I think you were?” He steps

closer, threateningly.

I huff and shake my head, heading straight to

my room, but Aaron grabs my arm.

“What’s your problem?” I ask, raising my voice.

“You were with her, weren’t you?”

I look him in the eyes without answering. My

silence speaks for me.

“I knew it! Christ, Patrick! What is your head

telling you? That little theatre you put on in the

pub yesterday? Going against her father? She’s

pregnant, Patrick!”

“Do you think I don’t know that? I’ve known

since the first day, Aaron. I’ve always known.”

“And you’re going on with this thing?”

“It’s not important to me that she’s pregnant.”

“God, Patrick, you’re a real asshole. I always

knew it, but I didn’t think it was this bad! But what

does your little head tell you, huh?”

“Aaron…” Rain interrupts.

“No, Rain. Don’t try to defend him like you

usually do!”


“He doesn’t have any excuses, Rain. And then,

Erin is your friend, shouldn’t you be worried about

her? Do you understand whose hands she’s fallen


“Aaron!” Rain jumps to her feet and sets her

hands down on the table. “You’re the one who

doesn’t understand! He doesn’t care about her

condition because he’s in love with her!” She


Aaron looks first at me and then at her while I

respond to Rain’s smile with affection and

gratitude. Rain’s one in a million.

“What?” Aaron continues to be disbelieving and

shifts his gaze from me back to her.

“I care for her,” I whisper, looking at him

seriously. “About them both.”

“That means that—”

“She’s the one I’ve been waiting my whole life


The silence that falls upon the room is

embarrassing, especially because the last words

said were mine and let’s just get it out there: it’s

not like me.

“Patrick, do you understand you’re about to

have someone else’s baby? That in a few months

she’s going to be a mother and everything is going

to change? Her life is going to be turned upside

down and yours is going to get dragged along with


“I’m already in this, Aaron. Completely. I am

fucking hers and I do not intend to go back on my


Rain runs to me and throws her arms around me

so hard that it leaves me winded.

“I knew it, I knew it,” she repeats as I hug her


Liam stands and joins us in the hug and now

there are three of us. Jay literally jumps out of his

seat and throws himself at me and slaps my buzzed


Aaron remains in silence another second before

asking me: “Are you by any chance in love with


Am I in love with her?

Fuck, yes.

“I am in love with both of them,” I say without

thinking about it.

Saying it out loud makes me feel even surer.

More of a man.

“I imagine this house will soon be fuller than it

currently is,” Aaron says while we all break out


He joins us and piles onto the group hug.

And so we remain, in the middle of the living

room hugging and close like we always have been.

Because this is our family. Full of chaos, loud,

made of unlikely combinations, but it’s mine and I

love it. And I’d do anything for her.

And I’d like Erin to be part of it, and her baby

will grow up among these walls with love,

friendship and loyalty.

And with me.

With his father close by.



I get up from the chair and accept the hand of my

professor who, to my disbelief, has given me top

marks. I didn’t think I had studied enough for this

exam, worried about a million problems, but the

night with Patrick and the morning we shared gave

me something extra that helped me to face this

with more confidence and determination and the

professor must have noticed my new attitude.

I let out a sigh of satisfaction and turn to leave

when I see someone standing at the door waiting

for me. I get closer, already feeling my good mood

evaporate as my father holds his arms out ready to

hug me. I let him do so and I kiss his cheek,

nervous about this surprise visit.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him.

“I came to see your last exam, I hope you don’t


“About what happened yesterday night—”

“Let’s not mention it again, okay? I was taken

by surprise, I wasn’t expecting that,” he says,

looking at my by-now visibly swollen belly. “You

must understand it will take me a while to get used

to the idea.”

I nod nervously as I fix my eyes on my gym

shoes. Things have changed since I’ve been

pregnant. I dress in a more sporty and comfortable

way, I don’t wear make-up or things on my hair

and I feel good. Just myself.

“Can I take you out for lunch? I’d like to stay a

bit with my daughter.”

“Okay,” I concede, worried about how this day

is going to end, a day that started off in the best

possible way.

~ ~ ~

We go to a place near campus that’s full of

professors and researchers and we sit down at a

table for two at the end of the hall.

“So, how are things going?”

“What is it you really want to know?”

“Everything, Honey. I want to know what’s

happened in these months we haven’t seen each

other. How we’ve gotten to this point,” he says,

looking at me very seriously.

I tell him about Nate and the end of our

relationship. I tell him how Patrick has been very

close to me and that we discovered we feel the

same way about each other and that things didn’t

go as expected and I discovered I was pregnant

almost right away. I don’t go into details, in order

to avoid giving away something that would make

Dad understand that the baby isn’t Patrick’s. So I

lie a bit about the time frames and the dynamics so

it’s a bit vague and he isn’t able to add things up

too quickly.

“And with this Patrick—”

“Dad, please.”

“What is it? I’m just asking. I want to know if

he treats you well, if you’re happy.”

“Patrick is wonderful.”

“And he’s going to take care of you and—”

“—The baby, Dad. You can say it out loud.”

“Sorry, this is hard for me. You’re my little


“Well, seems like your little girl is grown up,

and in a hurry.”

“So what are you intending to do? How have

you thought to reconcile things? A baby isn’t

something to take lightly, dear.”

“I still haven’t thought of it,” I say, looking at

my now empty plate. “I’m taking things day by


“And are you and Patrick getting married?”

“God, no, Dad!” I say, confused and shaken up

by his question. We just started getting serious;

even if he said he wants to be there for the baby

and me, I really don’t think Patrick is the marrying


“And how do you both intend to manage the

situation? Will you live together, will you continue

to study?”

There are too many questions that I don’t have

the answers to. I still haven’t thought of any

solutions, I’m just trying to face each difficulty as

and when it crops up.

“You won’t want to give up your studies.”

“I don’t think so. Maybe I’ll take a break.”

“Erin,” he tells me in a calm voice. “I was

thinking of coming back.”

“What? You can’t, you’ve got that good job—”

“I’ve only got three months left and in any case

I would have had to apply for a new assignment. I

was thinking of taking these three months as a

leave of absence to come back a bit early in order

to be closer to you.”

“You can’t, Dad. It’s not your responsibility.”

“Then whose is it? Patrick’s?”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I’m only saying

that the time has come where I need to face life on

my own without your help or anyone else’s.”

“Sweetheart, you’re only twenty-two and you

still have to graduate, you’re about to have a


“I can make it,” I say, even if my voice betrays

me. “I don’t want you … I don’t want anyone to

take care of me. I’ll take care of myself.”

“I’m sure you can do it, Erin, but I’m your

father and the child is my grandchild. Do you think

I could stay away from you? You’re all I have.”

My eyes fill up with tears and in a second, my

father hands me his handkerchief.

“I want to be there, even if you don’t need me. I

want to be near to help you because I am your dad

and that’s what parents do for their children.”

I nod, grateful and relieved. My father has come

home and will be close to the baby and me. It

makes me happy and is a huge weight lifted that

makes me feel better.

Not only because I’ll have someone to count on

but also because my father is my entire family.

“We’ll have to advise your mother,” he says.

“She has the right to know.”

I nod, drying my eyes.

“We’ll do it together, as soon as you’re ready,


“Thanks, Dad.”

He smiles and caresses my hand.

“I’ve called an agency and asked them to find a

solution. They have assured me they will take care

of it quickly so that we can go back home.”

I lift my head up and look at him dubiously.


“Sure, dear. If you and Patrick don’t intend to

live together, surely you don’t think that it makes

sense for you to stay in that apartment. As soon as

it’s all worked out we’ll go back home and get

things worked out, one step at a time.”

At home. My home.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. I’m here now

and everything will be fine.”

I nod, weak, unable to confess to my father that

I don’t have any intention of going back to live

with him. That I was already planning on

repainting the walls in the apartment and dreaming

of colors for the baby’s room.

That I was already dreaming about waking up

every morning in the strong arms of the man lying

next to me.


I stopped by to visit my mom. I had a few hours

free and so I decided to come check out the

situation to see if things had gone back to normal.

“Hey, Honey, what are you doing here?”

“Just stopped by to say hi,” I tell her, kissing her


“Can I make you something to eat? Are you


“No thanks, Mom, I’m fine. I’m just passing


“Just passing by? It’s not like I live right around

the corner.”

Okay, she got me.

“I wanted to see if everything’s going better.”

“You don’t have to worry about us, we’re

making it.”

“I can’t help it. Every time that bastard—”

“Patrick!” she admonishes me.

“Every time he shows his face, we all end up in

a mess.”

Mom sighs and sits down on the couch next to


“We’re all fine, dear. Relax. We have Carl with


I nod and squeeze her hand.

“How are things going at the pub?”

“The usual,” I say vaguely.

“And Erin? How is she?”

Hearing her name makes me break out in a


“What’s this now?”


“What are you smiling about?”

“Me? You’re wrong.”

“I’ll have none of that malarkey, Patrick.”

“Erin is well.”

“And?” she leans closer into me. “What aren’t

you telling me now?”

My cell phone goes off in my pocket. I cut the

conversation short and look at the display. It’s


“Hi, Rain”

“Patrick, where are you?”

“I’m at my mother’s.”

“You have to come straight away to St. John’s.”

“The hospital?” I jump to my feet. “Why?

What’s happened?”

“Just get here, second floor.”

“Rain, but—”

“There’s something that you absolutely have to


~ ~ ~

I get to the hospital in twenty minutes. Usually it

would take about thirty or more, but by going

faster on my motorcycle I shaved off some time.

I park and head in the main doors, going

straight to the lifts. I go to the second floor where I

find Rain waiting for me in front of the sliding

doors leading to the ward.

“Finally!” She pulls me by the arm, “Hurry up,

room 108.”

“Who?” I ask, looking around, reading the sign

that says ‘gynecology’.


I look at her confused, while she smiles at me,

nodding towards the door. I open it just enough to

see Erin in the bed with her tummy uncovered and

a doctor passing a sonogram over her.

As soon as I get past the doorway the doctor

smiles at me, nodding for me to come in while

Erin has not yet realized I’m here.

I take a chair in the corner and bring it to the

bedside. I sit and brush her hand over the sheets.

She jumps and whips her head up to look at me

with big dreamy eyes, confused and surprised to

see me.

“Here’s Daddy,” says the doctor, smiling at us


“He isn’t…” Erin starts to say, and I squeeze her

hand hard.

“I’m here, sorry about being late.”

“No problem, we just started. I was just asking

Erin if you want to know the baby’s gender.”

“It’s up to you to decide.” I smile, full of


“I don’t know … I think, yes.”

“Good,” continues the doctor, looking at the


“Couldn’t be any healthier. This baby girl is

really active, I don’t know what you’ll have to deal

with when she’s born.”

The only thing I heard was the word ‘girl’

before every emotion I have invaded every part of

my body.

“A girl,” Erin whispers in a voice wracked with

raw feeling. “Did you hear that, Patrick?” she says

to me but I’m speechless.

“The father is a bit emotional, let’s give him a

moment to gather himself before we go on,” the

doctor says before leaving us alone in the room.

Erin looks at me and brushes my face with her

hand. “Hey … is everything alright? Is anything


“It’s a girl,” I say, barely swallowing the lump

in my throat.

“Yes.” She smiles.

“We’re going to have a baby girl,” I say without

thinking about it, without reflecting on it and

without asking myself even for one second what

I’m doing here, why I’m next to this woman

holding her hand and why I’m crying like a baby

as I stare at a monitor with something undefined

and incomprehensible in front of my eyes.

And yet my heart is exploding with love and

happiness at seeing it all.

Seeing the lines of her face, a turned-up nose

like her mother, dark hair and doe eyes, sweet and


Seeing a vivacious smile that precedes the echo

of a joyous laugh that fills all the days of my life.

Seeing a little puffy and delicate hand that grabs

on to mine with all its force and that I’ll never let


My heart sees all of it, even that which the eye


I can distinctly see this child running into my


This little girl is part of me, as if she was a piece

of my heart.

Because this child is mine.



I’m in a queue at the office of the university to

submit my thesis. I’m emotional and satisfied

because despite everything I’m doing, I’m going

on with my life.

I go in the office and speak with the secretary

and fill in all the forms, proud of myself. As I walk

through the hall heading toward the exit, I feel

someone touch my shoulder. I turn around to find

myself face to face with Nate.

“Erin … Hi, I thought that was you.” He smiles.

Then his gaze drops lower and his expression


“Nate,” I say embarrassed, biting my lip.


“I can explain,” I say, gulping hard.

“You’re pregnant?”

I lower my gaze.

“Erin,” he sighs. “It’s…”

I nod, unable to lie.

~ ~ ~

We sit in the cafeteria. I don’t have the courage to

look him in the eye. I wasn’t able to lie to him

either. Nate isn’t stupid.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asks,

rubbing my hand.

I shake my shoulders. “You had just left me,

what could I do?”

He nods seriously. “I would have liked to have

known. What were you going to do? Keep it a

secret forever? I’m its father, Erin. Did you think I

wouldn’t accept my responsibilities?”

“I didn’t want you to feel any obligation.”

“Obligation? We’re talking about a child, our


“And what can you tell me about your

researcher girlfriend?”

“There is no researcher girlfriend. We left each

other a month ago. She went back to America.”

“Did she leave you?”

“It didn’t work out. She finished her time here

and went home. That’s it.”

“I see,” I reply resentfully.

He threw away everything for a few months of

sex with another woman.

“What are your intentions?” he asks dubiously.

“You know…”

“I’m having this child, Nate.”

“Yes, of course, that’s not what I intended to

say. I was just asking how you were thinking of

organizing your life, if there’s anyone to help


I can’t look him in the face to tell him about

Patrick. I look away and he comes to his own


“The gorilla, huh?” He says with a strained

smile. “I should have seen it coming.”

“Nate, listen, I don’t want anything from you,

okay? Nothing.”

“This child is also mine, Erin. I am its father

and I intend to provide for him. And for you.”

~ ~ ~

I go back home on the bus. I should have called

Patrick to have him pick me up, as I said I would,

but I just need some time to sort out my thoughts.

Nate wants to take his responsibility, to think of

the child and of me. He says we can give it another

try, that he made a stupid mistake and he’s ready to

start over for everyone’s sake. In a certain sense,

he’s right. He is the baby’s father, not Patrick even

if I’ve been telling myself differently.

I get off the bus at the stop in front of the pub

and Patrick comes out right away to meet me.

“Hey, how come you didn’t call me? I would

have come and got you,” he says, kissing me on

the lips. “Are you well? Are you both well?” he

corrects himself, patting my tummy.

I nod and let him hug me.

“What’s wrong? I can see you’re not happy. Are

you too tired?”

I nod again, hiding in his arms, unable to look at

him or to tell him what’s just happened.

“Go on upstairs and lay down a while because

tonight I’m taking you somewhere special. I took

the night off.”


“Nah … it’s a surprise.”

“Okay,” I say against my will and give him a

kiss on the cheek before I head upstairs, where I

am going to eat a tub of chocolate ice-cream while

I’m relaxing in a hot bath, so I can forget about all

this for a few moments.


“Surprise!” I say, parking in front of my family’s

house, where the door has been painted pink and a

million balloons written ‘It’s a girl’ are waiting for


“What?” Erin says in surprise.

“Come on.” I open her door and take her hand.

As soon as we set foot out of the car the house

door slams open and my whole family spills out to

welcome us.

“Oh my God, Erin!” exclaims my mother,

embracing her tightly. “You’re just stunning!” she

continues with misty eyes.

Erin is confused and looks around, trying to

understand what’s happening. Then the crowd

opens up, revealing another little surprise for her.

“Honey!” her mom comes out of the house to

hug her. Erin takes refuge in that hug and begins

crying, clearly moved.

“Mama … how did you…”

“This young man called me and told me

everything,” she says, referring to me. “I would

have liked to have known earlier so I could have

been here sooner.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“Hey, don’t cry, it’s not important. What is

important is that you and the baby are well.”

“All right everybody, inside,” calls my mother.

“Let the party begin.”

~ ~ ~

Also in the house waiting for us is Erin’s father,

Liam and Rain. We thought to have a little party

for the baby’s arrival. In point of fact, it was Rain’s

idea. We wanted to do it at the pub but it didn’t

seem right. So I called my mom and asked for her


I can still hear her scream of joy ringing in my


Then I thought the moment had come to call

Erin’s mother too. I know I shouldn’t have really

gotten involved in that, but her father agreed that

we should make a move before too much time

went by.

Her mother reacted very differently to the way

her father did; she understood and came out right

away to be with her daughter. I’m glad her family

is ready to support her.

Erin is sitting on the couch, eating a piece of

chocolate cake with whipped cream—my mother’s


Everyone has brought gifts for the baby and she

cries with emotion every time she opens one.

“Hey.” My mother comes up behind me.

“Thanks for all this, Mom.”




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