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Sweet Torment: A Novella by Georgia Cates (7)


Claudia Bliss

Two Weeks Later

My mom uses a toothpick to apply pressure across the eyelash band she just glued to my lid. “Do not poke me in the eye with that.”

“Shut up. I know what I’m doing.” My mom knows exactly what she’s doing. She has a true talent when it comes to cosmetics. I’m lucky I have her to help me get ready for prom.

“Open.” I lift my lids and she judges her work. “Looks good, thank God. I think I’d cry if I had to take it off and do it again.”

Me too. It never looks right when you take it off and do it again. Ends up looking like a caked mess.

Mom moves so she’s no longer blocking my view of myself in the mirror. “Take a look and tell me what you think.”

I lean over the vanity for a closer inspection. Smoky eye in shimmery peach and brown. Black liquid liner with an exaggerated wing. Highlights and contours. Lips in matte peachy nude. “It’s perfect, Mom. Looks just like the picture I showed you.”

“What time is Oscar coming?”

“He’ll be here in about thirty minutes.”

“You better get dressed. I want to get plenty of pictures of you by yourself before he arrives.”

I’m scorching after sitting under the bathroom lights for so long. “I need to cool down so I’m not sweaty when I put on my dress. Let me grab a cold drink first.”

I’m standing in the kitchen sipping on a bottle of water—and wearing only my panties and a button-down—when Owen and Bram come in from outside.

“Damn, Claud. Can you put on some clothes and stop running around the house naked?”

My shirt isn’t incredibly long but the hem hits below my panties. Barely. “Sorry. Didn’t know anyone was here.”

“Well, we are here, and Bram doesn’t want to see you running around without clothes.” It’s nearly impossible not to burst into laughter, but I manage to hold it together.

Owen pats his back pocket. “Let me grab my wallet, and then we’ll take off.”

The way Bram’s eyes inspect me from head to toe makes me tingle between my legs. “You look incredible.”

“Thank you.”

He chuckles. “I had hoped to see you in your dress, but this is even better.”

We’ve done some very light making out, but none of it has involved the removal of clothing. This is the closest Bram has come to seeing me naked. “Do you like the way I look in just a shirt and panties?”

He smiles and nods. “Oh yes. I like it very much.”

I wonder if he’d like to see more.

I know I shouldn’t do it. But I can’t resist.


I don’t stop pulling my shirt up until Bram is able to see my panties and bare stomach. My fingertips glide down the pink lace triangle that disappears between my legs. “This is going to be yours soon.”

He reaches into his hair and fists the top. “Not soon enough.”

I pull the lace to the side so he can see what’s beneath. “You know you want this. You want to touch it. Be inside it.”

“Oh. Fuck. Me.”

“I’m dying to.” I grin as I lower my shirt. “I would tonight if you would.”

“You’re such a wicked girl for tempting me like that. You know how weak I am.”

Nothing about Bram is weak. I’ve never known a stronger man in my life. “I’d say the opposite is true.”

I smile behind my bottle of water when Owen returns to the kitchen. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah, but I need to use the bathroom first.”

I bet he does. “And I need to get into my dress.”

I follow Bram down the hallway. “Have fun in there pumping your pickle. Unless you want me to come in and help you out.”

“While I’m taking care of what you’ve done to me, I’m going to fantasize about spanking your ass so hard.”

I take his hand and put it on my butt. “Ooh, spank me hard and then do me from behind.”

He yanks his hand away and groans. “Fuck, Claud. You don’t talk or act like a virgin.”

It’s impossible to be prim and proper when you’re always hanging out with three rough-and-tumble boys. “I grew up around you, Owen, and River. What did you think was going to happen?”

“I had no idea we were turning you into this.”

“You like this. Admit it.”

“Can’t lie. I fucking love it.”

“I want to come over tonight.”

Bram exhales slowly as he adjusts his cock through his jeans. I could make him feel so much better if he’d just let me. “Not the best idea, bae. Odds are good that Owen and River will crash at my place after we watch the game.”

“If they’re passed out, they’ll never know I’m there. I can slip in and out and they’ll be none the wiser.” I’m good at being sneaky when I want to be.

“It’s too risky.”

I clutch the front of his shirt. “I want to see you.”

“I want to see you too but not if it means blowing everything we’ve worked so hard to keep from them.” He cradles the side of my face and strokes his thumb over my cheek. “Only five more weeks, little dove. You’ve got to hang in there.”

I turn my face toward his hand and kiss his palm. “Okay, but text if they don’t stay.”

“I will.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

I lightly tap on the bathroom door as soon as it closes, and Bram cracks it. “No, you can’t come in and give me a hand job or blowjob or any other kind of job.”

I put my mouth to the crack and whisper, “Hey, when you do me from behind, I want you to pull my hair.”

“Oh, no worries. You’re going to get it rough.”

I’m still smiling—and maybe giggling a little—when I return to my bedroom.

“That big grin wouldn’t have anything to do with running into a certain calculus tutor, would it?”

Why in the world would she say something like that? “Mommm. No.”

“You’re a terrible liar, Claudia.”

This isn’t good. What do I say to throw her off our trail? “He’s… Bram. I’ve known him my entire life. He’s Owen’s best friend.”

“And you’ve loved him your entire life. Just as he’s loved you.”

Shit. She knows. There’s no denying it. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. It’s written all over your face.”

She has the power to make serious trouble for Bram and me. “Are you mad?”

“No. I adore Bram. Why would I be angry?”

God, what a relief. “Because he’s so much older than me.”

“It’s never felt like there were that many years between you, especially after you got a little older.”

I feel the same. “We worry people will be opposed to us being together.”

“I never have to worry about Bram hurting you. That gives me peace of mind.”

I hadn’t thought of it like that. “We’re planning to tell everyone after my birthday. What do you think Dad will say?”

“Bram is like another son to us but he’s also a grown man. Your daddy still sees you as his little girl. He might not be won over as easily as me but he’ll come around after the idea has had time to sink in.”

“We’re worried about Owen’s reaction.”

“Your brother is protective of you. I wouldn’t expect him to like it much at first, but I think he’ll come around after the shock wears off.”

“Will you keep our secret until we’re ready to tell everyone?”

“Yes, but first I need to know one thing. Are you being safe?”

“More than safe. He hasn’t touched me.”

My mom’s brows lift. “I suppose with Bram that shouldn’t surprise me. It would be just like him to handle you with the utmost respect. He’d never do anything to upset us or your brother regarding you.”

It’s an enormous relief to have my mother’s approval. “Thank you for being so understanding. You’re the best mom in the world.”

She looks up and blinks rapidly. “Don’t make me cry. I can’t have runny mascara in the pictures.”

“I’m going to put on my dress while you grab a tissue and blot.”

I slip into the short turquoise sequin gown and Mom pulls the zipper upward. I step into my silver pumps and rise three inches. I’d be considered average height now. Maybe.

“You look beautiful, baby girl.”


“Let’s see if the boys are still here. I’d like to get some pictures with them.”

I’m thrilled when we find Bram and Owen still in the living room. Owen stands and gives me the once-over. “Wooo… check out this hot tamale.”

I hold out the skirt of my dress and do a spin. “Like it?”

“You look great, sis. Every boy at that prom is going to want to dance with you.”

Bram’s brow wrinkles. Don’t go there, Duke. Don’t start questioning what I’ll be doing tonight while I’m not with you.

“You know me. I’m not much of a dancer.”

Mom taps Bram on the shoulder. “Up. I want a picture of you and Claudia together.”

Owen tosses his hands in the air. “Well, shit, Mom. You don’t want one of your son and daughter together?”

“Hold your horses, Owen. I’ll get your picture in a minute.”

Bram’s grin is wide when he approaches. “You look gorgeous.”

“Thank you.”

“Bram, put your arm around Claudia.”

He does as Mom says but also lowers his head to whisper in my ear. “Owen’s right. All the boys are going to want you.”

“Doesn’t matter. I don’t like boys. I’m into men.” I love the huge smile that spreads across his face.

“I want some pictures by the azaleas.” Mom takes at least fifty pictures of us. The whole time I’m thinking one thing—years from now, we’ll show these pictures to our kids and tell them the story of us.

“Hey, no one told me there was a photo shoot. I want in.” River dashes across the lawn and wraps his arms around me from behind, doing the dreaded prom pose.

“Almost done but I need one of you and the boys together.”

River steps back so Bram can take the spot next to me. It’s funny how it’s always been that way, even when we were kids. He has always instinctively known Bram’s place was by my side.

If you went through photos of when I was a baby or toddler, you’d see that nine times out of ten it was Bram holding me. Occasionally Owen and rarely River.

“Look who I found.” I follow the sound of my dad’s voice and see him, Oscar, and his parents coming toward our photo shoot location by the hot-pink azaleas.

I’m not super excited about Bram seeing me with Oscar, so I play it off as platonic as possible. “Hey, it’s pork chop looking all snazzy in a tux.” Calling a guy pork chop is about as unromantic as it gets.

He grins and adjusts his bow tie. “I guess I clean up all right.”

He comes to me and opens a clear plastic container holding a spray of flowers. “Corsage for the lady.”

Shit. I don’t think it’s good for your boyfriend to see another guy give you flowers of any kind. “It’s beautiful, but you didn’t have to do that.”

“That’s what a prom date does.” I wish Oscar hadn’t referred to himself as my date in front of Bram. Although he’s aware we’re going together as friends, I know Bram won’t like hearing that.

“Thank you.” I glance at Bram when Oscar slides the elastic band around my wrist. Just as I suspected, he doesn’t look happy.

“Come stand with Claudia, Oscar. I need to get pictures of you two. Don’t worry. I’ll be quick since I know you need to leave for the party bus soon.”

Oscar puts his arms around me, more of the dreaded prom pose, but I put on happy appearances for the camera. When we finish, I glance at Bram and his broad smile has been replaced with a scowl. Well, shit. Nothing I can do about it now.

“I need to grab my clutch before we go.”

I’m dashing out of my bedroom when I collide with Bram in the hallway.

“I’ve changed my mind. I want to see you later tonight, so text me when you leave prom.”

I can’t stop the smile spreading on my face. “Okay. But what about the two numbnuts?”

“I’ll come up with something.” He shrugs. “Maybe pull out the Jack Daniels and get them to do shots.”

Drunk and passed out. “I like that plan a lot.”

“Damn, I want to kiss you, but I’ll mess up your lipstick.”

“How about I let you mess it up later?” Maybe leave a ring around his cock.
