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Taken by the Lawman (Lawmen of Wyoming Book 6) by Rhonda Lee Carver (10)


“Which one of you can explain what the fuck is going on here?” Hamilton slammed his fist down on the desk, upsetting the pen holder and his cup of coffee. He didn’t even seem to care. His brooding dark eyes were on Kiersten, dragging back and forth from her to Deegan. His gaze carried enough venom to poison their bloodstream. She knew the man could make the bravest of agents shake in their shoes, and she was no different, although Deegan seemed cool and unaffected. “And after that, then maybe you can explain why your number was on this dead girl’s phone.” Hamilton dropped a sheet of paper into Deegan’s lap

Kiersten looked down at the printed picture of a young brunette but didn’t recognize her. However, Deegan’s calm mood slipped some. “Dead?”

“Found a couple of hours ago. Overdose. Now, tell me why in God’s creation did the local detective find your number as the last one she texted?”

Kiersten shifted.

“I can explain,” Deegan said.

“The hell you better,” he ranted. “You both have a lot of explaining to do. First, we have a homeless victim found dead in the same alley as the homeless guy last week, and now you two just happened to be in a hotel where a false fire alarm was pulled and shots were fired. I have damaged vehicles. Scared people. And the media up my ass. Cade, you look like you’ve been run over by a freight train full of pigs. Hell, I know I should be offering to make you some cocoa with sprinkles, but I have two of my best agents hiding shit and you know I don’t play games.”

Realizing that they both could go down for this, she volunteered, “We haven’t been hiding anything. I received a tip from an anonymous lead to the death of the homeless man, Gavin Franco I asked Bronx to meet up with the girl, our newest victim, who was in an illegal business with Franco and ask her questions.”

“I gave her my number in case she remembered anything,” Deegan added.

“Remembered anything about fucking what? And what lead?” Hamilton blew out a long breath and got up to round his desk, sitting on the corner. He was a pudgy, balding man who always had a red face.

“Pictures, sir,” Kiersten continued. “Pictures of Annie Steele. Someone had been following her, monitoring her activities.” She realized she’d get the heat for not coming to him sooner, but at this point she wouldn’t stop until she caught the killer. She had skin in this fight now.

“Well…well.” Hamilton shook his head. “Isn’t this just great! Where are the pictures?”

Deegan reached into his jacket pocket and handed them over. Kiersten felt the heat of his disapproving narrowed eyes. Apparently, he didn’t like that she took the blame for most of what had happened.

Hamilton looked through each photo, his face becoming redder and his lips thinner. “So, the woman had a stalker. Who else knows about these?” he sneered.

“No one except for the guy we came across in the hotel garage,” Kiersten said.

“Go on.” Hamilton dropped the pictures to his desk.

“The girl that was found in the alley was working with Franco. They stole briefcases, wallets, you name it, and sold them back to the owners. However, they came across those pictures in one suitcase and, because Franco realized what they were worth considering Annie Steele had been found dead and was the Senator’s mistress, he thought he could scam more money later. The owner of the briefcase shot Franco, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t kill the girl too. A source informed us that the syringe found on Annie Steele’s floor was laced with fentanyl,” Deegan said levelly. “She also had bruising that is evidence of foul play. She didn’t willingly overdose.”

“Where do the events in the garage come into play?” Hamilton asked.

“The girl gave us the number where they called to sell the owner back his briefcase,” Kiersten said. “Deegan called and made arrangements to meet the killer under the disguise that he was a scammer too.”

Hamilton went back to his seat. “Let me get this straight. You have pictures of a dead girl who not only was suspected of overdosing but is linked to a Senator. We have two more dead bodies that are connected, and Cade here almost got herself killed. What the hell!”

“Annie Steele didn’t willingly use those drugs,” Deegan said confidently. “She was murdered, just like Franco and the homeless girl, maybe because of something she knew or because her situation with the Senator was exposed.”

Kiersten looked at Deegan’s profile. Would he confess that Kline was his buddy, and about the video? However, he didn’t…

Hamilton rubbed his forehead in agitation. His face was three shades of purple and he had a grim look. “I should be putting both of you on unpaid leave. Do you realize how many lives you’ve put in danger?” He shook his head, looking back and forth at each of them. “But I won’t. What I do want is for the both of you to find the bastard who knocked around one agent and shot at another. Nobody messes with my agents and gets away with it.” He pounded his fist into his palm.

Realizing they were off the hook for now, Kirsten stood and Deegan joined her.

“Thank you, sir,” Kiersten said.

Before they could make it to the door, Hamilton muttered, “Hey you two vigilantes?” They turned to look at him.

“Yes, sir?” they said in unison

“Don’t screw this up. Make it quick and easy, but no bloodshed. You hear? This is off the record and I don’t want a bloody trail. Got it?”

They nodded.

“You have one week.”

Once they were outside, Deegan stopped her. “Why did you do that?”

“Take the blame and get us out of trouble? Hell, I don’t know.” She gave her head a shake.

“I don’t need you doing that. I’m a grown ass man and can stand up for the decisions I make. He could have laid the hammer down on you.”

“And I knew he’d fire you quicker than he would me. We both know that, especially since this isn’t the first time you’ve been on the line for going against protocol.” She kept walking. Her entire body hurt. Seeing the hard set of his jaw and his unusual silence, she stopped. “Deegan?” he looked at her. “It’s not your fault that the homeless girl is dead.”

“Yeah, right,” he muttered and stomped toward his truck.

He was already in the driver’s seat by the time she had made it to the passenger seat. “Although I think it was crazy that you gave her your number, I can see why you did it. We have no clue what really happened to her. It could have been an overdose.”

“Or the killer could have found her.”

“She was living on the edge, Deegan. We see this all the time. You giving her money and asking her questions wasn’t the reason why she died. She was caught up in something very dangerous.”

He turned his pensive gaze on her. “I don’t believe the girl overdosed any more than I believe Annie killed herself. If I’d found the killer sooner there would be one less death. If I hadn’t come into the garage when I did, you could be—” His face became hard. “We have to find the killer.”

She laid her hand on his elbow. “We will. We’re getting closer. I can feel it.”

He blew out a long breath through the corner of his tight lips. “My God, Kiersten. You’re bruised and banged up. This is all because of me. I should have never asked you to help with the case.”

“There will be none of that. Although no one likes to get their ass kicked, it happens sometimes in this business.”

Deegan brought his hand up and cupped her cheek. “It’s late and we both could use some sleep. Let’s find a bed and zonk out.”


“If you think for a second that I’m going to leave your side, you’re crazy. From now until you are better, I’m your nurse. Got that?” He dropped his hand from her cheek and started the engine. “We can go back to my place. It’s not the Hilton, but—” He smiled. “That’s right. You already know.”

Her body warmed, from her roots to the tips of her toes. If they went back to his place, she knew exactly what would happen and sleep had nothing to do with it. “No, not your place.”

“Yours then?”

She gave her head a shake. “No, all my stuff is moved out.”

“You’re moving?” His brows scrunched.

“I’m building a house.”

“Why didn’t you mention it?”

“Why would I?” She shifted in the seat, putting on her seatbelt before he had the chance. “By the way, what did the text message read from the girl? Hamilton said it was the last message she sent.”

“I don’t know because I didn’t see it.” He reached in, took out his phone, clicking on the appropriate icon. “There it is.”

“Read it,” she urged.


“I know where he lives. I’ll tell you. Meet me tonight.”


“She knew where he lived? Why is it that I believe she knew this information all along?”

. “She certainly had entrepreneurial skills.”

She caught the hitch in his voice and she knew he truly felt sadness over the girl’s death. Every lawman felt the weight of those who died on their watch.

“I need a few winks. Where are we headed?” he asked quietly.

“Pull out of here and take a left.” Once they were out on the main road, she said, “Why doesn’t the killer just cut his losses and get the hell out of dodge?”

“I told you, he’s committed and loyal. You said he was trained in hand-to-hand combat. I’d bet he’s a soldier.”

She nodded. “I thought the same thing.”

“You can always back out of this case, Kiersten.”

 “Please don’t tell me you’re thinking I can’t handle him,” she huffed, settling her narrowed gaze on him.

“No. I was going to say that when I’m around you I feel weak and I make poor decisions. I’d hate for you to have to save my life because I’m a blubbering idiot under the Kiersten Cade lure.”

She bit back a smile and rolled her eyes. “Funny. I think you’re so tired you’re talking out of your head. Let’s leave it at that. Turn onto the Interstate.”

“Are you keeping our destination a secret?”

 “Didn’t you tell me once that you’d like to meet my brothers?” She waited for his nod. “Well, no time like the present.”



By the time they reached the ranch, Deegan was tired, but there would be no sleeping until Kiersten had an ice pack and pain meds to reduce the swelling on her face. She told him not to worry, but he felt guilty that he allowed this to happen to her.

In the kitchen, he opened drawers and cabinets until he’d found a plastic baggie to fill with ice along with a soft dish towel. Taking them into the living room he found her starting a fire in the antique stove. It took the chill off the air.

“Have a seat,” he demanded when she was finished stoking the flames. She took the corner of the couch and he handed her the ice pack. “Now, where is the first aid kit?”

“In the bathroom.”

The place was small but considering it was above the garage, he didn’t expect it to be spacious. He didn’t have any trouble finding the bathroom, or the first aid kit from under the sink. Thankfully it had everything he needed to patch her up. Back in the living room, after a stop to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge, he sat down next to her and opened the kit.

“Deegan, I don’t ne—”

“Don’t argue.” He popped the lid to the water and a bottle of pain medication. “Take two of these.”

She did as he requested, still holding the bag against her cheek.

“Now, let me see.” The cuts on her head were only minor, but the bruising looked painful. She’d have a black eye by sunrise. He squeezed a bit of healing ointment onto his finger and gently rubbed it onto the wound.

“You’re pretty good at this,” she said.

“I have my good points.” He smiled. “And thank you.”


“Wanting to save my ass from Hamilton’s bite. I could have handled it though. After all, I got us into this mess.”

She shrugged. “No, we’re in this together. Now it’s become a mission.”

“I’m sorry but I won’t think straight until I’ve had a few winks.”

“Okay.” She stood. “You take the couch. I’ll take the bed. See you in the morning.”

He barely remembered laying down because the second he closed his eyes, he was out like a light. What felt like minutes, he was awakened by an animated voice, laughter, and the sunlight streaming in through the windows of the tiny apartment. He brought his head up and blinked, wondering if he was seeing correctly. The space was full of brawny men and Kiersten was standing in the circle of the cowboys as she greeted each of them with a tight hug and smile.

Deegan sat up and Kiersten met his gaze from across the room. “I’m sorry. We woke you. I have a pot of coffee on and I’m sure you’ll want to use the bathroom. Then we’ll make introductions.”

He felt the wrath of five sets of eyes on him, but she was right. He could certainly use a bathroom stop and a large cup of coffee.

Lifting the seat to take care of morning business, he heard more laughter coming from the Cade clan. He wasn’t sure he was quite ready for a meeting of sorts, but he didn’t have a choice. Flushing the toilet, washing his hands, and splashing his face with cold water, he stepped back into the outer room feeling more human.

Kiersten shoved a steaming cup of coffee his direction and he accepted it with gratitude.

Deegan had heard great things about the Cade brothers, but there was nothing to prepare him for meeting the five muscular men in person. He dragged his gaze from each brawny, above average in height, man as Kiersten introduced them. Phoenix, Kace, Zander, Nixon, and Cull. That should be easy enough to remember. Although Deegan was tall and muscular himself, he wasn’t too proud to say he’d hate to piss off one of the Cade brothers. They would be a force to reckon with.

“Nice to meet you,” the one called Phoenix said. The others mumbled a half-hearted greeting. They all had similar looks and pale blue eyes.

“Don’t tell Ma and Pa I’m here and that I have a couple of bruises,” Kiersten said over the rim of her coffee cup. Although she did have a black eye, the swelling was down and she looked rested. She wasn’t holding her side like she was last night.

“And how do you plan on keeping you being here a secret?” Kace asked.

“We’ll put Deegan’s truck in the barn and lay low. I don’t want to be the source of making them worry any more than they already do.”

“So that would mean you and Bronx plan to stay here, in the garage apartment? Together?” If looks could kill, Deegan would be dead. Nix stared at him with obvious loathing while Kace cracked his knuckles and one corner of Zander’s mouth dipped into an agitated frown. Cull was grinning as if he knew something the others didn’t.

“Relax.” Kiersten shook her head in warning. “Neither one us want anyone to know we’re here. We’re working a case that needs our extra focus.”

“A case?” Nix chuckled. “That’s what you’re calling that? He didn’t have anything to do with almost getting you killed, did he?” A thumb was pointed in Deegan’s direction.

“No. I told you!” Kiersten sighed.

“How can we help?” Phoenix asked.

“Well, we don’t plan on asking you boys to do any more work than you already do. My sisters-in-law already share you way too much with criminals.” Kiersten loved her brothers, and their wives, and there was no way she could ask them for help.

“Look, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we want to find this asshole, make a single file line, and each of us have a few minutes alone with him for what he did to you, sis,” Zander said gruffly.

“I’ll be the first in line,” Nix growled.

“Okay. Okay. Thank you, but Deegan and I have this covered. If I need something I’ll ask, but seriously, I can handle myself,” she assured them. She gave Deegan a side glance. “We both can handle ourselves.”

Deegan appreciated the way the Cade men were protective over Kiersten. He wanted to pledge to them that he’d protect her too with everything he had, but he knew she’d be ticked. She wanted everyone to see her as an equal and not a woman in a male-dominated career. Hell, Deegan had never viewed her as anything but an equal. He’d bet a limb that she was the smartest agent at the department. And one of the bravest. Not many people, man or woman, could suffer a knock down drag out and walk the next day. And here she was, even managing to smile. Deegan had lots of respect for her.

“Okay, we won’t say anything to Ma and Pa, but once they find out you’re here and we didn’t tell them, the bruises won’t matter because Ma will open a can of whoop ass on all of us.” Cull laughed.

“I only need a few days and the bruises will fade enough that I can hide them under concealer,” Kiersten said.

“Isn’t that what you used to do to hide hickeys?” Phoenix teased.

She slapped him playfully on the shoulder. “No, that’s what I did for you…all of you.” She pointed at each of them. “I’ve been a very good sister.” She smiled and Deegan’s heart lit. She was different here on the family ranch. Playful. Relaxed. Young. And so damn beautiful that he was weak. All he could think about was how much he wanted to make her his, permanently. He’d even quit the department to have her. “Now you cowboys go home to your wives, and Cull, you and Sally have a wedding to plan. Who’s going to sneak us some of Ma’s food out of the main house first?”

For men who loved to talk, none of them spoke.

“I could drive to the grocery—”

“No, Deegan. I want Ma’s cooking. She always keeps leftovers. One of them can do this, although Ma and Pa have the skillset of ninjas. It’ll have to be one of you who is sly.” She smiled and looked straight at Zander and they all followed suit.

He squinted. “Wait? Why me?”

“Because you’re the sneakiest. Even as kids when we were sneaking out, we all got caught and you never did,” Nixon said with a grin. “We got our tails busted and you thought it was funny. Let’s see if you still have the skills.”

“I don’t because Wynn has proven it. Marriage does that to a man. Weakens him,” he announced with a shrug.

“Fine, be a baby, Zan. I’ll do it. They’re probably both gone by now anyway.” Cull shook his head in irritation. “If I’m not back in twenty, come in search of me.”

They all left but Cull promised he’d come back soon.

Deegan looked at Kiersten who was messing with the fire in the woodstove. “I like how you all get along.”

“Trust me, it can be suffocating at times. Sure, we love each other dearly, but they are too protective, and it’s probably why I grew up not wanting to be taken care of by any man.” She stoked the fire alive and he admired her skill. Just another to be added to her list of many.

“You don’t need a man, Kiersten. You need a champion because that’s what it’ll take.” He smiled.

Closing the door to the stove, she shrugged. “Unfortunately, there aren’t many champions left in the world. I would know because I’ve met every single Mr. Wrong.”

“Come on, you should hold out hope. There are just as many women out there who like to drag a man through the coals only to bust his balls.”

“Does that mean the Deegan Bronx has been hurt once or twice?” She seemed suddenly very interested.

“Sure. Who hasn’t had a broken heart?” Although he’d been in bad relationships, how could he tell her that he had it bad for her? That he couldn’t even think about another woman because her image popped up in his head and monopolized all his thoughts.

“That’s why we keep our hearts close,” she said nonchalantly.

He wondered if she really meant that? If so, that would mean he might never have a chance with her. He wanted her more and more each hour that passed, more than he wanted his next breath.

“I’m going to take a shower. Hopefully Cull isn’t a sloth because I’m hungry.”

He watched Kiersten head into the bathroom and close the door. He was hungry too, but food couldn’t touch the deprivation.

Deegan had just poured himself a second cup of coffee when the door came open and it was Cull carrying two bags of groceries. He placed the bags on the counter, taking out a small basket of eggs. “These are from the chickens.”

“Thank you, Cull. I appreciate it.”

“I brought Kiersten some of her clothes too. She in the shower?” Cull looked toward the hall.


“Good. This gives us some time to talk.” Cull leaned against the counter and hooked his thumbs in his front pockets.

Deegan knew what the other man was thinking. “Don’t worry. I admire and respect Kiersten.”

“Are you who I think you are?” Cull narrowed his gaze, his voice low.


“She’s told me everything. The plan. Or mission as she called it.”

“Plan?” Had Deegan missed something?

“She’d never bring a man home, unless...” Cull pushed off the counter and went to stoke the fire. “You’re the one she has chosen to…procreate.”

“Procreate? No…I mean…what has she said about us?” Did Kiersten reveal to her brother, or brothers, that they’d slept together? That would explain why they were looking at him like they could rip his head off his shoulders.

“Ah, so there is something going on? You’re not through that agency, are you? I mean, I get that she wants a baby, but it’s against mother nature to hire an agency to find a father for your baby.”

It took three beats for Deegan to comprehend what Cull was saying. So, Kiersten wants a baby? “No, I’m not from some agency.”

“I get that she’s a grown up. She wants my brothers and me to stay out of her business, but truthfully, Sally and I discussed Kiersten having a baby and Sally told me she thinks Kiersten is ready. Now that I have a relationship of my own, I understand a lot more. So, I’m heading out and leaving you two alone.” Cull patted Deegan on the shoulder. “If I was you, I wouldn’t tell the rest of the clan about your plans with Kiersten. They don’t know about the baby thing and won’t like it.”

After Cull was gone, Deegan knocked on the bathroom door.


“Cull was here. He brought you clothes. I’m placing them here.”

When Kiersten finally came out of the bathroom, Deegan was still chewing on the information he’d heard.

“Food. Thank God. I could eat a horse,” she said as she pulled out items from the bags. She was wearing a T-shirt and shorts that showed of her nice, long legs. “I wouldn’t really eat a horse.” She laughed.

“I didn’t think so,” Deegan said.

“Oh my gosh. This is what I was hoping for. My Ma makes the best fried chicken ever.” She took the platter, pulled back the plastic wrap and sat it on the table. Once she plopped down in the chair, she looked at him with a curious gaze. “Are you going to come and eat or just stand there like you saw a ghost.”

He joined her at the table and accepted the piece of chicken she handed him. He bit into the juicy meat and chewed thoughtfully. So, Kiersten Cade wanted a baby? He didn’t know anything about an agency or what role they played in finding her a baby father, but Deegan didn’t care. The thought of another man touching her, impregnating her, drove through him like a dull sword straight through the heart. Although she didn’t know it yet, he planned to make her his and if she were already pregnant, he’d accept another man’s child, but no way would he handle having another man touching her. Hell no!

He could be her baby’s father.

He blinked. What the hell? Where did that come from? He’d never thought of having kids, although at thirty-five he guessed he was mature enough to become a father.

This could be his opportunity of spending his life with Kiersten.

Hell, she wasn’t looking for a husband, just a baby. But he cared for her…no, he loved her. Deeply. Felt more for her than he ever felt for anyone or anything. How was that possible? How could he love someone he’s spent so little time with?

She wiped her fingers on a napkin. “Why are you looking at me like that? Did something happen while I was showering?” She raised a suspicious brow.

He shrugged. “Nope.” Yes, but how do I tell you? How do I tell you how much I care for you? The bite of chicken got stuck in his throat and he drank from his coffee cup thirstily.

“Have you thought any more about how we catch our criminal?”

He had many ideas, but his brain was in a fog thinking of Kiersten and her wanting a baby. This wasn’t healthy. Not staying focused made him dangerous. His brain should be on the case and catching a killer, but instead he wanted to kiss her. Hold her. Damn, when had he turned into a softy?

At least the bruising on her face wasn’t as stark and the cut was healing nicely. Now when he looked at her, he didn’t feel a rage deep inside to rip the killer apart limb by limb.

“I think we do the best thing. We sit back and wait for him to make contact. He will. Rest assured, he’s stewing impatiently. But if he’s a military man, he realizes the importance of doing things at the right moment. And this time we’ll be prepared.”



The tall brunette placed her hands on her hips, looking at Travis with bright green eyes that were surrounded by thick mascaraed lashes and rainbow-colored eyeshadow. She called herself an artist so he accepted that her makeup and hair were always different. It didn’t change the fact that she was athletic, tougher than most women, and had a pussy that kept him hard…unless he was angry, as he was now.

“Why did you let the Fed live?” she moaned.

Travis returned his attention back to his rifle where he was taking it apart to clean it. He loved his gun and treated it like an extension of his body. After several long seconds, he brought his gaze back up and met hers. “The lawman was coming.”

“Pfft. Are you afraid of him?” she asked in her thickest German accent.

He didn’t allow her to ruffle his feathers. “This must be handled with care. You should remember that, Lustra. If the lawman would have caught you, we wouldn’t be here right now. He isn’t one to test, my dear. Neither is the woman. Your job was simple. Pull the alarm and leave the rest to me. Not tease the man into running after you.”

She laughed and ran her fingers through her hair, tilting one flared hip. He suddenly became hard. His anger must have been lifting. “Are you saying that the lawman is too tough for me to handle?” She flexed both her arms, showing off toned biceps. “Look at my guns. I’m tough too. I’ll show the schwachling how we do things in Germany.”

“Yes, you are tough, but we can’t screw this up. The girl’s death was supposed to look like a suicide with no room for question. And then the incident with the pictures—”

“Jezus Chriiist, Travees,” she said in exceedingly long words that reminded him of gurgling noises. “How many times do you plan on bringing up my mistakes?” When she got upset or excited, her German accent became prominent. “I accidently left the briefcase sitting on the sidewalk. But you took care of that thief so no more problem. Right?” She smiled widely, then stuck out her tongue, showing off her piercing. He liked it, and how she used it as a sexual aid to make him moan in pleasure. “And the girl too. My hero.” She gyrated her way to him, stepping behind his chair and placing her hands on his shoulders, massaging the tense muscles. He melted into the chair, feeling the last drop of anxiety floating away. She moved her hand down and pinched his nipple tightly.

But he had work to do. If he gave into his need every time Lustra wanted sex, he’d never finish his job.

“I’m busy here. I need some time to think,” he said quietly. Since he’d met her a year ago, he hadn’t managed much thinking because he was always fucking her.

“No, no, Liebhaber. What you need is a little bit, or a whole lot, of Lustra Lane,” she purred and ran the tip of her tongue along the curves of his ear. “I show you how I made men weak back in my country.”

He never liked hearing about her sexcapades before they met on the international dating site. He was a jealous man. “I told you, I’m not in the mood.” When he fucked up, like he had at the garage, he wanted to sink himself deep into work, not pussy. But Lustra wasn’t having any part of it. He swore her clit was bigger than her brain.

“But I aaaam, Travees.” She slid her fingers into his hair, gripped the thick mass and jerked his head back, looking down into his scowling face. “Stop handling the rifle and handle my tiiits,” she growled.

“Back off,” he snarled. “Let me finish here.”

She dropped her hands to her sides and wrinkled her pert nose. “You’re such a bore, kleiner mann. Maybe it’s time I went back to Hanz—” She didn’t take but one step before he was out of his chair so fast that it was knocked to the floor with a loud bang. A gasp fell off her lips about the same time he clutched the collar of her blouse in his fists and jerked her hard against his muscular frame. She always knew how to get his attention by mentioning her ex, but sometimes he believed she pushed him a little too far. If she only knew what he’d done while overseas, she wouldn’t risk setting him off.

“Is it a fuck you want?” He pushed through tight lips.

“Yes.” Her smile returned, reminding him of the cat who ate the canary.

“Then it’s a fuck you’ll get.” He ripped the cotton material from top to bottom. Another gasp came from her, but he paid no attention. He was as hard as a rock by then, and the only thing he could focus on was sinking into her tight cunt. He couldn’t deny that he liked her at his disposal compared to the twits from the club he used to fuck hard and fast.

He twisted her around, bent her over the edge of the table and palmed at her jeans, tearing them down her plump ass, then tore at his own until they were pushed to his knees. He gripped his thick rod in his fat fist and jammed it inside her slick pussy.  She screamed and he laughed, growing harder and hornier. “I dare you to mention that cocksucker in front of me again,” he whispered. “I’ll catch the next flight out, sneak into his mansion, and slice his throat from ear to ear before anyone is the wiser,” he said next to her ear.

With a rough touch, he grasped both of her tits and squeezed, kneading the flesh as he pumped in and out of her, slamming her hips hard into the table. She braced her hands on the edge, but he was much stronger, and because he was pissed again, he took out his frustration on her body. Yeah, on second thought, she had drove him too far this time…