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Tank (The Bad Disciples MC Book 3) by Savannah Rylan (43)


“How is the pasta?”

Cort watched as Teegan twirled a large clump of the fettuccine around her fork and took a big bite. He had rarely seen a girl eat like she did. She had a very healthy appetite and she was not afraid to really chow down. It was pretty sexy. Most of the women he’d dated were always concerned with being totally prim and proper and afraid to touch much more than a salad. This was refreshing.

“It’s wonderful,” Teegan said. She took a sip of her red wine.

Noticing that her glass was almost empty Cort took the liberty of refilling it.

Teegan laughed. “You aren’t trying to get me hammered are you?” Teegan asked.

“Maybe,” Cort replied. “There is no sense letting perfect wine go to waste.”

“Merlot is my favorite,” Teegan said.

“Mine too. I’ve never cared much for white wine,” Cort said.

Teegan nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it feels like it’s missing that extra something.”

Cort glanced around the restaurant. It was nice and quiet tonight, but busy enough to keep things interesting. The paparazzi had been just as wild as he’d expected when he arrived at the restaurant after picking up Teegan at her hotel. He hoped the vultures didn’t start stalking her there, but it was probably unavoidable. Besides he figured she’d never really had the star treatment before and she might take a bit of a shine to it.

Plus he had something special planned tonight and he doubted Teegan would be sleeping in her hotel anyway. If all went well anyway.

He’d been wrestling with a decision all day long, ever since the amazing afternoon he’d spent with Teegan in the gym. The lovemaking, just being together, and the conversation that just flowed so perfectly between them—it was all magical. That was the only word he could really use to describe it. It was beautiful.

He’d hinted at his plans when they were together. She was asking him about his past love and how he felt about her and his situation. He had to give her credit that she was probing in a very roundabout way. The woman was so wicked smart. That was one of the things he loved most about her.

Now that he thought about it he knew that he was going to ask Teegan to be his wife the moment he saw her standing in the gym. There was no other way about it; he loved her. He knew that his feelings or this realization had nothing to do with the stipulation he was facing if he wanted to secede his father and become King. That would be an added bonus of course, but he wanted to marry Teegan either way.

He was nervous as hell about what she would say. What would she think? It was pretty obvious that she would wonder how he really felt and if he was asking her to marry him just because he wanted to become King. He would have to convince her that his love for her was real and he had no other ulterior motives whatsoever. He just wanted to be with her. He would give up everything to be with her if that was what it took to convince her.

If he had to he would renounce his family and stop being Prince.

“I have to admit that this is the fanciest meal I’ve ever had,” Teegan said.

“Really? Well, I think you should get used to it,” Cort replied with a smile.

Teegan blushed. “Oh, I’m sure you will be tired of me soon enough,” she teased.

“That’s impossible,” Cort said. Teegan locked eyes with him and he hoped she could tell that he was dead serious about that.

“What was it like dating as a teenager for you? I mean I imagine it must have been hard being with people your own age then. Did you go to regular school?”

“I did,” Cort said. “I didn’t have to. I could have just worked with tutors, but I wanted to experience a normal childhood. And for the most part I did. I mean, when you are six years old your peers don’t care that you are Prince. They don’t really even get what that means. And by the time they did understand I was just one of them so it wasn’t really weird.”

“That’s awesome,” Teegan said.

“Yeah, it was difficult though because the hours of a regular school day cut into my other training. When I was old enough I basically had to start sitting in on meetings and learning about what it means to be Prince and what my duties would one day be. But I still think I made the right decision.”

“Wow, I can’t even begin to imagine what that must have been like.”

Cort smiled and took a bite of his steak. It was cooked to perfection.

He glanced over at Teegan and watched her eating her pasta. She dribbled a bit on her chin. Before she could wipe it off with her napkin Cort swiped it with his finger and tasted it, bringing it up to his mouth slowly.

“That’s delicious,” he said.

“I know, right?” Teegan replied.

“I meant you.”

Teegan smiled. “Ah, that is smooth.”

“I know,” Cort agreed. “I have skills.”

“I have a few sexy moves too,” Teegan said. She had a naughty look in her eye that was turning him on like crazy.

And suddenly her foot was on his crotch, pushing gently against his groin feeding his growing erection.

He inhaled slowly allowing the sensation to move through him, trying not to draw attention to himself even while he wanted to release a pent up moan. She’d taken her shoe off and it was now just her toes moving up and down his shaft, pressing just firm enough against his sack. Teegan was giggling as quietly as she could, but she was massively enjoying herself.

“Well, this is not fair,” Cort said with a smile.

“Oh, this is not a game baby,” Teegan said.

Baby. Oh, that sounded so sexy when she called him that, those syllables floating off her beautiful lips. He loved the affection behind it.

It had been so long since someone had called him that and meant it.

He moved his pelvis forward slightly increasing the pressure. It felt so good to have her small, dainty toes wiggling against his growing hardness. And added to that she was now licking her lips discreetly but all the while seductive and giving him the “hump me” eyes.

Cort wondered if he could get away with the same. He casually slipped his shoe off and glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention to him. You never knew when some paparazzo was disguised as a waiter just to take some indiscriminate pictures of the Prince being a messy eater. He didn’t notice anyone but if they were there they were going to get more than they bargained for tonight.

He slid his foot swiftly up Teegan’s legs and right under her skirt. The look of shock on her face was priceless, especially the moment his toes pressed against her sweet mound. He could feel a bit of moisture after a few moments of his toes doing some wiggling through his sock and her panties. He was so hard now he could have done pull ups with his prong.

It was ready to go. And Teegan could tell.

“Wow, now who is not playing by the rules,” Teegan said.

“I think we are inventing the game as we go along,” Cort replied.

His foot was working its way harder against her, feeding her lust. He could see the desire growing wild in her beautiful eyes.

Then she pulled a game changer.

Teegan carefully reached under the table. He wasn’t sure what she was up to until he felt her panties sliding past his toes and moving down her thighs. With the pressure he had placed on his foot his sock covered toes were now sliding into the sweet, succulent wetness between her smooth, sexy thighs.

Teegan inhaled deeply, her face showing the expression of a woman who was being turned on past the point of no return. He was going to satisfy that lust soon; she didn’t have to worry about that. But he was going to play around and have some fun first.

She was now moving against his foot, placing her body just so his largest toes would enter her at just the right spot. At the same time she was pushing against his rock hard growth and he felt that he might blow at any moment, but he didn’t want to finish yet. He did not want to finish here.

“Wow, this is different,” Cort said.

Teegan smiled widely. “Oh, you can’t tell me this is the first time you’ve done this…” she moaned.

Her voice was just above a fry. It was low, growling, and seductive.

“Not to this level,” he said. “You are truly a master of the game.”

Suddenly a new sensation was arising in his crotch. It took him a moment to realize that she now had both feet wrapped around his engorged flesh and she was moving her feet slowly up and down effectively cupping around him and manipulating him to climax.

He was going to blow. There was no way he could hold it.

The climax swept over him with an awesome wave of tension and pressure buildup that released into his boxer shorts and stuck the fabric to his rod as he tried to keep his voice down and the grown inside.

A moment after his sweet release the waiter came and asked him if there was anything else he could do for them.

“No. I believe just the check will do,” Cort replied.

Teegan laughed as the waiter walked away. Cort was trying to continue his foot assault on Teegan’s privates but with the climax he’d lost some control of his faculties for the time being.

“Oh, I am going to get you baby,” Cort said.

Teegan giggled.

And he did get her. They’d barely entered his living room before he had her naked and bent over in front of him, his rock hard flesh pile driving deeply into her exquisite body. This time she screamed as loudly in total pleasure.  

She came twice before he did again.