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Taunting Tony by Marie James (34)

Chapter 34


Beer in hand, Jon and I join Cooper and Dave at the lounge chairs they’ve been saving for us right on the edge of the water.

“Thanks,” Cooper says when I hand him one as Jon hands Dave the extra one he grabbed at the beachside bar.

“Anytime,” I say and fall into one of the chairs. “This is fucking gorgeous.”

“I thought you’ve been to Mexico before,” Dave says to my right.

“I have, but I was so focused on trying to get laid, I never really took the chance to appreciate the beauty of the ocean.”

“There’s an ocean?” Cooper asks, and we all laugh.

“How was your night with Michelle?” Dave asks Cooper.

I have no idea what they ended up doing last night because I never left my room again after Joey left.

“Who?” Cooper genuinely looks confused.

“The redhead?” Dave clarifies. “You two were all over each other before you disappeared at midnight.”

“Oh, yeah.” Cooper shrugs. “The drapes didn’t match the carpet on that one.”

The guys laugh before Jon says, “That’s always disappointing.”

“I bet she doesn’t even have carpet.”

Our eyes all follow the point of Dave’s hand to a couple of girls down the beach.

“Think they’re on our ship?” Cooper asks, not taking his eyes from the women.

“I don’t recognize them,” Jon says. “But I’m sure they’ve been wearing more than those strings on the boat.”

Taking a drink of my beer, I turn my eyes back to the water. We’re on a beach in Mexico known for hot young adults. Of course there are great looking women and hot guys everywhere, but even surrounded by pretty people, my focus is only on one sexy guy in particular.

With Joey on my mind, I scan down the beach, hopeful to get a glimpse of him in that same mint green speedo he enticed me with at the BBQ weeks ago. I can’t find him or Andi, so I turn my attention back to the guys, who are still watching and commenting on the girls down the beach.

“I think pink is my new favorite color,” Cooper advises with his eyes on the slender blonde talking with her friends.

“Pink has always been my favorite color,” Dave says, words full of innuendo.

“What about you, Anthony?” Jon asks.

“Mint green,” I answer before thinking.

They all turn to look at me, and I’m frozen, just like I was yesterday at the breakfast buffet.

“That’s a little concerning,” Cooper says.

“And gross,” Dave chimes in.

“Sounds like an infection to me,” Jon adds.

“Infection? What?” I play dumb, catching on that they are still thinking about female genitalia and haven’t registered my slip up. “It’s my mom’s favorite color. I’ve always had a fondness for it.”

A wide grin spreads across Dave’s face as he looks over my shoulder and realization light his eyes. The tingle I always feel when Joey is near begins to scratch at my skin.

“My mom’s favorite color was turquoise,” Jon says with a shrug.

“My mom really likes orange,” Cooper adds, “But I think she says she likes it because it’s always been my favorite color before today.”

“Whose favorite color?” Andi asks from behind me.

“Mine was orange until about ten minutes ago,” Cooper answers.

“Still pink.” Dave holds his beer up in salute before taking a long pull. “Anthony’s favorite color is mint green.”

I cringe, thankful that all of the guys are behind me and can’t see the reaction. A small smile plays at the corner of Joey’s full lips.

“Like Joey’s bathing suit?” Andi asks, and the tingle on my skin travels to my fingertips as I fight the urge to strangle her. “What’s your favorite color, Jon?”

“Red,” he answers immediately, grunting audibly when Andi toys with the delicate strap of her red bikini top.

“Good to know,” Andi says, her voice growing huskier than I’ve ever heard before.

I look away from her, Joey drawing my attention as I feel like I’m interrupting whatever is going on between Jon and Andi.

“We’re never going to score with those chicks if you don’t get rid of Andi,” Cooper hisses at Jon loud enough for me to hear.

“That family is going to steal your loungers,” Jon advises a beat later.

Joey turns to look down the beach and sighs.

“I can always sit on your lap,” Andi teases, her attention never leaving Jon.

It’s my turn to grunt when Joey’s cheeks pink with more than just the kiss of sun on his cheeks. We’re thinking the same thing, and the thought of him sitting on my lap with such an amazing view around us is enough to make my cock start to thicken. Who am I kidding? My cock would perk up at the idea of just sitting beside him talking about the invasion of those orange ladybugs that seem to be coming from nowhere.

“There’s a rule,” Cooper says, interrupting my thoughts of doing mundane, yet sexy things with Joey.

Andi’s face falls, but Joey seems relieved.

“It’s a dumb rule,” Andi interjects as she looks over at her friend for support. “I don’t understand why you guys always want to be alone after the group activity.”

“Women,” Dave explains with a huff as if he’s explained their actions one too many times. “We can’t pick up women when a gorgeous lady is already hovering around us. They’ll think one of us is already involved.”

“You’re killing our game,” Cooper adds.

Joey snorts as he reaches for his friend’s arm. With pleading eyes, Andi maintains her focus on Jon, frowning when he doesn’t correct his friends and offer to let them stay.

“See you on the ship,” Joey says as he tugs on Andi, causing her to break her stare down.

“Have a good day,” Jon offers as they walk away.

My eyes follow them until they settle into lounge chairs about thirty yards down the beach. It isn’t until Joey and Andi seem to begin a heated conversation, Andi’s arms flailing all over the place in obvious frustration, that I pull my eyes away from them. I hate the idea that Joey is upset, but intruding, even visually, on their conversation feels too much like an invasion to keep watching.

“Score,” Cooper says, causing me to turn my attention back to the guys.

Looking in the same direction as my friends, I watch as the group of girls they’re were focused on ten minutes ago walk toward us with seductive smiles playing on each pair of their lips.

“For a minute there,” the tall one in the pink bikini begins, “I thought we’d lost our chance with you guys.”

Sipping my beer, I watch their interaction with mild disinterest.

“That chick has nothing on you ladies,” Dave informs them with a crooked smile.

“That chick is amazing,” Jon corrects with a warning to Dave in his tone. “But, she’s family, so not even close to competition for you incredible ladies.”

The girl in a one-piece black bikini beams at Jon. “Good to know.”

“We’d thought the same thing when you beauties were approached by those other guys.”

That must’ve happened when I was searching the beach for Joey earlier.

“Those creeps,” Pink Bikini says as she looks around her, clearly uncomfortable. “Can’t seem to take no for an answer.”

The girl in black nods her head in agreement as the third girl speaks up for the first time. “They made us really uncomfortable.”

My protective instinct kicks in just as I notice her sleek, yet muscular body. A million years ago, she would’ve been the exact girl I’d set my sight on. She shifts her feet in the sand misunderstanding my perusal as she juts her breasts out until they’re straining against the fabric of her, I kid you not, yellow polka dot bikini top.

“We should have a rule about not allowing the new guy to have the first pick,” Jon mumbles loud enough for me to hear.

Dave huffs a quick laugh, knowing full well I have no interest in this girl, or it’s a warning that I better not have any interest in her.

They stand there, the silence awkward if only for me, while Pink watches Cooper grin at her like the devil. The girl in black is still grinning a little creepily at Jon while his focus is on the one in yellow.

“Too bad there are no extra chairs for us to join you,” the one in pink pouts as her eyes roam down Cooper’s thin frame.

“I need another beer,” I say as I stand, using any excuse to get away from them. “Refill guys? Ladies?”

Yellow bikini giggles as if I’ve just offered her the world when all I’m doing is trying not to be one hundred percent rude with my hasty exit.

The guys all chime in with their orders as the girls talk amongst themselves deciding what they want.

I find Jon’s eyes, but they’re shadowed with anger as he looks past me down the beach. “I think that’s more important.”

Looking over my shoulder, I notice two guys with admittedly great bodies surrounding Joey and Andi.

“Those are the guys that were bothering us earlier,” one of the girls explains behind me.

“I’ll take care of it,” I grunt.

“Do whatever you have to,” Jon says. “Let us know if they start to give you trouble.”

“Dave, you’re on drink duty,” I call out without even looking at him.

I walk away from them, closing the distance between my guy and me before Dave can even form a rebuttal.

Stopping at the waiter that is peddling drinks on the beach, I grab two fruity looking drinks in hurricane glasses, never taking my eyes off of the douches that are taking liberties talking to Joey and Andi.

So focused on the Joey and Andi, the guys don’t even notice me walking in their direction.

“Like I said,” one asshole begins. “That red bikini would look awesome on my cabin room floor.”

“I think you can keep your speedo on,” another slurs, his words directed at Joey. “I’ll just pull it aside to get that ass—”

I ram my shoulder into his, not even caring that both of my hands are now covered in whatever sticky sweet concoction is in the now half-full glasses.

“Fuck, man!” the guy I pushed yells as he swipes at the liquid that has also splashed on him. “Watch where you’re going.”

“Watch your mouth around my boyfriend,” I warn.

“Boyfriend?” he asked, his eyes first taking in my anger and next my build. The three inches in height and at least thirty pounds of muscle I have on him must infiltrate even through his obvious drunkenness, because he takes a step back, eyes sweeping between Joey and me. “He didn’t mention it.”

“Because he likes it when I get territorial. Loves it when I beat the shit out of someone else in jealousy.”

Joey gasps as Andi chuckles. Andi knows what kind of fire she’s playing with, but fuck if I’m going to let Joey be a pawn in whatever fucked up game she’s battling with Jon. They don’t know these guys, and it’s beyond dangerous what she’s doing to try to make Jon jealous.

“What about you?” The other guys asks, directing his attention to Andi. “You got a boyfriend?”

“I’m madly in love,” she responds, not answering his question directly as she looks down the beach in Jon’s direction.

“Not worth the trouble, man.” The guy has stopped swiping at the stickiness on his chest as he grabs hold of his friend's arm. “I gotta get this shit cleaned off of me.”

Without another word, the assholes walk away, twenty or so feet down the beach before they angle toward the water.

“You’re super sexy when you go all alpha male,” Andi teases as I offer each of them a half-empty glass.

Ignoring her, I focus on the soft bow of Joey’s top lip and the scruff reflecting the light of the sun as I try to calm the adrenaline in my blood telling me that this whole situation won’t be over until those jerks are bleeding and begging for their mothers.

“Boyfriend?” Joey asks as a smile begins to curve that perfect lip I can’t seem to pull my attention from.

“Can’t be,” Andi interrupts. “Boyfriends actually fuck each other.”

Moment ruined.