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Tempt The Playboy by Natasha Madison (27)

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts, we will be landing shortly.” The captain comes on and tells us. In the last three days it has been a rush of things. All papers have been filed and the divorce decree is in my pocket. I have someone waiting for me in New York who will accompany me to be the witness when we both sign it. I replay the conversation I had with Sabrina in my mind.

“Hello,” she answered on the fourth ring, breathing as if she was running.

“Hey, is this Sabrina?” I asked her just in case it was her partner.

“This is she.”

“Hey, it’s me, Noah, Noah King. Your, um, husband of sorts,” I said in one long breath.

“Holy shit, Noah,” she said and I heard people in the background and the sound of horns in the distance. Definitely New York City. “How the heck are you?”

“I’m good,” I said. “Actually, I’m great. I’m engaged and I’m going to be a father.”

“That’s wonderful,” she said. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you, thank you.” I stopped and paused. “So about that, I would need an annulment.”

“Is that so?” she asked and I could tell that she was smiling.

“Well, at first I wanted to ask for a divorce but then my future mother-in-law had a semi heart attack when I mentioned city hall. So divorce got thrown out and annulment was put on the table. I mean, since we never really consummated the wedding.”

She then laughed out loud. “I get it. Actually my partner has been trying to drag me to the altar for years, but I always stalled. I guess this means I just may be a bride also.”

I smiled as I leaned back in my chair. “That’s wonderful. Listen, I’m flying into New York this Thursday. How about we meet Friday and sign the papers?”

“That sounds great. I’ll text you my home address since I’m not working and I will be home with the kids.”

“Great. Nice talking to you,” I said, hanging up.

Now I look over at Kaleigh, who is passed out. She fell asleep as soon as we sat down. All she does is sleep and eat. I was worried at first, but after speaking with a doctor we found out it’s perfectly normal. Once the wheels touch down she opens her eyes. “Are we here already?” she asks groggily, sitting up and looking out her window.

“Just landed.” I watch her look out the window. “How did you sleep?”

“Great. I must have knocked out as soon as I sat down.”

“Just about. How’s your stomach? Are you still feeling queasy?” Another thing that is normal is that she is always queasy. She eats so many saltines I may have to buy stock in it.

“It feels a little bit better,” she says, slipping her ballerina shoes on. She leans into me, kissing my lips.

Something else that has changed. I mean, we were pretty active in the sex department before, but now I have to make some nooners to quench her appetite. Her hormones are through the roof. At one point, I actually thought my cock would chafe. But nope, didn’t happen. We walk off the plane first since we are in first class while I hold her hand, walking to get our bags. She’s wearing her yoga pants and an oversized T-shirt and knitted sweater and she is the most gorgeous thing ever. Also you can start seeing the changes in her body. Her breasts are fuller and so fucking sensitive I made her cum yesterday just by rolling them.

“What are you thinking about over there?” she asks, laughing.


“It better be because of me that you’re sporting a boner. Here.” She hands me her purse. “Cover that up.”

I take it from her, holding it in front of me. When we get into the car, I give the cab driver the hotel’s address.

“Swanky,” she says, watching the city coming into sight. “I’ve actually never been here,” she says, looking out at the Brooklyn Bridge. “Do you think we will have time to go to the Statue of Liberty?”

My hand reaches out to grab hers. “We can make it happen. What do you want to do first?”

“I think that is a given. I want to go and do yoga in Central Park.” When we check in, her eyes open even more when we walk into our penthouse suite, overlooking Central Park. The floor-to-ceiling windows give you a panoramic view. She stands in the corner as the doorman deposits our luggage in the bedroom.

I walk to her, pulling her shoulders back to me. “It looks so busy,” she says, watching the little yellow cabs zoom down the street. “Look over there.” She points down to the park where we see all green and little dots that have to be people. “I want to go there.”

“Then let’s get changed and go,” I tell her.

“It must be really cool here at night with the light and everything,” she says, walking away from the window. “I wonder if we turned the lights on and you pressed me to the window and fucked me if people would see.” She smiles at me like the little minx that she is.

“I may or may not have brought some lingerie with me, some that don’t require you taking anything off.” She runs her hands down my chest and cups my dick. “Some that give you easy access. You know, like if I would bend over and open my legs there would be nothing blocking you from pounding into me.”

“Okay, first sex then yoga,” I tell her, picking her up and placing her on the dining room table in the room.

“I think I need stretching. You might have to throw my legs over your shoulders.” Her hands comes out to rip off my T-shirt while I pull her shirt over her head. The white lace bra, showing you her nipples that are pebbled and waiting for me. My hands go straight to her as I lean down and take one in my mouth, lace bra and all. I bite down on it, making her throw her head back as she grinds her hot covered pussy against my raging hard on. The next thing I know is I’m buried balls deep in her while she leans back a bit on the table and has both legs wrapped around my neck.

When we finally make it to the park, we see that we aren’t the only ones with this idea and there is actually a couple that stops next to us, copying Kaleigh as she goes through different positions. She makes friends with about fifteen people as I lie on my yoga mat perfecting the corpse pose.

“Do I look okay?” Kaleigh asks as she comes out of the bathroom. It’s finally annulment day and Kaleigh has been a nervous wreck the whole time. She has changed her outfit four times already. Now she is wearing tight blue jeans with a loose peach sweater. “You look amazing, just like you did in the skirt, and the shorts, and the other jeans. Stop, it’s going to be okay.”

“What if she doesn’t sign it?” she asks quietly while she wrings her hands. “What if she decides she still wants to be married to you?”

I walk to her, grabbing her face in my hands. “Babycakes, it’s going to be okay. Now let’s go before you need to change again,” I say, grabbing her hand and leading her downstairs where the car is waiting to take us to my wife.

We pull up to her address and we both take in the apartment building. Walking up the six flights of stairs, I’m almost starting to sweat till we finally make it to the door. Kaleigh squeezes my hand, smiling up at me. I knock once on the door and a deep voice says, “One minute.”

I don’t know what I’m expecting or who that is, but the woman answering the door is almost like she’s from the Amazon. She must be easily over six foot four, her shoulders are almost wider than mine, and I’m pretty sure she can snap my neck like a twig between her legs. Her hair is wrapped in a bun on top of her head. “Yeah.” Her voice comes out harsh.

“Um, I’m here for Sabrina,” I finally mutter out while I try to stand in front of Kaleigh to have her blocked in case she snaps.

“So,” she says, folding her arms over her chest. “You’re the husband.”

I don’t know what to say because my eyes are on her bulging biceps. “Um,” I stutter right when I see Sabrina in the background walking toward the door. She puts her small dainty hand on her bicep and laughs. “Relax there, Zena.” She pushes in front of her when ‘Zena’ puts her hand on her shoulder and tucks her in front of her, one arm going around her neck.

“Noah,” Sabrina says, smiling. “You haven’t changed a bit. Come on in. Your friend just got here,” she says, turning and pushing Zena away.

“I see you met my partner, Ruthie,” she says to us both. “Her bark is worse than her bite.” I smile and look back up and can kind of guarantee that her bite might take chunk out of me.

“Hi,” Kaleigh says from beside me. “I’m Kaleigh, the baby momma.” She reaches her hand out to shake Sabrina’s hand and Ruthie’s. It’s in that moment two boys run into the room, both of them running around their mothers.

“Mom,” one says.

“Momma,” the other one says while chasing each other. “Bryan hit me.”

While the other one says, “Dominic hit me first.”

“You two, we have company,” Ruthie says, stopping them both. “Now behave or I might have to put the smack down on you.”

I look at her, then Sabrina and then the boys laugh out loud.

“Yeah right, Momma, we would just tickle you till you yelled mercy.”

“Go watch a movie while Mom and I sign a couple of papers.” She ushers them down the hall to wherever they watch television.

“Come on. I had him set up in the kitchen if that is okay,” Sabrina says, walking down another tiny hallway. Till we make it back to the kitchen, which is no bigger than my walk-in closet. Will, who is going to be our witness, gets up, coming over to me.

“Hey, man, how you doing? Long time no see.”

I shake his hand, nodding. “Shall we get to it?” I say, eager to have these papers signed.

Once Will sits down, I pull out the papers for him to look over. I had forwarded a copy to Sabrina the day after we spoke. She takes her copy and reads just to make sure nothing is changed and grabs the pen from Will and signs on the dotted line. I almost sigh in relief, but till I sign and Will signs, this thing is still legal. When she finishes, she hands me the pen and I hurriedly sign my name, handing the pen to Will.

Once he finishes I throw my hand in the air and yell, “Mazel Tov.”

Which earns me a glare from Ruthie, a smile from Sabrina, a shake of the head from Will, and a kiss from my girl.

We leave soon after, holding hands, swinging them as we walk. “I have a surprise for tonight,” I tell her, watching her eyes light up.

“Do you now?” She smiles. “Is it your dick in a box, because I gotta say I already got that surprise. In fact, twice today.” She puts up her hand with two fingers. It would have been three if I had enough time to recover after she rode me this morning at breakfast.

“No, but it’s a great idea for next time,” I tell her as she rolls her eyes.

“What should I wear?” she asks me. “I don’t think I packed anything fancy.”

I throw my hand up to flag down a cab, opening the door and watching her climb in. “I have that all taken care of. All you have to do is sit down and be pampered.”


I look at my watch. Right on time. “When we get back to the hotel, there will be two women there waiting for us.”

“A threesome? Really, that’s my surprise? And why two girls and not two guys?” She angrily hits my leg.

“Um, two women who will be massaging you and then doing your hair and makeup. But let’s discuss this threesome, would you?”

She folds her arms over her chest. “Would you watch me fuck another guy?”

“Fuck no.” I don’t even take a second to think about it.

“Then I guess that answers your threesome question,” she says.

“All I want for you today is for you to relax and be pampered. And be ready at ten.”

“At ten?” She gasps out. “I’m going to have to take a nap before we go out.”

“Already planned that,” I say, knowing full well she would be half asleep by the time we walked out of the hotel room.

When we walk in the hotel room, the massage table is already set up, as well as the candles and roses. “Aww,” she says, walking in. “Isn’t this romantic.” She leans up and kisses me. “So getting laid tonight.”

I pull my eyebrows together and laugh, like that wasn’t a given.

I leave her to her massage and go about planning the biggest surprise of my life and hopefully by the end of the night she’ll be saying yes to forever.

When it’s five minutes to ten I hear her yell, “Okay, I’m coming out.”

I’m looking at the city lights as I sip some whiskey, my tux bowtie almost choking me. I turn to watch her walk out of the room and my heart stops.

She’s stunning. Her hair is tied in the back and curled under. A few loose strands fall out, but I don’t see anything else but her dress. A dress I entrusted Lauren to pick out. It’s a champagne covered lace dress. Sweetheart neckline with little lace sleeves. There are crystals all down the dress, as well as on the little sleeves. It falls right to the floor, the bottom loose and sways as she walks over.

“You look beautiful,” I tell her as she walks to me.

“And you have never looked more handsome.”

I put my whiskey down and take her in my arms. “Shall we?” I lean down, kissing her lips lightly. We turn heads as we walk through the marble lobby, the sound of her heels on the floor. The limo driver waits for us to open his door.

“Oh, a limo.” She claps her hands together with glee. “Best night ever.”

“I hope so,” I mumble, getting in after her.

“Where are we going?” she asks as soon as the door closes behind me.

“All in due time,” I say as my palms start to sweat and my heart starts to pound fast. I use my finger to pull the collar away from my neck, giving me room to breathe.

We pull up to an underground parking garage. I step out first when the driver opens the door and hold my hand out for her to come out. “Oh, this is very secret service.” She laughs as I guide her to the unmarked elevator.

I press the button and then turn to her. “You trust me?” I ask her as she nods. “Good, now close your eyes.” And as soon as she does the elevator door pings open.

I hold her hand, escorting her inside and pressing the top button. When it comes to a stop and the door opens I guide her outside. It’s perfect, as I look around and take in the tea candle lights hanging everywhere. The little table in the middle of the roof is filled with food and a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne chilling. A group of string quartets wait to play. I see the man who arranged it all. Marshall, Barbara’s brother, also known as Empire State Building security honcho.

I guide her to the middle of the Empire State Building where you can see the whole city. Stopping her, I take both her hands in mine, kissing them and then dropping on one knee. “Open your eyes,” I say and watch her, only her, as she takes in the whole thing.

Champagne rose bouquets are placed all over the roof top. The tea lights twinkle. She looks at the quartets that are now playing “Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.” Her hand goes to her mouth and she looks down and sees me on my knees. The whole thing finally dawns on her.

“From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you would change my life,” I say to her, swallowing the lump that is forming in my throat now, a tear escaping her eye. “I sat next to you and I was drawn to you like a magnet. Did you know that when I got home that night I stalked you on Instagram?” I say, laughing, as I remember what seems like forever ago, while she shakes her head. “Then I texted you and you blew me off. Killed me, especially my ego.”

She now laughs.

“That day I came to your work and watched you through the bushes.”

“What?” she asks, smiling, wiping another tear.

“John, Austin, and I went on a stake-out. That’s why I had black under my eyes. I used shoe polish. I had to see if you were with someone else. I had to scope out the competition.”

“There was no one else,” she says, shaking her head.

“Then I pretended that I wanted to be your friend when all I wanted was to spend time with you. You see, for the first time in my life, I didn’t have to pretend to be interested. I was. I didn’t have to pretend that I was happy, because I was generally happy to be wherever you were. Well, except that goat yoga shit. I just felt violated, but I would do it again if you asked me to. When you left me the second time, I thought I was going to turn green like the hulk and bust out of my clothing. But then I came to you and I looked in your beautiful blue eyes and I saw that you were just as unsure of what was going on as I was, but more importantly I saw that you wanted to be with me.”

She rolls her eyes at that one.

“I never thought I wanted kids, but the minute you told me you were carrying my child the only thought was when can we have another one. The only thing I could think of was to make sure you stayed with me forever.” I smile as a tear falls on our hands. “So I know we do things a little bit backward, and I know I drive you crazy,” I say, reaching inside my suit jacket to grab the blue ring box that has been burning a hole in my pocket the second she told me she was pregnant. Okay, not the second but two days after. Opening the ring, I see her gasp. I know they say size matters, but not with Kaleigh. Instead of your perfect round diamond, I went with a blush pink oval one in rose gold. “Kaleigh Harrison, will you do me the honor of being my wife? Of growing old with me, of driving me crazy with your empty cups all around the house? Of being the best mother that I know our children will have?”

The tears are now flowing freely as she nods and whispers out, “Yes.” I get up now, placing the ring on her finger, grabbing her up, and kissing her while I twirl her around.

“You guys can come out now,” I yell while she looks around in shock as her whole family comes out all dressed to the nines. The men all sporting tuxes and the women have ball gowns on. Lauren and Austin are there with Rachel and Gabe. Her mother and father come out both with smiles on their faces. John, Dani, Harvey, and his wife along with Stephanie all come up to us to congratulate us. She looks around. “What is everyone doing here?”

“Well, you see, I know I promised your mother a big catholic wedding, yada, yada, yada, but I knew I didn’t want another minute to pass without you being my wife, so we are going to get married here. Tonight.”

Her hand flies to her mouth as I walk her around the table and she sees the aisle I had set up for her. There is a red carpet down the middle with white chairs on each side. An overhead canopy of champagne roses sit in the middle with someone waiting in the middle to marry us. Lauren comes over and hands her the bouquet. She reaches out to hold on to her while they whisper something in each other’s ears with Lauren nodding and saying, “Where else would I be?”

So we take our places, me in the front of the altar with Austin by my side as Lauren walks down first and then Kaleigh, her face radiating with the biggest smile I have ever seen, her arm tucked in her father’s arm.

On a beautiful night in New York City, on the top of the Empire State Building, I finally get to kiss my bride as she tells everyone that she finally tempted the playboy.