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Temptation Of The Moon: A Silver Moon Novel by L. S. Slayford (10)





“For the world to live, you may have to die.”

Cassandra’s words kept repeating in Luna’s head, each word a thorn digging into her heart, causing her mind to spiral into a black abyss of chilling possibilities. Goosebumps pricked down her arms as those words played over and over again. The vial sat in her jacket pocket, the dark liquid sloshing from side to side each time the car drove around a corner.

Since they had left the seer’s house, an uncomfortable silence hung in the air and showed no sign of dissipating. Hopelessness, fear, and denial consumed her all at once, clouding her mind that she couldn’t think straight. How could this happen to me? Why me?

The scenery was a meaningless blur of white and grey as she stared out of the window. At any other time, Luna would love it, but at that moment nothing was registering apart from pain and despair and curses.

For her entire life, Luna had felt as though a curse hung over her head. Abandoned, lied to, at the centre of a prophecy … now a curse? A real freaking curse? Trapped in a bloody fate with no way out. The thought sent another stab of pain through her heart. Finding it difficult to breathe with all the emotions that came welling up, Luna blinked back hot tears that gathered at the corners of her eyes. I will not cry again, damn it!

Outside her window, Luna concentrated on looking outside, willing those tears away. Spying two large black birds swooping through the grey sky, she longed to the same. What I wouldn’t give to sprout wings and fly away … fly far, far away, where no one could find me, where no one would have to hand out vials of death. Where no one would have to die so I could live. At last, the tears fell, burning her skin as they trailed down her pale cheek slowly.

Chase leaned over, resting his hand on her knee. “Princess, talk to me.”

Shaking her head, Luna wiped the tears from her face. “Pour quoi? Why? Do you really need me to talk after everything Cassandra said?”

“Just … talk to me. I can’t stand this silence between us.” Chase’s voice was gentle, but it was hard to escape the strain within it.

A sigh escaped Luna’s lips. “Fine. Would you like me to talk about the fact that this deranged alpha wants to rape me and force me to have his baby so that he can bring about the end of the world? Or perhaps you would like to discuss the finer points of my curse if I should survive this attack?” Despair and anger rippled through every word, growing stronger with each syllable.

“None of that shit is going to happen. Neither Michael or I will allow that to happen.” Luna glanced over to see his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel, his face struggling to maintain a neutral look.

The birds flew away in the distance, sending a wave of sorrow flowing through her. Come back, take me with you, she cried out in her mind. Suddenly her lungs struggled to take in oxygen. Every time Luna inhaled, felt as though she was trying to lift a boulder off her chest. Terror exploded through her, dark, unending terror that sucked every ounce of air from her lungs and the light from her eyes. She could vaguely hear words, or what she assumed were words, but they couldn’t penetrate the thick fog of despair that cut her off from the world.

Fingers gripped the sides of her face, forcing her eyes to open. The light returned to her eyes, creeping in from the sides, melting away the darkness until all she could see through the blur of tears were warm melted chocolate pools staring at her. Chase’s lips were moving, but she couldn’t make out what he was trying to tell her. Agony tore through her, ripping into every fibre of her being.

After what seemed an eternity, Luna finally heard the word breathe, repeated over and over again. She clutched at it, using the word as her lifeline as she struggled to escape the ocean of despair determined to drown her. Desperation yanked hard on her chest, overriding every sense. Bundling his shirt in her fist, Luna wept, attempting to draw in a breath. At first, she could only suck in small slivers of air, but the next was larger, and larger, until it finally felt as though her lungs weren’t going to explode. All the time, Chase reassured her, stroking the sides of her face, keeping her eyes focused on his. A wave of calm in the storms that were threatening to bring her under.

Finally, she sagged against him, his arms enveloping her, his strength offering comfort and reassurance. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you. Breathe for me, princess,” he repeated, his tone soothing.

“Why?” Luna hated the whine in her voice, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. Her hands gripped leather, the material cold within her grasp. “Chase, why me? I tell myself it’s wrong, but I wish this was happening to someone else. Anyone else. Hell, I wouldn’t care if it was some random person on the street, just as long as wasn’t me. Then I feel so guilty every time the thought pops into my head.”

“You’re feeling guilty for being human? Those thoughts are normal. Don’t feel guilty for something you can’t control.” His face had taken on a grim expression, but his eyes and tone were gentle.

Head spinning, Luna buried her face into his chest, the smell of forest and musk invading her senses. Sweet god, I love this scent. “I can’t help it, Chase. What if Cassandra’s right? Say if he does get hold of me; that means the start of the demon invasion. Michael will die, you’ll die, and everyone else will die! As it is, several of the pack has already died. How many more lives can I put on the line before someone says enough? My life cannot be worth theirs. Maybe I should drink the poison and save everyone the hassle,” she whispered, the words in her throat slicing at her like barbed wire as they tumbled out.

A hand raised her chin, so she was forced to see her reflection in Chase’s gleaming eyes. “I don’t ever want to hear you say that sort of thing, Luna. Your life is worth just as much as anyone’s. I don’t care if I have to sacrifice everyone in this world, I’d do it just to keep you safe and wouldn’t give a damn about anyone else.”

His words lit a fire within Luna that she couldn’t extinguish no matter what. It only took a second for her to bridge the gap that separated them, claiming his lips with her own. Feather light, his lips moved gently against hers, parting the seam of her mouth with his tongue. Usually, Chase’s kisses were hot, passionate, demanding, but this time was different. A tender, sweet, slow worship of her mouth, although just as all-consuming. Swallowing down her groans, he pulled her closer, both ignoring the gear stick separating them. His hands cupped her cheeks, his thumb tracing circles along her skin.

Luna’s heart fluttered against the confines of her chest, warmth thrilling her blood. The world melted away. Thoughts of demons and curses dissipated with each soft caress. Nothing but peace and warmth spread through her. Luna sank into the sensation of his slow kisses, so faint they were whispers, comforting in ways mere words would never be able to do.

Pulling away, Chase stared down at her, flecks of amber peeking through the warmth of his chocolate brown eyes, his gaze a warm caress. Emotion swelled up inside her chest. Every time Chase’s wolf peered through his eyes something tightened deep within. She could stare into those eyes forever, lose herself, and never be found again.

His thumb skimmed to the corner of Luna’s mouth, tracing the seam, leaving a trail of slow warmth in its wake. “You OK, princess?” he asked, concern in his voice.

Nodding, Luna felt a blush blossoming on her cheeks. The tightness in her chest had disappeared. “Oui. Much better now.”

“Good, no panic attacks allowed in my car anymore,” Chase told her, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes.

Confusion creased a line between her brows. “Has someone else had a panic attack in your car?”

Chase snorted. “Your brother. Thought he was going to run us off the road at one point.”

“What happened?” Curiosity laced her words. 

Chase gave a small snort of laughter as he recalled the time. “When we were eighteen, we went out drinking with a few buddies to try out our newly acquired fake ID’s. Of course, the bouncer knows they’re fake and threw us all out on our asses. So, we ended up at this little dive bar in the middle of nowhere. We get in, start drinking some beers and shoot some pool. Typical stuff. Then Michael starts looking over my shoulder. Keeps doing it, his face getting darker each time. I finally ask him what’s up and he tells me to look.”

“What did you see?”

“Some asshole pushing around his woman, being a general dick to her. You know your brother, he hates that shit as much as I do. Didn’t help that she looked similar to you and the moon was almost full that night. When it gets close to the full moon, it can be hard to control our wolves. Well, I guess the temptation of the moon was too strong because the next time that guy pushed her, he strode over to her, grabbed him, and threw him outside. Beat the bastard until he was crawling in front of his girl begging her forgiveness.”

“Sounds like the pig deserved what he got,” Luna said quietly.

Chase nodded. “Oh, I agree, princess, but while he was getting his ass kicked, somebody called the cops. We hightailed it outta there, passing the cops on the road home. Got about a mile down the road when Michael starts breathing fast, his eyes turning gold, cracking the steering wheel under his fists. Within seconds he had a full-blown panic attack. Had to calm him down, too.”

“Did kissing him work like it did me?” Luna teased.

Laughter tore from his lips. “A gentleman never kisses and tells, princess,” he told her with a wink.

Luna snorted in amusement. “Did Dad ever find out about the incident?”

“Yeah, we had to tell him. George wasn’t only Michael’s father; he was our alpha, and alphas can always tell when someone lies. Your brother thought George would tear his hide, but instead, he handed him a beer. Told Michael a good alpha is one that looks out for everyone, whether they’re pack or not, that he showed potential.”

“Michael has always been protective,” Luna mused. “Did I ever tell you about the time when he saved me from falling in the Seine?”

“No. What happened?”

A ghost of a smile fluttered on her lips as Luna recalled. “Five years ago, Michael came over to Paris to spend a few weeks with me. He knows Paris quite well, but this time we took a walk down the river in a part of the city neither of us were that familiar with. Anyway, we’re walking along, talking away, when we hear shouting behind us. As we turn around, some man pushes past me, pushing me over the railing and running away. I’m falling backwards, the sky has swapped places with the ground, and all I can see dark water. I was certain I was going to drown, but just as my feet were going over the railing, Michael caught me. Never in my life was I so glad he was there.”

“I’m glad he was there, too.” The gentle tone of his voice was sincere.

A small sigh flowed from between her lips. “Seems Michael has an aptitude for saving women. Maybe we should hire him out?”

“After we save you first, princess,” he replied, the words coming out in a ragged tone.

Luna saw the shadows darkening Chase’s eyes, and she knew that he was kicking himself for saying those words. “I’m scared, Chase. What happens if they really do get hold of me? I don’t want to open the gates to hell.”

Chase’s hands flew instantly to her head, cupping her cheeks once more. He brought her towards him, resting her forehead against his. The warmth of his skin attempted to break through the iciness that now flowed through her blood but couldn’t. “You won’t, Luna. We will not let you. I will not let you go anywhere with that bastard. Even if I should fall to the depths of hell, I will never let you go.”