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Temptation Of The Moon: A Silver Moon Novel by L. S. Slayford (7)





Luna was looking forward to sinking beneath a mountain of bubbles, steam clouding around her face, and luxuriating in hot water. Maybe then this chill that had seeped into her bones would finally dissipate. Somehow, she didn’t think it would, but she was willing to sacrifice an hour of her time to experiment.

All day Michael and the others had kept her within arm’s reach, three overbearing shadows slowly suffocating her once more. Pierre had left a few hours earlier to rest for his babysitting shift, so it had just been the two werewolves on guard duty. There were times when Luna wished they would talk to her; then there were times when she longed for a little small talk. But still, she remained quiet as those eyes kept darting back to her every few minutes.

Not that she could go anywhere fast. The pounding in her head was refusing to subside, and somehow in the fight with the witch, Luna had come out with a twisted ankle. Pierre had offered Luna some of his blood to help with the healing process, but Luna had refused. Guilt ate away at her for causing Michael and the others so much pain and for what? A few minutes alone in the fading darkness. It wasn’t worth it, not really. No, the throbbing headache and painful ankle would be her punishment for her idiocy.

Heaving a deep sigh, Luna rose from her comfortable seat to make her way upstairs to the bathroom. Those bubbles were calling for her. Chase was right behind her, silent and brooding, his eyes fixated on her back. She had only stepped on the first rung when growls erupted amidst the silence.

“What is it?” Luna whispered, trying to push back the fear that was quickly flowing through her.

Chase’s body tensed, his back straight as a pencil. “Car pulling up. Stay back.”

Trepidation shuddered down her spine. Her heart lodged in her throat, and she couldn’t swallow it back down. Automatically, her hand reached for the dagger tucked into the top of her pyjama bottoms, but she had barely touched the hilt when she heard the faint creaks of the porch steps followed by stomping.

“Chase,” Luna whispered, willing her voice not to waver.

Chase’s face remained still, his body locked and eager to go, a lethal weapon ready to spring into action. But seconds before a sharp rap came, his face relaxed. “It’s Mike,” he told her, his fingers tapping away at the panel that would let him open the door and allow the older werewolf to step through without setting off any alarms.

“Afternoon, Chase. Luna. Michael here? I need to have a word.” The cheerful smile stretched across his face soon disappeared when he took in their faces. “OK, what did I miss and what happened to our little Luna this time?”

Heaving a heavy sigh, Chase punched more numbers into the panel before gesturing towards the kitchen. “Oh, it’s been a fun morning for everyone, that’s for sure. Come on back, and I’ll pour you a drink and fill you in on the details.”

Twenty minutes later, Luna found herself seated around the table with the three werewolves as Michael and Chase recounted what had occurred that morning. Mike stared back at her, his dark eyes staring intently at her throughout. Luna stared back at the ageing werewolf. Somewhere in his sixties and heavyset but with muscle instead of fat, the lines around his eyes and mouth hadn’t been there when they had first met, but those eyes were as intelligent as ever.

“Luna,” he sighed, her name heavy and weary, much like her father used to sound like when he was alive. “You realise that you could’ve been killed, yes?”

Nodding her head, Luna forced herself not to return the sigh. “Yes, as everyone seems to like to remind me, I do realise I could have been killed. Michael and the others have chastised me enough. I don’t need it from you, too.”

Chase laid a hand on her knee, squeezing it gently. A warning for her to stop. Michael poured another two fingers of whiskey into his glass before offering a refill of Mike’s. Shaking his head, Mike turned back and locked gazes with Luna. “You were lucky today, but luck runs out. Especially when it comes to the Crescent Moon Pack.”

A shiver of dread swept down Luna’s spine at the mention of the pack determined to snatch her. “What do you mean, Mike?” she asked. She didn’t really want an answer, but the question slipped out before she could stop it.

His eyes pinned her to the spot. Suddenly, those eyes looked fathomless, with depths that promised nothing but pain. “While you’ve been training, I’ve been doing some research on this pack of yours.”

“Not my pack,” she scoffed.

“True that. But anyway, I’ve been calling in favours, trying to dig up some dirt on these guys. The alpha is a bastard of a guy named Dean Russo. No one quite knows where he is, all we’ve got is that he’s holed up somewhere up north. Nearest pack is the Feral Summit pack in New York State, so we think they’ve got to be somewhere around the Vermont area, but they keep to themselves. Nasty reputation these guys, and I mean nasty. Was talking to a vamp who was lucky to make it out of that domain a few years ago. Told me how this Dean likes to punish those who trespass through his territory. I won’t go into the details but let’s just say what’s meant to stay within the body usually finds its way half-eaten on the outside. And the women are raped both before and after death, regardless of how bad the body has been treated.”

Bile rose up in Luna’s throat, her stomach in knots at Mike’s words, well aware of the horror painting her expression. Mike took a long sip of his drink as Misty’s words came back to haunt her.

“What the hell do you think I’m going to do to you, Misty?” Chase thundered.

Misty stared back, tears shimmering in her hazel eyes. She shook her head. “Nothing as bad as Dean will do. One of our young wolves, Victor, angered him one day and he tortured him. Tortured him, Chase! He skinned him alive and then used his own intestines as a leash. You’ll kill me for what’s happened here tonight, but you won’t torture me like he will.”

Misty had failed in her task thankfully, but not before revealing how sick and depraved this so-called alpha was.

Michael slammed his glass down onto the table, jolting Luna from the painful memory. “What else do you know?”

Mike looked up, his dark eyes offset by his thick black sweater. “Around thirty years ago, he was told of the prophecy by some seer. He started doing some research and had a sorcerer conjure up a demon who substantiated it. Told him that if he could find this one human girl and mate with her, the child produced would be the key to unlocking the gates of hell. If he could do this, then they’d let him rule over a large chunk of the world. If he didn’t, then he would kiss all that power goodbye.”

Snarls circled the kitchen, a menacing sound that added another layer of ice that flowed through her veins. Luna inhaled deeply, but her breathing hitched as she struggled to keep calm. Why is this happening to me? Why can’t it happen to someone else? Luna thought bitterly as hot tears threatened to spill out the corners of her eyes. Eyes downcast, the outbreak of swearing and angry words faded into the background as she watched her hands tremble.

With tremendous effort, Luna raised her eyes and stared straight ahead. “Is there anything else you know? Anything we can use to prepare ourselves? It won’t be long until they strike again.”

Mike stared back at her. “This guy likes his magic. Sorcerers, witches, wizards, mages, you name it, he’s got access to them. If it can cause pain, then he’s got no problems using it to get what information he needs. Heard that he used to have some witch chained up like some slave, someone who had visions every so often, but she was … punished.”

His last word sent a shiver rippling over her skin. Mike’s mouth formed a grim line. Luna hardly dared to imagine what kind of punishment this poor woman had endured.

“Where are you getting your information from?” Michael asked, his voice low and demanding.

Mike looked up and met his alpha’s eyes. “I got us an informant.”

“What?” Chase exclaimed, his eyes rounding in amazement.

“Not many people survive long at the Crescent Moon pack; even fewer make it out and escape. Found this guy not too far from the Vanished Raven pack’s territory, bloodied and half-dead. Had escaped a few days before. Lady I knew back in the day took him in. He’s offered all the information he has on the pack in exchange for our help.”

Michael’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of help?”

“He wants out of the country. There are many places one of our kind can hide out in Europe, far away from the clutches of this sadistic bastard. But he can’t get out alone. I said I’d ask you, Michael, but I don’t think he’ll wait around for too long before moving on.”

“Pretty perfect timing, huh, don’t you think?” Chase muttered.

Luna turned to face him. “What do you mean?”

“Think about it, princess. You were attacked twice in a short amount of time, and suddenly there’s a guy who’s willing to give us all the information we want in exchange for helping him escape to Europe? Pretty convenient if you ask me,” Chase scoffed, the disbelief crystal-clear in his tone.

“He was pretty messed up when I found him,” Mike responded, reaching for the half-empty bottle of whiskey. Pouring himself another finger, he looked up at the younger werewolf who was watching him through narrow eyes. “Stomach had been sliced open, one eye hanging halfway out the socket. Doreen’s tried to save it, but I don’t think it’s going to work. Even if he is some kind of mole, I don’t think he’d go to that kind of extremes.”

Michael started drumming his fingers on the table. “That bad?”

The older werewolf looked up, his dark eyes glistening with the memories of what he’d seen. “I’ve seen bad things, Michael, but nothing comes close to that.”

“What’s he offering in exchange for passage to Europe?”

“The location of the pack, the exact numbers and capabilities in his pack, what they look like, all their weaknesses. But he’s got to be out of the country by tomorrow. If there’s no answer tonight, he walks.”

Distrust shone in Chase’s eyes. There was no doubt that he didn’t trust this guy, but Michael’s brow furrowed in thought. Luna turned back towards the older werewolf who radiated a fatherly aura. “Do you think this information is trustworthy, Mike?”

Those dark eyes turned back to her. “I do. Europe is his last hope, and he knows it. If we don’t get him there, he’s not going to make it. Russo will continue hunting him down. In Europe, there’s a chance. Here, he has none.”

“Then let’s do it,” Luna said, twisting her head towards her brother.

“Luna? You realise any information he gives us could be false or could lead us into a trap?” Chase told her, the doubt evident in his tone.

Luna merely shook her head, trying to summon every last ounce of willpower within her to keep herself in control of her nerves. “We need information, Chase. They know where we live, how many of us there are, but we know hardly anything about them. Misty didn’t say much when she was locked up in the cage apart from how sadistic this alpha was. Any information we can get can help us prepare. I say we give this werewolf what he wants in exchange for that information.”

Michael nodded. “I’m inclined to agree. Go back and tell him we want all the info he’s got on his pack in exchange for a ticket out of the States. But he’s got to swear a binding oath.” At seeing Luna’s confused look, he quickly explained. “A binding oath is similar to the one your dhampir swore to me when he arrived, but it’s longer and more powerful. It’s a magical spell that can only be undone in death. If he goes back on his word, then he suffers. The pain gets so bad that he’ll eventually die. When I’m dead will the spell break.”

“Oh,” was all she could think to say.

“Get as much information out of him as possible,” Michael told him, his blue eyes darkening. “Terms are that he doesn’t harm any of our pack, Luna, the dhampir, or give us false information. I’ll ring around and get something sorted ASAP.”

“I think you’re making a big mistake, Michael,” Chase told him, swallowing the remaining contents of his glass in one go.

“Well, considering I’m alpha and you’re not, you don’t have to worry about it, do you?” Michael barked at him, his tone informing his beta to take caution.

Chase glanced up, shock evident in those brown eyes. Silence filled the air for an uneasy moment. “Yeah, you’re alpha,” he finally said, his voice cautious. “I just don’t like trusting other people’s information to safeguard Luna.”

Eyes softening, Michael nodded, rubbing his temples and grimacing. “I know, man, but for now it’s our best shot.”

Mike pushed his seat back, the scrapping of his chair sending goose-bumps over Luna’s arms. “I guess I’ll be heading off then. I’ll check in with you in a few hours, Michael.” Coming around to Luna’s chair, he bent down, giving her a soft hug. The scent of pine and marshmallows filled her nose. “Try and stay out of trouble, young lady. At least until I’m back, you got me?”

Luna couldn’t help but smile at the greying werewolf. “I’ll try to, Mike. Be safe out there, please.”

“Of course. Don’t worry about me. See you soon.” With that, he hurried out the kitchen, Chase following to deal with the alarm. Getting up from her seat, Luna made her way over to the other side of the kitchen. The guys can drink all the whiskey they want, she thought, but I need my tea. The kettle had started boiling over when Chase returned, worry creasing the contours of his face.

For a moment, they remained silent, the only noise coming from Luna as she made her tea. Peppermint-scented steam rose into the air, like sweet-smelling ghosts. Tea was comforting.

“What now?” Chase asked, finally breaking the silence, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Now we plan,” Luna replied, the calmness in her voice surprising her. “Michael’s going to sort out travel arrangements, I’m going to have another bath, and then we continue to build up our defences. Pierre’s bringing something round later that should help us.” Luna couldn’t hear what Chase muttered, but she doubted it was good. “Any suggestions in the meantime? No? In that case, I’m going for my bath.”

Michael stood up, clutching the half-finished bottle of whiskey in his hand. “Chase, why don’t you go check in on the rest of the pack. Let them know we’re going to be doing twice daily check-ins from now on.”

Face still painted with a grim expression, Chase headed out of the room, but not before glancing in Luna’s direction. What he was thinking about when he looked at her, she couldn’t be sure.

Michael’s face was painted with emotion as he stood in front of her. “I’m proud of you, sis.”

“Proud of me? Why?” she asked, surprise lacing her tone.

Careful of the hot tea she held, Michael pulled her into a warm embrace. “You dealt with everything Mike had to say with calmness and grace. Other women would break down and piss themselves, but not you, Luna. You didn’t cry and run off screaming. Instead, you sat there and listened to what was said and just dealt with it. You acted like a true leader. You kind of reminded me of Dad tonight. You’re more like him than you realise. I reckon you’d be a good alpha if you were born first.”

Warmth flooded through her at Michael’s words. Looking up at him, she took comfort in those blue eyes staring down at her. His slightly unruly hair shone in the sunlight streaming through the open window, his eyes beaming with brotherly love. “Thank you,” she whispered before a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Does this mean I get to boss you about now?”

Michael laughed softly, shaking his head. “Don’t you always?” 




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