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The Alpha's Bond: An Alpha/Omega Mpreg (Idriador Chronicles Book 3) by Colbie Dunbar (5)


Oh, Seb. What have you done?

“You had one job. One fucking job.” Dray leaned toward Seb, his nostrils flaring and the tips of his ears a brilliant red, bellowing at screech level 10. “You were supposed to tell Adam that Max was in Roselake. One little sentence. How hard is that?”

“You weren’t here, and it’s not your family being threatened.”

“My life’s been on the line since I started this work.”

“And who do you work for exactly?”

“Your government.”

Max cringed as Seb tuned out Dray’s tongue-lashing. What a balls-up!

“And not only that, you actually gave him money to leave the country.” Dray’s clawed hands made a choking motion at the older alpha. “I could have turned your fuck-up around. But you had to make sure he left! Did you drive him to the airport? Hold his hand until he got on the plane? Kiss him goodbye?”

“Shut it. I got rid of one big threat. That’s a win. You kept that sad sack of blubber around, milking him for information and feeding him false leads.”

Max’s stomach recoiled at the idea of anyone milking Adam for anything. That’s an image I can do without.

“But that fool stood between your loved ones and Mr. Sharpe.”

“It’s one down and one to go. Now we have to decide what to do if Max’s father arrives.”

Not if, but when, Seb.

“Shut up. I’m thinking. And there’s no we. You…” he poked Seb in the chest, “stay…” and prodded the older alpha a second time as the omega observed his mate’s hands balled into fists. “…away. I have to fathom a way out of this mess.”

The younger alpha paced the floor and tugged his hair while Seb shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to catch Max’s eye.

He’s fucked up, and he knows it. “It’s done now, Dray.” The omega refused to look at his mate. It’s all about the dicks. And assholes. Assholes and dicks. “Now what?”

“It doesn’t take a genius to work that out, Max.”

“Hey, Dray. I get that you’re angry but keep insulting my intelligence and you can do your thinking elsewhere.”

“Sorry.” Dray’s sheepish grin did nothing to sooth the omega’s irritation. They’re both blockheads.

“Jesus, I’ll say it. Max’s father will come for him. How hard is that?” Seb’s eyes were tiny pinpricks of fury as he thrust himself between his mate and the other alpha.

“Thanks for reminding me, Seb.” The omega jutted out his chin, daring his mate to continue. “And I have you to thank.” Seb winced at Max’s cutting words and he reached out to stroke his mate’s hand. But the omega ducked out of reach and stalked into the next room, where his grandmother was listening to the battle of the alphas.

“And that’s just what we didn’t want. Where do you get off putting your own feelings before your mate’s, your daughter’s and your country’s?”

“Forgive me for not considering Idriador. This is my family and I’m doing what’s best.” Seb made to follow Max, but Mary shook her head, so instead he slumped into an armchair and hugged a cushion.

Good. Stay there and consider what you’ve done.

“Are you the walking wounded, sweetheart?”

“I feel so impotent, Grandma.” The omega rested his head on his grandmother’s shoulder and snuggled into her.

Mary kissed his hair. “My darling Max. In the past, alphas were at the forefront of discovering new lands, charging into battle and defeating enemies. But that fierce energy burnt out quickly. It was the omegas following that blazing trail who cleaned up the mess, formed communities, provided food and built families. And we still do, though in the 21st century, we have so many more options. We’re often the ones forging ahead.”

“What are you saying? That I have to sort this out?”

“You have to be part of the decision-making process. Your voice and opinions are equal to that pair of idiots.” The older woman jerked her head toward Dray and Seb, who were now circling one another and posturing. “How long before they yank their pants down and measure their dicks?”

Max’s head shot up, and his cheeks burned as he tried to rid his thoughts of his grandmother using that word. No! “Grandma!”

“I’ve been around a lot of cocks, Max.”

God, no! The younger omega closed his eyes and poked fingers in his ears. “La la la la la. I can’t hear you.”

Mary pulled her grandson’s hands away from his head. “Grow up.”

I don’t want to if I have to hear that again.

“Okay. I won’t mention dicks again.” Mary smirked. “Oops! Last time, I promise.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

There’s a naughty side to this woman which I cherish, but it can be mortifying.

“Nathan is apparently an omega, and he’s Dray’s boss from what I can work out. And I’ve seen you steamroll over Seb in an argument.”

“That’s easy. I’m aware of the chinks in his armor.”

“And there’s a third alpha in the mix.”

Shit! “Father.”

“You have two choices. Wait until he comes or head him off at the pass.”

The younger omega sighed. “I wish I could knee cap him.”


It never ends with those two.

“Shit for brains!”

Shoving a cushion over his head, Max tried to drown out the voices from the other room. I’ll knock their heads together if they don’t shut up.

* * *



Max sat in front of a computer with the video chat app open. Mr. Sharpe’s face filled the screen, framed by a pair of dark-rimmed glasses, and the omega took a deep breath. Sipping on hot tea, Max hid his face behind the mug as he studied the older man.

It had been his decision to speak to his father remotely. “I want to be pro-active and deal with him directly. No more running and hiding, hoping this happens or that works out.” Seb had been supportive but insisted he stay nearby where he could listen.

Dray had agreed. “At least you’ll follow my instructions—unlike him.” The younger man glared at Seb.

But the omega shook his head. “No more dictating the terms, Dray. This is my father.” He glanced at his mate. “And our problem.” Seb’s flushed cheeks and his folded arms had Max assuming the alpha bore some guilt for their current mess. Now I have to get us out.

“It’s everyone’s problem,” Dray had muttered and glared at the other alpha.

Max peered at his father. Judging by the furniture, he was in his private study at the family compound. Bottles of scotch, whisky, rum and brandy lined the bar behind him.

The omega had banned Seb from speaking, and the alpha fumed on the sofa out of sight of the laptop’s webcam. Mary and Tony were in their room amusing Isla and Trixie while Dray wandered around the farm yard muttering into his phone and making faces at the goats and pigs as they reacted to his intrusion with grunts and squeals.

“Where are you, Max? Is Adam with you?”

The omega grimaced. “He’s gone.”

Mr. Sharpe narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to the screen. “I don’t understand. I saw the pair of you in bed. Your bond with Seb is broken, and I’m ecstatic. That’s the first step to having you in my life again.”

“Father, in many ways you’re a smart man. You’ve built a successful business. Many people respect you or should I say fear you, but like so many others, you see what you want to see.”

“You’re not going to start reciting Shakespeare, are you?”

I could. Love, hatred, deception—there are plenty of appropriate quotes. “No. I outmaneuvered you, Father.”


“My bond with Seb is intact.” The omega held his hand to the screen so his father could not mistake the amethyst ring glittering on his right hand.


The omega studied his father as emotions flitted across the older man’s face. The forced smile, furrowed brow and clenched fists told Max how he was digesting the news. But there was something else the omega couldn’t fathom. He’s not pretending is he? Is this all an act?

“My dear son, if you had told me you disapproved of Adam I would have let you into my little scheme. I was tiring of him and you’ve saved me the trouble of having to sever our relationship.”

“How many other ways could I have spelt it out.” The omega gripped the edge of the desk. He doesn’t understand affection because he’s never loved anything. “Adam tried to attack me. I mated with Seb. We want nothing to do with you. How do you not understand?”

“Alphas and omegas can overpower their natural instincts, Maximus, especially if the heart chooses unwisely.”

“Stop, please. I’m not interested in learning about Adam’s good qualities—if he has any. And the same goes for your plans. You’ve always got a strategy, a tactic or a campaign to get what you want. I’m here with my family—my entire family—and I’m severing ties with you.”

The alpha sneered and rolled his eyes. “Are my parents there too?”

Max nodded.

Mr. Sharpe shrugged. “Let me tell you a little secret. Adam was a placeholder. He was meant to keep you entertained while you learnt the business.”

I’ve never shown any interest in his work. “By that you mean he would have been my shadow watching my every move.” Seb harrumphed, and Max kicked his mate, hoping his father didn’t notice, but the older man was concentrating on his phone and texting as he spoke.

Even now he can’t give me his full attention. “What makes you think I’d want to immerse myself in your work?”

“I have to train one of my sons to take over when I’m no longer able.”

The omega closed one eye. “I have four older brothers. Or have you forgotten?”

The alpha threw his hands up. “They’re dolts. They think of nothing except football, fucking and fun.”


“I’ve made a new will and you are my designated heir.” Mr. Sharpe flourished a pile of papers. “You’re the only one capable of taking over.”

“I don’t want it.”

“Let’s do a deal. Your brothers are apparently shooting blanks and are unlikely to procreate.”

Seb made a face.

You and me both, Seb. Ewww.

“You at least are fertile.”

“The words ‘at least’ tell me how I rank in the hierarchy.”

“You’ll have everything you ever wanted. A beautiful home, staff to wait on you, more money than you’ll ever be able to spend…”

“All of that is meaningless without my mate and daughter.” Max took a deep breath as he calculated the ramifications of his father’s offer. “So, if I’m the heir, Isla will inherit after I die.”


As I suspected. “Because she’s female.”

“That’s part of it.”

“What else?”

“Your mate is nothing.”

“But based on your materialist criteria, his family is more than suitable. They have plenty of money.”

“He comes from bad stock.”

“Oh, I get it. You’ve done a background search and discovered they used to be poor.” Just like you.

His phone’s beeping got Mr. Sharpe’s attention and as he peered at the small screen over the top of his glasses, he mumbled in a distracted voice, “Ummm… no need… for a search.”

What? Max tried to piece together what his father had said. “And that’s ‘cause you already knew? How?”

His father waved his hands distractedly. “Let’s not get into that. It’s of no importance.”

It is to me.

Seb held a sign behind the computer that read, ‘Find out more’. But the omega ignored him as his father rambled about his plans.

“I needed you here and hinted to Adam he could mate with you. I wanted to keep him happy and you amused.”

Never! “Adam seems more important than me. Why is that?”

“I owed someone a favor and employed him. He had dreams of taking over from me.” The alpha’s eyes crinkled at the corners and a cynical baying laughter burst from his lips.

Max placed his hands over his ears. That awful sound. Seb squatted beside him, out of site of the camera, and squeezed his thigh.

“He was a patsy and a cheap one at that. Always desperate for acceptance.”

“For the first time, I feel a little sorry for him. Maybe he had a loveless childhood, too.”

Mr. Sharpe’s expression changed. “Stop the woe-is-me story. You were well taken care of.”

“Not by you.”

The alpha held up a hand mirror and smoothed his hair. “Whatever. But Adam served his purpose. He did anything I asked him to.”

“Such as setting fire to our home?”

Mr. Sharpe’s wide eyes stared back at Max.

He seems truly horrified.

“That was all his doing. I told him to bring you home and scare Sebastian away. He paid some people and as usual screwed everything up.” The alpha shivered. “Fire is unpredictable. I would never have suggested that.”

Good to know. “Hardly the act of a loving father, though.”

“Look. Adam’s out of the picture which is no great loss. I propose you come home. You can bring the cub, and I’ll teach you the business. It’s not my preferred solution, but you appear to have a strong attachment to her.”

Unbelievable. “She was born from my flesh. My blood runs in her veins and my DNA is part of her as I am part of you.” Sadly.

The pair sat in silence as Max contemplated the yawning gap between his devotion to Isla and his father’s disdain for him.

Mr. Sharpe interrupted the stillness and continued, “Once you had a handle on the business, I was going to mate you with an alpha from an upstanding family so you could breed and provide a proper heir.”

He is so…. “Just like most alphas who wave their dicks at unsuspecting omegas, you have no knowledge of the laws that bind omegas to their mates. How is that possible?”

“Oh, those antiquated ideas? Pfft. No one pays attention to those.”

“They aren’t rules or social mores. They’re part of us and govern how omegas are bound and live their lives. Alphas are free to fuck about, but we can’t.”

“You’re being over dramatic. There are ways around those obstacles.”

Nope. “And you refer to me as no more than a pet. We treat animals on the farm better than that.”

“Omegas are put on this earth for one purpose…”

I want to slam my fist through the screen. We’re back where we started years ago. “But I fell in love, mated and had a baby. I’ve never been happier.”

A knock at the door interrupted Max’s speech. What now?


“Sir, it’s Magda. I have your afternoon tea.”


“And speaking of families…” The alpha’s face broke into a smile. “Perfect timing. Come in, Magda.”

What now?

The door burst open, and a blurred shape bobbed behind Mr. Sharpe. A pair of hands holding a tray bearing scones, a teapot and a bottle of something came into focus. Max squinted at Magda as she shoved the tray on the desk and waved the plate under her employer’s nose. “Eat. Eat. They’ll make you sweeter.”


“I have a surprise.”

Please don’t let it be Adam’s head on a spike.

“Magda. Look!”

The housekeeper caught sight of Max’s face on the screen, and she thrust the scones into Mr. Sharpe’s hands. Her face softened as she waved at the omega. “Max, my darling.” Magda clutched her apron. “You didn’t say goodbye. I miss you. When are you coming home?”

“I’m sorry, Magda. I left in a rush.” I wish I could have told you I was leaving.

The omega’s head was so close to the computer, her nose was touching the screen. “I hope that last batch of brownies were satisfactory.”

Max gave a thumb’s up as his father thumped the tiny omega’s shoulder.

“Get out of the way, woman. This is my conversation, not yours.”

Max swore her eyes filled with tears as she opened her mouth and closed it again.

“Leave her alone, Father.”

“Or what?” The older man snorted. He clutched Magda’s wrist, and she yelped.

The omega shoved his chair back. “You’re hurting her. Stop it, please. You’re doing this to get back at me.”

The housekeeper’s face crumpled as Mr. Sharpe tightened his grip.

Magda. I’m so sorry. “Father, let her go, and I’ll listen to you. Please.”

“You think you were deprived of love.” The alpha snarled and his expression was unrecognizable.

Why is he doing this? How do I stop him hurting her?

Seb squatted at his mate’s side and crossed his arms, indicating he wanted Max to stop the conversation.

“What? Father, please let Magda go back to work, and I’ll hear you out.”

“Look no further for the love you’ve been yearning for.”

“Huh?” Is he losing it?

“Through your formative years, who gave you the most love?”

This is a trap but I don’t see a way out. “Ahhh… ummm.” Max gulped.

Seb was behind the laptop mouthing “No!” but Max grabbed the device and stuck it on his lap. “Magda taught me to cook and I often sat in the kitchen eating cookies and watching her make dinner.” The day I arrived at the farm and walked into Seb’s kitchen, I thought of Magda. “They are my happiest memories, along with the summers at Grandma and Grandpa’s place.”

“There you are. You didn’t miss out on anything.”

“I…” I’m cornered like an animal.

“You had grandparents and a parent.”

You don’t count, Father. “You weren’t around much.” As in never.

“Not me, Max.”

The omega glanced at Seb, who was trying to close the laptop but Max snatched it away.

“Okay?” What am I supposed to say?

Mr. Sharpe pushed Magda in front of him and her quivering lips wrenched at Max’s heart. I should have ignored her. Pretended she wasn’t there.


“What do you want me to say? That Magda and Grandma were the closest things I had to a mother? Yes, it’s the truth. You were a figurehead, an empty vessel that flitted into my life occasionally. My bullying brothers were more present than you.”

“I cheated you of nothing.” The older man grabbed the housekeeper around the neck and pulled her head back. “Look at her.”

Magda’s choking sounds tore shreds from Max’s body as if he were being slowly filleted, stripped of his skin and cut into chunks. “Stop it. For God’s sake why are you punishing her for caring about me?” If I log off, will he continue to torment her? How can I help? Think, Max. Nathan? Yes, Nathan!

The omega scribbled Nathan’s name on a piece of paper and waved it at Seb but the alpha was sending a message. How can he be texting when I need him! Max threw a paperweight at his mate, but the alpha shoved his phone at him. The words ‘Nathan needs to help Magda. In Dick’s study. Now!’ were displayed in black letters.

He’s way ahead of me.

“Say it,” Max’s father hissed in the housekeeper’s ear.

The older woman’s hands, wrinkled from years submerged in water, reached out to the omega.


“M-My M-Max.”

Is he forcing her to say she never cared about me? I won’t believe her.

“Say it!” Max’s father screeched in Magda’s ear as great hacking sobs wracked her body.

“My boy.”

The omega’s whimpers matched the housekeeper’s.

“For God’s sake, I’m dealing with fools. This pathetic creature is your omega. Your mother. She gave birth to you.”

“Jesus Christ!” Max leapt out of his chair but the room spun around him and his vision narrowed to a tiny sliver of light. His world teetered on tiptoes and collapsed. I’m dreaming. Or drunk. Or both. A blistering heat surged through his body followed by a ruthless, icy cold. Goosebumps prickled over his skin while sweat trickled down his back. Who am I? What am I?

Seb raced to his mate’s side as the omega’s body swayed. He got Max into the chair and made him sip tea.

“Oh, it’s you, Sebastian. The sperm donor. You always turn up when least wanted.”

The alpha sneered at Max’s father. “Sounds as though you donated something of your own and delivered a bombshell.”

The older man spat on the screen. “I would never breed with a female.”

Max blinked. “Huh?”

“I never lay with this creature. This thing.”

Is she or isn’t she?

Seb clutched Max’s hand and yelled, “Making sense is not your strong point, but you just contradicted yourself. Stop playing with his emotions. Which is it?”

“Fools. You’re putting 2 and 2 together and making 22.”

“He’s not your father, Max,” Magda blurted out as the alpha’s fingers tightened around her throat. “My mate was a good man, and he died after you and I were snatched away.”

The omega opened his mouth and struggled to breathe as the walls closed in. He reached out to his mate, clutching at the air.

“Breathe, Max. In and out. You can do this. And again. In and out. Keep going.”

The omega’s senses were overwhelmed, smothering his vision and breath: Magda’s terrified face; her gasping and struggling to loosen the fingers restricting her airway; his father snarling; Seb’s soothing voice; the flowery aroma from the tea; the earthy flavor on his tongue; and the chair pinching his thighs as he squeezed them.

“Max.” Magda’s high-pitched screech filtered through the darkness that surrounded the omega and inched closer, whispering in his ear and tracing fingers of gloom over his soul. His arms flailed trying to reach her. “M-Mama?” That’s the first time I’ve said that word.

Seb cradled his mate and snarled at the man whose face was imprinted on the screen. “You tried to destroy him. And her. Made him think he was never good enough. What I told you the day you came here still stands. And more so now. And for what? What did they have that you needed?”

“Her alpha took something of mine, so I took his most prized possessions.”

Stolen. Torn away. Ripped apart. The omega imagined a carcass being fought over by wild animals until it snapped in two. His heart splintered as his, Magda and his unknown father’s loss clawed at him, choking him by squeezing the air from his lungs.

Seb brushed his lips over his mate’s head as the omega moaned and beat his fists on the desk. “I’m here, Max. No one can hurt you.”

“That’s what you think?” Mr. Sharpe snarled.

The alpha swung around and his pendant slipped out of his shirt. He fingered it as the older alpha gasped. “The one that got away.” With his eyes fixed on Seb, Mr. Sharpe released Magda and she fell out of sight weeping and howling her son’s name. The alpha kicked something at his feet, and the housekeeper’s cries became whimpers.

I’ll kill him.

“Finally. All that time and effort.”

The older alpha’s words barely registered with Max as the omega placed a hand over the screen, and his fingers broke Mr. Sharpe’s repellent face into tiny slivers.

“Where did you get that?”

Max ignored the raging alpha and leaned toward the computer as if being closer would allow him to catch a glimpse of Magda. He rested his wet cheek on the laptop muttering, “Mama. Mama.”

“Ignore the stupid woman.” Mr. Sharpe poked at the screen. “That damn thing around your neck.

“The fool’s gold?” Seb shoved the pendant inside his shirt.

“I’m surrounded by fools but that nugget is not one of them.”




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