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The Bear's Fake Bride (Bears With Money Book 1) by Amy Star, Simply Shifters (17)



It felt as though they just stood and held each other for an eternity before he spoke. Finally though, he could not help but ask, “Are you alright?”

“I think so. I feel a bit numb,” she answered, still holding tightly to him. He seemed in no hurry to let her go either, keeping his arms wound around her.

“I'll make sure that you are OK,” he said, without a bit of doubt in his voice.

“How are you?” she asked him, pulling her head away from his chest so that she could watch his face as he answered her. Perhaps, she thought, his expression would give her a hint as to why he was choosing to fight to keep her.

“Well, I would very much like to kill him, so we're halfway there. I just need to want him dead more than he wants me dead,” he answered with a playful smirk on his face.

He seemed to be trying to lighten the mood, but she couldn't bring herself to laugh for him. She knew it must be bothering him to see her so scared, but she needed answers before her heart could be light enough to laugh at his jokes.

“Why is this happening?” she asked tentatively.

The last time they'd discussed Bertram, he'd made it very clear he didn't want to tell her what their history was. They had come to be so much more comfortable with each other since then that she hoped he might tell her now.

“Was the process of a challenged mating never explained to you?” he asked, feigning an innocent expression but she was not fooled. She would not be put off this time. He owed her this answer.

“Yes, of course it was. What I don't understand is why Bertram is doing this,” she continued.

The proper thing for her to do would've been to leave the subject alone. He clearly didn't want to share the past with her; still, she needed to know and this was her only chance to get him to tell her.

“Do you really not understand how wonderful you are?” he said, stroking her hair and looking down at her with an expression in his eyes that very well could have been love.

She pushed that thought from her mind. She could not let herself consider that he loved her. It was enough that he valued and respected her.

“This doesn't have anything to do with me and you know it. What's the history between the two of you?” she asked bluntly, earning her an indulgent half smile from her mate.

“I don't really want to see you burdened with that knowledge. Besides, it's not my story to tell,” he said, still guarded but his resolve to keep it from her seemed to be weakening. She could see that on his face.

“I need to know why this is happening to us. It's a part of our story now,” she said, taking his hand and lacing her fingers through it.

“Alright. You do deserve that. I put you in the middle of this. The least I can do is be honest with you,” he sighed. He pulled their interlocked hands to his mouth and kissed the back of hers.

“Please? It won't change anything between us,” she insisted, so pleased that he trusted her enough to consider sharing the story with her. It proved to her that Bertram did not really know her mate at all, which told her that Luke would have the advantage when they met in battle.

“It might, but I'll tell you anyway. You're familiar with my younger sister, aren't you?” he began, looking off into the distance instead of at her as he began his tale.

“Yes, of course I am,” she whispered in surprise.

This was not where she thought the tale would begin. His younger sister was named Namia. She was one of the great beauties of their tribe and she was also a kind soul who was well loved by all.

“Well, she's a bit of a romantic. The idea of falling in love and choosing her mate as humans do has always been a fascination of hers. Several years ago, she encountered Bertram in the forest. He's objectively a handsome fellow. She was easily convinced he loved her, which had her falling head over heels for him. He convinced her to run off with him,” he explained, his voice still heavy with anger as though it had happened only days before.

“Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed.

She could not imagine the scandal of the daughter of the chief had run off with a bear of the other tribe. It would've been a horrid scandal even if her lover had been a member of their tribe. For any bear to go outside of the mating ritual was to disrespect centuries of tradition. No bear in recent times had done such a thing, but there were tales about those who had tried in the past, only to be turned away from the tribes as outcasts; forced to face the world on their own, some had even been killed by their own families or the families of the lover they had taken for the shame brought on them. If the chief’s daughter had done it, it would have thrown the whole tribe into a frenzy and weakened the chief’s rule. It would've made them all easy prey to Bertram and his tribe.

“Yes, he knew who she was. He knew she was the daughter of the chief. He wanted to shame our family and the entire tribe. If she had mated outside of the ritual, it would've been a scandal, but if he had loved her at all, I might have let it happen. I have a soft spot for my little sister. I want her to be happy more than I want the tribe to thrive. One scandal would not ruin our entire way of life,” he said, though his expression told her that he did not quite believe that.

A scandal of that magnitude would have rocked the very foundation of their way of life.

He continued, “Still, I'd heard talk of him before he began sneaking around with my sister. I could smell him on her and I know her well enough to know when she had a secret, so I tailed her on one of the walks she was so regularly disappearing on. I only had to watch him with her for a few moments to know there was no sincerity in what he was saying to her. I confronted her that night but of course she denied it all.

"The fact that I knew put a bit of fear in her because father would never have overlooked her behavior. He would've killed Bertram. I knew that, too, and it was why I did not tell him. Still, she told Bertram I knew and he used that to convince her to run off with him. When I realized she was gone, I tracked them down and dragged her back. She was livid, of course. 

"Then, though, he showed his true colors. He railed at me for foiling his plans, not for keeping him from his love. He threatened to get his vengeance one day because he knew that he would never have a better chance to gain power. She realized it then, the whole truth of it. It broke her heart. But soon enough, she was mated with a man who adores her. He treats her well and Bertram is just a long forgotten memory to her. It was the fancy of a young girl, not the love of a woman.” His eyes lit then, as though he had something more he wanted to say to her, but he stopped himself.

“Oh my goodness, this puts his appearance after we first mated into perspective,” she said, recalling his odd statements and lingering stares on that day. It felt like so long ago now. His anger and darkness had been evident and now she understood just why he hated Luke so much. Luke had thwarted his chances to ruin their entire tribe so he had decided to ruin Luke.

“Yes, he wanted to scare you and to let me know that he had chosen the path for vengeance,” he said, his voice sharp with anger. He hated that Bertram had even been in her presence, let alone spoken to her. If he could have, he would have killed him then.

“You could've told me, you know,” she said, placing her hand gently on his cheek and caressing his face.

“I'm so sorry. I know now I should've. I never thought it would come to this. He has a temper, too much of one to wait for something like this. His elders must be encouraging this. It's the only explanation I can come up with for why he hasn't just attacked me and gotten it over with. When he didn't, I started to get nervous. That's why I've been around a bit more. I didn't think he would attack you, but I couldn't take the chance,” he explained and, though the words should have comforted her, they struck cold in her heart.

So he didn't care for her, after all. He was just too much of a gentleman to see her harmed. She tried to keep herself in check but in the end she could not stop herself from speaking.

“So that's why you stayed with me the other day. I thought ... well, it doesn't matter now what I thought, does it?” she said, trying her best to keep from admitting how she felt for him and how she hoped he would one day feel about her.

“I stayed with you that day and every other moment, because I wanted to be with you. It was not just for your protection. I find it difficult to be away from you for many reasons that have nothing to do with your safety,” he said, his eyes glowing with more than anger now. He was clearly hungry for her and she felt a similar desire rising in her. He might not love her, but he wanted her and she told herself that that was enough for now.

He swept her up in his arms, cradling her to his chest. His lips crashed down on hers as though he was trying to stake a new claim upon her and she was glad for it. She took full advantage of her new found position, weaving her hand through his thick hair while keeping the other on his cheek. She relished the feeling of his lips upon hers and hoped against hope that he might feel half as much as she did in that moment, for his lips were upon her mouth, but they were touching her heart.

“Oh my,” she gasped when he pulled his mouth away.

He looked for a second as though he was about to put her down, but she gently caressed his cheek again, giving him all the invitation he needed to carry her in to their tent and make love to her. When they got inside, he placed her on her feet just beside their bed. He turned her so that he could undo the ties that held her dress. With each lace he undid, he placed a lingering kiss on her neck, sending electric shock waves through her body. When the ties were finally loose enough for him to pull the buckskin dress from her body, he slowly pulled the straps from her shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor.

He stepped towards her then, still fully clothed himself. He bent to kiss her gently on the shoulder, caressing her skin with his tongue. The sensation of his lips upon her as his buckskin shirt rubbed against her exposed breasts was intoxicating. The dual sensations were delicious and only grew more intense as his lips traveled along her collarbone and then explored the sensitive skin of her neck. Heat was pooling within her, but it was not until he used his teeth ever so gently upon her neck that she felt her knees buckle with pleasure.

He seemed quite pleased with himself as he felt her lose her balance. He wound an arm around her to hold her up as he continued his sensual exploration. His hands were warm and possessive as he used his free hand to cup her aching breast. She had never wanted him so much as she did in that moment. She felt like such a wanton, but she was only moments from begging him to enter her.

This slow torture was too much for her to bear after the emotional day they had had thus far. She needed to lose herself in his body but he seemed in no hurry, teasing her already hard nipple with his thumb as his tongue traveled the distance to her other shoulder, leaving a trail of electricity across her skin.

She pushed herself into his wandering hand, hoping to show him with her body what she could not find the words to say. She needed him within her. The dark grin that formed on his lips told her he understood exactly what she wanted. Slowly and gently, he laid her down on the bed they shared together. She thought that he would remove his clothing quickly and join her. Instead, he knelt below her on the bed and gently opened her knees to allow himself access to her most feminine area.

She felt suddenly very shy and began to pull away, but he placed his hands on her hips to hold her in place. Gently, he placed the lightest of kisses on her inner thigh and she thought she might go mad with want. He continued to kiss her there, each time moving closer and closer to her core. She could feel herself growing wetter and wetter and she could feel herself blushing as he stared at her most intimate place.

She looked up and found his dark, sensual eyes locked on her. Their eyes met and she felt as though something in their relationship was shifting and changing. It was as if this time, this lovemaking was a new vow between them and she was no longer embarrassed. She understood now. He wanted to know every inch of her, to claim every part of her as his own. She closed her eyes, too overcome by emotions to do anything else, so she was completely shocked when she felt his tongue exploring her womanly folds.

She gasped aloud but he did not stop. He licked and sucked, until his mouth settled on her clitoris and she thought perhaps she would lose her mind entirely. Her hips bucked in response and he gripped her hips tighter, keeping her in place so that he could explore her at will. She felt herself writhing shamelessly beneath him. Soon, she felt her orgasm take her. It was as though her entire body was coming apart at the seams. She felt boneless, as though she had been broken apart and put together anew.

It was only then that he rose from the bed to remove his own clothes. She was so worn out from his lovemaking that she simply lay there watching him reveal his beautiful body to her. She lay there, her damp skin chilled by the night air, completely open to him. She made no effort to cover herself. Instead, she savored the possessiveness of his gaze as he took in the sight of her.

It was only a moment before he was upon her and she felt as though she was within a tornado. His hands and lips seemed to be everywhere at once and she was helpless to stop it, not that she wanted to. The feeling of being swept up in him was the sweetest thing that she could imagine. When he finally thrust himself inside of her, she felt complete.

He bucked wildly, unable to keep himself in check anymore. She knew then that his bear instincts were taking over. He was lost in his need to fill her with his seed and she relished in the fact that she could bring him such pleasure. She soon reached her climax again and the contracting of her inner walls brought him over the edge of passion with her. As he filled her with his warmth, she prayed that she would be allowed to keep him forever. Gently, he pulled her against him and threw the covers over their naked bodies.

She was not entirely sure when she had drifted off to sleep, but she awoke in the darkness to find his eyes locked on her. “That was wonderful,” she whispered, cuddling close to him.

“Yes, it was. It always is,” he said with a gently smile.

“You're going to defeat him. I know it,” she said, resting her head on his chest. She heard his heartbeat quicken and wondered what on earth had caused it when he spoke again.

”Do you want me to?” he asked, so low she almost could not make out what he said.

“What are you saying?” she asked as she sat straight up, sure that she had heard him wrong. He sat up too and took her hands in his.

“I'm saying that if you wanted him, if you wanted to be free of me I would let you go,” he said and his words turned the blood in her veins to ice. She had thought their lovemaking was a new start for them, but for him, it had been a goodbye. He had just wanted to use her body one more time before letting her go to Bertram and she had been too lost in her love for him to see that.

“I don't want that, but if you want to be free of me, I will go without a fuss. Your father made a good point earlier. You should not risk your life for someone you don't love,” she said, her eyes unable to meet his. She would not let him know how much her heart was breaking.

She would go to Bertram as the custom demanded, but sneak off before sunset of their first night together. She would rather live alone in the woods than to live with a man she did not love. She could not do it after knowing the sweetness of love, even if her mate had not returned the feeling to her.

“Are you crazy?” he asked, gripping her by the shoulders and forcing her to look at him. His expression was livid and she couldn't for the life of her imagine what he had to be so angry about. He was the one about to cast her off. It made her temper rise and she could feel herself about to snap.

“I don't think so. My sister asked me before what I thought you would do if our mating were challenged. I told her I thought you would let me go. It would be the practical thing to do and you are a practical man. I understand that. I would not think ill of you for it,” she said coldly. It was the truth and he should know it.

“No, it would not be practical,” he whispered, a sad smile on his face.

“Why not?” she demanded, too angry now to try and behave as a proper mate should. If he was going to send her off, she was going to get her answers first.

“Because I would not have any life worth living without you in it,” he said as his eyes met hers.

She could not believe the words that were coming from his mouth. She sat stone still, afraid any sudden movement might wake her from this dream. “What are you saying?” she whispered, afraid to assume what it could mean.

“Don't you know?” he asked, looking a bit shocked.

“Know what?” she asked, holding her breath.

“I love you, Kalia,” he said, plainly but with such conviction that she felt it to her bones.

“You do?” she stammered, unsure of what else to say.

“Yes. Is that so shocking? I'm capable of such things, you know,” he said, looking a little irritated with her.

“I know you are,” she assured him. “I just hadn't thought you felt like that about me,” she explained.

He gave her a look of confusion as he took her hands in his again.

“How could I not? You're perfect,” he said, gazing at her very much like a man in love.

“That cannot be true,” she said, shaking her head.

“It is. You have given my life meaning. You've completed me,” he said gently, pulling her close to him.

“You're talking about how I feel about you, not how you feel about me,” she said, still unwilling to believe him.

“You are smart and sweet and the most beautiful woman in the world,” he said, his voice full of admiration.

She met his gaze again and searched his face for the truth. It was then that she realized that he meant it, because the expression on his face reminded her very much of the way that her father had looked at her mother. It took her breath away and she threw her arms around him and pulled herself close to him.

“I don't quite know what to say,” she said, in awe of what had just happened between them.

“You should know the whole truth,” he continued, looking grim.

“What are you saying?” she asked, unsure what more he could have to tell her.

“I have always admired you,” he said tentatively.

“Me?” she asked in shock.

He had never given her any indication he noticed her before their mating; that he even knew she was alive. It seemed impossible to think back on that time and imagine he had admired her.

“Yes. Even when we were young children, I found you so lovely. You always had such a strong spirit. You were fearless and ferocious and still sweet and kind. You have always touched my heart,” he said, still holding her close.

“But you never even spoke to me,” she persisted.

“It wouldn't have been proper. Besides, I'm not entirely sure I could've walked away if I had. If I had gotten close to you, I don't think I could've let you be some other bear's mate. I would probably have thrown you over my shoulder and run away with you. That's why it took me so long to enter the mating ritual. I couldn't do it, worrying that my mate would not be you. Finally, I realized if I did not take a chance, you would be mated to someone else and I would be forced to spend a lifetime regretting I didn't try,” he said as he finished his tale. He pulled away from her then and stared down at her.

“My god,” she exclaimed in disbelief.

“Have I scared you?” he asked gently, brushing the hair from her face so that he could read her expression better.

“No, I just can't quite believe it's true,” she said in amazement.

“It is. I've never said truer words,” he vowed to her and she knew that every word of it was true. He was a man of honor and honorable men did not lie about such things. Still, there were so many things that did not make sense when one considered his claim that he had loved her through it all.

“But you were so distant. You didn't even spend the first night of our mating with me,” she pointed out.

“My feelings were so strong. I was afraid you would realize what was in my heart and it would terrify you. I didn't want you to know what I had done,” he sighed, looking guilty about something.

“What did you do?” she asked, unsure what could have caused him to look so guilty.

“I begged my father to see that you were my mate,” he admitted, his eyes never leaving hers as he spoke.

“But that is not allowed!” she gasped. She could not imagine proper Luke, son of the chief, breaking the rules in such a way.

“I didn't care. I needed to voice my desires to him. I had to try. I needed to do all that I could to make you mine,” he said, his voice strong and his guilt fading. He looked very much a warrior in that moment and she wanted nothing more than to love him for the rest of her days.

“Oh my goodness,” she said, still in shock.

“Are you horrified by me now?” he asked gently, clearly afraid that he had repulsed her with his confession.

“No, not at all,” she gasped in shock. How could such a smart man believe such a silly thing?

“If you wanted to be free of me, I would let you go. You've seen Bertram. He's not a bad looking man and he's a good fighter. That might appeal to a female,” he said, though he looked like he would rather kill Bertram than allow that to happen. The fact that he would even say such a thing told her that his love for her was so deep that he valued her happiness over his own.

“No, I don't want that,” she whispered to him, taking his hand once again in hers and savoring the knowledge that his hand would be hers to hold forever.

“Are you sure?” he asked seriously.

“Yes, I only want you,” she admitted, her voice strong and clear so that he could not mistake her words or her meaning.

“You do?” he asked in shock. Though he had known he loved her, it was very clear to her that he had not even considered the possibility that she had come to love him.

“Yes, I love you,” she said, smiling at him with all the love in her heart.

“You do,” he said again, but this time it was not a question. This time, it was his heart recognizing the love on his own.

“Yes. I love you. I am so happy with you. I never thought I would get so lucky. I never expected to love my mate so quickly. I thought it would grow slowly but it burns inside me. I need you,” she said, unable to stop the flood of words. Then, he kissed her deeply and she clutched him tight. When their kiss ended, she said, “How did I get so lucky?”

“I think fate has been with us,” he said with a smile.

“It'll be with us tomorrow, too,” she said, holding him tight and wishing that they could make the night last forever.

“If it isn't, I will bend fate to my will. You have just told me you love me. I have no intention of letting you go now. Fair or foul, we are one and will be for the rest of our lives. You are mine and I am yours,” he said, looking as ferocious as she had ever seen him.

“Be safe tomorrow. I want our lives together to be very long,” she warned, knowing that his temper was the one thing that could get in the way of his defeating Bertram.

“As do I. I want every minute I can have with you,” he said as his lips found their way to her neck once more.

“I love you so much,” she whispered.

“And I love you just a bit more,” he vowed.

“Go to sleep now, please?” she implored, pulling away from his wondering mouth.

“Whatever for? Don't you think we should celebrate,” he said as he leaned in and pressed his lips to her skin again.

“You need to be well rested for tomorrow,” she said, though her resolve was weakening.

“Oh, I think a shot of adrenaline is all I need to keep me going,” he murmured against her skin.

“That's not fair. You know I want you again, now and always. Still, you need your rest,” she said, doing her best to stand firm.

“If it'll make you happy,” he sighed, laying back and gathering her to him.

“Then, after you defeat him we will spend the next week without leaving this tent,” she commanded, earning her a broad grin and a sound kiss.

“I very much like the sound of that,” he said as they both lay down and hoped for sleep.


In the morning, they treated it like any other. She made him a hearty breakfast and they did all they could to keep from focusing on what was to come. She wanted to savor every second they had together. She was confident he would win, but it made her sick to think of him risking his life. When the time came to depart, they made the journey to the elder’s lodge hand in hand. The place where they would do battle was located just beyond it. They did not speak. Instead, they enjoyed the silence and listened closely to the beat of each other’s hearts.

Slowly, they approached the ceremonial ring of battle. Crowds had already gathered when they approached. Luke was silent, gripping her hand tightly and keeping her as close to him as he could. The fact that Bertram was somewhere nearby had him even more on edge than the battle he was about to engage in, despite the fact that the rules of battle forbade Bertram from interacting with either of them before entering the ring of battle.

The rules of the fight were simple. They could not use any weapons. It had to be a battle won with their bare hands. The mate whose mating had been challenged was the one to choose the form in which they were to fight. Luke had chosen their human forms because he felt he had more flexibility in that form and knew he would need it to maneuver Bertram as he planned. To win, the other fighter had to draw their last breath in the battle ring. She did not want to watch anyone die, but she could not lose Luke. She loved him too much.

Luke pulled her through the crowd, which parted for them. He went to the viewing platform that was designated for the chief and the elders to watch from. There stood his father, his eyes locked on his son. When they stood before them, neither of them said a word. The father and son locked eyes and seemed to be sharing all they needed to. Then, Luke's eyes turned back to her. 

“Are you alright?” he whispered to her.

“You're about to fight for your life and you're asking me if I am alright?” she said, wondering how she ever got lucky enough to have the love of such a man.

“You're all that really matters,” he said, smiling down at her.

“I'm fine. Just promise you're coming back to me,” she commanded.

“I promise you there's nothing, even death, that will keep me from you,” he swore without any trace of humor in his voice.

“Don't joke about that,” she said wrapping her arms around him.

“I'm not. I'll keep you safe. I won't let you fall into his hands,” he vowed, holding her close.

“I just want you to be safe,” she said as she felt her tears begin to fall.

“Don't even think of it,” he said, stroking her hair to comfort her.

“I love you,” she said, unable to think of any better words to give him encouragement.

“That's all the motivation I need to defeat him,” he said with a smile and then he pressed his lips to hers and she tried to convey in that kiss all that he meant to her. As soon as his lips left hers, he darted off to the stone circle to take his place in preparation for the battle.

The crowds were silent as Bertram and Luke entered the battle ring. All eyes were locked on them as they stood opposite each other and waited for the chief to give the signal for the battle to begin.

Bertram wore a hateful smirk on his face that made Kalia's stomach turn. She knew that he would love nothing more than to spill Luke's blood and she was suddenly terrified. She knew in her heart that Luke could do anything in the world, but she did not want him to be in danger for even a second. She wanted to scream and to do all that she could to stop the fight before it began, but she knew she could not risk distracting Luke or letting him believe for even a second she doubted him.

It was their love and his commitment to them living a life together that would give him the edge needed to win. Fighting every urge within her, she silently took her seat next to the chief, who rested his hand on her shoulder in a gesture of assurance that warmed her heart. She didn't know him well, but she then understood that he was just as scared as she was.

She could feel Bertram's eyes on her and she turned to give him a glare. The way he was looking at her clearly fueled Luke's aggression because she could hear him growling in anticipation.

“You showed. I thought you might just surrender her to me,” Bertram taunted.

“Never,” Luke snarled.

“So I was right then. You do love her,” he said, an expression of twisted glee on his face.

“Don't even speak about her,” Luke snapped.

“I'll do more than talk about her. Once I kill you, I will take her and make her my own in every way. I'll use her body as I see fit. She'll bring me so much pleasure, I'll make her scream my name, perhaps in fear at first, but eventually she will come to worship me. She'll not even remember your name,” Bertram said, sure his words would strike a chord.

“If you think that, you're a fool,” Luke growled.

“You're the fool. I've been waiting for you to love something enough that I could use it against you. I toyed with just killing her when I heard you had taken a mate, but once I saw her, I knew I could not let a female like that go to waste,” he said, his lingering gaze returning to Kalia.

That seemed to be the final straw for Luke. “You'll never lay a hand on her. You'll never even speak to her again,” he roared.

“Let's get to this, then. Soon enough, we'll know who's the victor and to whom will go the spoils,” he smirked.

It was then that the chief gave the signal to begin. Luke rushed at Bertram and quickly had him on the ground. Bertram was able to grapple with Luke and they both battled fiercely. Kalia didn't want to watch but she needed to be brave for Luke. For each blow he landed, Bertram seemed to land one of his own.

They continued to flip each other to and fro and she couldn't tell who truly had the upper hand. Though they were in their human forms, they did not hesitate to use their teeth and nails in the fierce battle. It seemed that it lasted forever, with no signs of a clear victor.

It was not until Bertram took a large chunk out of Luke’s chest that Kalia could maintain her silence no more. She gasped in horror. The sound seemed to be all that Luke needed to spur him on. He leapt up and grabbed Bertram, forcing him to the ground. Though Bertram struggled, Luke was relentless. Soon, he was able to grip Bertram by the neck. He did not hesitate to snap the other bear’s neck, ending the battle and ensuring the safety of his one true love.

Kalia heard the sound and knew Luke had been victorious. She leapt from her seat and ran into the ring of battle. Oblivious to the crowds and the corpse of Bertram, she threw herself in Luke’s arms and he held her tightly to him. They were safe now and there was nothing that could ever keep them apart. Though he was wounded, he was alive and safe in her arms and she could not imagine a better feeling.

“You're alright,” she murmured, running her hands over him to feel for injuries that she had not been able to see from her seat.

“Yes, much better now that I'm looking into your eyes,” he said, placing his bloody hand on her cheek.

“You let him hurt you,” she said, turning her attention to the bleeding wound on his chest. She pulled out her handkerchief to try and stop the blood, but the wound was deep and she knew that it would require stitching when they got home.

“I assure you, I didn't do it on purpose,” he chuckled, amused at her fussing over him.

“You will have a scar on your beautiful chest,” she sighed, earning her another laugh from her love.

“Yes, but it will be one that I earned keeping you safe. I'll cherish it as I cherish you,” he said as he buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent and savoring her closeness.

“I love you so much,” she said, looking up at him and seeing their long future together stretched out before her. She could not recall seeing anything so beautiful.

“And I love you, now and forever,” he said, swooping down to kiss her. It was only then that they were reminded of the assembled crowd, because everyone began to cheer loudly, with the occasional bawdy comment mixed in. She blushed immediately, but Luke beamed with pride.

“Let's get you home. You need to rest and heal,” she said, giving him her shoulder to lean on.

“I'll follow you wherever you lead,” he said, more passively than she could ever remember before. Yes, she thought, he needs stitches and rest.

After they made the slow journey home, with him leaning on her shoulder, she cleaned all his wounds and stitched the large one on his chest. She then applied the special healing salve her mother had taught her to make to each of them before bandaging them and getting him comfortable in their bed. She had managed to get him to eat a bit of soup before he fell deeply asleep. Then, she lay down beside him and listened to his breath and the beat of his heart and relished the fact that he had survived to come back to her.

Hours later, in the darkness of the night, he began to stir. She had not moved since he drifted to sleep and was so relieved to see him coming to. He'd slept so soundly she worried that he'd an internal injury that she had missed.

“How long have I been asleep?” he murmured.

“Nearly six hours,” she said as she helped him to sit up.

“I'm sorry to have kept you waiting,” he teased her with a sleepy smile on his face. To see him joking around and smiling eased her worry. He would heal and they would live a long and happy life together.

“Don't be silly,” she said, sitting next to him and running her hands through his hair, relishing the feeling of having him so close to her again.

“I assure you I was being most serious,” he said with a smile.

“Well, that's good, because I need to discuss something serious with you too,” she said, mustering her courage to tell him what she had come to realize as she lay there beside him in the silence.

“What? Is something wrong?” he asked, trying to rise from the bed but she stopped him before he tore his stitches.

“No, at least I don't think it is. Maybe you'll feel differently though,” she said, wondering if he would take what she was about to share with the joy and excitement that she had.

“Tell me,” he demanded, looking as though he was about to enter another battle.

“I'm with child,” she said plainly.

She had realized it as he lay there sleeping. She had been listening to his heartbeat and his breath when she heard another heartbeat that was not her own. It was small and faint but it was healthy and coming from within her. She had known then that their baby was growing inside of her.

“A child,” he said in awe.

“Yes,” she said, placing a protective hand on her belly.

“So soon?” he asked, looking concerned.

“Are you very disappointed?” she asked him.

“When I defeated Bertram and knew you would be safely mine forever, I thought I could never be happier. Now I know that I was wrong. This is the happiest I have ever been,” he said gently, putting his hand over hers on her stomach and staring at her in wonder. She realized then that he was not at all disappointed. He was simply amazed as she had been that their love had created a new life within her.

“Thank god,” she said, kissing him gently.

“Thank you. Thank you for giving me a family,” he said, before kissing her again, this time deeper.

As his hands began to make their way to her backside, she lost all doubt that it might take him long to heal. He was a man of determination and he would be his healthy happy self in no time for her and for their unborn child.