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The Billionaire She Could Not Resist (MANHATTAN BACHELORS Book 2) by Susan Westwood (33)



Ellyn trudged out of the elevator a few days later, her shoot having finished on time, but she was exhausted. This had been a more physical shoot even though it had been for lipstick. Her face hurt from smiling and pouting.

She wanted a bath before she had to pick up Derek. She deserved it. Colton, well, he might not be home. He’d been scheduling meetings later in the day and not been home for dinner.

She’d wanted to discuss wedding plans with him, but they’d never found the time. The date at the courthouse was fast approaching. She wanted a dress, but something simple. What was he going to wear?

Probably one of his thousand tailored suits. He’d look handsome no matter what. Which would probably make her wish that it was a real wedding. She cared for Colton, but she knew he’d move on from her eventually. She was just another model to him.


Ellyn unlocked the door and immediately heard Derek’s voice. What was he doing home? Then she heard Colton’s voice. What was wrong?

Dropping her purse, she rushed into the living room. Derek was snuggled up against Colton, wrapped in a blanket. The television was on to one of Derek’s favorite shows. From what she could tell, Derek was explaining the concept to him.

Her heart wanted to burst with love. For both of them. She stood quietly taking in the scene. Like a real family. Like a real father, Colton was so patient with Derek, asking him questions.

She must have made a noise because both of them turned to look at her.

“Hi, Mom.”

His voice was not full of its usual exuberance. He did look ashy. “Hi. What’s wrong? Why isn’t Derek at school?”

“The school called me. He had a fever. They couldn’t seem to get a hold of you.”

She pulled out her phone. It was dead. No battery. “I forgot to charge it. I’ve never done that.”

That’s what happens when you think that someone else can help you. That you have a partner. You give up too much sometimes. Not that she’d ever had a partner before, but wouldn’t it be nice to lighten the load a little?

Part of her chafed at the idea.

She took a deep breath, plopping herself on another chair in the room.

“No worries,” Colton said. “I had a few meetings and I moved them. Nothing earth-shattering.”

“Well, I’m here. You can go back to work,” she said.

“No reason. I brought some work home that I can do later. Besides, Derek is telling me all about Spongebob.”

“I see.”

As if she weren’t needed. It had always been her that snuggled with her son when he was sick. Now he was up against Colton as if he were his father. Ellyn had to admit she was a little jealous.

“Does anyone need anything to eat?”

Maybe she could cook something and feel useful.

“Derek had lunch. We had soup that I had in the freezer,” Colton said.

He smiled at her, clearly proud of himself. She should be happy that Colton was her back-up. She should be, but she was jealous of his relationship with her son. She’d had the boy all to herself for five years.

It’d been tough. She’d wanted to give up after many nights of no sleep. Instead of being jealous, she should be happy that Derek had a stable, normal, loving, male adult in his life. But it chafed at her.

Her heart warred with her mind on this one.

“Did you give Derek some medicine?”

“Yes. His fever is gone. He slept a little when he got home,” Colton said.

So they didn’t need her. She could take advantage of this. “I’m going to take a bath.”

The big tub in her bathroom was calling her name. Colton smiled. “Go ahead. I think I can hold down the fort for a little while longer.”

“Thank you.”

She left them sitting there, having never left Derek’s side before. Was this what it was like to have a real partner? Not someone you saw once a month in jail? She could get used to this. But should she? Would Colton really stick around?

Or would he file for divorce as soon as he could? He didn’t give any indication, but she wasn’t always the best judge of character.

She filled the bathtub and put bubbles in. When the water was where she wanted it, she eased her naked body into it. “Ah.”

This was luxury. This was why people wanted to be rich. Not just the everyday ease of having money, but the perks. Like a hot bath. Her apartment hadn’t had a bathtub. Only a shower. Had been awkward when Derek was little.

Now he showered. Or had, before they moved here. He asked for a bath the last few times.

She heard a soft knock on her door.


“I’m in the bathtub, Colton.”

“I know. Can I bring you a glass of wine?”

“Uh, I’m naked, Colton.”

“I know. I’ve seen you naked.”

“I’m not sure I’m offering that privilege now.”

“I’ll avert my eyes. I promise.”

The bubbles would hide anything so she sunk a little lower. “Okay. Come in.” He had a glass of burgundy liquid in his hand. “You looked like you could use this.” He placed it on the edge of the tub then left. He never looked at her. She eyed the glass. That was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for her.


After checking on Derek, who was dozing on the couch in front of yet another show, Colton escaped to his office. Ellyn was in her bath, with a glass of wine. He didn’t peek and he was proud of himself.

She’d looked relaxed. Better than when she came home from work. He wanted to talk to her about the shoot. His report had been that it went well. Elite Cosmetics was ready to launch the new campaign with her pictures.

He needed to discuss with her what the future held for her. She’d have to do some store openings as a representative for Elite. He hoped that would be okay. He’d never talked to her about that being part of her job.

He rifled through the paperwork he’d brought home. None of it inspired him. He was too busy thinking about Ellyn, naked and soapy. He’d wanted to strip down and join her in there. The tub was big enough for both of them.

He didn’t think she would have appreciated that. Especially with Derek home. Without Derek, he might have talked her into it.

Not that he minded the boy being around. No, that little one was inside his heart already. He couldn’t imagine life without him. He could give Derek so much more than Chance.

A part of Colton wanted Chance to screw up and go back to jail. Leave this family with him to take care of. Selfish, yes, and maybe a little snobby. Colton had more money than he could ever spend.

Knowing he wasn’t going to get any work done with Ellyn in the bathtub, he instead dialed Doug’s number. He wanted to know more about Ellyn’s case with Chance.

“Hey, there buddy,” Doug said. “You almost missed me.”

“Yeah? You got a hot date?”

“Actually, I do.”

The confirmed bachelor. “Would this be Shalia?"

“Yes, sir.”

“That’s two dates now. That might be a record.”

“No, my record is five.”

“Edging up on it. You serious about this girl?”

“I really like her, Colton. I’ve never felt this way before. I’m taking it slow. Don’t want to screw it up.”

“Never thought I’d see the day,” Colton said. He leaned back in his chair, grinning. “I’ll get right to the point. I’m calling about Ellyn’s case.”

“You know I can’t tell you anything without her permission.”

“I know. I’m not asking for specifics. What’s your feeling on this case?”

“That I can win it, but I think Chance is going to put up a good fight.”

“Maybe this news will affect that. Ellyn and I are getting married.”

“For real? Like to death do us part?”

Colton could hope. “Not sure, but she thinks it will help her case.”

“It might. Or it could backfire. It has to be just like a real marriage.”

“How would anyone know?” Colton said.

“Get a prenup. Have her sign it. I can work it up for you tomorrow.”

“I don’t want a prenup.”

“Think about it, Colton. Any man in your position would get one because of the disparity in your incomes.”

Doug had a point. He’d insisted he wouldn’t do one for this marriage, but Ellyn would probably understand. They would need it to prove it was a real marriage.

“Let me think on that. Write it up for me and I’ll get back to you.”

“Will she sign it?”

Ellyn signing it would not be the problem. “Yes, she will. She offered.”

“Smart girl. You have to make this as real as possible. Where are you doing it?”

“The courthouse.”

“Hm. A big party afterward? Long honeymoon.”

“No on both of those.”

“Then how is anyone going to believe it.”

“I’ll have to see what I can get Ellyn to do. Besides, what is going to be available at this point?”

“I have my house in Connecticut,” Doug said.

“Good idea. You are full of them today.”

“That’s why you keep me around. Let me know when you want to get married and I’ll pull together a party.”

Colton laughed. “This weekend?”

“I’ll do it. You’ll see. I can pull this off. Nothing fancy, but it will still be a wedding.”

“Will you be my best man?”

“Sure thing. Better let me go. Shalia and I have a wedding to plan.”

“Going to be an interesting date.”

He hung up, then went to find Ellyn. She was in the kitchen starting dinner.

“We have a venue for our wedding,” he said.

She stopped and looked at him. “I thought we were just doing the courthouse thing?”

“Doug suggested we make it look as real as possible. He also said I should have you sign a prenuptial agreement.”

“I’ll do it. That’s fine.” She waved her hand as if that document was of no consequence.

“You have to buy a dress.”

She frowned. “I was just going to find something that fit.”

“No, you have to go and find a dress. Think about it. You only have a few days.”

“A few days?”

“Yep. We’re getting married on Saturday,” Colton said.



Ellyn’s heart fluttered as she stared at the ivory fitted gown with flared skirt, hanging on the door frame. She had a rare moment of quiet and solace before she married Colton. Shalia would be back soon.

The hairdresser and makeup person had left. She tried to catch her breath and remember that she was doing this for Derek. That this wasn’t real. There would be no honeymoon. No more babies. No babies that she and Colton would make.

This was not real.

But it seemed so real in a fairytale sort of way. She stood before a full-length mirror dressed in a robe. Not the ratty one she’d worn for years. No, Colton had bought her a new one. He’d also bought the wedding dress. She was embarrassed about the number of zeros on the price tag.

She was only going to wear this once and this wasn’t even a real wedding.

Shalia returned in her purple bridesmaid dress. Colton had bought that too. All that wealth. He was amazingly generous about spending it on her.

 Derek. He had a new suit to wear for today.

“It’s almost time,” Shalia said. “Nervous?”

“Overwhelmed more than anything.”

“Let’s put this dress on you.”

Ellyn eyed it. The tailor had worked overnight to get the alterations done. Colton had given the woman a bonus. More money.

More money than she’d probably had in her whole life up until this point. She let out a breath. “Let’s do this.”

Shalia helped her with the dress and zipped her up. Ellyn stood in front of the mirror. She looked very bridal and she was choked up about it.

“Let’s go, sweetie,” Shalia said.

They walked down the stairs at the back entrance of the house. Since her father was not around, Ellyn had no one to walk her down the aisle. Doug had offered, but he was already the best man.

So, Colton’s father was doing it. She’d only met him a day ago and she already liked him. An older version of Colton, he had a great sense of humor and a little mischievous twinkle in his eye.

“You ready, Ellyn?” Colton Hamilton the second asked.

She smiled up at him. “Yes.”

He held out his arm and she took it. He led her out the door and down the steps to the garden where everyone was waiting for them. Including Colton, who looked stunning in his black tails. He probably owned them.

His father walked her down the aisle, kissed her cheek then handed her off to his son.

“You look beautiful, Ellyn.”

Colton’s smile was genuine and she couldn’t help reflecting it with one of her own.  “You look handsome.”

He kissed her hand, then they both turned to the minister. In a few minutes, they were husband and wife.

Colton escorted her to the tent where the guests now gathered. Someone announced them and they entered, arm in arm. It was all so real. Technically, they were married, but she didn’t think Colton would expect anything from her.

He led her onto the dance floor for their first dance.

“Where should we go for our honeymoon?” Colton whispered in her ear.

“I can't ask that of you. You’ve done so much already to make this like a real wedding.”

“It is a real wedding.”

She pressed her lips together. She didn’t want to argue. “Still. I can’t. You can’t. We have work. We haven’t planned for a honeymoon. Everything must be booked.”

“I have a few houses we could visit.”

“Of course you do.” She shook her head. “Okay. I’ll bite. Where?”

“Los Angeles. Switzerland and in the Caribbean.”

“Good thing I signed that prenup. I’d have that Caribbean house in the divorce,” she said.

Colton’s chuckle washed across her ear. “You can have it. I never go there. I’ll sign it over to you tomorrow.”

She leaned back to look at his face, not sure if he was kidding. He smiled at her. “Seriously? What would I do with a house in the Caribbean?”

He shrugged. “If you want it, it’s yours.”

“No, Colton. No. You have been more than generous.”

“I like spending my money on you. And Derek. I’ll make more,” he said.

Only someone with that much money could be so cavalier about it. Someone tugged at her dress. She looked down into Derek’s big, brown eyes. Colton picked him up and held him between them.

“We’re a family?” Derek said.

“Yes,” Colton answered.

Ellyn couldn’t speak. This man had been so kind and loving to her son. The little boy would be heartbroken when this all ended. What would she tell him? Would he ever understand that she had to do this sham of a marriage to keep him?

Well, for now, she would let him enjoy the fantasy.



Colton put his forehead against Derek’s. “What do you think about going to Disney World?”

“You mean it?”

Derek’s eyes lit up.

Colton smiled at the boy. “I mean it. Not this week, but in a few weeks when your Mom and I can arrange to get away.”

“Can we, Mom?”

How could she say no to her son? “Of course.”

He squirmed in Colton’s arms, clearly excited. The man shifted him to his other arm, and kept his free arm around Ellyn. He mouthed, “Thank you.”

She nodded, her eyes a little watery from the whole scene. She didn’t want to, but at that moment she fell in love with Colton Hamilton the third.


Monday morning rolled around and Colton knew for sure that Ellyn would never love him. His heart ached. He did what he knew how to do and that was throw himself into his work.

Marcia poked her head into his office. “What are you doing here? Didn’t you get married over the weekend?”

“You know that. You were there.”

She entered his office, looking as if she was entering a lion’s den. “It was a beautiful ceremony. Ellyn looked gorgeous. And happy. So did you. What happened?”

Colton threw down the pen he’d been fiddling with. He’d stopped gaining any information from what he was reading about a half an hour ago. All his thoughts remained on Ellyn.

“Not sure, but what I am sure of, is that Ellyn will never love me.”

“That’s pretty defeatist for anyone, but especially you, Colton,” Marcia said.

She sat on a chair in his office. She crossed her legs. He was in for a lecture so he braced himself.

“She was cool to me the rest of the weekend. She was never alone. We had places to be. Everyone wanted a piece of us and she willingly went and played the dutiful wife, but there was a coolness underneath it all.”

“So you’re going to accept defeat?”

“I can’t make someone love me.”

“Does she even know how you feel about her?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “No.”

“You haven’t told her that you love her?”

“I didn’t know that I loved her. Until recently, at least.”

“You asked her to marry you and you wonder why she turned you down the first time?” Marcia shifted in her chair. “For a captain of industry, you are a butthead.”

Colton laughed. No one had called him that since he was a teenager. Of course, his mother had said it on a daily basis, with the greatest of affection. He didn’t think Marcia’s assessment was so benign.

He eyed her. “Butthead?”

“Yes. Women need to hear it. They need you to say it. Yes, you can show it, but the words mean something.”

“How can she not know I love her? I threw her this fabulous wedding. I bought her a dress that cost more than her whole wardrobe.”

“You have to say it. Why don’t you get that? You could be doing that just to get into her pants,” Marcia said.

Colton hadn’t looked at it that way. He rubbed his chin. “Wow. We men must seem like beasts to you women.”

“You do, sometimes.”

“So where do I go from here? Do I run home and tell her?”

“No, you have to ease into it. Keep doing the things to show her and then when the time seems right say it. Put your heart out there. You have to take a risk.”

He nodded. “Too bad I have to work late today.”

“You did that on purpose.”

“I did.”

“Then try again tomorrow.”

“I’m an idiot.”

“Yes, you are.”

“You don’t have to agree,” he said. “Don’t you have work to do?”

She rose a smile on her face. “Of course, boss.”

She left. Colton stared out the window at his view of Manhattan. He’d always been good at getting women in bed. How did he get one to give him her heart? Marcia was right, but he wanted to plan some things. He didn’t want to rush into anything.

He had a business trip in the morning to Los Angeles and he knew Ellyn had some photo shoots this week. He wouldn’t see her for a few days.

That was dumb timing on his part. This was getting complicated, he thought. “Loving them and leaving them was much simpler.”

His heart would not let him do that. He loved Ellyn. He loved Derek and he wanted both of them in his life.

Hopefully, he hadn’t messed up the situation badly. He would have to send flowers while on his trip. That might be a start. Chocolates? Derek would enjoy them, though Ellyn probably did not like that much candy in the house.

Wooing a woman with a child was proving to be more difficult than he thought. He’d hoped he was doing a good job, but based on Ellyn’s behavior after the wedding, he wasn’t sure. She hadn’t wanted a honeymoon, but that might have just been logistics.

The wedding had been quick so they hadn’t had time to figure out a destination or the flights or anything about it. Should he have just scheduled something? He walked out to Marcia’s desk. “Book a trip for Disney World in two weeks.”

She blinked. “How long? Do you care what hotel?”

“For a week. Don’t care as long as it is nice.”


“Nah. I’ll take the jet.”

“Of course. You haven’t used that in ages.”

“I know. I’ve been flying commercial. Why?”

“I’ve asked you that many times.”

“Okay. See what you can get me. Spare no expense.”

“I never do,” she said.

Colton left her chuckling, wondering what this trip was going to cost him before he realized that in reality, he didn’t care. If it made Ellyn happy, it would be worth every penny.