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The Caretaker (The Sin Bin Book 2) by Dahlia Donovan (23)

Chapter Twenty-Five




Despite the delicious aromas of the meal, Freddie barely tasted any of the food passing his lips. He should’ve felt in charge—in control—with them being in his flat. Taine had arrived with an aura of pure dominance; Freddie savoured the intoxicating nature of it far more than any drug or alcohol.

There had been hints of a dangerous depth in the undercurrents of their sexual encounters throughout the holiday in Amsterdam, subtle gestures that teased him. Yet, nothing over the week had strayed too far out of what could be termed vanilla.

How am I supposed to focus with a hand massaging my John Thomas?

Bitsy, the traitor, had fallen in love with Taine. She currently lay stretched out behind his chair on a rug. Crazy cat loved the treats his guest brought for her.

Bribing bastard.

Finicky feline.

“Are you finished?” Taine used his fork to nudged Freddie’s plate. “How was your steak?”

“Your hand is on my cock,” Freddie bit out when those tricky fingers shifted their grip. “It’s a tad distracting. You’ll have me biting through my tongue.”

Taine continued his manipulation through the grey trousers Freddie wore. “Supper will keep. You seem thirsty for a different kind of sustenance. Do you want to play, Frederick?”

“Play?” Freddie cleared his throat and reached for his glass to gulp down water. He’d decided not to have wine or beer, having guessed a clear head might be useful. “I’m guessing you’re not about to teach me the rules of rugby.”

“Red means stop. Yellow tells me you want to slow things down. Green’s my favourite. It’s the signal I need before I show you all the ways to play in bed.” Taine shoved his plate away and released his hold on Freddie’s arousal. He went into great detail about what his intentions were for the evening, including what toys he’d brought and what being dominated for the first time would be like, obviously not wanting anything to be an unpleasant surprise. “Red, yellow, or green? What’ll it be, Frederick?”

Freddie set his fork down and pushed his plate aside. He found the intensity in those blazing gold eyes difficult to meet. What am I going to do? “Green.”

I’m apparently jumping in the kink pond with both feet.

I’m going to drown.

“You certain?” Taine’s tone of voice suggested he wouldn’t move forward without knowing Freddie wanted whatever was about to happen. “I can think of a million other things we can do.”

“No, green, I’m definitely in the greenish hue.” Freddie’s anxiety had faded rapidly into excitement. “Won’t it give us indigestion?”

“Did you eat enough to worry?” Taine’s eyes flicked towards the barely touched meal. “I didn’t. We’ll be fine. Still green?”


How encouraging.

Freddie nodded. “Green.”

When Taine mentioned wanting to dip his toes in the water, Freddie didn’t quite know what to anticipate. Getting cosily handcuffed to his own bed hadn’t even topped his list of possibilities. He suddenly found himself grateful for the thorough cleaning in his earlier shower.

Not cuffed, tied. Taine proved to be remarkably gifted with rope. Each step of the way, the man had questioned him with “red, green, yellow?” Freddie had a knotted loop around each wrist and ankle, spreading his body across his bed. His head rested on a pillow, elevated slightly to provide a better view.

Or, it had.

Taine approached with a handful of fabric. He placed a yellow scarf in Freddie’s left hand and a red one in his right. The reasoning became clear once a blindfold covered his eyes and noise-cancelling headphones blocked the sound from his ears.

The first touch made him jump—not far given the ropes. Freddie never imagined how much the loss of sight and sound would heighten his sense of touch. A flick to one of his nipples hit like an electric shock all the way down his spine, straight to his cock.

His shaft hardened to full staff and almost immediately something cold slid down the length of it. Whatever the circle was snapped shut at the base. Cock ring. He could only imagine how delightfully torturous the evening could be.

The flicking stopped only for it to turn to pinching and tugging. Have I always had a nipple fetish? Coc y gath. He bit his lip to stop a moan when a hand wrapped firmly around his arousal to give it a few rough strokes.

Touch left his nipples, and his bottom lip was pulled from between his teeth. Message received. Taine clearly wanted to not only see but hear the results of his play. Freddie hoped it wouldn’t end up bringing the neighbours down on them.

With no concept of time passing, Freddie writhed with every teasing touch. The hands disappeared. He froze on the bed, wondering what would come next.

Not me.

Damn ring.

Lubed fingers circled down below. Freddie couldn’t help holding his breath when they delved into him. One gentle thrusting digit was followed almost immediately by two, stretching and dipping further into him.

The ropes kept him from lifting up to meet the daring invaders. He wanted to do it. His body hummed with a hunger for more of everything.

The restraints on his ankles were removed. Freddie felt the bed shift before an arm wrapped around his legs to tilt him up, practically folding him in half. His arse went up in the air, vulnerable to Taine’s large hand, which landed heavily on one cheek.

Rough, calloused fingers trailed casually along his crease. They disappeared. In the darkened silence, all he could do was wait for the inevitable.

Taine rained glancing swats on his arse, not too hard, but certainly not soft by any measure. Freddie never imagined the growing heat down below could make him even more painfully aroused. He mentally cursed the ring preventing it.

As if Taine read his mind, the spanking stopped right at the moment it would’ve gone from pleasurable to simply painful. The headset was yanked from his head and the blindfold along with the restraints on his wrists were more gently removed. He blinked in the sudden brightness of his bedroom.

“Are we happily in green?” Taine lowered Freddie’s legs to the bed. He flipped him over on his stomach, catching him by the hips to ease him up on his knees. “Green?”

Freddie managed to nod. He might have to kill the man if he had the gall to stop now. His body had never been so hard and ready to explode.

In a bit of a daze, Freddie barely noticed Taine climbing on the bed behind him. He heard the ripping of a condom wrapper. With the headphones off his ears, every sound struck him as if the volume had been turned all the way up to the maximum.

Freddie pressed his lips together to halt the steady stream of “green, green, green, green” that he’d been uttering without realising it. “Take this off. Please.

“This?” Taine slid a hand underneath him to tug on his shaft, running a finger all around the ring keeping Freddie prisoner. “Want it gone?”

Freddie glared over his shoulder at the man, earning a yank to his hair. “Off.

“My hand or the ring?”


Three things happened one right after the other. Taine began to press his lubed and condom-covered cock forward into Freddie. He swatted his arse once. And he reached underneath to tug off the ring.

In his wildest imagination, Freddie never thought one could black out from the power of an orgasm. He must’ve. The next moment of awareness had him lying on his back with Taine beside him.

All the toys and other items were gone from the bed. Taine had obviously cleaned up the lube and evidence of their joint pleasure. Freddie blinked up at the bedroom ceiling, trying to remember how to breathe and speak.

“You’ve hidden depths.” Freddie shoved the blanket off his body. “Also, I’m fairly confident I came so hard I pulled a muscle in my cock.”

“Want me to massage it better?”

“No.” Freddie rolled out of the way of the hand wandering towards him. “I’m going to see if Bitsy left any of the steaks for us.”


He twisted around at the door to peer over his shoulder at Taine, who was slowly getting off the bed. “Yes?”

“We’re good, right?”
