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The Caretaker (The Sin Bin Book 2) by Dahlia Donovan (16)

Chapter Eighteen




Of his partners over the years, Taine couldn’t recall ever being someone’s first. He barely remembered his own. The sex had been awkward and certainly better the second time around.

He’d meant what he’d said to Freddie. Going from virgin to not wouldn’t be earth-shattering, but the sex itself could be when done right. They’d write a bestseller between them on the luxurious sheets—maybe in the shower and on the couch. Wall might be brilliant as well.

I’ve never been much of a reader—this might change my mind.

And now, I put words into action.

He hadn’t gotten a ton of sleep through the night. His thoughts had been filled with deflowering his first innocent—not that Freddie actually qualified as one.

Who came up with that term? Deflowering? It sounds like something Father Wilson does in his garden.

In his thirties, Taine had gained an appreciation for all the toys and decadence that came with sex done right. He wished he’d brought more of his arsenal than lube and condoms. Freddie might enjoy a bit of a prologue before the main thrust of the story.

Freddie stepped out of the en-suite a few seconds later. He’d ducked into the shower, claiming he didn’t want his first time to involve bad breath or anything unsanitary. Taine had told him to be more concerned about morning wood.

For having hopped in the bath, Freddie had returned to the room wearing pyjama bottoms. Clothing was usually optional in bed. Taine, however, didn’t want to immediately jump to naked, so he didn’t mind.

Staying on the edge of the mattress, Taine watched Freddie run a towel roughly through his short brown hair. He planned on taking his time, indulging all of his desires in the lithe body standing before him. The only thing left to determine was where to begin.

He thanked his lucky stars that he’d opted for the room with a king-sized bed. It would certainly come in handy. But first, he wanted another kiss—or twenty.

He strode across the room until they once again stood toe to toe, but not quite nose to nose. Freddie stood quite a bit shorter, something that might make for interesting positions. Later, Taine, later. Let’s not scare him on his first round of rumpy-pumpy.

A fascinating aspect of Freddie’s personality came to light almost immediately. He had not a shy or coy bone in his body, but a massive amount of impatience. The lithe man grabbed a handful of Taine’s hair to yank him close enough for him to crush their lips together.

Their moment was momentarily interrupted by a jazzy ring from Taine’s mobile, which he ignored. Freddie’s went off a second later. The nurse grabbed for it, likely worried it might be a client or doctor. He gave a breathy “Hello?” only to toss the phone over to Taine.

“Yes?” Taine’s eyebrows lifted, only to immediately drop when he scowled at BC’s cheerful greeting. “I’m busy. Is this important?”

“Yes.” BC sounded more excited than the time he’d scored a try in a critical match. “About the Sin Bin.”

“Are you serious?” Taine glared at Freddie’s mobile, wishing he could reach through it to whack his friend across the head. “What about it? The workshop is a terrible idea.”

“I know, got a better one.” BC paused for a moment, likely for dramatic effect. “A nightclub—a gay nightclub.”

“What?” Taine had to think to get the question out when Freddie tentatively reached out to trace one of his tattoos with a gentle finger. “In Cornwall?”

“No, in Cardiff. It’ll be brilliant. A rugby-themed nightclub. We can have matches playing on screens. Scottie can run it.” BC’s idea had started off brilliant and veered off into insanity at the end.

“Scottie? You want the one member of our group in dire need of anger management to run a nightclub. Can you imagine him dealing with customers? He’d end up with assault charges in less than an hour of opening.” Taine restrained himself from flinging the phone across the room. He wanted to be ripping Freddie apart sexually and not tearing a strip off his old friend for interrupting him. “Have you taken leave of your senses?”

“You’ll be there. Remi’s promised to help. Caddock knows about running a pub. It’s brilliant. Doesn’t the Sin Bin scream nightclub? Come in with us. It can be a partnership between the five of us.” His voice turned to pleading quickly. “Please?”

“If I say yes, do you promise not to call again—or gossip with the others about my being busy on holiday?” Taine had no doubts they’d all be taking the mickey soon enough for his dalliance with Freddie.

“Not a chance, but you’ll do it anyway.” BC chuckled.


“I’ll take that as a yes. Don’t forget to use a condom.” BC hung up before he could respond.


“Where were we?” Taine tossed the phone casually to a nearby chair and returned to the man in front of him. “Oh, yes.”

For all his earlier almost incessant chatter, Freddie quietened quickly. I suppose it’s hard to natter on with my mouth on his. Their silky tongues taunted one another, darting in and out of open mouths.

Taine reached out to grip the table behind Freddie for support. A bad decision, as it turned out, when their cocks brushed together and the wood creaked dangerously under the pressure of his fingers. He released the edge of the antique to avoid actually cracking it.

Does travel insurance cover accidents caused in the midst of a sexual fever?

Dropping his hands heavily on Freddie’s shoulders, Taine walked backwards towards the bed, bringing his soon-to-be lover with him. He stopped when his legs bumped against the mattress. There’d been enough kissing for now.

Time to start the ascent to the pinnacle of pleasure.

Hope the walls are soundproof.

Hope to hell I brought enough lube.

Two critical things Taine discovered during his first experience had always stuck with him. Always use enough lube. Always take your time. He’d never rush good sex unless it was in public. Public indecency was never a good idea—if you got caught.

Blithering, idiotic knobdobber.

He exchanged places with Freddie, pushing him down to sit on the edge of the mattress. “Sober? Breath fine? Consenting?”

“Yes, yes, and yes.”

“Remember that I expect you to be screaming it in a bit,” Taine repeated his words from the night before with a smirk. “You could’ve left the pyjamas on the bathroom floor.”

Kneeling down on the expensive-looking rug, Taine placed his hands firmly on Freddie’s knees. He earned a snicker when he slowly spread his legs. It took no effort at all to yank the blue-striped pyjamas off the man and discard them over his shoulder.

“You left your boxers, but kept the trousers?”

Freddie quirked his lips up into a boyish grin. “Surprise.”

The humorous mood dropped away with the edging of his hands along the inside of Freddie’s thighs. Taine bent his head to lave his tongue along the sensitive skin his fingers had trailed over. Freddie shifted on the bed, and his cock twitched with each inch of leg crossed.

He avoided the rigid shaft all but begging him for attention. His fingers dipped down to tease the heavy sac underneath it. Freddie arched up slightly off the bed.

When his lips finally moved to feather over the head of his cock, Freddie’s fingers dug into the mattress behind him. His legs tensed while Taine licked and sucked the first inch of his shaft. He planned on bringing the younger man to his first climax to ensure they could take their time with the rest.

Despite his obvious attempts to restrain himself, Taine worked Freddie up to an initial satisfying explosion. He didn’t wait for him to regain his footing. His hands grabbed the lithe man to shove him further up on the bed.

Taine pulled off his own pyjama bottoms and shorts, kicking them to the side easily and straddling Freddie on the bed. He deflected the hand reaching towards the hardness between his legs. “This isn’t about me, Frederick. Not this time.”

With his hands resting on Freddie’s sides, Taine licked down his neck and across his collarbone to tongue one pebble-hard nipple and then the other. His teeth worried one of them, tugging on it, not to the point of pain, earning a series of low moans from the man writhing underneath him.

“Gods above.” Freddie looped his arms around Taine’s broad back. He arched up into the taunting mouth, throwing his head back into the pillow. “Yes.

Taine smiled against the pale olive skin underneath his lips, unable to help a bit of gloating. “Told you.”


Tweaking one of the over-sensitised nipples, Taine began his journey south while his fingers continued to explore Freddie’s chest. They roamed across the lightly muscled abdomen.

Taine wrapped his hand around Freddie’s shaft, which had already grown hard once again under his lengthy ministrations. He tugged on it. It twitched with each shake.

Nudging his knee between the smaller man’s legs, Taine stretched out between them. It gave him the perfect view of the lovely, long but lean shaft and heavy balls. His gaze drifted lower to the pert cheeks waiting for him to part them.

He nuzzled and mouthed at the length of Freddie. Grabbing the lube from the bed where he’d tossed it, Taine covered the slenderest of his fingers. He circled the tightness and delved casually in up to the top of his fingernail.

Distracting the trembling man with his tongue, Taine worked his finger in with the lube. He added a second once he met no resistance. The slight stretch caused his cock to pulse where it was pressed against Freddie’s leg.

The addition of a third digit caused Freddie’s breath to audibly hitch. Taine waited patiently for him to buck slightly before continuing the shallow probing. They moved deeper in until the tip of his index finger nudged against the sensitive bud, causing an immediate reaction from the man at his mercy.

He didn’t have to be a mind reader to know Freddie had more than reached a stage of complete eagerness. It didn’t hurt to make certain, though, did it? He continued spreading and twisting his fingers, earning all sorts of sounds.

Taine slid back up to align their bodies better. His fingers gripped Freddie’s hair to hold him still while his other hand grasped him by the neck. Their mouths met in a painfully crushing kiss.

The hand on Freddie’s neck made way for his lips. He bit, licked, and sucked on the tender flesh until his mark had been left, rubbing his beard across it to tease out another moan. They were as ready as they were going to be.

Rolling his hips from side to side, Taine bumped their staffs together. Freddie tried to shift up slightly to better align their bodies, but his muscled bulk held him still. From the groans and sharp hisses, his nurse had gone from aroused to aching for it.

“Are you ready then?” Taine reached between them to guide his cock. He waited for the impatient nod to continue. “Good. Not sure I could’ve waited much longer.”

“You?” Freddie managed to spit out while his breath continued to come in hard gasps. “I’m dying.”

“Not yet, you aren’t.” Taine paused to grab a condom. He slid it on with exaggerated slowness to aggravate Freddie, who narrowed his eyes. “Let me add a bit more lube.”

With a fixed, unhurried push, Taine eased himself into the well-lubed and prepared arse. He’d wanted the closeness of being chest to chest for their first time. Next time, next time I’ll position us so I can get my hands on that pert bottom. His hand itched to get a good swat or two in to encourage Freddie to meet his thrusts.

Slow and steady won the race, however, as Freddie groaned in satisfaction with him. They stayed connected without moving for what felt like a century to Taine. He wanted the smaller man to be truly adjusted to his sizeable length before he ground him into the bed.

“Move, you obstinate bastard.” Freddie lifted his hips up as much as the heavy weight on him would allow. “Coc y gath. I want more—need more.”

Happy to provide what had been begged of him, Taine planted his hands on either side of Freddie for leverage to slowly grind into him. He caught the man’s earlobe between his teeth, worrying it while amping up the strength of his thrusts.

When it felt like they’d toed too close to the final line, Taine eased up on the pace. He slowly rolled his hips to match their languid kiss. He tortured them both with the agonising speed that edged them on the precipice of completion.

It proved to be a double-edged sword. His body ached for completion, as well. Taine dropped down until his chest rubbed against Freddie’s.

Reaching between their bodies, his fingers wrapped around Freddie’s already leaking shaft. Taine ploughed into the man while his hand stroked at an equally manic speed. He angled to continually bash against the bundle of nerves guaranteed to make it brilliant for the man underneath him. His hope was to make this a first time to remember.

I want him to think about this whenever he’s hard.

I want him to long for me.

Beg for me.

He brought his partner to what he hoped was a mind-blowing climax—the tightening around his own cock sent him tumbling into his own whirlwind of pleasure. It left them both choking for air. He dropped his head against Freddie’s sweaty chest, completely exhausted from the exertion.

Taine collapsed on his back next to the heavily breathing Freddie. He could barely manage the effort to discard the used condom. “How’s it feel?”

“What? Not being a virgin?” Freddie managed between laboured pants. “Exhausting and sodding brilliant.”

“Well, technically, you’re still one.” Taine grabbed the edge of the sheet to wipe sweat from his brow.

“How’d you figure that?” Freddie twisted over on his side to glare at him. “I believe I’m not gone enough to have forgotten your todger pressed up into me.”

“You’ve been ‘pressed,’ but have you done the pressing?” Taine reached over to grab the previously discarded bottle of lube and tossed it at him. “Want me to bend over for you?”

What?” Freddie sounded so surprised that Taine lifted his head up to get a closer look. “Are you serious?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You don’t—” Freddie didn’t seem to know how to complete the sentence.

Taine decided to offer him a way out of the suddenly and amusingly awkward moment. “Don’t you want to say you’ve buggered the massive rugby star?”

While, generally speaking, Taine preferred to be a top in bed, he’d never been one of those men who shied away from being on the bottom. Sex was sex—good sex was like a game-winning try during the last seconds of a championship match.

And Freddie?

Freddie was definitely good sex. Taine didn’t know how things would play out with the younger man. It could just be a holiday fuck and nothing more—it wouldn’t be the first time.

“I think you’ve broken me.” Freddie tried to lean up on his elbows, only to fall back onto the soft mattress with a tired groan. “Or bits of me in any case.”

“Good broken or bad broken?”

“The best kind.” Freddie brought his arm up to cover his eyes, and his jaw cracked with a wide yawn. “Would it be the pinnacle of laziness to have a nap at nine in the morning?”


His arm dropped to his side. “Brilliant. I’m having one.”

Taine rolled towards the edge of the bed and slowly got to his feet. “You nap. I’m showering all this well-earned sweat off my body.”

“Wake me up when you’re done.” Freddie didn’t so much as open his eyes to glance his direction.

Pausing midstep, Taine watched Freddie from by the door to the en-suite. His eyes lingered along the flesh showing outside of the duvet that had been haphazardly dragged across him. He found the young nurse charming—a bit too much so for the sake of his sanity.

A quick cold shower did wonders for his state of mind. Taine wanted a clear head to handle the rest of the day. No matter how casual the sex might’ve started as, one could never guarantee it would remain so.

The exchange of bodily fluids tended to befuddle even the sternest of characters. He only had to consider two of his closest friends for examples. BC and Caddock had both been firmly in the bachelor category until recently. A bit of pleasure, a smart younger man, and suddenly they’d fallen head over arse in love.

He shook his head violently and sent water flying across the shower. His hands readily found the tap to turn it off. He wouldn’t be following in his friends’ footsteps—no matter how charming the man or how brilliant the sex.

The Sin Bin aside, Taine intended to fill his post-career days with helping to coach at Cardiff University and working with his charities. The nightclub would be a distraction, but he’d done worse things for his teammates.

Taine grabbed a towel to wipe off his face and then ran it over the nearby mirror. He stared at his reflection. “You’ve known him since July. It’s been a handful of months. Talking like this is what got Caddock and BC into trouble, so stop it.”

There, I’ve told myself, haven’t I?






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