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The CEO’s Fake Fiancee: (A Virgin & Billionaire Romance) by Amber Burns (21)



I woke up on my left side, facing a door that was slightly ajar on an unfamiliar white wall. It was warm; I was covered in a sheet that was a pastel blue with a comforter that had roses stitched into it. The aches and throbbing were still there, I could hear the patter of rain on the window that was above my head. But, it felt like the pain was sleeping like I had been. I would have gladly dozed back off if my bladder hadn’t been screaming. I sat up and groaned because as soon as I was upright the pins and needles, throbbing and aching hit me full force. I just had to make it to the bathroom to piss. I didn’t want to piss myself in an unfamiliar place. I managed to get to my feet and hobbled into the bathroom. I did my business and noted the state of the bathroom. It was obviously a woman’s house, I definitely wasn’t home. Did Madi really bring me to her place?


I wandered back into the bedroom to see her stretched out on the other side of the bed. She wore a t-shirt and as far as I could tell that was it save a pair of white lacy panties. I didn’t wake up with morning wood, but the picture before me was enough to get my ole friends attention, despite the aches I had. I glanced down, must really like her to stand up, despite all this shit.


She made a noise bringing my attention back to her, and I hobbled to slip back into bed next to her. I watched her stretch, giving me a great view of her lethal little form. Yea, I had to admit I liked her as much as my cock did. She shifted closer and curled up against my side, I wouldn’t have pegged her as a cuddler, but here she was getting all snug against me.


I curled my fingers through the tangled hair the obscured her face then traced a line down her cheek. She took care of me while I was having a bad day, something that occurred on the occasion. I had joked about putting a ring on it before, but if she brought me to her bed without an afterthought about me overstepping boundaries that she wasn’t ready to cross, there was something here. This was more than sexual attraction. My chest felt tight as I continued to look at her. I don’t want to think about the L word, yanno the big L word. But it was there, on the tip of my tongue just looking at her. Fuck, I had fallen full head over heels for her in just this short amount of time. I looked up at the ceiling, watching the slow spin of the fan.


What do I do about this?  Do I say something? Do I swallow it and wait? Would it scare her off? The thought scared the shit out of me. What do I do if she doesn’t love me back?


I didn’t get to dwell on my fears, a hand brushed against my cheek, and I looked to her. Her green eyes were sleepy but beautiful.


“Do you hurt?”


“Not yet,” I swallow, still feeling the tightness in my chest. “I’ll need to take some medicine soon, or it’ll start up.” The word was on the tip of my tongue, lodged in my throat and it was ready to come spilling out like the word vomit it would be. I had to stop it, I didn’t want to face the fact that she might reject me. “Don’t you have work?”


She got up, affording me a look at her ass and the length of her bare legs, and left the room. I decided I’d just stay in bed and see if she’d come back. If I got up the pins and needles would become more intense, I didn’t want to stumble around her house in my underwear.


“I called in sick,” she came back with my medicine bag, my tens unit, and a glass of water. “I was considering calling in tomorrow, too. I want to look at the forecast first before I do something like that.”


She offered me my bag and sat beside me on the bed, a glass of water in hand and the tens unit on her lap. Someone was on nurse duty. I sat up a little bit, and I began to dig into my bag. Nerve pills first; I popped two in my mouth without a thought and took the glass to drink them down.


“Don’t get yourself fired on my account,” I look at her, that word still hovering in the forefront of my mind. “I’m not worth you losing your job for.”


“I haven’t taken a vacation since I started the job,” she smiled at me. “I have been sick maybe two days over the last three years. Nobody can get mad at me for calling in today and tomorrow,” she said and looked sure of it, too.


I sat that bag on the bedside table and she did the same with the glass of water and the tens unit.


“Before I met you,” she started. “I would go to work and come home. I didn’t do anything outside of my routine. I didn’t have fun, I didn’t think about men outside of fantasizing about celebrities that I would never meet.” She paused, looking away from me as she seemed to think about what she was about to say. “I met you, and I want to go out, I have fun with you. Even if it’s just hanging out at that bar or if we come back here to watch a movie. I feel like you’ve given me the desire and motivation to live.”


“Motivation to take a ride on the back of my bike?” I playfully prodded.


She let out a laugh and her eyes connected with mine again. “Not yet, but I imagine you’ll probably wear me down eventually.”


I picked up her hand from where it rested on her thigh, “How do I repay you for looking after me?”


“Don’t break my heart,” it came out so softly.


It left me choking on that word again. I looked her in the eye as I brought her hand to my lips, kissing her palm. “I won’t break your heart, baby,” I murmured against her palm. “I want to keep it. It doesn’t do me any good to break it.”


She leaned into me and kissed me hesitantly, she still seemed unsure at initiating things. I let her decide the intensity of the kiss, the depth. Her hand slipped out of my grip and combed through my beard then tangled up in the mess that was my hair.


“When you say things like that,” she pulled away just enough to whisper to me. “It makes me want you more.”


My cock twitched just at those words. Damn, had I known this was where I would have ended up yesterday morning I would’ve come more prepared.


“Tell me something,” I tangled both of my hands into her hair, keeping her close. “Are you a virgin?”


She flushed, and I got the hint that this wasn’t a cool question for me to ask. She pulled out of my grasp and twisted her lips up as she looked at me, “No.”


I blinked, not sure why I thought she was. “Something tells me that there is some negativity behind the first time.” I watch her carefully, a knot slowly weighing in my gut. There was an inexplicable urge to protect her. That L word was probably the source, “Somebody hurt you?”


“Probably not in the way you think,” she started fidgeting with the comforter that covered me, not meeting my gaze. “The guy I gave myself to decided that’s all he wanted.”


Ah, trust issues. That explained a lot. I sat up, trying not to grimace at the discomfort I felt, and I pressed my brow against hers. I was so close to saying that L word I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying it. When I was sure I wouldn’t go blurting it out, I forged ahead.


“I want more from you than just sex. I want you, all of just you.”


I didn’t get the chance to say anything else, she caught my mouth and pressed me back into the bed with an assertiveness that I wouldn’t have guessed she had. She leaned over me and kissed me with a hunger that I contributed to the last time we had been alone. Her tongue was in my mouth, and her hands were in my hair. When her hands started to wander, I knew that the ‘not having sex’ thing was probably out the door. I managed to tug away.


“I would very much like to take advantage of this.” Even though I was hard, I knew I probably wouldn’t last long enough for anything respectable, “But I don’t want to be a disappointment.”


She had was on my neck and working over the lines of the tattoo that took up my chest, an eagle with its wings spread and an M16 bared in its claws in the traditional style. There was something about her feather like touch that had goosebumps breaking out everywhere.


“How would you be a disappointment?”


“I’d probably get a few good thrusts in before the I’d lose it and leave you hanging,” I had to be honest. “My boy is interested, don’t get me wrong. But, he’s not dedicated… with how the weather is.” I had an idea then, and I reached down to grip her ass, “Wait… what did I say I was going to do the last time I was here?”


“What?” she looked intrigued.


“Take off your panties,” I growled at her.


I wanted her, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to perform like I wanted. So, there was that alternative.


“Why?” blush colored her face, and she looked excited.


“I said I wanted to spread you out and lick that sweet little pussy until you were screaming my name. I can’t spread you out, I need to stay laying down. But you can sit on my face,” I said shifting until I lay flat. “And I can still lick you until you’re screaming my name.”


“Sit on your face?” she asked, suddenly embarrassed.


I nodded and didn’t give her the opportunity to argue with me. I tugged her so that she was leaning against my chest, “Ain’t gonna hurt me a bit. C’mon. You’ll feel good I promise.”


I wanted this now, I wanted to know how she tasted. I got looks from her before she slipped her panties off and dropped them on the floor. Then she straddled my chest.


“How do I do this?”


I felt the dampness of her curls on my chest, and I couldn’t help but groan, I wanted her wrapped around me. My dick throbbed in agreement, but I knew he was a filthy liar.


“Like your sitting on me now,” I explained, “But with your legs on either side of my face.”


Her brows drew together, and she shifted until she hovered over my face. I got a good look at her outer lips and the small tuft of hair just above it. I licked my lips and wrapped my arms around her thighs, I didn’t give her the chance to protest or adjust, I just dove in with my lips and tongue like a starved man. I heard a startled gasp, and I felt the bed shaking; she grabbed the headboard. I pressed my tongue between her lips and tickled it along her slick opening. She was as responsive as I remembered her to be, she bucked against my face as soon as I started tonguing her clit. That was reason enough to attack the button, I lashed with my tongue then latching my mouth around it. As soon as I start suckling on her, I feel the trembling begin.


Was she that worked up just from kissing me? Maybe it was the talk or the prospect of sex.

If she wants me that much I better give her something.


I released one thigh and found a way to ease a finger into her dampness. She moaned, her hips rolling against my mouth and her muscles clenching around my finger. I release her clit for a breath.


“You taste so good, I could eat you all day.” I worked another finger into her, curling the fingers as I thrust them into her. “I can’t wait to feel this around my dick.”


I latched back onto her again, hearing a whine as I seemed to be driving her closer. It was a whole lot quicker than the last time we were together like this. This time, there was a whole lot less clothing involved. One of her hands dug into my hair, and I heard a short string of, ‘don’t stop’ coming from her like a prayer. I pressed my fingers against the upper wall inside her, swirling her clit as I suck in hard. She cried out, it started like a shriek and ended as a drawn out moan, before she clenched around my fingers hard enough to hurt. I looked up to see her face, her eyes were closed and her brows drawn up. Her mouth was opened as if she was caught off guard, her lips forming a small ‘oh.’ Probably the sexiest expression I’d seen her have.


I eased my fingers from her and gave her tentative licks while I watched her face. Her flavor matched her scent, musky with a slightly salty tang. It wasn’t something I minded having on my tongue. I was going to clean every bit of dampness from her, but she began to twitch and carefully eased her way off my face. She melted onto the bed beside me, panting lightly as she seemed to come down from the euphoric high I had put her on.


“That was fantastic,” I heard her say.


“I am happy to please,” I assured her as I rolled on my side to face her though her head was down by my thighs. “So, since you called in what do you intend to do with your day? Just stay in bed?”


“We could take a shower, brush our teeth and all that,” she raised an eyebrow at me. “If you’re achy we could watch a movie or something.”


“Could take me back to my place,” I offered.


I found it hard not to touch her; I stroked my hand up her thigh and cupped her bare ass. Damn the rain. All that was between her and me was a pair of day old boxer shorts.


“Are you saying you don’t want to stay the night again?”


“Nope. But unless you like the idea of me hanging out around here naked, I’ll need some clean clothes,” I pointed out, kissing her knee.


She seemed to catch a better look at me because she sat up and started dragging her fingers through my beard.


“You’re a mess,” that blush came back, and I gathered what had her embarrassed. “Let’s get a shower and get cleaned up and then we’ll go get you some clean clothes.”


She helped me out of bed, the stiffness wasn’t just in my pants.


You going to take a shower with me?” I asked with a groan.


“I was thinking I would do that,” she directed me into the shower, and I had the pleasure of finally seeing her naked.


I had felt her breasts in my hands, I had my mouth latched onto them about a week ago. But, touching and tasting were totally different from seeing. I wanted to bury my face between them as I thrust into her. I was cursing myself because I wouldn’t be able to do that, at least not today. She turned on the hot and turned me into the spray so that my hair and beard were wet.


“It bother you that you had my beard all soaked?” I asked as she picked up her shampoo and started to lather up my hair.


I stooped to offer her a better angle. Her fingers tangling in my hair and massaging my scalp was enough to make me want to throw all my cares about embarrassing myself with a poor performance down the drain. Her hands drifted down, and she went about shampooing my damn beard.


“It didn’t,“ she assured me. “I just never had someone do that to me. I didn’t expect to see so much… umm… me… left on your face.”


“Means I did a good job,” I smirked at her.


We traded places so she could rinse me. Liking the idea of cleaning each other, I picked up her shampoo and started lathering up her hair. I didn’t get too far, she slipped down to her knees and caught a hold of my erection. I had been sporting it for a short while now, something that frequented happened around her. It hadn’t gotten painful, yet, but with the way she started stroking me with a surety, that surprised me.


“What’re you doing there?”


“Showing you my appreciation,” she said before closing her lips around the tip of my cock.


She was giving me the vision I had when I first saw her, her sweet lips wrapped around me. I kept my hands tangled in her hair as she swallowed me.


“You don’t have to,” I swore, but I made no move to stop her.


Her hand kept working me as she bobbed her head along the length of me. She didn’t release me to argue with me, just kept up the work until my hips were thrusting forward of their own accord.


“God, that feels so good.”


I tilted my head back into the spray as she brought me closer and closer. I wanted to hold out, feel the deliciousness of her mouth for as long as I could but there was a tightening in my balls and a throb in my dick that was quickly becoming too much. I wavered, and I pressed a hand to the tiled wall, groaning build up was becoming too much.


“I’m gonna cum,” I managed to choke out.


She didn’t stop as if I hadn’t warned her at all. If anything she seemed to increase her efforts. Her free hand came to cup and massage my balls.


“God,” I didn’t know if it was a plea or a curse, what she was doing to me felt so good.


I halted her movements with the one hand I still had in her hair, and I gave a hard thrust forward before I exploded. I saw stars, my vision blacking out. The groan that was torn through me echoed through the room, and it was all I could do to remain standing.


“God,” I repeated as sense started to return to me. “Definitely, definitely saving up to put a ring on it.”


She stood up, between the wall and me. “Put a ring on it?”


“Yep.” When I was sure I wasn’t going to fall, I tugged her under the spray before it got too cold so I could rinse her hair. “I keep saying you’re stuck with me, I gotta make it official.”


“Don’t you think you’re thinking things like that too soon?” She squirmed.


Naw,” I assured her. “It’s gonna take me awhile to get a ring to put on it. I think that’s enough time to win you over to the idea,” I declared, still drunk on the orgasm she gave me.


“Lucky for you,” she started as she wrapped her arms around me. “You’re cute, and I might actually be susceptible to the idea.”


“Hope,” I reached behind me to shut off the shower. “I like the idea of having that. C’mon before we get too pruney. If your offer to stay the night is still on the table, I’m going to take you up on it.”


I led the the way out of the bathroom and reached for the towels we had used the night before.


“Is that,” her voice cracked a little. “Is that from when you were in Iraq?”


I looked back at her then glanced down, my left side was a mess of scar tissue. It looked like melted skin, it was hard to discern any muscle beneath. I looked at her, afraid of what I might see. I didn’t want to face disgust.


“Yea,” I swallowed, waiting for any verdict that might smash all this back to reality. “Not a pretty sight, sorry.”


She shook her head, taking a towel from me. “It doesn’t look pretty. But it’s you, and it’s not going to keep me from wanting you.”


“This,” I wrapped the towel around my waist. “Is why I want to put a ring on it.” I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her. “You worry about me breaking your heart? Do me a favor and promise to not break mine, okay?”


“I promise,” she smiled at me.




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