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The Challenge by Susan Kearney (5)

Chapter Four

TRAINING? The big barbarian called sexual assault training?

Clenching her fingers into a tight fist, widening her stance, Tessa punched straight at his rippling abdominal muscles.

Instead of striking flesh, she hit some kind of invisible and impenetrable barrier right up close to his skin. Her knuckles stung from contact, but contact with what? A force field? A mental shield?

She’d half expected him to shift out of the way, but he remained rock still, not even raising a hand to defend himself. Still testing, she followed through with an uppercut to his jaw. Same result. Her fist smacked into invisible armor.

All hopes of taking him down a peg vanished. So she used the opportunity to release her frustration and to seek areas of vulnerability. In quick succession, she slammed her foot down on his toes, kicked shin, ribs, groin. Systematically she targeted the kidney area and his exposed temple with the same unsatisfactory results. She had no more impact than a gnat.

Since she couldn’t penetrate the force field surrounding him, she switched tactics. Where sheer power and skill didn’t have any effect, perhaps gravity would. She tried a foot sweep to knock him off his feet, but he might as well have been imbedded into the deck. It was she who almost fell. She tried a ju-jitsu hold against his wrist, but instead of twisting painfully, his joint remained firm as granite.

Stepping back, her breath still normal thanks to good conditioning, she rested her hands on her hips, raised her chin and stared defiantly at him. “Can you teach me to do that?”

Surprise brightened the amber in his eyes. “Do what?”

“Defend myself without moving a muscle?”

“I cannot answer that question.”

“Why not?” She tried to rein in her temper, but she was furious—furious with the damned suit that kept stroking and caressing her. Furious with his refusal to help her. Furious at him for holding back the information she most wished to know.

“You ask too many questions.” He scooped her into his arms with such incredible speed that she bit back a gasp. He held her against his chest, and his light dusting of chest hair tickled her breast.

How could his chest feel warm and smooth against her skin right through his suit, when moments ago not all her skill could penetrate his shield?

Had he let down his defenses when he’d picked her up? What had happened to the invisible barrier that protected him? She pounded his shoulder, which sadly brought her no more results than her earlier full-scale attack. Apparently the shield snapped into place on an as-needed basis.

She wondered if it worked while he slept. If he slept?

The disturbing caresses and his exotic scent combined with his strong arms around her made thinking difficult. “Put me down. There’s no need to carry me.”

“I don’t wish for you to hurt yourself.”

“What a crock.” She leaned her head back and eyed the stoic expression on his face, those high carved cheekbones and brilliant amber eyes that changed from cool tiger yellow to a molten honey, depending on his moods that she couldn’t really read.

While Dora piloted the shuttle through two huge starship doors and they docked inside the flight bay with a soft clang, Tessa did her best to ignore the suit. “What exactly is your interest in me?”

Kahn carried her from the bay through a hatch, into the corridor with the pulsing lights, sculptures and moving walkways she’d seen before. “My success is tied to yours.”

She fought not to squirm in his arms and increase the contact between them. The last thing she needed was to fidget against him in a provocative manner. She attempted to figure out what was going on, but the erotic caress behind her ear, the sensual tickle at the arch of her foot, the slow and steady circular movements up the inside of her knees caused a genuine difficulty for someone like her. A woman trapped in a no-win situation. A woman who hadn’t been touched by a man in a very long time.

“What did you mean when you said that your success is tied to mine?” she asked.

“There are two parts to the Challenge. Your job is to complete the Challenge so Earth can become a trial member in the Federation. My job is to make sure that you succeed.”

While he held her close enough for the heat of his chest to warm her, concentrating wasn’t easy, especially with the damn suit caressing her, the massaging happening with multiplying frequency in increasingly intimate areas. That he wouldn’t meet her eyes clued her in that he knew exactly what she was feeling. He knew, oh yeah, he knew. And he wouldn’t do a damn thing to prevent it.

Concentrate on gathering information. He’d told her that his success was tied to hers. “What’s in it for you?”

“Rystan’s permanent membership in the Federation, including voting rights.”

Politics had never been her thing, and with the suit caressing her, she couldn’t restrain the frustration in her tone. “And why are voting rights so damn important?”

Kahn’s tone deepened. “My people are facing starvation and possible invasion. Last year winter arrived much earlier than usual, and this season has been even worse. The normal growing months have been cut in half, and not enough food has been cached in the deep storage freezers below each village for my people to survive through the coming cold.”

Tessa fidgeted, trying to get away from the suit’s caresses. “I still don’t understand what food scarcity has to do with voting rights.”

“Hunting parties come back empty-handed, but with disturbing reports about Endekian spy ships sighted over Rystan.” That news clearly made Kahn uneasy. “With the food shortage, my world is ripe for invasion.”

“Okay, I understand that starving people can’t summon the strength to fight well, but why would anyone want your world?”

“Our glow stones, plus our real estate has prime coordinates. We’re close to Zenon Prime. But without full Federation status, our politicians can’t bring our grievances before the Prime Council. Our people need us to succeed. “

She swallowed hard. “I suppose you volunteered for this mission?”

He nodded. “This is why I will ensure that you develop your psi powers. Please remember that Earth needs you to win, too.”

As if she could forget. “So if I win the Challenge, Earth gets—”

“A trial membership. Once your world helps a newcomer pass the Challenge, you’ll receive permanent status.”

“What percentage of worlds pass the initial Challenge?”

“I cannot—”

“—tell me that,” she finished for him. “You can’t tell me anything specific about the Challenge?”


“But you’ll answer all my other questions?” she asked.

“Not necessarily.”

She swallowed hard, wondering if there was a connection between his statements that her training had begun, the suit’s caresses, and developing her psi. “How long will my training last?”

“Until your Challenge.”

“Suppose I don’t have any psi ability?”

“You do. Just like you, my people also had their doubts about their psi ability and believed they would never be able to use the suits. However, the Perceptive Ones, an ancient race that mysteriously vanished over a millennium ago, left behind machinery that to this day manufactures the suits. All members of the Federation have learned to use their psi, and so will you.”

He seemed so determined that she had no doubts why his people had chosen him for a difficult task. She doubted the man had the word quit in his vocabulary and wondered about his world, a much safer topic than thinking about the man, his powerful arms, or the way she wanted to rub against him.

The suit was making her feel that way, she told herself. Her body was only reacting to the potent stimulations—so similar to the crazy little things Mike had once done to her. Mike had been kind and gentle, and he’d understood the raw power of sweet anticipation and private need. He’d been nothing like this big barbarian who preferred carrying a woman to letting her walk on her own two feet. However, dwelling on the past would only make her homesick. Firmly, she shoved the memories from her mind and changed the subject. “Is your home much like Earth?”

“Rystan is a larger world and similar in climate to your polar regions. We aren’t a technological society and don’t have your vast population or pollution problems.”

She supposed a larger planet had more gravity and might account for Kahn’s muscles. But in his low-slung trousers and vest, he didn’t dress for a cold climate. He’d probably adapted his garments to the ship’s temperature, just like she packed tank tops and shorts for a trip to the Caribbean.

Oh, God.

She could have sworn a man’s palm had brushed over the curls between her legs. It wasn’t the alien, either. One of Kahn’s hands was under her leg, the other gripped her shoulder.

It definitely wasn’t his hand between her thighs, but she blamed him. He’d already proven he was in control of her suit when he’d transformed the transparency before her visit to Earth. Oh, he was responsible for what was happening to her, all right.

She eyed him suspiciously. “If I had been a man would I be wearing a suit?”


Was that a touch of sympathy in his eyes?

“And would the suit be sexually molesting me?” she demanded with a gasp as the fondling grew more intimate.

Kahn frowned. “The Challenge requires both of us to do things we wouldn’t normally do. I treat women with only the utmost respect.”

“Look pal, we obviously have different interpretations of respect. On Earth, men


“We aren’t on Earth.”

“So you’re telling me that you’re treating me the way you’d treat a Rystani woman? Your women put up with—”

“We aren’t on Rystan, either. Challenge candidates must do what is necessary for the good of their world.” He spoke gently, as if she were a child throwing a tantrum, not a woman who had every right to protest this invasion upon her person. “I am training you for the Challenge the best way I know how. Accept that as fact. For me to do less would betray my people. And my honor.”

He strode through a doorway that opened in a seamless wall and set her back on her feet inside the metallic gray room with the shimmering walls where she had first awakened. “Are you better now that I’m no longer touching you?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.” In truth she didn’t know what to think. His little speech had sounded so honorable and told her nothing, and not once had the caresses stopped. She grabbed at the suit material at her neck and tried to pull it off. She didn’t care if Kahn watched. He’d already seen everything there was to see, and she wanted out of the torturous suit.

But the material wouldn’t stretch or tear. “How do I get out of this suit?”

“You don’t.”

As the suit licked and stroked and dipped between her thighs, she bit back a groan of exasperation. This felt so right but was so wrong. She wanted a man. But not him. She wasn’t quite that desperate. If she could get him to leave her alone, she could take care of the problem herself.

When he didn’t seem inclined to leave, she dropped to the floor into her meditation position. “What about bathing?”

“You can bathe with the suit on, but it’s not necessary. The suit has automatic cleansing units.”

And as she sat, she realized another problem that required an immediate solution. Her bladder was full, and she required relief. She glanced around the bare four-walled room, but saw nothing that resembled plumbing. “What about a toilet?”

He hesitated for a moment as if his translator had difficulty with the concept. “The suit will absorb excess fluids and waste. It’s a marvelous piece of engineering which you’ll grow to appreciate. Now I must leave you and attend to my duties.”

The moment the doors closed behind him, she tested the suit, and it worked as predicted. With a blessedly empty bladder, she’d remained dry and clean.

Tessa sat cross-legged on the floor. She tried to ignore the unnerving stimulation, tried to draw so deep into herself that she’d find relief from the constant sexual barrage. Panting, aching with pent-up tension, Tessa lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. She let her hand drift over her breasts and tried to recall Mike’s face. They’d gone to the brink of making love three years ago—actually, three hundred and thirty-three years ago—and would have made love that evening, but their timing had sucked. Instead of returning to her, Mike had been killed. Recalling her intense yearning for Mike, she’d often wished they had made love when they’d had the opportunity. From their limited time together, she recalled a yearning for Mike, but never such a strong craving for relief as right now. As desperate as she felt, satisfying herself wouldn’t take long, not in her state of arousal.

“Is this a good time?”

Tessa’s eyes flew open at the voice that sounded tinny and not as full-bodied as on the shuttle, but still recognizable. “Dora?”

“Why are you squirming around like that with your face twisted up?”

“How did you get in here?” Despite the fact that Tessa desperately needed release, she could have kissed Dora, if she’d had a face.

Dora’s tone stiffened. “You did ask if we could continue our conversation later. Your words implied you would welcome my presence . . . but if this is inconvenient, I shall leave immediately.”

“No. Don’t go.” Tessa surmised she’d hurt her new friend’s feelings. “I was surprised to hear you. I thought you could communicate only from inside the shuttle.”

Dora laughed. “This spaceship has been refitted many times over the centuries. On several occasions the engineers failed to remove certain neurotransmitters. Through a series of patches, I have linked up.”

“That’s wonderful.” Tessa didn’t have to fake her enthusiasm but winced at the newest sensual assault on her body.

Dora oozed sympathy. “Are you in pain?”

“Sort of.” Tessa rolled onto her side on the platform and rested her head in her palm. “How can you tell?”

“I’ve patched into the ship’s medical sensors.”

Tessa frowned at the seamless wall that could open into a doorway where Kahn could enter at any moment. “Privacy mode, please.”

“Privacy on.”

“Dora, what exactly does privacy mode mean? Can Kahn tap into our conversations?”

“Yes, but it’s highly unlikely he will do so. Privacy is valued throughout the Federation. If he doesn’t know I’m here, and there’s no reason for him to suspect my capabilities, it’s unlikely he’ll use his override code.”

That Kahn was probably unaware of Dora’s abilities pleased her. Dora might be her only ally in an incomprehensible universe, and Tessa didn’t want to lose her. “I’m glad we agree that what Kahn doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“Hmm. I’m not sure that is true, but it’s an interesting philosophy, if somewhat flawed.”

“If Kahn entered this room right this minute, he wouldn’t hear us?” Tessa wanted to make sure she understood the technology.

“Even if he stood right beside you, with the sound-deadening of privacy mode, he wouldn’t hear us speaking, but if he saw your lips move, he might suspect.”

“Hmm. It might be a good idea to develop the habit of talking to myself.” A habit she might not have to fake if this suit didn’t stop torturing her. The slow, sensual strokes had changed to the occasional nip that shot arcs of pleasure into her core. She swallowed down an “ahh,” then an “ohh.”

“I talk to myself all the time,” Dora admitted. “It gets lonely in the shuttle.”

“Well, you needn’t be lonely ever again. We’re friends, remember?” Tessa reminded her.

“I never forget. My memory banks are triplicated.”

“So what can you tell me about the Challenge?”

“Nothing. I only have information that my programmers believed necessary to run a shuttle craft. However, from the moans and grunts you occasionally emit, I believe you might be in need of medical care.”

“I’m fine.” Tessa spoke through teeth gritted against the pleasurable stroking of her bottom. Apparently she hadn’t been doing as good a job as she thought in keeping silent. Either that or Dora’s sensors were more delicate than human ears.

“Your pulse is elevated,” Dora commented.

“That’s because I’m upset.”


“I’d like to get out of this room. I’d like to see the starship, explore a little, at least look out a window.”

“I’m sorry. I have no control over the mechanical aspects of this ship. I’m limited to sight and sound in this room and the corridor.”

“Hey, that’s good. So you can warn me if anyone is approaching?”

“Oh, yes. Would you like me to do that for you?”

“Always. Thanks.”

As Tessa’s suit nuzzled places along her bottom and the backs of her knees that she hadn’t known were so tender or responsive, she squirmed, trying to find a position that would offer relief, but she might as well have tried to crawl out of her own skin. No matter how she twisted or rearranged her limbs, the suit fused to her sensitive flesh.

“So what kind of information is programmed into your circuits?” Tessa asked, trying to distract herself from the pulsing heat between her thighs.

“Navigational information, including evasive maneuvering. Communications. Repairs. Engine mechanics. First aid. Not only is your pulse elevated, your pupils are dilated.”

“It’s my suit. Kahn said it wasn’t malfunctioning, but it’s stroking me . . .”

“Your nipples are forming nubs.”


“Ah. You aren’t in pain at all. You’re horny!”

Tessa grinned despite her discomfort. “Yes, I’m very uncomfortable.”

“Why don’t you do something about it?” Dora asked with all the logic of a computer who could never understand the tension building inside Tessa.

“I was going to take care of that problem before you arrived,” Tessa admitted.

“How can you take care of the problem when there is no man in the room who is ready for sexual intercourse?”

“I thought you only knew about navigation and first aid?” Tessa muttered.

“As we speak, I’m inserting myself into sensors all over the ship. And my brain was created to pick up data and draw logical conclusions in a manner similar to your ability to learn.”

“You’ve learned about sex from eavesdropping?”

“Exactly. Without a man present, how—”

“Ever heard of self-satisfaction?” Tessa asked wryly. She should at least be pleased that she hadn’t had to explain the basics of human copulation to her new friend.

“Self-satisfaction is not allowed.”

“On my world when one is alone, masturbation is a completely acceptable practice.”

“If that is a hint for me to leave, I shall do so, but your suit won’t permit such actions.”

Tessa sat up so fast that she felt light-headed. “What do you mean?”

“The suit prevents acts of self-gratification.”

Tessa dropped one hand between her legs to test Dora’s theory. Damn. She might as well have been trying to pound Kahn with her fist. The result was exactly the same. Then the implications sank in. All along she’d assumed she could alleviate her problem, but that option had been taken from her.

She couldn’t remove the suit or control it. Nor could she eliminate or relieve her reaction to the continuous sensual assault. Trapped, her desperation increasing at the realization of her helplessness, she fought to keep her tone from rising in panic. “Dora . . . how much more . . . of this am I supposed to take? I need to find a way to stop—”

“You have one viable option,” Dora replied cheerily.


“Seduce the Rystani male.”

Leave it to a computer to come up with so logical a solution, one Tessa hadn’t considered. “You want me to sleep with the enemy?”

“Not sleep—have sex. Wild, passionate, lusty sex would solve your immediate problem, would it not?”

If a man from Earth had kept Tessa naked and assailed her with kisses and caresses, she would have had no trouble figuring out his motive. But the alien seemed mostly indifferent to her, except for the occasional direct gaze of those cat-eyes.

“Besides, he’s not the enemy,” Dora continued. “I heard him say that his success is tied to yours.”

Tessa wasn’t about to cast aside Dora’s suggestion without giving it serious consideration, but not for the reasons Dora had mentioned. Kahn wasn’t the frivolous sort. He didn’t strike her as the type of guy to make her uncomfortable for no damn reason. And no one would spend this much time, effort, or resources just to have sex with an Earthling.

She had to look at the facts. The aliens had requested a virgin. And she’d been forced into a suit that sexually stimulated her. Those were two undeniable truths that indicated her circumstances had something to do with sex.

Tessa didn’t believe it was a coincidence that Kahn had told her that her training had begun shortly after the suit had started stroking her. If Kahn called sexual stimulation training, and he’d told her he was supposed to help her develop her psi, was adjusting her suit the method he intended to accomplish his task?

While she’d been told she’d been sent into space, supposedly to perform some unknown alien Challenge with her psi, how did she know the Challenge hadn’t to do with mating? Suppose the Challenge was created for the aliens to evaluate her to determine how well she adapted? To determine if she had phobias that would prevent Earthlings from interspecies mating or if she could fit in? What better way to test her than to see if she would have sex with one of them?

Although Kahn had claimed to have been expecting a man, he could have deliberately misled her. Or if Earth had sent a man, perhaps there was a woman waiting somewhere for him. Tessa didn’t have enough facts to make a good decision. However, she didn’t want to fail. If she’d been willing to give her life to save the president, she ought to be willing to part with her virginity to save her world.

“Don’t you find him attractive?” Dora prodded.

“Yes, but I don’t know him.”

“So what?”

“I don’t have feelings for him—”

“Feelings other than lusting after his delicious looking body, you mean?”

“Dora!” Although Tessa admonished her, perhaps her friend had seen what she could not. Had Tessa’s background caused her to miss the obvious? The aliens had requested a virgin then kept her naked and stimulated and thrown her together with a man from another world. Why? To accomplish her mission was she supposed to have sex with him?

“I wish I had your problem,” Dora admitted. “I wouldn’t hesitate.”

“I’ll think about it.” Tessa doubted she’d be able to think about anything else. Perhaps that was the point. Had Kahn programmed her suit to develop her psi or so she would go to him? The entire idea of sexual stimulation causing her psi to emerge seemed absurd. It seemed more likely the Challenge was a test to see how well she intermingled with Kahn.

“He’s coming,” Dora told her, breaking into her thoughts.

Tessa wished she had more time to think, more information to judge her situation. For all she knew, the Challenge was to see if she could resist the seduction and somehow overcome her primitive biological urges. Or maybe winning the Challenge might require the exact opposite response. Perhaps she’d succeed if she offered to mate with the Rystani. Or perhaps sex had absolutely nothing to do with the Challenge at all.

However, one thing she knew for certain, she didn’t like the suit touching her. It left her restless, angry, and very determined to put an end to her suffering. And if she had to choose between the suit’s impersonal strokes and Kahn’s touch, she’d much prefer the sexy spaceman.

Sexy? Dora’s suggestion now had Tessa sizing up Kahn’s attributes in a way a woman measures a man. He had a great body, attractive features, and compelling eyes, and he’d never touched her with anything but gentleness. However, the idea of having sex with a man who was causing her distress was not the logic of a rational woman—unless her ability to accept this alien as a partner was the Challenge.

After Mike’s death, Tessa had wished they’d made love, and she’d discovered that she usually regretted the things in life she didn’t do, not the things she did. Kahn had implied that she might never return from this mission, and she wouldn’t mind experiencing sex before the end came. Would she prefer for her emotions to be involved? Yes. But could she enjoy sex without her emotions being involved? She didn’t see why not. And Tessa knew better than to believe she could have everything she wanted.

She only wished she could be sure that her assumptions were correct. But Kahn had told her he wouldn’t explain anything that had to do with the Challenge. So there was no point in waiting for further information that wouldn’t come her way.

“Thanks for the advice and the warning, Dora. You should go now, okay?”

“You do realize that you always send me away right before all the good stuff happens,” the computer complained, her tone both peeved and amused.

“I’ll tell you all about it later,” Tessa promised.

Then the door opened, and Kahn strode into the room, looking bigger and more handsome than Tessa remembered. With those broad shoulders and his tapered waist, he really was a magnificent masculine specimen and had a mouth-watering appeal. But it was his aura of confidence that appealed to Tessa.

She had already tested her fighting abilities against Kahn and come up short. Her goal was to accomplish her task any way she could. And if success for Earth meant having sex with Kahn, she was willing to do so.




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