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The Cockiest Alphas - Anthology by Shayla Black, Sierra Cartwright, Katana Collins, Tricia Daniels, Kym Grosso, Desiree Holt, Jenna Jacob, Kat T. Masen, Sasha White (56)

Chapter 1

The second I entered the apartment my clothes started coming off. I kicked off my heels, dropped my skirt and peeled off my starched white blouse as I walked to the kitchen. I’d worked hard to become a CPA, and I loved being an accountant, but the uptight clothes required in our office were not what I would call comfortable. Opening the fridge I just stood there…a soft moan of pleasure slipping from between my lips as cool air finally hit bare skin.

“Ange?” Rick’s voice floated in from the balcony.

My pulse kicked up a notch, and I smiled softly. Just the sound of his voice was enough to make my heart turn over. Rick Craig was my perfect match, my other half. “In the kitchen,” I called back.

“Bring a couple more beers when you come out here, will you?”

“Sure, baby.”

Eager to shake off the tension of the day I grabbed a bottle of white wine and a couple of beers from the fridge. Bottle opener and wineglass in one hand, beers in the other I headed out to the balcony with full hands.

Three steps from the sliding doors I realized that Rick wasn’t alone outside, and hesitated. It was easy to identify the other voice as Mark Hoffman, Rick’s best friend, and the guy that was almost always our third. I glanced down at the sheer bra and panties barely covering my parts, and a deliciously naughty heat surged through me. It wasn’t like Mark had never seen me in a bikini or something.

“Here you go,” I said as I swept aside the black-out curtain that kept our living space somewhat cool and stepped out onto the balcony. Stopping short I glanced from Rick to Mark, all wide-eyed innocence. “Oh! Hi, Mark.”

“Hey, Angie.” Pure male appreciation clear in the heated look he gave me.

“Hey, baby, come here.” Rick held out his hand, a knowing smile curving his lips. Confident in my love, Rick enjoyed watching me flirt and tease other men almost as much as I enjoyed doing it.

I leaned down and gave him a lingering kiss, fully aware of Mark’s heated gaze on my ass the whole time. Straightening up I handed out the beers before stretching out on the empty lounger in front of their chairs. Closing my eyes I soaked up some vitamin D. The heat was killer when covered in clothes and stuck at a desk, air conditioned office or no, but stretched out with a glass of chilled wine, it was bearable. Almost pleasant. “How long have you boys been out here drinking?”

“’Bout an hour,” Rick answered. “How was work?”

“It sucked. The heat is making people crazy. Janice almost took a swing at a client because he called her sweetheart.”

“Is she?”

Rick snorted at Mark’s question. “Janice is one scary muther. Think tough as Gemma from Sons of Anarchy only ugly and fifty pounds heavier.”

“Hey,” I said as they laughed. “Janice is a sweetheart. You just have to get to know her.”

Rick smirked. “Mark might be looking for a girlfriend, but no matter what you say, Janice is not his type.”

Mark glanced away at that and took a deep pull from the beer in his hand. I raised an eyebrow. To say I was surprised was putting it mildly. Mark had a well-earned reputation as a player. “You’re looking for a girlfriend? Seriously?”

Shaggy blond hair and deep blue eyes made Mark a good looking guy -not to mention tall and ripped with muscles that made grown women drool-but it was his easy confidence and sexual swagger that always got him the girl. Well, almost always. It had been Mark who’d first caught my eye the night I’d met the boys, but it was Rick who’d caught my heart.

“I don’t remember you ever having trouble finding a woman before, Mark. What’s the problem?”

“None of them are you, babe.” Mark’s patented grin flashed, but his gaze held a certain intensity when he looked at me and my breath stuttered. “You broke my heart when you chose Rick over me. And I’m not sure he’s willing to share.”

Warmth that had nothing to do with the sun swept over me, and I swallowed a gasp. The man had just hit on my most secret fantasy, the one that had plagued me since the first night I met the guys. Guilty pleasure had me glancing at Rick only to find him watching us both, a speculative gleam in his dark eyes. “She can be hard to satisfy sometimes.”

“Rick.” Heat crept up my neck.

“Greedy is she?”

My man nodded sagely. “Insatiable even.”

Mark reached down and adjusted himself obviously. “Another guy might come in handy.”

“A relief pitcher…of sorts,” Rick said with a grin that had me wondering what the hell he was up to.

Mark grinned back at him. “Double the dick. Double the pleasure.”

Both men turned to me, and I squirmed. I was totally turned on and a bit embarrassed about it. Bravado was the obvious way to go.

“Well, I do love cock,” I said with false casualness as I lay back and closed my eyes again. “But I doubt even both of you could totally satisfy me.”



I ignored their groans of mock pain and pretended there was nothing strange about the conversation, or my laying around in my lingerie, but the tension was building.

Rick Craig sat back in his chair and considered his girlfriend. From the first moment he’d met her, he’d wanted her. Angie was pretty in a quiet reserved kind of way, but his attraction to her hadn’t been about her looks. With Angie he’d sensed something special—a deep-seated raw sexuality that she tried to hide from the world. It called to him and dared him to pull it out of her, to match it and make her his.

When he’d first met her she was confident in her brains and her opinions, even her looks, but she’d buried her sexual side. He knew now that previous boyfriends had made her feel too demanding or too freaky whereas he welcomed her dirty talking adventurous streak. Hell, he had his own secret desires and kinks buried, ones he still he had yet to share with her even after being together for more than a year, so he knew what that was like.

Rick encouraged her to flirt and tease other guys because when she felt wanted and desired, she sparkled, and she got horny, and he reaped the benefits. The fact that she was always game to try anything, and often pushed his own limits, was what had convinced him she was The One.

“I guess I should head out and let you two enjoy your Friday night.”

Rick shifted his gaze to his best friend, instinct urging him to open his mouth. “We don’t have plans to do anything other than relax and have a few drinks. Stick around.”

“Cool,” Mark said. “I’ll go grab us a couple more beers then.”

The bottle in his hand was still half-full but he nodded anyway. Mark had shown up unexpectedly an hour ago, in a bit of a funk over women troubles. The guy was a stud, no doubt about it. Women loved him. But for whatever reason, Mark wasn’t having any luck finding a woman he wanted to keep. He’d never hidden the fact that he’d wanted Angie, and Rick knew that was part of the reason he was having such a hard time. There wasn’t anyone else like his woman.

Rick looked at the woman in question. Stretched out and basking in the sun in nothing but some flimsy lacey things she looked amazing and his heart lifted. Angie was smart, sexy and fearless. A tempting idea began to form, and his blood heated. Mark hung out with them often, but it had been a long time since he’d been truly close to his friend and that was something he missed.

Suddenly the night was ripe with possibilities.

“Oh my God. You didn’t!”

Twilight had turned the sky into a wash of red purple and orange, but the temperature hadn’t dropped more than three or four degrees so we were still out on the balcony. Our chairs circled the small glass table littered with empty pizza boxes and beer bottles, and we all had a nice buzz going. Against both Rick and Mark’s objections I’d wrapped a cotton sarong around my body when I’d gotten up to pay the pizza delivery guy, and kept it on while we ate. Despite my adding a layer—albeit a thin one—of clothing, our conversation was once again in dangerously erotic territory. For the past three hours no matter what we talked about, the conversation always worked its way back to sex. It was like the three of us were bonded by one great big horny mind.

“Why not?” Mark asked with mock innocence. “The guy wanted to suck dick, and I enjoy being sucked. We both got what we wanted.”

“But you never even saw him. You have no idea who it was!”

The men shared a laugh, and Rick grinned. “That’s the point of a glory hole, babe.”

A glory hole. A hole in the wall in the bathroom of some club that guys could stick their dick in and get it sucked by some nameless faceless person on the other side of the wall. My mind was thinking, how stupid is that? But there was no denying the arousal curling in my belly and the slickness building between my thighs. How sexy would it be to suck a complete stranger off? STD’s aside, the idea was dirty and dangerous, and it got me hot in all the right ways.

As if he could read my mind Rick stared at me intensely. Then his left eye blinked slow and seductively. It was a small and simple gesture, no leer, no smile, just a wink that said he knew what the sex talk was doing to me. The man knew that behind the logical straight-laced accountant was a girl who secretly loved the raw and raunchy.

Speaking of which… “How do you know for sure it was a him?”

“Easy.” Mark shrugged. “Men do it different.”

“And you know this how?”

“Because I’ve had both. If a guy is sucking your dick, he’s doing it because he enjoys it and it shows. Most of the time when a girl is doing it, she’s doing it to either get something from you or because you’ve begged. They’re not exactly enthusiastic.”

The mind boggled. What to tackle first? The fact that Mark, a guy so unrelentingly male, had been sexual with other guys before. How many and just how sexual? Had they all been nameless, faceless glory hole types or perhaps there was something I didn’t know about our friend… Then there was the fact that some women give head because they enjoy it.

Before I could decide which direction to take the conversation, Mark did it for me by smirking at Rick and saying, “I don’t understand why women hate to give head so much.”

I tried to sound casual. “Not all women hate it.”

Mark snorted into his beer, but Rick nodded. “She’s right.”

As if neither of us had spoken Mark continued on. “And what’s even stranger is that women don’t like getting it either. I love eating a woman until she’s come a couple of times. Then her pussy is all juicy and wet and delicious, but that embarrasses them. Commercialism has women so convinced men don’t like the smell of a cunt that they only let you get down there and have a couple of licks before they pull you up by the hair. It’s been so long since I’ve had more than a tease I can’t even remember what a woman tastes like. Guys like to know when a woman’s turned on and the juice tells us that. It’s hot.” Mark glared at me shaking his head. “I just don’t get your kind.”

“Not all women are like that,” I said again. “Some of us actually enjoy oral sex. Giving and receiving.”

“Like Angie,” Rick said, waving the hand with his beer in it in my direction. “I can tie her to the bed and eat her over and over until she screams, and then she thanks me for it.”

Marks eyebrows shot north, hiding under his shaggy bangs. “Really?”

“Oh yeah, and sometimes I think she prefers sucking me to fucking me.”

Both men looked at me and a heat that had nothing to do with embarrassment crept up my neck and into my cheeks.

“Reeaaally,” Mark repeated, drawing the word out and smiling at me. “I always knew a bad girl lurked beneath those sexy secretary outfits you wear, but this is even hotter than your ability to slam tequila with the boys.”

Choosing to ignore Mark’s bad girl comments, I addressed Rick’s. “It’s not that I don’t love the way you love me, babe, but yeah, I have to admit there are times when I get off more on giving you pleasure than receiving it.”

Rick’s dark eyes gleamed. “C’mon, Ange, be honest. There’s more to it than giving me pleasure.”

Blame it on the sweltering summer heat, the sexual tension that had been building ever since I’d sauntered out onto the deck in my underwear, or the tequila, but I couldn’t help myself. Sitting around with two hot and tempting men talking about sex for three hours had loosened my tongue and primed my pussy. The naughty devil that had perched on my shoulder all night jumped up and ran away with my tongue.

“Fine. I love to suck dick,” I admitted bluntly. “I love the feel of a mans cock in my mouth. The totally male musky flavor, the sounds a man makes when he’s on the edge, the hot throbbing against my tongue as his cock gets bigger and harder and come starts to leak out the tip. I love it. I love it all.”

Lust was stamped clearly on Mark’s face. “Damn, Rick. You’re one lucky bastard.”

“If Rick said it was okay I’d tell you to come see me the next time you want your cock sucked,” I continued rashly. “I’d show you a woman could enjoy it. I bet I’d give you the best head you ever had, better than any man or woman has ever given you.”

Both men stared at me mouths open in surprise. By the time my brain caught up with my mouth Rick had that look in his eyes. The look that said ‘I double dog dare you.’

Unlike most men Rick wasn’t pissed off by what I’d said. Oh no, instead of getting all bent out of shape, my man was…aroused.

Sure enough, he quirked an eyebrow at me. “Go for it.”