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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1) by Claire Marta (32)

Chapter Thirty-Five

“Those puppies look really cute.” Snatch’s voice breaks the tense silence as we trudge through the freezing cold. Around us, thick with ice and snow, the forest encloses our party like a frozen winter wonderland.

“What puppies?” I ask confused, breath rising in a visible puff.

Gesturing with a gloved finger, he points to where a group of brown furred four-legged creatures are sniffing around a base of a tree. “Those things over there. At least that’s what they look like from here.” All bundled up in a thick coat, his pale cheeks are rosy red, matching the end of his nose.

Squinting, I try to get a better look. How he saw the fucking things, I don’t know. They’re a good distance away.

Raziel chuckles from his position behind us. “They aren’t canines. They’re indigenous live forms. Nasty little fuckers too.” In his usual thick furs, he looks more comfortable in the wintry conditions than we do.

Throwing him a look over his shoulder, Snatch brows snap together in a frown. “Then why do they look so cute?”

The fallen angel gives him a crooked grin. “Trust me, you won’t see them that way when you have a pack of them trying to gnaw off your limbs.”

“At least when I was high I could pretend things like this were a drug induced hallucination.”

I throw him a sharp glance. “You’re clean now, Snatch. We need you at your best.”

“I know, I know.” He grumbles back, not meeting my eyes. “It’s not like I have anything to shoot up without here anyway.”

Returning my attention to the front, I observe the back of Lucifer. Striding at the head of our group in his robes of living shadows, Gabriel and his angels are just behind him.

The tension is palpable. Everyone knows what's at stake. Hell and Earth hang on the outcome of this battle. If we screw this up, our lives can abruptly end.

Trying to burrow deeper in the depths of my leather jacket, I’m comforted by the weight of the pistol in its shoulder holster. Finally having my weapons back has made me happy. I’ve missed having them around. It felt like part of me was missing. Now I feel more whole.

“This is nuts.” Leo mutters under his breath to my right. “Why are we coming out here like sitting ducks and leaving the army behind us?”

For once, he isn’t in his signature pink. Convincing him something bright and flamboyant is a huge come get me flag to the enemy was enough to get him into something less eye-catching.

“Because Trukun doesn’t know Lucifer could transport them here without her knowledge and we need to keep that element of surprise.” I tell him calmly back.

“You really think she’s dumb enough to believe that?”

“We can only hope.”

The sky is washed with grey watery light. If this world has a sun, it’s hidden behind clouds which I hope don’t give way to more snow.

Flexing my stiff fingers, I alleviate the chill which has seeped beneath the flesh. It won’t do me any good when this massacre starts. Will need all my wits and senses about me.

Lucifer’s demons looked less than thrilled to see Gabriel and his angels. Unease had been rife. Hostility had been clear on both sides. Yet they obeyed with unquestioning obedience.

A white hand print decorating their demonic features mark them as our side. At least it makes it easier to know who to shoot.

“Soo, you and the Devil. You’re a big deal now.” Leo comments casually.

Sweeping the trees with a glance, I search for any signs of danger. “We’re not anything.”

“The chemistry between the two of you is off the fucking charts.”

“It’s just sex.”

Leo’s response is an annoying scoffing sound. “And Hell is just a sauna.”

Wrapping my arms around my waist, I rub myself to bring back a spark of warmth. “You’re making my trigger finger twitchy.”

I don’t want to talk about this now. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m not one for girly chats and getting all soppy. The bastard knows that.

“Puddin’, don’t try to hide behind that psycho assassin exterior you have going. You’re a woman, not a robot. With needs and feelings just like anyone else...”

“He’s my enemy whose dick I just happen to get hard. There are no feelings involved. Let’s drop it.” I snap, cutting him off. It’s a lie of course. Feelings are tangled around this situation I’m sure will never come undone without being slashed painfully free. I’ve never gotten attached to the guys I sleep with, but the Devil has been different from the start.

With a shaking hand, Leo produces his metal hip flask from one of the pockets of his brown padded jacket.

“I don’t think getting drunk is going to help what’s coming. We need you sober.”

“It’s just a sip for Dutch courage.” He quips. “Here.”

Accepting it, I take a quick swig. Brandy. The alcohol warms my insides in a pleasing glow, thawing me a little.

Retrieving it, he downs some himself, giving me a wink.

Trukun and her escorts are waiting for us as we emerge from the trees. The clearing is small. Ten intimidating soldiers surround her slender form. Dressed from head to toe in black

leather, her blonde hair is coiled elegantly on the top of her head. Her lovely features are as glacial and inhospitable as our surroundings. On her hip is the angel blade she stole from me.

Since I’m trained to look for weaknesses my eyes travel over her minions with calculation.

The warriors wear furs much like Raziel wears to keep out the biting cold. Claws, wings, misshaped monstrous forms. A terrifying sight. Something from nightmares.

It’s a relief to see none of them are carrying guns. They’ve stuck to the more traditional and medieval forms of weaponry for warfare. Axes, spears, knifes, bows and swords. Anything that can bring an adversary down messily.

By brother is nowhere in sight.

I don’t let my disappointment or worry show, only hope that wherever he is I can find him.

Lucifer motions for me to join him as he strides confidently to greet them. I flank his left and Raziel takes his right. It’s a show of force. His right-hand man and his chosen executioner.

Behind us, are Gabriel and a dozen angelic hosts.

“Oh Lucifer. Why do we have to fight?” Trukun sighs, once we’re close enough. Her breath coming out in a little white puff. “We’ve always had such a good time together in and out of bed. No one can make you feel as good as I can. Why not make me your Queen and we can stop all this before it’s even started? I would hate to humiliate you.” The last sentence comes out in a purr.

He smiles, a cold humourless curl of his mouth. “Do you really think I would trust you at my side after you tried to dethrone me? Betrayed me? I’d always be waiting for the inevitable dagger in my back.” Halting, he draws himself to his full height, sending a ripple of discord through her followers.

“Darling, the way you can fuck why would I want to end you? I’ve never had a lover better than you.” Lowering thick black eyelashes, she gives him a coy sensual look. “We could be a force to be reckoned with. The two of us, rulers of Hell and Earth. They would all bow and worship at our feet.”

Lucifer tilts his chin, surveying her slyly. “I doubt Markaz would be pleased with that. After all, he’s been your lover longer than you were my Mistress and he was never pleased that you wormed your way into my favours.”

I keep my surprise hidden. So, this bitch is the lover of the final commander I need to face. It makes me wonder why he’s not here at her side now if they’re so chummy. That would

make my life a whole lot fucking easier. Two birds with one stone.

Trukun’s mood changes swiftly to something darker. “Markaz is dead. Fritz ambushed him months ago before you killed him.” There’s pain in her voice.

Which means I have one less job to do. Once this bitch is out of the way my deal with the Devil is done and I get my soul back. I should feel happy, but I don’t. Jealousy zigzags

through me. The urge to put a bullet in her head is strong, but I hold it back.

“You have always given yourself far more importance than you really have.” Lucifer sneers. “I don’t need a Queen when there’s plenty of whores to fuck. You left my bed and were easy to replace. Why would I want you back? You chose your path and I will make sure you see it through right to its bloodied end.”

I can sense his leashed powers beneath the deceptive air of carelessness coiling into readiness. Immense strength backed by a steel will to put it to use.

Trukun shoots him a look of pure murder. “Then I will use your corpse as my foot rest by the time this day is done.”

She knows how to rub me the wrong way. Unable to no longer hold my tongue, I take a threatening step forward. “Let me correct you there, bitch. It will be your corpse that whatever vermin you have here will be feeding on by the time we are done.” I tell her sweetly.

“They’re already feeding on what’s left of your dear brother.”

Her jeer makes my teeth clench. Packing away the emotions trying to smoother me, I focus on giving no reaction. I won’t stop until I have found him dead or alive. Torture his location out of her if I have to.

“Make an example out of my ex commander.” Lucifer’s emerald green eyes meet my blue ones.

She laughs her amusement. It carries along on the breeze. “All your bluster and bluffing. You’re out numbered. My forces will hack you to pieces in seconds. And if you think I fear these angels, think again.” Caressing the handle of the sword, she makes it clear she knows it has the power to end an angel’s existence.

Gabriel doesn’t react. The other angels are just as stoic, showing no fear. Still, it makes me wish I had never brought the fucking thing out of its hiding place.

“Then do it. Cut us down where we stand if you dare.” The Devil tells her challengingly. “But heed my words, we will show no mercy once this line is crossed.”

If it was a ploy to make her back down it backfires miserably.

“Kill them.” Trukun tells her followers as she unsheathes her sword.

With blood curdling snarls, they charge, eyes blazing, ready for battle.

I don’t hesitate in drawing my gun.

The song begins softly. Just a few straining notes dancing through my head. A tune of destruction. I need the rush, the thrill of the prize. I will rain down pain on these mother fuckers who want to hurt us.

I give my gun free rein. Single clean shots to the heads of the first couple.

A roar rises from the trees behind them. Thousands of voices raised in union. We see them instantly advancing at a run, the snow barely slowing them down as they dash towards us through the trees.

“You’re mistaken, Trukun, if you believe this is going to be something short and brutal.” Lucifer warns her. Sweeping his arms up, twin curved blades materialise in his hands.

Behind us, a mirroring battle cry from our own troops booms out.

Trukun’s expression is a perfect picture of confusion and dawning realisations. She isn’t as clever as she seems to think. Suddenly, things aren’t so easy for her.

The armies quickly clash, dissolving into one heaving mass of violence fuelled by the promise of victory and bloodshed.

I only pause to reload before unloading the blessed ammo into anything dumb enough to stumble into my path.

Music continues to fill me without effort. My heart keeps in time with the beat.

When it comes to war there’s no honour. No code. All that matters now is the win.

Not one to sit back and watch, Lucifer is in the centre of the fray. Weapons flying in a furious blur, he decapitates heads and arms with a frightening ease.

I lose the others in the flood of chaos.

Jostled back, it’s all I can do to stay on my feet. Faces grim and frigid with the cold, the harden warriors close in around me.

I’ve been in many situations, but nothing like this. No strategy to it. Slaughter, pure and simple.

Limbs and body parts plunge to the ground. Anarchy runs wild.

Backing up, trainers already sodden and wet from the snow, I move back towards the tree line behind us. Need distance to pick off as many as I can.

The twang of bows is unmistakable right before arrows rain down death from above.

Instinct to survive takes over. Ducking behind the nearest tree, I take cover. Rough frosty bark scratch against the skin of my hand as I press it tightly to the surface for support.

Screams ring out from those unluckily caught on the onslaught with grievous wounds. How many have fallen? Foe and enemy alike unable to escape.

Snatch scrambles to safety around the trunk of another tree a few paces away. Hands over his head, I can see the panic clearly on his gaunt face when he peeks out. The terror and trauma.

Blasting my way forward, I take down a green skin bent on attacking him. Throwing a jump kick, I send another one flying.

“If you can’t fight get your arse back to the meeting point.” I growl, knowing I should never have allowed him to come. This is far more than he’s had to experience before. It will only leave scars. Ones that even now will be freshly forming, but unseen by the eye. Nightmares that will haunt him.

Nodding sharply, he doesn’t argue. Hastily, he scurries away, setting off along the path at a run.

Raziel appears in my line of view. Black feathery wings spread wide, he swoops from air, intercepting Snatch as he goes.

Watching them ascend upwards I find some of the other angels above. Flaming swords in hand, they dive like great white winged birds of prey inciting terror in Trukun’s ranks. They are a breath-taking sight. One I can’t help but stop and gawk at.

A hand landing on my shoulder spins me around, almost making me stumble onto my arse in the slushy snow.

Lips peeled back in an unpleasant leer, a scaly faced male grabs me around the throat. The power in his grip steals my ability to breathe. Lifting me up, he applies pressure.

Bringing the gun level with his groin, I open fire.

His inhuman screams are with agony as the blessed ammo ravages his manhood. I’m back on my feet, sucking in oxygen in the blink of an eye.

On his knees, he tries to stem the blood leaking through his hands as he cups himself.

An invisible symphony. It’s pure melody emanates out from within me. Irresistible.

My head tilts back with euphoria. Eyes half-mast, I survey the carnage, the fresh blood of my enemy still warm where it splattered across my face. I let my desires and blood lust free. With barely a look I send another bullet through his head.

Registering movement behind me, I realise Lucifer’s quick reflexes have saved me from being skewered by another assailant. Deflecting the blow of the axe, he forces the female back. In a second, he’s despatches her expertly, staining the snow with more crimson that is ever spreading around us.

A darkness radiates off him, insidious, malevolent. Something lurks beneath his tanned skin. Shifting, rippling now and then, but not fully revealing itself. It sends my heart thudding with fear.

His eyes burn through me. Lust. Hunger. I can see them swirling within those emerald depths. “Your halo is full of fire. It dazzles. Use it. bring every enemy you encounter to their mother fucking knees.” In a swirl of shadowy robes, he stalks back through the skirmishing mob. The same aura I can feel makes anyone who gets close to him recoil.

Tracking the heaving sea of faces, I search for my objective.

I get a glimpse of Leo back to back with Gabriel. My ex archangel boss is in his element. Axe swinging with inhuman strength, he’s dishing out wrath to anyone who challenges him. The shock wave throws enemy after enemy back.

Leo’s pale expression is showing signs of strain. Crimson is bright, streaking his dark blonde hair. Hands weaving in front of him, he’s tossing demons around as if they weigh nothing.


I find the succubus knee deep in dead bodies on the other side of the combat zone.

With a war cry, an angel rushes down at her from above.

Slashing, he aims for her head, but his efforts miss as she artfully dances clear.

Wings flapping gracefully, he lands in the snow. Muscles bulging, he charges her.

Lips curling up in a shrewd smirk, she looks unimpressed by his bravery.

She takes off his arm in one decisive strike at the elbow. His screams mingle with the rest of the roars and shrieks of the dying. With another delivery she removes his other one with skill.

Like a shoal of piranhas her minions swarm with gleeful cries ripping and plucking feathers free of their victim’s wings.

Blasting into them, I manage to neutralize a handful, but it’s not enough. Already too late.

Teeth and claws in a vicious frenzy, they don’t stop until he’s nothing more than a lump of shredded flesh.

I hear Gabriel’s bellow of fury and loss. In answer, the other angel’s outcries rise into the sky. It thunders through the trees as violent as an unforgiving storm. Doubling their efforts, they butcher their quarry.

Trukun looks my way.

Hatred burns mercilessly behind the bitch’s eyes.

She murdered Caesar. Anger is better than tears. Better than grief. Better than the guilt I can feel festering inside me.

Holding my breath, I fire.

At the last second, she dodges, her squeal of pain letting me know I’ve winged her.

With a roar, a hulking yellow skinned demon charges me. Firing, I hit him in the torso, but it doesn’t stop his momentum.

My gun goes flying free from my hand as he ploughs into me like a freight train. Fist meeting my cheek, it snaps my head back. Somehow, I remain standing. Blood fills my mouth.

Gathering moisture and the metallic taste, I spit it to the ground.

Fire and brimstone infuses my veins. Rage. I feel such hellish rage.

Another blow connects with my shoulder. Ignoring the pain, I reach for my knife sheathed on my hip.

With a twisted smile, I impale him on the end before he realises.

Stabbing, again and again, I don’t stop until his legs can no longer hold him up and he’s falling limp to the ground in a bloodied mess.

I revel in the moment. I’m becoming far deadlier than I ever was before. I’ve let myself succumb to something I’ve never fully unleashed. Something unhallowed. There’s no doubt in my mind that if I ever step foot in a church again I will more than likely burst into flames.

“I know that look in your eyes well.” Trukun’s voice calls to me closer than I would like. “Do you think you’re safe because you love him? He’s heartless. Plants seeds of lies which only bloom into sorrow and death. Are you so naive to believe he won’t destroy you once you’ve done everything he asks? He will never risk you being used against him. Better to kill you than let you live.”

My gun is nowhere in sight in the calf high sludge. Grabbing a sword from a corpse, I swivel to face her. Its weight is something I quickly adjust to. My vengeance is near. There’s nowhere she can go now I won’t find her. “I think you like hearing the sound of your own fucking voice too much.” I reply with a clipped rhythm to my words.

She moves to meet me. “You’re a fool. Once I've dealt with you, I will deal with Lucifer. This blade kills angels. I wonder how easy that will make it to chop him up into pieces to feed to my Hell hounds.”

We circle each other.

The soldiers in the vicinity steer clear. Whether it’s through fear or something else I have no clue.

Our swords meet with a resounding clang.

My training holds up. Thank fuck for Uncle Dane insisting I learn to kill with every weapon available, not just hand guns. Trukun’s mastery with the blade is obvious in every calculated swing.

She goes for my exposed side.

I counter using my own weapon to block the intended strike.

The next thrust slices through the leather of my jacket on my upper arm. Hissing, I jerk back.

I know I’m bleeding. Can feel something wet and warm dousing the material of my t-shirt beneath. It hurts like a son of a bitch.

“I enjoy watching you bleed.” She’s smug. Confident in her abilities.

I exhale out all her bullshit and posturing. I won’t let her distract me in hopes that I make a mistake. A slip I won’t repeat.

The symphony in my head swells in response. Dark and compelling, it weaves a song through the fabric of my soul. Warmth flows through my cells, otherworldly, righteous.

As the two forces converge, instead of being repelled, I let them merge. Heady, potent.

Trukun’s cocksure attitude alters.

It’s as if she’s suddenly aware of the change.

With a quick lunge, she goes in for a killing blow.

Pivoting clear, I retaliate with one of my own. Metal cleaves through the tight bodice biting through skin. My blade tastes her blood on its honed edge for the first time.

A flicker of fear is unmistakable in the bitch’s beautiful eyes. Attacking, her efforts are met by my sword again. Slashing back and forth with a renewed vigour, I sense her desperation.

Agile movements fast and clear, I counter each one.

Letting this go on too long risks her wounding me in greater ways. What I need is a clean kill. That of course doesn’t mean I can’t make it painful.

“Where’s my brother?”

My question catches her off guard. “Don’t worry, you’ll be joining him soon. He begged for his life. It was pathetic how he blubbered like a frightened child. Breaking him was easy.”

She’s trying to get a rise out of me. Trying to regain the upper hand. The power balance has already shifted, and I refuse to let her have it back.

Circling each other again the sounds around me dim.

I see her gaze flick from mine to my weapon. In that instant she flies at me.

Before I can defend, I’m off my feet quickly. When my back hits the ground, I lay winded.

Body aching, bruised, and in pain I try to piece together what the fuck just happened.

I don’t get the time to see what brought me down. Trukun is above me. Expression deadly and intent, she crawls across. Her weight crushes me down in the compacted snow. Pressing the length of her body against mine, she pins me. Mouth smashing down on mine, she kisses me aggressively.

It’s not what I was expecting. Confusion sets off a chain reaction. As I gasp, her tongue finds its way inside. One hand cupping my jaw, her other squeezes my wrist still holding the sword.

The new sensation dampens the melody of death within my head. I find myself kissing her back.

Continuing her exploration, I feel as if I'm drowning, dragged under. When Trukun inhales, agony follows in its wake. Life force. Realization dawns quickly. The cunning succubus bitch is going to drink mine dry, leaving me an empty shell.

Struggling, I’m unable to get up.

I feel her smile stretch against my lips. Eyes drilling mercilessly into mine, I can see her enjoying the panic rushing through me, knowing that I am probably about to die.

Free hand groping numbly in the freezing snow to my right, I fumble for anything I can grab. Metal connects with my fingers. Clutching it, I swing it up. The side of the hammer cracks into the side of Trukun’s head.

She rears back in shock. It’s enough for me to bring up the sword I’m still gripping.

Without a word, I drive the sword into her yielding flesh. The sheer force I wield drives her backwards. Chasing her up, our roles are reversed. Twisting it, I ram it through her body as far as it will go.

Blood spills from the corners of her mouth. Nails clawing the length of the metal protruding from her chest, she struggles to draw in her next breath.

Observing her dispassionately, I view every aspect of her suffering. Each shudder and nuance of anguish rippling over the muscles in her beautiful face. I see the moment of defeat. The second death inevitably wins. Lips trembling one last time, they go slack. It’s the eyes that always fascinate me the most in these situations. How they lose that spark of animation. Dim to something lifeless and dull.

Trukun fades quickly, staring sightlessly up into the grey bright sky.

Using a knee, I rest it on her carcass, freeing the bloodied sword with a relish I can’t deny. The victory is mine.

I’m fucking untouchable. A force to be reckoned with. Demons scurry from my path. Without pity, I cut them down.

The battle field is a sight of carnage. Snow no longer pure and white. It’s heavily soaked through in a sea of deep beautiful red. Limbs and bodies lay scattered and trampled in the frenzy. Fatalities on both sides. I can hear the wails of the wounded and dying. Forms laying unnaturally still at odd angles in the aftermath of gore.

With their leader now dead, many turn to run or surrender, knowing they have nothing longer to fuel them.

I look towards Lucifer and for a second see his demonic eyes shining with pride and something else when he catches my stare. Something tender.

Six berserkers are engaged in battling him. Their impressive muscular frames bathed in sweat as they cleave the air with their axes. In a fury of blades, Lucifer cuts them down one by one.

“Mavi, your brother.” Leo’s voice warns. It’s a mistake. Telekinetic concentration broken, he takes a blow that sends him off his feet. Gabriel is defending his unconscious form before I can blink.

Surveying the heaving throng, I see the meaning to Leo’s words.


He’s alive. Unhurt and appearing out of nowhere, moving with the angel blade in his hand.

The one Trukun had wielded.

Red eyes. Unholy, burning intently with rage, they’re directed at the Devil.

My feet move instantly. Arms pumping, I dash across the distance with only one aim in mind. Protect the one I love.

Chest heaving with exertion, I leap to intercept, throwing myself without another thought between them as the Devil turns to meet him.

For a split second I feel nothing but the warmth of something wet spilling from my neck. Pain kicks in so hard I have no time to make a sound. The noise of flesh cleaving open as metal slices through veins and arteries fill my ears with the roaring sound of my own heart.

My vision blurs.

Enveloped in a blanket of numb, empty darkness, I fall.




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