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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1) by Claire Marta (7)

Chapter Seven

From my vantage point I study Max. I’m ten minutes early. Deliberately so I could stake out the place and gauge my date sober. Habits die hard.

The cut of his black tailored suit emphasises his sheer size. He’s all muscle, shoulders broad and powerful. Sex on legs. Drawing the looks of every female in the area.

Black hair slicked back, his handsome face hints at a cold ruthlessness some might not see straight away.

Arrogant. I can see that from the way he holds himself. As if he expects others to fall all over themselves to please him. He has all the trappings of a rich business man. Expensive clothes, good looks. Yet there’s something dangerous about him. What it is I can’t be sure. It’s lurking beneath the refined sophisticated facade. All I know is that something inside me recognizes it. And it draws me like a moth to a flame. I want to get burnt.

Heels tapping down the side walk, I make my way towards the cafe. The frosty November evening air chills my skin beneath my leather jacket. It’s cold as fuck.

I’m wearing my little black dress. Hair loose around my shoulders, I check my make-up in a shop window as I pass. It’s something I normally don’t wear. Lipstick red to match my hair, the eye shadow I went for gives my eyes a smokey alluring look.

My leg holster is disguised as a garter belt. It makes it easier to conceal the six small knives I carry. This might be off duty and a date, but I refuse to go unarmed. I feel naked without a weapon. Just having them on me makes me more relaxed. The only place I go without carrying is to see my Brother.

Max’s gaze snaps my way. Green eyes intense, they rove over me from top to bottom in a hot hungry wave. Just one look and my knees go weak.

“Mavi, you look very sexy this evening.” He tells me when I reach him.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I counter.

Is it bad that I want to jump him now? Strip off his fine clothes and fuck him senseless. What the hell is wrong with me?

Max’s sexy lips curve up in an open mouth smile. “I’m glad you decided to accept my invitation.”

Nervousness flutters in my stomach. For once I’m unsure how to act. This is so far out of my element it makes me feel awkward.

“Shall we?” He asks, holding out his hand.

Taking it, I let my fingers lace with his. “Is it far? The place you’re taking me?” I ask, trying to mask my nerves.

“No, not at all. Only a ten-minute walk.” Gallantly, he directs me down the street away from Leicester square. We fall into a natural pace. Tucking me into his side, the warmth of his big body sends heat through me in waves, making me shiver.

“So, tell me, what do you do?”

“Acquisitions.” He replies, the arm around my waist resting on my hip, bringing me closer.

“Stocks and shares?”

“No, something more successful than that and yourself?”

“I’m a problem solver.”

Max doesn’t question my vague answer. It’s a relief. We both have secrets. We’re dancing around them which is probably for the best. Whatever he does in Cease Fire I want to keep separate from this. I never mix business with pleasure. Another one of my rules.

“Are you married?” I can’t help but ask. He’s way too good looking not to have some kind of female attachment.


“Got a girlfriend?”

That earns me an amused smirk.

“Relationships are something I never have time for. Yourself?” He tells me smoothly.

“Not really. Work keeps me pretty busy.”

It’s not a lie. Gabriel usually keeps us buried under a heavy workload. Keeping the end of the world from happening is a twenty-four-hour job.

We’re travelling down side streets I’m not familiar with. Wherever he’s taking me, it isn’t somewhere on the main touristy areas. It’s intriguing.

Shivering again, I do a quick sweep with my gaze. Shops lay in darkness. The only light is provided from the street lamps which pierce the winter dark.

Max comes to a stop. “Here we are.”

Frowning, I stare up at the closed book shop. The metal shutters are down, all locked up tight. Above a painted sign reads: The Bookworm’s Delight.


He chuckles. “No, here.” Tugging me to the left, he reveals our real destination.

The steps lead down to a heavy wooden door. A neon sign in blue brightens the night right above it.

“The Playground?”

“An exclusive club.” Taking my hand again, Max squeezes my fingers gently.

Is he trying to impress me?

Heels tapping on the concrete, I follow him down.

Rapping his knuckles on the door, the sharp quick sound makes me shift excitedly. All the mystery has my imagination running wild. What is this place?

“Patience, Flower.” Murmuring, he brings my hand to his lips. As he brushes his mouth over my skin, colour flushes my cheeks. How can one simple act feel as if he’s already touching other parts of my body?

His expression is positively mischievous. Lips tilted up in a ghost of a smile. Those beautiful green eyes of his look brighter than usual. Playful.

A brick wall of a bouncer opens the door. The guy is so big he has muscles on muscles. His nose is so bent it looks like it’s been broken more than a dozen times.

“We’ve been expecting you, Sir.” He says, voice so deep it’s practically a growl.

Without a word Max ushers me inside.

I find myself in a narrow corridor.

“May I take your coat?” A smartly dressed woman asks as she hovers beside us. Shrugging out of my leather jacket, I deposit it into her waiting arms. Max removes his own expensive coat before handing it over.

He smiles in her direction.

Flustered, her cheeks go a lovely shade of pink.

I can almost hear her panties dropping to the ground. Max doesn’t affect just me. It looks like other women are just as susceptible to his charms.

Catching my elbow, he draws me along until the room opens.

Music is playing. Lights dimmed, I can see the sea of bodies dancing. Leather, latex, and naked flesh is as far as the eye can see.

It’s a sex club. My date has bought me somewhere that’s caught me completely off guard. I really was not expecting this.

People look our way causing a stir in its wake.

Max owns the room with his presence alone. It’s as if they can all sense it.

Hand on my lower back, he urges me forward. Moving around the edge of the dance floor, we make our way towards an area with tables and chairs. Movement distracts me to my left.

A woman is grunting and squealing as a guy pounds into her from behind. With a cock also in her mouth that’s all she can manage. They are completely oblivious to the crowd watching. Around them others are engaged in fetish sex play.

It’s hot as fuck. I’m no innocent. I’ve been to places like this before on several occasions. BDSM has always fascinated me.

In the past I thought it would be an outlet for my baser urges. Letting myself go. Giving off steam and handing control over to someone else. Problem is I was never able to submit to a Dom. Trust is hard for me to give.

Red eyes flash in the dimness at the back. Demons. Places like this always entice their kind. They thrive on sex and pain. As long as they aren’t harming anyone we get along in these situations. If they don’t fuck with me I won’t fuck with them.

We’re shown up onto another level into a VIP area.

“Interesting choice for our date.” I comment, slipping into my seat.

“You don’t come across as the shy type, on the contrary, I concluded this was something you would enjoy.”

Max is right. It is. Am I so easy to read? That thought makes me feel uncomfortable.

Effortlessly, he takes his place opposite mine.

“Bring us a bottle of your most expensive champagne.” He instructs the waitress with a dismissive look.

“Are you celebrating?” Smiling, I watch her scurry away.

“This is a rare occasion for both of us, so yes.”

“And how do you know that?”

“The other night you came across as bold, going straight for sex. This evening, I can see your less relaxed. You don’t date often.”

He has me there. I don’t even remember the last night I had an intimate dinner with a man.

“What kink gets you wet, my Flower?” His smile is elusive, but his look is sly.

My gaze meets his. Max is so self-assured. And he’s after something. Sex? He could have had that without dinner. Mutual sexual gratification is something I would not say no to. Not after the last time we fucked.

“I think you’d be surprised.” I flirt back.

“Not much does, nowadays.”

“Come here often, do you?”

“Would it shock you if I said yes?” He counters.


Max, I’m realising, is the type of guy you get warned about. The definition of the big bad wolf. Handsome, intelligent, arrogant and wrapped up in sin. He looks like he wants to eat me up again. This evening is turning out better that I had hoped.

Our waitress returns. With practised eased she pops open the bottle of champagne before filling our flute glasses.

“To a satisfying evening getting to know each other.” He proposes, raising his glass.

Scooping up my own, I click the glass with his. Bubbles tickle my nose as I take a sip. The alcohol is crisp and fruity.

“Are you ready to order?”

“We’ll both have the steak, well done, with salad and potatoes.” Max tells her not even bothering to look at the menu.

Snatching them up, she scampers away again.

“I could have chosen something for myself,” I point out.

“And you would have chosen the steak. Trust me, the rest would not have appealed.” His tone is confident and lofty.

Max likes to be in control and it looks like it’s not just confined to the bedroom. Annoyance nettles me, but I swallow it down with some more champagne. He’s probably the worst person to feel attracted to, but it doesn’t change the fact I am. He’s the kind of guy women lose their mind over. Bad fucking combinations, but he has me hooked.

Draining my glass, I set it on the table. “Why dinner and not something less...personal?”

Lifting the bottle, he pours me more of the pale gold liquid. “You mean, why not ask you to meet me at a hotel to fuck?”


“It was tempting, but to tell you the truth, you’ve stirred my curiosity. It’s not every day I come across a woman who revels in her appetites.”

“Life is too short not to enjoy ourselves.”

Eyes darkening in lusty interest, Maxs nods. “That it is.”

Escaping his regard, I turn to survey the crowd. A ménage of sexual acts are taking place around us.

Grunting, moaning, mewling, it’s a carnival of carnal flesh as far as the eye can see.

“I think we are a lot alike, Mavi.” He continues softly. “Both go after what we want and get it. We don’t hold back anything of ourselves when we do. That frightens people. They don’t know how to handle us. They have no understanding of how to be so free. How to be so raw and in tune with your true nature.”

“You know me so well after a few hours together?”

“Yes.” He says the word without hesitation.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I do hope you are enjoying yourself.”

The female voice comes from our right on the main floor. Turning my head, I see the woman now standing on the stage. She’s tall, athletic looking, with toned muscles encased in purple leather that shows off her figure and leaves her long legs bare. Platinum blonde hair cascades around her shoulders framing a beautiful face. A matching purple crop is carried in one of her hands.

Red eyes. They could be contact lenses, but she’s giving off the demonic vibe I’ve started to get used to.

“Mistress Taila runs the club.” Max explains, breaking through my thoughts.

If he knows what she is he gives no indication.

“Good evening, Mistress Taila.” The throng chants back.

Behind her is a female.Attached to a leash, the delicate looking, dark skinned woman crawls behind her on all fours, small tits swaying erotically. A fake pair of fluffy black feline ears poke out from her hair. She’s paraded around the stage. As they make their way along, the anal plug with the matching tail comes into view with her rounded arse.

“Meow.” The woman rubs her cheek sensually against her Mistress’s leg.

“Who wishes to play with my pet tonight?” Taila directs the question to the room.

A show of hands dart into the air.

“You.” Crooking a slender finger, she gestures for someone to join them.

The male is well hung and naked.

Joining them on stage he bows his head respectfully at Taila.

Reaching down, she strokes her hand between her pet’s legs. “Someone’s nice and wet.” She tells the crowd with a grin. The woman purrs, curving her back, lifting her arse. Eyes looking up, they beg for more.

“You’ll get your treat.” The Demoness tells her, petting her head.

Cock hard and bobbing, the male moves eagerly to mount the woman from behind, taking that as his queue.

She bucks as he thrusts into her. Features contorting with a look of pain, she yowls, taking every inch of him.

Gripping her hips, he fucks her hard and fast.

It hurts. You can see it by the way she claws at the floor, mouth twisting in discomfort. He’s given her no time to adjust to his length.

The guy carries on, pounding into her, his own look of pure pleasure blinding him to the fact his partner is not enjoying it as much.

Not the treat her Mistress promised. It looks more like a punishment.

Curling my fingers around my flute glass, I’m transfixed as the man’s groin slaps into her backside even harder.

“Please, it’s too much,” she whines, breaking her feline character. With imploring eyes, she stares up at Taila.

The demoness’s disappointment is viable. In a flash she has her crop cracking across the male’s arse cheek. “It’s supposed to be a reward. If you break her then you will be replacing her as my sub,” she warns.

I can’t help squirming in my seat. Kink turns me on.

“You like to watch.” Max’s comment is a statement not a question.

Glancing his way, I follow the way his tongue darts out to lick the glistening wetness his sip of champagne has left.

“I do.”

There is no point denying it. No reason to. If I didn’t like what I was seeing I would have left by now.

“Have you ever considered pet play?”

That makes me laugh.

“I don’t think I have the temperament for a cute kitten.” I tell him, wrinkling my nose.

“I could see you as a tigress with that fearless nature of yours.”

Raising my glass, I pause before it reaches my mouth. “And you would tame me, I suppose?”

Max’s focus becomes intense. “No. I think you’re perfect wild and ferocious,” he murmurs, a pulse of sexual energy deepening his tone.

Drinking more of the delicious liquid, I study his expression. Does he want me to become his submissive? Is that why he’s brought me here? To make me some kinky proposal?

Just imaging Max’s dark formidable form towering over me as I kneel naked at his feet makes me wet. Would he have a sadistic evil side? For some reason I can’t see him as being soft, yet I barely know him. It’s just an impression.

Green eyes flashing to my face, his mouth tilts in amusement.

It makes me wonder what he finds so amusing.

“What is it you want from me, Max?”

For a beat he doesn’t answer.

“I want to fuck you in every orifice, Mavi. Fill you with my cum over and over until it’s leaking from every hole. Have you submit to me in every way imaginable and even ones you haven’t dreamt of.”

Breath hitching, I feel my cheeks redden with the imagery his words invoke. My arse, mouth, and pussy. His for the taking. I never blush. What the hell is this guy doing to me? No one has ever taken me in the arse, yet Max makes me want it with a need that is alien to me.

Clearing my throat, I drop his wicked gaze.

Music begins to play. A slow song as the entertainment on the podium continues in a writhing, sweaty, chorus of moans and groans.

“You’re not what I was expecting.”

His low words catch me off guard.

He’s looking at me as if I’m an enigma that needs to be solved.

“Dance for me.” Max commands, his tone swiftly changing.

I can’t help myself. His voice is compelling. A sweet sinful sound wrapping me up in a sudden need to please him. Rising from my chair, my will no longer my own, I move to stand before him. Sliding my hands up my body, I cup my breasts. My nipples are already hard. Swaying my hips slowly, I fall into the beat. The world blurs around me. Only Max matters now. How he’s watching with piercing dark eyes that get darker the more I move.

I feel the heat between my legs build.

He smirks. It’s as if he is fully aware of his effect on me and it pleases him. “That’s it, Mavi, just let go. Give into those desires I know you have hidden away in your heart.”

Exploration travelling higher, I push my hair up onto my head. I’m aware of every inch of my body. My need to be touched is so strong it sends tingles over my skin. I’ve never felt like this before. It’s a craving. One that I instinctively know Max can fulfil.

Hands curve over my hips.

Eyelashes fluttering up, it’s only then I realise my eyes have been closed.

Max is behind me. Firm, muscled chest pressed against my back as he dances. I can feel his heat through his clothes. It’s intimate, almost indecent the way we move against each other.

His grip is tight. Groin grinding into my arse in time with the music his arousal is hard and blatant.

Groaning in my throat, I work myself against it. My thong is soaked with my excitement and he’s making me wetter.

“I want to fuck you right here in the middle of the club.” Max’s voice is low and taught. “Ravage your cunt like a beast with everyone watching.”

It sends my pussy fluttering in needy response. God, I want him too. He’s intoxicating. Taking me over with a primal desperate need I don’t understand.

“Are you sure you’ll be the one doing the ravaging?” Turning in his arms, I wrap my own around his neck. Mouth meeting his, I kiss him wildly. Tongues battling, he seems just as lost as I am. Trapped in the moment.

Curving a hand to the back of my skull, he continues to take what he wants.

Something flat meets my back. A wall.

Biting down on his lower lip, I growl. Metallic, strong, the taste of blood mixes with our kiss.

Max snarls. An animalistic sound. Nostril’s flaring, his eyes burn into mine with a glimpse of something sinister. They’re so dark now I can no longer see the green of his irises. It’s hot as fuck.

Running his tongue along my cheek, he licks me in one long swipe. A shudder rolls through me. Rubbing myself against him like a cat, I mewl.

To many layers of clothes separate us. I want Max, skin to skin. His body thrusting in and out of mine brutally as he had the other night.

Cool air washes over the tops of my thighs as my skirt is bunched up around my hips, baring my lower half. It’s as if Max has read my thoughts. He lingers over my garter belt. Has he spied the knives I have hidden?

I gasp when he jerks my thong free, ripping the material.

“Don’t fight this, Flower.” Forcing my legs further apart with his knee, he traps both my wrists about my head with one hand. “Nothing on earth can help you now.” With his free hand he unzips his pants pulling his rock hard errection free.

His hardness nudges against me. Hungry and thick.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I cling to him, opening myself up further, submitting to what I know we both want. I’m primed and ready.

Thrusting up, Max slides into me with a hiss.

“Fuck.” Head falling back against the wall, I ride out the pulsing painful pleasure as he fills me. Electricity races through me from my core, where’s he’s buried deep, to my lust riddled brain.

“How can you feel this good every time I take you?” He rumbles close to my ear. “It’s inconceivable.”

Hands moving to grip my buttocks, he fucks me.

An orgasm takes me by surprise almost straight away. Erupting so sharply, I shudder with the force.

Max takes that moment to go deeper.

Digging my fingernails into his shoulders, I ride him, bucking up and down his length in a frenzy.

It’s hot and dirty. People are watching us screw, but I don’t care.

Moaning loudly, my pussy walls clamp around his shaft. Another climax bursts through me.

Max continues to hammer into me. Grunting and snarling, he slides almost all the way out before slamming back in. I’m coming again and it’s a knife edge of pleasure pain that makes me howl.

Feeling him throb and expand inside me, I know he’s close. A tortured groan is wrenched from his chest as his fills me with hot cum.

Chest heaving, I can barely see straight. Words are something I’m unable to form at this second.

Max’s face is pressed against the curve of my neck. Warm breath panting against my skin, he’s still holding me tight.

Bliss has me floating on a cloud I have no wish to come down from. I want to remain suspended forever. Never let it stop. Max is going to ruin me.

Soft muffled music starts playing within the confines of his jacket.

“Shit.” Shifting his hands, he keeps me pinned to him as he fumbles for his phone.

Still wound around him, I don’t even bother to let go. His weight is the only thing holding me up right now. If he lets me go, I’ll be a puddle of our combined spent sex juices on the floor.

“What?” He snaps, voice cold.

Tension thrums through his muscles as whoever is on the other end answers.

“Fine.” Cutting off the call, he jams his phone back into his jacket pocket. “I’m sorry, Mavi, something’s come up.” Resting his forehead against my own, he lowers me until my feet reach the ground. “I need to go. It’s work.”


I’m still coming down from an orgasmic daze. Legs like jelly, I don’t even dare peel myself off the wall. Max is a fucking sex God. Who is this guy? I’m high on sexual release. Drunk on this male. His charm. His touch. The way he fucks.

Warm fingers gently caress the side of my face. “No rest for the wicked and it’s not something I can ignore, or I would. A quick fuck was not what I had planned...well fucking you senseless, yes, but it would have been all night long. Can we take a rain check on dinner? Next time, I promise, we will have no interruptions.” Stepping back, he pulls out of me, adjusting my dress back into a rumpled order.

I give a satiated smile. Right now, I would agree to anything. “Sure.”

Scooping up my ruined thong, he twirls it around a finger. “Sweet dreams, Flower.” With the material still clutched in his hand, he walks away.

We didn’t use protection. The fact I’m only just realising this makes me freeze. Fuck. I’m never this careless. Men I sleep with always use a rubber. Thank God, I have the morning after pill at home, just in case. An unwanted pregnancy is not what I need.

Locking my knees in place, I resist the urge to crumple. Hanging around here is out of the question. It’s one thing being at a place like this with Max, but completely different alone. Predators of the sexual kind will see me as an easy target. Figure I am looking for another partner now that my date is gone. I’ve played this game before. It’s one I don’t want to repeat. Last time, it got me banned from a place. I’d rather not have that happen again.

Shuffling my way to the women’s bathroom, which thankfully is close, I clean myself up in a cubicle.

It feels weird wandering around without any underwear even if they’re only a scrap of material. Did Max keep them as a trophy? Maybe he has a panty fetish. After tonight, anything is possible.

Finger combing my red hair, I check my make-up in the mirror. My eyeliner has streaked. I don’t look like a panda yet. Not quite steady on my feet, I sway. I feel euphoric. In a golden zone. As if somehow I’ve transcended my body to bathe in pure light outside physical space and time. It’s the only way I can describe it. Pure Heaven.

Several women eye me up. As they move past me I feel the light touch of their hands caressing my back.

I tense. It’s time to get out of here.

Making my way out of the bathroom, I note some of them are still lingering. Fucking fantastic. I am not in the mood for a fight.

Glancing around, I admire the club. Why didn’t I notice how lovely the décor was before? Gothic, dark.

“Mavi, what are you doing here?”

Swivelling around, I find Snatch a few paces behind me. Skin waxen under the flashing lights, his tall lanky figure is disguised by the over baggy black jumper he’s wearing with a pair of scruffy jeans.

“I was with someone but they had to leave. You?”

“I know a couple of dealers who hang out here. You look like you’re on something too.” Holding up a small clear bag of pills, he wiggles it in front of my face.

“For fuck sake, put that away.” Grabbing his hand, I yank his arm down. I’m not about to tell him I’m buzzing on hot sex.

“Relax, they’re ok with drugs in here, along with all the other shit they do.”

“I never noticed how curly your hair is before.” I tell him, drawn to the brown waves spiralling just above his collar.

“Yup, you’re definitely high as a kite,” he comments back. Eyes shifting uneasily, he glances around.

A ripple of awareness sweeps through the club. It’s so heavy it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

“You know this is Demon central right?”

“All the red eyes gave it away.” I tell him, moving close to his side. Their fear is palpable. Something had spooked them. And I don’t think it’s me.

A familiar figure is standing by the bar.


The gangly soul taker is watching me through the fall of his black locks, red eyes hidden behind a pair of shades. Raising a hand, he gives me a wave.

“Snatch, wait here.”

Weaving my way through the crowd, I head in the demon’s direction.

“Do we have a problem? Are you following me? Because fuck a duck you keep popping up.” I asked, eyes narrowed.

“No. This is my regular haunt when I’m off duty. Can I buy you a drink?” His expression is hopeful.

“You’re cute, but not that cute. Any idea what’s got everyone afraid?” He has no reason to tell me, but with his friendly mood I might as well try.

Fritz leans closer. Over the top of his dark glasses I see the red flash of his irises.

For a moment I’m caught in how pretty they look. They remind me of blood cradled in crystal. Deep crimson.

“There’s a high-up in the club. Rumours say he’s a big deal downstairs.”

One of the Generals? Or Lucifer himself? Fuck. Whoever it is they’re bad news.

Fearful gazes snake our way.

Fritz’s lips tilt in a smile. He doesn’t seem concerned.

“Thanks.” I’m getting an unpleasant vibe cracking through my Zen-like buzz. Instinct is something that’s kept me breathing this long. I know when to heed it. Heels clicking, I move away from the bar.

“See you around, Mavi.”

The way he says the words sends a shiver over my skin. He’s stalking me. Double Fuck. I really don’t need a pestering hellion.

Making my way back to Snatch, I take his arm.

“We need to leave now.”


“Sounds like it could be.” I mutter back, directing him towards the front exit.

“That guy was a demon,” he whispers back. Of course, he would pick that up being a sensitive. With the amount of demonic presence in the place I’m surprised he’s not bugging out. Red eyes are tracking our movement all over the place. Hunters after prey.

“I’m aware of what Fritz is. We’ve met a few times before.”

“You mean he’s

“Yes, the one I keep helping accidentally,” I confess. Max’s potent pleasure is still clouding my brain. Remembering I'm not wearing underwear, I giggle.

“What’s so funny?”

“I can’t tell you.”

Snatch frowns. “Why?”

“It will ruin my bad arse reputation.”

“You two aren’t going anywhere.”

Turning to the sultry voice, I recognize Mistress Talia. Her demonic eyes are glowing with malice. Still dressed in tight purple leather she has a crop in her hand. Flanking her, are two gimps. Black, body hugging latex clings to every inch of the females, hiding their identities. I can see their eyes gleaming from the slits. Red. More demons.

“Succubus’s female sex demons.” Snatch tells me helpfully. “They’ve been known to drain life force during sex.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised in a place like this. Sorry, but we’re leaving.”

“I don’t think so.” Talia replies, tilting her head with a smirk. Tapping the handle of her crop against her bare thigh, her stare runs insolently over us. “You’re Gabriel’s best assassin?” She mocks with a snort. “He must be getting desperate.”

“Look, we don’t want any trouble,” Snatch assures them.

I giggle at that. These bitches aren’t going to move without a fight.

“Find something funny?” Talia glares.

“Yes, the fact you think you’re going to stop us.”

The gimp twins stalk forward.

“There’ll be no problem collaring you and keeping you here as food.” One of them sneers.

Looping stray strands of my long red hair behind my ears, I grin. Danger lurks behind my pretty face that not everyone sees. They have no idea what they’re dealing with. Demon or not, I will still take them down.

“Oh fuck.” Scuttling back, Snatch gets clear.

My grin widens. It’s time to dance.

Gimp number one attacks me fast.

Dodging her sloppy punch, I catch her with a blow to the jaw. Hissing, she tries to repay me with a strike, but I deflect it.

Grabbing her head, I jerk it down, her face connecting with my raised knee. Stumbling back, she attempts to stem the blood pouring from her broken nose.

“Holy shit, you’re not wearing any panties!” Snatch squeaks.

The distraction costs me. Pain erupts from the point of impact as gimp two slams a punch into my solar plexus. It’s hard, but not enough to bring me down. Only wind me.

Stepping back, she easily evades my counter punch.

Lips curved up, she’s wearing a cocky smile.

This bitch is going to bleed. Growling, the darkness inside me stirs.

“You’re going to pay for ruining my sister’s nose,” she tells me, tone confident.

“Don’t worry, you’ll soon be wearing a matching one,” I spit.

“Here.” Mistress Taila calls, throwing her the crop.

Catching it, she cracks it across my shoulder before I can block.

Agony blazes along my arm.

Biting back a scream, I jerk gingerly away.

“What’s the matter? Can’t stand a little pain?” She taunts.

Oh, she has no idea. Pain in the right circumstance is something I enjoy.

Finding my resolve, I lunge forward.

It takes her by surprise.

Whacking the crop down, it sears my cheek as she captures it by its edge.

Ignoring the sensation, I follow through with my actions.

Tilting my head back, I slam my forehead into hers with momentum. She goes down hard, hitting the ground.

For a moment I see stars, but I quickly shake it off.

Gimp one charges me.

Retrieving two daggers from my garter belt, I toss them with perfect aim.

Screaming, she clutches her shoulder where the blades have embedded deep through the latex of her costume.

“Do I have to do everything myself?” Mistress Taila’s beautiful features twist with distaste.

Snapping her fingers, someone from the crowd tosses her a whip.

The very thought of her striking me with it sets my rage spilling over.

My control begins to slip. Common sense fades as the darkness within me takes over. Consuming me from within. A red haze shimmers before my eyes.

The next thing I know I’ve disarmed her.

My front pressed into the demoness’s back, I have her in a restraining hold.

Coiling the whip around her throat, I pull it taught. Her long fingernails scratch desperately at my hands, attempting to loosen my grip. I welcome the pain. The claw marks she leaves in my skin just makes me strangle her harder. Struggling, she fights to breathe as she chokes. I itch to dig one of my knives into her peachy flesh. Drive it deep until blood spills.

“Mavi! Christ, let her go. People are watching.” Snatch’s panicked voice filters through my lust for destruction.

Blinking, I see the sea of faces around me staring in shock and fear. Fuck. This is the last thing I ever thought I would do. I’ve screwed up. Let things get out of hand.

Releasing Taila in shock, I back away.

Gasping, she falls to her knees and clasps her neck. Shooting me a look of hate, her lips twist in displeasure. “Get the fuck out and don’t ever come back. No matter who you’re with. If I see you again, you’re dead.”




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