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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc) by Cilla Lee (15)






Dad stands in front of me, hands on my shoulders “This guy’s a big fucker darlin’” he tells me, but I don't look at him. I just stare at his chest, going through the fight in my mind. I've never really fought someone as big as Bosse before, and I know I need to stay away from his fists and try to get him to the mat. I'm smaller so I'll be able to move faster, dad goes over techniques, things I can use to subdue him.


“Wear him out, let him swing, use all his energy, then strike get him down and take him out” (glad we're on the same page) I look behind dad when Bosse steps into the ring the room quiet. Dad moves behind me repeating what he just said, but I just look ahead concentrating on Bosse. I watch how he moves when stretching, everyone has a tell when they stretch you can see if they're injured which hand is their dominant one because they stretch it more than the other. I look down and notice Bosse is flat-footed, that could help. People with flat feet, don't move as easily plus he's big tall and built


“You listenin’ to me darlin’,” dad asks, and I nod. “Good now go in there and annihilate that fucker” he pushes me forward, and I step into the ring, I glance to the side; Scythe is sitting next to the Cookie guy who has done all but beg me to fuck him, hitting on me every chance he gets. Scythe looks worried for me, I wanna smile, but I keep my face emotionless stepping into the ring. The feel of the crowd is palpable; I'm sure everyone thinks I'm gonna lose. The door to the cage opens again, and Preacher walks in right up to me, I look around really quick and notice everyone's face. They're wondering what the hell he's doing, he leans down


“Darlin’ Bosse is fuckin’ big, you sure your Cuts worth it” I look at him.


“Is yours?” I ask him; he smiles walking back out shaking his head, I walk to the center of the ring where Shadow is standing, and Bosse walks over


“Keep it clean” Shadow says, and we bump hand moving back to our corners. The second the bell rings Bosse rushes me, I move fast duck and move out of his reach. I hear my dad yell off to the side, but it's hard to hear him over the crowd. I focus solely on Bosses’ movements, where his fists are going and where if I don't move fast enough it will land. By the fourth minute, he's tired, his movements becoming sloppier. I duck, bob and weave, the bell rings, and I go to my corner.


“Good one darlin’ wear him out, but now we need some sort of action, you won't win just runnin’” I nod my head.




“Work on his body, get him doubled over than work the face.”


“Work the body right” I repeat.


“Good,” he squirts water into my mouth, and I spit into the bucket. The bell rings again, and we move to the middle, bumping fists again, for the first minute I let him waste energy on trying to catch me around the ring when he yells.


“Stay fuckin’ still so I can hit you” I laugh (dumb fuck) he grabs his side, and I know it's time to move. I move fast working his body, he's not expecting it, and neither is the crowd. The volume at an ear-piercing range. I uppercut him a few times, and he stumbles back. As he stumbles I lift my leg kicking him in the stomach and he falls to the floor, I jump on top of him, and wail on his face over and over as hard as I can. Bosses’ nose explodes on my second punch, and he tries to cover his face dad yelling through the cage


“Pin him down!” I move fast getting him into an armbar and stretch my body, Bosse screams with the pain tapping the mat hard. I let him go jumping up as Shadow checks on Bosse. I stand there when dad comes into the ring lifting me up, and I smile “You did it darlin’!” I laugh, and he puts me down as Shadow lifts my arm. I look to the side, seeing Scythe frowning, and it makes my own smile fade. Dad pulls me out of the ring, and the guys pat me on the back congratulating me


“You did good girl,” Preacher says


“Thanks” is all I say just before he walks off, I'm lifted in the air again and spun around by Magic.


“Damn girl that was fuckin’ brilliant thought you were gonna snap his arm off.”


“I would have if he didn't tap out” he rubs my head, and I push him away.


“Fuck off!” I yell at him, he knows I hate it when he does that, and he smiles.


“I see my advice about getting rid of pent-up frustration worked then,” Knuckle says making me smile, I turn to Magic who's up next.


“Good luck,” I tell him, and he winks heading into the cage, he's fighting Bunker the Prospect from Mission City. I watched him fight yesterday; he's got some good moves on him you can definitely tell he's fought before that's for sure. Magic loses in the second round, with a round kick to the face TKO. The second he hit the mat I jumped up, Doc rushing in to cheek on him. He came to with smelling salts, shaking hands with Bunker after he could stand. Doc told him to go back to the clubhouse, and someone would look after him, but Knuckle’s fight was up next, so he stayed.


“You good man,” I asked him when he sat next to me.


“Yeah fucker got me a good one” I pushed him with my shoulder smiling.


“Yeah, and he was a fuckin’ Prospect,” I say laughing and he looks at me.


“Shut up!”


We watch Knuckle in the next fight against Nightmare; they got to the third round when Knuckle just kept pummelling his face. Nightmare just wasn't quick enough to cover his face and Knuckle took him down. After Knuckle’s win, we all headed back to the clubhouse. Walking in I notice woman walking around cleaning, Magic rubbing my head again, and I punch him.


“Fucker will you quit fucking doing that your gonna pull my hair out” It's a pain in the ass doing it cause it's so long, I've never once in my life had a haircut, so it’s just past my butt. I've always wanted long hair, my first Disney book my mom bought me as a kid was Rapunzel, and from then on, I've grown my hair. I braid it every couple of days and keep it in check, that way, so it's not always in my face. I think the last time I acutely had my hair down and free was from my fourteenth birthday. I hear someone laugh and look towards the women, a couple I've met. Lilly her sister Tink who has a huge pregnant belly, Lena Tank's woman and Maggie Razor's wife. They all seemed really nice; I watch as another woman walks in carrying a little boy on her hip and Maggie reaching out taking the kid from her. I've never really hung around any of the Old Ladies or girlfriends at home, most of them see me as competition. But to me they’re Brothers nothing more, as we get to the bar one of the Prospects is standing behind it serving drinks.


“What can I get ya,” he asks.


“Beer me,” Magic says


“You sure you should be drinking that,” I ask him and he looks at me.


“Yes!” he says


“Ok then, just water for me, thanks” Magic looks at me.


“You ready for tomorrow.”


“Yep” is all I say and he shakes his head smiling.




“I know your dad brought you up to be a robot, but aren't you in the least bit nervous” I turn and look at him.


“When was the last time you saw me nervous and I'm not a fucking robot asshole.”


“Ok, if you say so.”


“Fuck you I'm going for a shower” I get up, but he grabs my arm.


“I'm sorry I'm just pissed I lost to a fuckin’ Prospect.”


“Magic, you did really good you should be proud of that,” he rolls his eyes at me.


“Thanks, I feel so much better,” he says sarcastically, I give him the finger, and he smiles. I go to walk past the woman when Lilly stops me by saying hi, I stop because I don't want to be rude.


“Hi,” I say giving her a chin lift.


“Have you met everyone?” she says, and I shake my head, she introduces everyone to me.


“You were really good in the ring,” Tink says, and I smile.




“Isn't Stryker's fight, the last one today?” I ask Lilly, and she bites her lip looking nervous


“Yeah, I hate this” Lilly says, and I watch as she spins her wedding ring.


“Well, I hope he does well,” I tell her.


“Me too, but I'm telling you this is the last time I'm letting him do this, I swear my heart can't take it” I smile at her, but Tink rubs her arm and looks at me.


“Well, I love it” she's a tiny little thing way shorter than the rest of us, and I have no idea how she's carrying that baby around, she's so small, but her tummy is huge.


“Sinner did good,” I tell her.


“Yeah, he did, didn't he,” she says with a huge smile.


“When's the baby due,” I ask pointing at her belly, she rubs over it with a smile.


“They should be here in a few months” I frown (did she say they)


“They” I repeat, and she nods.


“Yeah, I'm having triplets,” I look at her belly, no wonder she's so big.


“Yes, and she should be at home resting,” Lilly says, but Tink just rolls her eyes.


“Well, I'm going up for a shower it was nice to meet you all,” I head up to my room to relax, I've still got four more fights, and I'm gonna win every one.