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The Glass Ceiling (SHS Book 6) by H J Perry (45)




Kevin and Frank were given instructions to stay in London until the exhibition was complete, just in case the scaffold needed to be moved or altered. Kevin set off home by train as soon as he was allowed to go, and Frank stayed over another night in London. Connor insisted Frank take some annual leave and stay in London to accompany Chris to the private view.

Frank suspected Lee and Connor were conspiring to keep him and Chris together.

Frank hadn't expected to stay, or prepared for anything other than work; he'd only bought work clothes with him. They had most of a day to spare, so he went out clothes shopping with Chris. They spent some enjoyable hours roaming around Covent Garden like any other couple. They popped into Halfway to Heaven for a beer, Frank's first gay bar.

When they were laden down with bags, Chris took him for lunch in Old Compton Street. Frank discovered this was merely a ruse for walking past a gay sex shop, followed shortly by entering into the aforementioned gay sex shop, and then by coming out of that store with more bags than when they entered.

Frank didn't exactly worry about coming out at work. He’d thought about it.

For over a week, Frank had wondered how and when he'd start to tell people that he was engaged to a man.

Would he start by telling them about Chris or about the engagement? He'd say he was engaged. They'd ask about the mystery woman he must've kept secret. He'd admit it was a man, and a whirlwind affair.

Or would he tell them he was dating? That would be so out of character when Frank didn't normally talk about his private life. They'd ask about the lady. He'd tell them about Chris, a man, and how after a whirlwind romance they were engaged to be married.

Frank would have told his closest colleagues, but he never found the opportunity. He wasn't used to talking about his private life, and nobody ever asked him personal questions.

At work he'd witnessed no less than four of his colleagues come out and tell others they were in relationships with men, so it was hardly novel. He could confidently expect a positive response. A few guys had left the firm since Connor and Lee came out, rapidly followed by Ben. There was no shortage of construction firms that had zero out LGBT employees where those guys were probably finding refuge.

Gay relationships among the men were still new and unusual, though. Frank expected some weird and inappropriate comments, yes, but then again that was normal bloke banter.

Whatever happened, it was all going to come to a head on Connor's birthday, which happened to be on a Friday so warranted an after work drink. It was coming to a head because Chris was going to be there. Along with Tom. As two of Connor's close friends, they had every right to be there, regardless of the fact that they were dating other SH scaffolders.

They were meeting in The White Horse, of course: the very closest pub to SHS HQ, for convenience.

The passengers got out and wandered off in the direction of the pub; they all knew where to go. Frank locked up the truck in the yard and proceeded to the office to drop off the key. The office was staffed until after 5 pm every day, whereas the operatives knocked off earlier.

Instead of walking off with the others, Ben held back, loitering near the office and walking alongside Frank when he re-emerged.

"I hear Chris will be dropping into the pub tonight."

Frank looked at Ben, who grinned back. "You know about us, don't you?"

"Well, I was waiting for you to say something. Tom told me you and Chris are an item because Chris told him. And that means Lee and Connor know too." 

"Kev knows as well," Frank admitted guiltily. "He worked at the exhibition with me last week." As they neared the pub, Frank could already make out many familiar faces drinking outside in the beer garden.

"Come on, mate. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Right, I'm telling you now. I'm seeing Chris. Not just seeing him; we're planning on moving in together. I have an estate agent coming to look at my house tomorrow to put it up for sale. That's the full update."

Ben grinned. "There, that wasn't so hard to admit. Congratulations, mate. I'm pleased for you."

Many of the scaffolders were standing or sitting at the outside tables with pints of beer in hand. Connor sat surrounded by scaffolders in the far corner of the garden. Lee stood with Chris and Tom, and the three appeared to be deep in conversation.

Frank's heart skipped a beat as it did every time he saw the man he loved. Chris looked up. Even across several yards of distance between them, as their eyes met the connection between them was palpable.

Ben led the way straight to their boyfriends, and a chapter of Frank's life drew to an end. That part where no one knew who he was dating or if he was dating. In a few minutes, they'd all know the answer to those questions. Fortunately, in 2017, the truth would make no difference. The vast majority of people would be pleased for him, knowing that he'd found happiness. Or at worst, completely indifferent.

When they reached the crowd, Ben seemed to bend in half to lower himself to kiss his much shorter boyfriend.

Frank didn't need to stoop; he and Chris were almost the same height. Without hesitation, he gave Chris quick kiss on the lips.

"I'm going to the bar. Does anyone want a drink?" Frank looked around.

"No, thanks. I think we're okay," Chris replied, and everyone else shook their heads.

"I'll have a pint, cheers mate," Ben said. He put his arm around Tom, swamping the smaller man.

Frank glanced in the direction of Connor, who was holding court to an enthralled crowd across the other side of the garden. "I should get one for Connor, but if everyone bought the birthday boy a drink, he'd be in hospital."

"Yes. Please don't get him a drink. I already anticipate I'll be carrying him."

"Good job you're strong enough to do that," Tom said.

As he'd been in the pub garden for almost a minute and no one seemed to notice he'd kissed Chris, Frank did it again. This time lingering slightly, feeling Chris against his lips. Taking in his scent.

When he pulled away to go to the bar, Chris smiled back like he wanted to eat him.