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The Highlander's Touch (Highland Legacy Book 1) by D.K. Combs (28)

Chapter 28

How could he have done this to her? How could Kane, a man who would kill anyone for doing what he had done to the innocent Alice, go through with what she wanted him to do? After he had defiled her? This whole ordeal had started off as a means to an end to his desire for her…and his drive had been completely misplaced.

Guilt and shame ate at him like a parasite, but at the same time, his need for her was nearly overwhelming. She didn’t care that this had started out as angry—it was obvious by the way her slick walls were clenching, the way her hips were moving.

She put her hand on his shoulder. He expected her to curse at him, to slap him. How she hadn’t done so already was a mystery. He rolled onto his side, nearly weeping when he slid free of her warmth. Still, the shame over what he had done made him ache.

“Lass, I am so—”

“Quiet,” she snapped, an adorably annoyed look passing over her face. He listened, feeling like he had been kicked in the gut. Of course she was angry with him—

The thought cut off when she sat on top of him. Her legs spread over his waist, one hand on his chest. The other reached between them. He jerked into a near sitting position when she wrapped her hand around his cock.

“What are ye’ doing to me?” he groaned. She pushed at his chest, and he effortless fell back into the bed. He could have easily pushed her aside and left, but something was holding him back—and it wasn’t her hand on him.

“I’m going to finish what you started,” she murmured. There was a look in her eyes that he’d never seen before. It was sultry and hot, the look of a woman who knew what she wanted—and Kane was exactly it.

He swiped a hand over his face when he realized how badly he was sweating. “Do ye’ no’ hurt? I…lass, I know I hurt ye’…nay, stop. We canna do this.”

Even though he wanted to stop what she was doing, Kane’s body was stronger than his mind. He reached up, palming her breast. God, she was a vision atop him like that. Her waist was trim, breasts large enough to fill his hands, and her eyes…Lord, but those eyes had the power to destroy his control with a simple, searing look.

When she rose above him, her hand guiding him into her with an innocence that killed him, he could have died. The pleasure over rode the shame, and before he could stop himself, he thrust upward, filling her wet, tight sheath completely.

Her eyes widened and a small sound left her lips. He froze—until he saw the ecstasy in her eyes. His bonny lass liked him inside of her—even when he’d brutally broken her maidenhead. She had to be hurting, but she didn’t say anything, and if Kane were honest with himself…he wanted her to continue.

She began to ride him. The innocence in her movements was prominent, and that she’d gained the courage to do this with him, on her first time, was enough to wipe the rest of his resistance away. She wanted this, and he was going to give it to her.

Her body milked him with greedy pulls. When he’d had enough of her slow, leisurely pace as she got the hang of it, he rolled them over, putting her on her back. She hadn’t fully settled into the bed before he was pumping inside of her.

Cries of pleasure rang through the room, both his and hers. She was so tight, so wet. It was so good that it was nearly painful. That only drove him further, harder…And Alice didn’t seem to mind at all.

* * *

The sounds of their slapping flesh should have alarmed her, worried her, embarrassed her. It didn’t do any of the above. If anything, it made her more desperate for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, thanking the higher power that he had listened to her.

Tears welled in her eyes, her mind and body overwhelmed with Kane.

“Kane,” she moaned, pressing her face against his neck. “God, Kane, I want you to go faster—oh, aye, like that—” He cut off her scream of pleasure with a kiss so hot it drove her insane. His hand roamed over her body, burning a trail of fire as he continued to thrust inside of her.

“Lass, I want—I want this to be gentle for ye’,” he grunted, pumping his length inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking him to her.

“Nay,” she whimpered, arching under him. The action brought him even deeper. She felt her body begin to heat, flaming even higher than before. “Hard. Oh, Kane—so good.”

A devilish smile curled his lips, and then it was gone. He pulled out of her arms, their bodies still connected, and grabbed her by the knees.

“What are you—” She found her calves once again on his chest, and then he was hauling her up by her buttocks. Then he pushed forward, slowly, his hand reaching between them. He began to rub her clit, softly plucking at it, and she gasped, slamming her hands into the bed. “Again. Kane, again.”

“Anything for my woman,” he growled against her calf. He bit down, and her body tensed. The pleasure began to singe her from the inside out. Her breath stilled, the world falling away. He continued to thrust his hips against her. Sending his length into her tightness over and over again, until she was screaming his name, grabbing for his shoulders.

He took her hand, connecting them in an even deeper way. Then it all ended when she felt as if their souls had bonded together in the midst of their passion. A rush of ecstasy swept through her, and Saeran wept from the sheer intensity of her orgasm, and shortly after, she felt his body buckle as he joined her.

He set her legs down onto the bed and fell forward. After a moment of catching his breath, he dragged her against his chest. Their hearts raced together, and Saeran thought she had died and gone to heaven.

That had brought them together on a level she had never felt—and she never wanted it to end. Saeran pressed her face against his neck, breathing a sigh of content as she gradually came down from the europhic sensations still coursing in her body.

Kane drew her closer to his body. When he slid out of her, she had to fight to keep back a sound of disappointment. His hands began to trail down her back, making her shiver.

“Are ye’ cold, my love?” he asked quietly. He reached for a nearby plaid before she could object and slid it around her. It smelled like him—masculine, musky. Perfect. She snuggled into the cloth and kissed his neck, sighing again.


Everything was perfect.

Saeran had never felt more relaxed and safe in her life. The cat was out of the bag with Blaine, and she knew that her sister knew what Saeran had done with Kane. She should feel guilt, but she didn’t. She felt content, relaxed, and…loved. She felt loved by the man who was holding her so tenderly against his chest. With a patience she wouldn’t have expected from her, he had walked her through her fears and given her the best experience of her life.

Her eyes closed, sleep starting to take over. Aye, sleep. Sleep was what she needed.

“Alice.” She was so close to falling into the darkness that she almost didn’t realize he hadn’t said her name. “Alice, why did ye’ no tell me you were a virgin?”

If his words hadn’t gotten her attention before, they sure did now. Her eyes popped open, and she stared at him, confused.

“I…Why wouldn’t I be a virgin, Kane? I tried to tell you…”

He stared at her, realization dawning in his eyes. He cursed. Her breath was cut off when he crushed her against his chest, a ragged apology breaking through his lips. It was probably the first he had ever uttered. Saeran frowned against his chest, confused.

Why wouldn’t she be a virgin, really? Had he thought her some whore?

She asked him as much. He stiffened against her.

“I was foolish,” he bit out, kissing her temple. He sounded furious, yet the tenderness of his embrace told her something else. “I was so damn foolish—I should have known she would lie about it. Ye’ve always seemed so pure, Alice. So innocent. Precious.” He buried his face in her hair, but she couldn’t register it.

“What…What are you talking about?”

Hadn’t he figured out her secret? Hadn’t Blaine told him that Alice was actually Saeran? What he was saying now didn’t make sense. Blaine had revealed her secret to him, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t a virgin. Also, if he knew her real name, why did he continue to call her Alice?

He shook his head, pressing an open-mouth kiss against her neck. She shivered. When he stayed silent, she thought he wouldn’t tell her at all.

“Kane,” she said quietly, feeling like her heart had dropped to her stomach. “Kane, what did you hear about me?”

“I donna want to trouble ye’ with it, love. Just rest. I should no’ have brought it up anyway.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, then settled into the bed. As they laid in the silence, her mind running wild with her thoughts, she began to notice how tense he was, how…distanced he was.

“What’s wrong?” she asked into the darkness.

“Nothing. Sleep.” His voice was rougher, pained.

She pushed herself into a sitting position, leaning over him. “Tell me what’s wrong,” she insisted, gently touching his jaw. This was not how she had wanted the aftermath of their love making to be. Though she had no clue what couples did with themselves after hours of passion, she knew that the sadness in the air wasn’t right.

“I canna believe I listened to her,” he said quietly.

“Listened to who?”

“Blaine.” The word came out as a disgusted sneer. In the dim, moonlit room, she saw his face twist with the force of his hate for her sister. She…understood completely. Saeran dropped her eyes to his neck, unable to look him in the face.

He didn’t know who she was.

He had no clue that she was the other sister, the one he could have proposed to if she had revealed herself to him sooner.

“She told me she saw ye’ and Saeran…Doing unmentionable things. In the hallway. That he stole yer virginity. I believed—lass, I am so sorry,” he said thickly. He wrapped his arms around her once again, crushing her against his chest. His heart was racing. “I’m so, so sorry that I did no’ believe ye’. I hurt ye’ because o’ that, and I—I never wanted to hurt ye’ for the world. I felt so betrayed and it turned out…”

Saeran stared up at him, utterly shocked. He had thought she had lost her virginity to herself? Granted, he didn’t know that Saeran and Alice were the same people, but it was enough to make her laugh. She hid her face against his neck as the laughter rolled through her. It was so ridiculous! Saeran had lost her virginity to herself. Oh, if Connor could hear this now.

“What are ye’ laughing at? Alice, I hurt ye’ because of my own ignorance.” He tilted her chin up towards him. His gaze softened at her continued laughter.

“I—I am sorry for laughing.” She sobered slightly. “But…Kane…You should not believe everything you hear!” Especially from Blaine. Why had she made up the tale instead of revealing Saeran’s lie? To hurt her? It had certainly worked. He had nearly kicked her out of the keep because of Blaine’s never ending lies. Anger began to build within her. Blaine was no sister of hers. All of her lies, and her deceit... Everything she had said and done to Saeran over the years was beginning to weigh on Saeran’s shoulders like a boulder.

“I ken,” he said quietly, shamed. “I was blinded by jealousy and betrayal and did not stop to think that mayhap Blaine was speaking out of her own jealousy.”

Saeran raised a brow. Blaine? Jealous? What was there to be jealous of if she had everything she wanted? Even if she didn’t have something, she eventually achieved it.

“Alice,” he said deeply, seriously, gazing into her eyes. “I would have given ye’ a gentle first time, had I known. I…I donna know how ye’ll forgive me for hurting ye’ as I did, and ruining ye’ like—” He stopped abruptly, staring down at her with growing horror.

“Alice, I did no’ pull out of ye’.”

She frowned at him, even though a blush came over her cheeks.

“Is that not the point?” she asked, wringing her hands together. Had she done something wrong? The flush in her cheeks washed away, making her pale. Why was love making so complicated? Shouldn’t it be as simple as joining together and then resting? She felt the lull of sleep like a heavy blanket, yet her concern was keeping her awake.

“What if ye’ were with child? Alice, I’ve ruined ye’,” he groaned.

Realization dawned. Saeran didn’t want to tell him her secret, the one that had caused her to lie to everyone in the first place, but his torment was clear. Her heart felt like lead. There were so many things between them that could potentially drive them apart—she didn’t want this to be added to the list.

With a tight throat, she said, “I cannot have children, so it is no concern.”

His head snapped to the side, his gaze as sharp as a dirk. “Ye’ canno have children?”

She shook her head. “I…I had the fever when I was young. It nearly took my life from me.” Thick arms crushed her against him. Without explaining the rest of the story, he understood—and that meant the world to her.

Blaine had never understood her. She had never been able to confide in her, talk to her about random things, or express the pain she had felt growing up. Kane has been the only one to listen and comfort her, and it made her fall even harder for him.

“It’s why—It’s why I let this happen…between us. I do not want to trap you in anyway,” she said earnestly, meeting his eyes through a watery gaze. He swiped his thumb over her cheeks, clearing away the soft trail of tears. “I have never been with another, but that…that does not mean I will bind you to me.”

“I would no’ mind it if ye’ did, lass,” he said quietly. “Because ye’ already have.”

The meaning behind his words was not lost on her.

Her eyes widened. “But Blaine…”

Maybe there was a chance that she could reveal herself to him. If he accepted her with her flaws, there was a chance. Hope filled her, mingling with the newfound love she held for this man.

“Is leaving the second I return from the MacLeods,” he growled. His eyes went dark with stark fury. “I will no’ be married to a liar. I detest them more than anything. Liars are too weak to face the thing they hide from, and I’ll no’ be taking a wife like that. I only misdirected her to protect my clan. Call me a hypocrite, but it is needed for their safety. Ye’ve seen the way she treats the servants here, or anyone who is not a lady as she is. There is a difference between a conniving liar, and a liar doing so for the sake of his people. I’ll never be married to a woman like that.”

The hope crashed and burned. Her throat seized, but she nodded, the only consent she could give to hearing him. There had been a chance that they could be together, but the moment Blaine had concocted her plan, it died. Of course it had.

He settled into the bed, tugging her flush against him. He did that quite a lot, as if he couldn’t bring her close enough.

“But yer the perfect woman,” he said into the air. It sounded like he wasn’t talking to her, but to himself. “Aye, perfect. Beautiful, pure. Verra strong.”

“You’ve already proposed to Blaine,” she said, feeling sick. His hand stroking her back didn’t alleviate her sickness. If anything, it made it worse.

“It does no’ matter, love. Everyone is aware that when I return, she will be leaving.”

Saeran frowned at him. “Why would you propose, just to send her away?”

He chuckled, kissing her temple. “Ye’ canna expect me to actually live with a dragon like that, can ye’? Nay, by the time I return, the messenger would have returned, and her dowry will be mine. Then I’m breaking the engagement.”


Kane scowled at her. “Donna shout so, lass.”

“What?” she repeated, utterly horrified. “Kane! Dowries do not work like that—you have to actually marry the woman to obtain it—wait. You only wanted her for her dowry?” If she had still been the blind little girl who adored her viperous sister, she would have been offended beyond belief. However, all she felt was a tingle of alarm and confusion. “What could she have in her dowry that you do not already have? You’re one of the strongest lairds in the Highlands.”

“The king and I signed a contract that said as long as I’m betrothed to Blaine, I’ll get the dowry. It said nothing about going through with the marriage.”

“But it’s intended that way—”

“Ah, but it is not written that way, love.”

“He’s the king. Even if it is not written as such, he’ll have his way.”

Kane chuckled again. The sound was deep and sensual, making her shiver. Why did he affect her at such times? This was a pressing matter, and he was laughing at her.

“Lass. By the time I return, I will already have the dowry. There’s no more to it than that.”

“What is so important in the dowry that you have to trick the king? That’s treason, Kane. You could become in serious trouble.”

“No’ if Blaine is the one that breaks the engagement,” he said slyly, tapping her on the nose.

“I do not know why she would do that, but tell me why the dowry is important to you?” Had Saeran gotten an important dowry as well? The king had made no mention about dowries to her, or Blaine. At least, that’s what she got from the meeting they had held together.

“Amnesty for my family.”


“The king added amnesty for my mother and brother if I proposed to Blaine. By the time I return from battle, they will be here, waiting for me.”

“I’ve never known the king to be so…forgiving.”

Kane nodded. “Aye. I’m willing to bet he gave Blaine a dowry like that so I would choose her over the other sister—who actually was a boy. Saeran.”

“Why do you say that? Surely Blaine is not all that bad,” she said, though she almost gagged at the words.

“She’s a dragon! Who on earth would want to marry her, let alone live with her? Love, yer as blind as Saeran is when it comes to his sister.”

She stiffened. “What is that supposed to mean—”

The door burst open before she could finish her sentence.




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