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The Highlander's Touch (Highland Legacy Book 1) by D.K. Combs (27)

Chapter 27

K…Kane, what are you—oh, God, what are you doing to me?” She started to pull away, fear overwhelming her pleasure, but he stopped her with a hand to her shoulder. Cool air wafted over her damp nipple, making her shudder, a soft reminder of the need that was racing through her.

“What are ye’ afraid of, lass? I ken ye’ve done—”

She shook her head frantically, grabbing his wrist. She didn’t push him away for her. His fingers stayed inside of her, and he held her eyes. The forest green depths swirled with sensuality. It caught and held her attention, and gradually, her heaving pants lessened.

“I…I don’t know what to do,” she said, dazed that she would admit to it. In the midst of heat and passion, she was admitting her shortcomings to a man who would just as soon send her away, as take her in his arms.

“O’ course ye’ do.” His voice dropped to a near growl, making her shiver. How could he do that, with just his voice? The sound washed over her, and she felt her body react. Her gut clenched, her core wept for more, and her hands began to grab for him, fingers curling around his skin. Still, even as she curled up to him like a kitten, she shook her head.

Kane slid a finger under her chin, tilting her head back. The dark smile on his face told her that he knew he’d made her wet with just his voice.

“Do ye’ need me to tell ye’ what I’m going to do to ye?” he murmured, raising a brow. Heat flamed her cheeks.

“I—Kane, I—”

His soft, hot kiss cut her off. When he pulled back, she was gasping for breath and trembling in his arms. “I think ye’ do, lass.”

When she opened her mouth to speak, he silenced her with another kiss, taking his fingers out of her. It wasn’t until he ended it that she noticed he’d laid her back into the bed with his body between her legs. He sat up, pulling her legs up so that her feet reached his shoulders. He kissed her bare calf, and she swallowed thickly.

With her body like this, he could see every part of her—even the part that no other man had before. She covered herself, blushing, and turned her face into the downy bed. How was she supposed to act when she was presented like this?

Large hands moved her own aside.

“Ye’ll no’ be hiding yerself from me, lass.” He placed another kiss to her calf.

“But I—”

“Nay.” He put a hand on her stomach, sliding it downward. She watched him with wide eyes, breath still. She wanted to pull away, but at the same time, she was curious. What was he going to do to her? When was he going to tell her? When would the torture end? Was this normal for a married couple? Aye, they weren’t married, but…But this was what a man and a woman did with each other, correct? Surely a man was not allowed to torture his woman thusly. Surely there was some sort of rule about it.

“Watch me,” he said quietly, nipping her calf. She jerked to attention just as his hand disappeared into the juncture of her thighs. His thumb once again played with her, but this time, there was purpose to it, a skill that she hadn’t noticed. Saeran’s body denied her mental command and pressed toward him. A soft sound came from her throat before she could silence herself.

“Ye’ like that? Me touching ye’ like that?”

She gave a mixture between a nod and a shake, unable to form a word. Even if she did, she suspected he wouldn’t let it past her lips.

“I’m going to touch ye’ some more, lass. Donna tense. Just relax.” The instant one of his fingers found her core, she did the exact opposite of what he said. His thumb stayed on her clit, a little warning. “Shh,” he soothed, reaching for her face with one hand. She leaned into his caress, fighting her fear.

She didn’t want to be scared of Kane. She knew he could give her pleasure she’d never felt before, and understood that him touching her in a forbidden place was…was necessary. She couldn’t help the fear, though. Her mother had never talked about what happened between a man and woman with her—that conversation was meant to be saved for the night of her marriage ceremony. Saeran had never witnessed it, either, unlike her sister when they were at court. The rumors had flown around, with excited talks between women, but Saeran had never participated, nor paid attention—and now she sorely regretted her ignorance.

His fingers tenderly brushed over her cheek, and then he slid a finger inside of her. Her breath came in short gasps, mind blanking out. There was going to be pain—she knew it. Right now it might not hurt, but soon…Soon it would hurt her. Tears welled in her eyes and she trembled, wrapping her arms around herself.

After what seemed like forever, the trembling subsided, and she realized that Kane was waiting for her. He hadn’t moved. The only thing he was doing was staring down at her, a troubled look in his eyes. Saeran swallowed thickly. This was it. She couldn’t get past her own fears long enough to enjoy what he was giving her, to give him the same pleasure that he had given her.

This…was it.

Except, instead of shoving her out of his bed, he moved her legs so that they were bent and spread. She dug her toes into the bed, torn between…everything. She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to take him as her own. The thought of him touching her down there was enough to make her pant, but when he actually went through with it…Fear overwhelmed her, and she couldn’t stop it. When he touched her clit, kissed her, and caressed her, it was like heaven parted, and she could finally see light in the darkness.

What was wrong with her?

Without a word, Kane lowered himself between her legs so that he was resting on his forearms, his head right above her blonde curls.

“I want ye’ to be honest with me, lass. Do ye’ want this?”

She stared into his eyes. They were so dark, so troubled. He seemed to be avoiding looking at her body, only looking into her eyes. That gave her the courage to nod. The memory of how he’d pulled back in the field, the memory of their conversations, all came back to her. Saeran had absolutely no reason to fear this man. He had been hurt by her betrayal—she understood that now. If he had really meant to banish her, she wouldn’t be here now. She knew that as surely as she could breathe.

“Aye,” she whispered. He took her hand, threading her fingers. Warmth spread through her, clearing out the fear and trepidation. He wouldn’t hurt her—not physically. Kane would never harm her. “Aye, I want this.”

He studied her for a moment, then nodded as if he had come to a decision.

Then a wicked smile came over his face. “I’m going to kiss ye’ now.”

She smiled, reaching for his shoulders. Aye, she would very much like to be kissed by him.

He put a hand on her stomach, holding her still. The smile dropped from her face.

“What are you—oh, Kane.”

His mouth attacked her core like a man starved. Her hands slammed into the bed, and she expected to feel fear, hesitation, disgust—but she didn’t. All she felt was mind-numbing sensations, and Kane was giving that to her.

“Ye’ taste so good,” he growled against her body. “Like freshly fallen rain.”

Saeran shuddered, threading her hands in his hair. She wanted to drag him away from her, but her body had different ideas. She began tugging him closer to her, and her legs wrapped around his shoulders, locking him to her.

He kissed her clit. Fire shot through her body, so intense that a moan ripped from her throat. Then…Then he did something else, something that had the power to sear her. His tongue swirled around her clit, then he sucked. Hard. While he did that, the familiar pressure of his fingers tested her entrance—and this time, there was no fear. Only pleasure. Only pleasure so strong that she was left gasping for breath.

“Shite, yer wet,” he groaned around her core. “So damn wet.”

Saeran didn’t know whether that was good or bad. When one of his hands lowered to his hips, she guessed it was good. Biting back another moan, she grabbed for his shoulders, realizing that he was just as hot as she was—and like her, he must need something besides this as well.

When she grabbed for him, however, he didn’t stop his attack on her body. Another finger joined the first, and then he was pumping his hand against her. His fingers gave her a pleasure she had never known. Saeran gasped, and that was the last of her breath for a while.

“Aye, ye’ like that, lass. Ye’ like that quite a bit…” The growled approval ended, and then he returned to her body. Holding one of her legs back, his tongue played with her clit and simultaneously drank at her like a cat drank milk. Sensually, slowly. He took his time with her, fingers slowly pumping, moving inside of her.

Then he added a third.

She was full. So full that she wanted to cry—because it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She wanted him. She wanted the part of him that had wept at her touch, and she wanted it inside of her now. Still, as he suckled her clit and wrung pleasure from a well that should have been dry by then, the sensation built inside of her until it was a raging fire. Her body began to convulse in waves that she couldn’t stop. It was exquisite, overpowering.

When the wave finally crashed, she felt as if she had been drowned with the sensations Kane caused within her. Her body thrummed, and it took forever to come down from the cloud he’d put her on.

“Och, there ye’ go, lass,” he whispered. His voice was right next to her ear. Making a small sound and unable to stop the smile that came over her face, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him to her. “However, I’m no’ done with ye’.”

She stilled, excitement rushing through her.

He grinned, burying his lips in her throat and rolling her under him once again. The teasing and provocative man that was before her now was the complete opposite of the man he’d been before their love making. There was a tenderness to him that shook her, that made her forget about everything except Kane.

She squealed at the hot lick to her neck, then moaned. He’d bitten down.

Just like that, the mood changed.

He reached between them, pushing her leg open.

“I’ve been dying for this,” he whispered, keeping his face in her neck. He laved the spot he’d bitten with his tongue. The hand he’d used to move her leg came up, covering her breast. His fingers pinched her nipple, rolling it. He kissed her collar bone.

“For…for what?” she gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck. God, that felt good. Everything he was doing felt good. Nay, better than good. Amazing. It felt…amazing. Saeran held him tighter, her legs going around his waist.

He groaned against her neck.

“To be inside of ye’. To feel yer heat. To feel ye’ milking me. I’ve been dying for ye’, lass.” Then, with another open-mouth kiss to her neck, he braced himself above her on his forearms. She felt the beat of his heart increase and then…then it happened.

The head of his length pressed against her core. She stilled, feeling like her heart had stopped.

“Shh, lass,” he murmured against her neck. He gently played with her clit, making her back arch as pleasure ran through her. His breath wafted over her neck. Saeran shivered. “Ye’ want more?” He pressed harder, going deeper. The first inch of him was inside. She whimpered, nodding her head.

She should be terrified. She had no clue what was happening to her, or what he was doing, but she loved it—and wanted more. So much more.

“Are ye’ sure?” he asked. He was holding back. Saeran growled, grabbing him by the hips and trying to pull on him. Kane resisted her tugging. Instinct drove her to clench around him, and he made a rough sound.

Kane pulled back, making her gasp with sexual frustration, then thrust inside of her.

The gasp turned into a pained cry. The shock of his entry was enough to make tears spring to her eyes, and suddenly, the pleasure began to ebb, replaced by an uncomfortable sensation.

She wasn’t the only one who noticed it.

Kane was frozen above her, as hard and cold as ice.

“Nay,” he whispered, staring down at her. His eyes fixed on the salty tear that trailed down her cheek. He didn’t move—didn’t pull out, or go farther in. He stayed there, still. “Nay, lass, ye’ canna be—”

“Kane,” she whimpered, grabbing him by the shoulders. She curled her arms around his neck, her mind needing comfort just as much as her body. “Why—why did that hurt? I did not—no one told me it was going to hurt…” Then a thought came to her, one that made her stomach drop. “Did it hurt you as well? Kane? Are you hurt? Is that why you’re not moving?”

Saeran started to push herself onto her elbows. He didn’t roll off of her. He stayed there, staring down at her with horror in his eyes.

“Kane?” she asked worriedly, touching his face. Her body had adjusted to his hardness, and it was even beginning to feel almost…nice. The only thing wrong was his unwillingness to respond to her. She’d hurt him. Aye, Saeran had hurt him. She put her arms around his neck, drawing her to him. His face buried in her neck, but still, he did not speak. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t know it would hurt you…”

“Lass,” he said raggedly, his voice muffled. He pushed himself up so that he was braced above her body once again. It caused him to move, and she gasped, surprised by the soft tendril of pleasure. How could something so amazing for her, hurt him? Even as she bit back another airy moan, she saw the pain in his eyes. “It does no’ hurt me.”

She swiped a hand over her face, feeling the heat there. Lord, she was burning.

“It doesn’t?” Saeran asked, frowning. She clenched around him involuntarily, and they both moaned. “It…If it doesn’t, then why did you stop?”

Kane looked at her, tormented for reasons she couldn’t understand. If it didn’t hurt, he should continue. Aye, it had pained her, but only for a moment. Now that it was over, and she was adjusting to him, she wanted more.

Every inch of her skin that he was touching was on fire. Before, she hadn’t noticed it, but now she did. It was eating at her senses, destroying thoughts that didn’t revolve around Kane and how amazing he felt inside of her. He wanted to be—he said so!

So why wasn’t he continuing? Saeran leaned forward, enjoying his hiss when she pressed her lips to his shoulder.

“Lass…yer a virgin. This—this has to stop.” Though he said the words, he made no move to leave her. She smiled with womanly triumph, tightening her walls around him, milking him, drawing him farther into her body. She spread her legs, bracing them against the bed, and pushed upwards.

They growled together—Saeran’s one of sexual victory, and Kane’s one of sexual frustration. The roles were reversed, she thought, sliding her hands up his shoulders. That was fine. As long as he stayed inside of her, everything was fine.

“I do not want it to stop,” she whispered, opening her mouth on his shoulder. He groaned, head falling forward. His hips moved with a jerk, and she knew he was trying to hold himself back. She pushed against the bed and drew him inside of her once again.

“Lass, please,” he hissed, desperation in his voice. She felt him swell inside of her, felt her juices coat him. He had started this, so he would stay till the end—and she was not done with him, not until she knew he’d felt the same earth-shattering experience she had.

“If it doesn’t hurt you, I want to keep going,” she said forcefully, digging her nails into him. God, but he was thick. The way he filled her was exquisite and deliciously painful. Saeran was definitely not letting him go until they had found completion together.

“But lass—”

“No, Kane.” She lightly smacked him on the face. Her body was dying of heat for him, and he was trying to tell her no. “I want this. You want it. I can feel it.”

To show him that she did, she let body tighten around his. He groaned, still shaking his head.

“Why?” she demanded, becoming frustrated in earnest now. Why wasn’t he doing as she commanded? Why wasn’t he doing what he wanted to with her? Saeran nipped his shoulder when he didn’t answer her. Sweat dropped down his temples, and the strain was evident. If he just continued, it wouldn’t be an issue!

“God, lass. Yer a damn virgin. I canna—I hurt ye’. I saw it and heard it. I canna—”

“Yes,” she said, grabbing him by the jaw. “Yes, you can. And you will.”

Tormented eyes met hers, but she paid no heed. She had been frightened at one point, and he had kissed and caressed her through it. Now was her time to make sure he felt the same pleasure she had. She took advantage of his weakness, and pushed at his shoulder.

He instantly rolled to the side, his body slipping out of hers. “Lass, I am so—”

“Quiet,” she snapped. Honestly, men were exasperating.