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The Journalist's Prince (The Royal Wedding Book 6) by Merry Farmer (10)


Tracy charged at the door the moment it slammed shut and locked. A growl of frustration ripped from her lungs as she tried the door. It locked from the outside.

“They can’t do this,” she shouted at the door, banging it with her fist. “They can’t get away with this.”

“They won’t,” Johan assured her, stone-faced.

Tracy glanced at him over her shoulder, a painful sort of sympathy gripping her gut. She knew the look he wore. She’d worn it once herself when everything her dad had done came to light. “I’m sorry,” she said. “This sucks.”

“Yeah.” He marched up to her side, rattling the door handle.

There wasn’t time for them to wallow in the suckiness of the situation. “Do you think they’re really going to set the rig on fire?” she asked. A surprise twist of fear hit her gut.

Johan let out a tight breath as he scanned the door. “It wouldn’t surprise me,” he said, clearly upset by everything. “Which means we have to find a way to get out of here now.”

Truer words had never been spoken. Tracy whipped around, surveying the office for anything that would help them break through the door. Her gaze fell on a small phone on the corner of the desk. She leapt toward it, lifting the receiver and dialing 999 without thinking. But the phone was dead.

“I should have known,” she sighed, slamming it down.

“There has to be a way out,” Johan said, joining her in the middle of the office and searching for something, anything beside her. “In spite of everything, I can’t believe that Aunt Marina would kill any of us.”

Tracy could believe it. She sent him a sympathetic smile all the same before wracking her brain for any way to get out of the locked room. “If only there were a window,” she said. “I’m good at crawling through windows.”

To her surprise, Johan laughed. “Except when there are dogs.”

“Hey, I made it out without a scratch,” she said. “Well, a few scratches, but not from the dogs.”

“It could have—” Johan’s words drifted off as he glanced up. For a moment, he was silent, his mouth hanging open. Then he said, “Forget windows. Do you think you could climb through an air duct?”

“Air duct?” Tracy pivoted to see what he was looking at—a fair-sized vent at the top of the wall. Instantly, images from a dozen or more spy movies where lithe heroines in cat-suits had crawled through metal air ducts to steal diamonds or something flashed through her head. “That looks like a tight squeeze.”

“Do you think you could do it, though?”

Tracy took a deep, steadying breath. “I can give it a try.”

They set into motion, shifting furniture around and clearing off the desk immediately under the vent. Tracy was dying to make some sort of joke about the risk they were taking by shoving her into an unknown air vent, but it wasn’t the right time. She’d tease him about it later, when they made it home and were safe and sound.

“It unscrews,” she said once she was standing on a chair placed on top of the desk. “Do you have something we can unscrew it with?”

“Yeah, there has to be something.” He searched his pockets first, and within seconds, his brow shot up and a faint grin tugged at his lips.

“What?” she asked.

Johan pulled out a key ring with two keys and a tiny buoy attached.

“I don’t think the keys are going to be thin enough for the screws,” Tracy said.

“They’re the keys to Mack’s boat,” Johan told her.

Tracy’s eyes went wide. “Which means Marina and Lindqvist won’t be able to take that boat to wherever they think they’re going next.”

“Which means they might be back here at any second,” Johan finished.

A gnawing sense of dread filled Tracy’s stomach. It wasn’t likely they’d come back with tea and apologies. “We have to get moving.”

Johan nodded, shoving the keys back in his pocket. He searched the room. Lucky for them, a small, dusty toolbox sat in the corner of the office. Johan slammed it open and searched through, bringing out a screwdriver that he handed up to Tracy. Tracy’s hands shook slightly as she worked the screws loose. It took more time and effort than she wanted it to, but at last, she was able to get the vent cover off.

“Okay, I think I can do this,” she said, peering into the duct. “And it looks like there’s some kind of opening just a few feet down that way.”

“Is it a juncture with another duct or an opening into another room?” Johan asked, climbing onto the desk to give her a hand up.

“We won’t know until I get there.”

The good news was that she was thin enough to wiggle her way through the vent into the wider duct. It took a lot of awkward shoving and sweat, and she was pretty sure her hips would bear the bruises of trying to squeeze a round peg through a square hole for days to come, but at least she made it. The bad news was that, unlike in the movies, the duct was disgusting. The dust and muck of untold years covered her as she shimmied down to the opening. It was too dark for her to see if she was crawling through bugs—dead or alive—as well, but she figured it was likely. The air had a salty, dirty taste to it.

By the time she reached the opening and discovered it was indeed a vent that let out in the next room over, she was so grateful for a way out that she didn’t mind having to twist around so she could pound on the vent cover with her feet. For a few seconds, she thought it wasn’t going to come loose, but after a good dozen hard kicks, first one screw popped out, then the others.

“I can get through to the next room over,” she called back to Johan. “It looks like another office.”

“Good.” His voice echoed from what sounded like miles away. “Be careful.”

She let out an ironic laugh, then wriggled, feet-first, through the vent. It was a whole different kettle of fish to drop out of a vent without any desks or support under it than it’d been to climb into the duct with Johan’s help. The second she lost her center of gravity, she went spilling out into nothing, slamming onto the floor with a force that knocked the air from her lungs.

“Tracy! Tracy!” she heard Johan call distantly. “What happened? Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she croaked.

Muscles aching and body bruised, she pulled herself to stand and lurched toward the door. She was covered in thick, grey dirt, but there wasn’t time to worry about it. She pushed open the unlocked door and stumbled out onto the deck.

Before she could get her bearings, the crack of a gun and the sharp ting of a bullet ricocheting off the metal wall several feet in front of her shocked the sunshine out of her. She saw a flash of movement as Lindqvist disappeared on the deck below her. Judging by the sound of metallic footsteps ringing out below, he and Marina were dashing toward the nearest staircase.

Tracy swore under her breath and sprinted to the locked office door where Johan was still trapped. “Was that a gunshot I heard?” Johan shouted, clearly just on the other side of the door.

Tracy ignored him. The truth would just cause more panic. She tried the door handle, but nothing happened. “I don’t know how Marina locked it,” she called through the door. “There’s a keyhole, but she must still have the key.”

“She must have wanted a place where she could keep people out and trap them exactly the way she trapped us if she needed to,” Johan called back.

It made a little too much sense. The fact that the office had been open and all the evidence had been lying around in plain sight reeked of bait in a trap. That didn’t solve anything though, and the clank of footsteps was coming nearer.

“Lindqvist has a gun,” Tracy shouted through the door. “They’re almost here. I have to run or he’ll shoot me.”

“Go!” Johan hollered.

Tracy didn’t need to be told twice. She bolted away from the door, skidding around the corner just as she caught sight of Lindqvist and Marina rounding the other side of the deck. Another gunshot sounded, but she had no idea where the bullet went.

She raced on, charging down the stairs without a clear idea of where she could go to get away from Lindqvist if he was determined to kill her. She had the advantage of being faster than Lindqvist—something she discovered when he turned the corner of the deck one floor above her and she was able to make it around the next corner before he fired again. But the decks weren’t solid, which meant he could fire down on her. Like fish in a barrel, she thought to herself.

Her mind continued to fail to formulate a plan other than running as she circled around the rig to the stairs Lindqvist and Marina had used moments before. Since being shot from above wasn’t her cup of tea, she charged back up the stairs, then paused to listen. The sea slapped against the pylons under the rig, and the wind whistled through the structure. Footsteps clanged on the deck below, hinting that Lindqvist had gone down one level in search of her. But she could hear that he was alone. Which meant Marina was somewhere else.

On a hunch, she pushed herself into motion again, rushing around the corner and back onto the stretch of deck where the office Johan was trapped in stood. Her hunch was proved right when she spotted the office door ajar and heard voices arguing inside. She raced on, lungs burning, desperate to help Johan in any way she could.

“…don’t have to do this,” Johan was in the middle of saying to Marina as Tracy burst into the doorway, using the doorjamb to stop herself. “We can work through this together, as a family.”

Rather than responding to him, Marina whipped around to face Tracy. Before Tracy could react, Marina charged at her. She slammed her shoulder into Tracy’s chest and pushed her backwards until the small of her back smashed against the deck railing. Tracy was too startled by the sudden impact to do anything but gasp as she teetered off-balance.

“Give me the keys or I’ll push her to her death,” Marina snarled. The sound was so unlike the poised, sophisticated princess Tracy had always thought her to be that it threw her reactions off even more. Worse still, Lindqvist charged around the corner, gun drawn, and closed in on them.

“I’ve got her,” he said, taking over from Marina. Instead of letting Tracy get her feet under her, he tipped her back over the railing even more, shoving his gun under her jaw.

“Give me the keys to the boat or she’s dead,” Marina hissed, whirling back to Johan.

“Let her go!” Johan shouted. There was far more panic in his voice than Tracy wanted to hear. Panic meant impulsive actions, and acting impulsively in dangerous situations was the worst risk anyone could take. “I’ll give you the keys, just let her go!”

“No,” Tracy ground out. Lindqvist’s gun was pressed too hard against her throat for her to make much sound, though.

She grabbed the railing behind her and tried to kick, or at least wriggle free, but the more she struggled, the farther Lindqvist pushed her over the railing. Blood rushed to her head, pounding in her ears. She had a better view of the deck below her than she did of Johan and Marina. If Lindqvist let her go, there was a chance she would survive the fall with only minor injuries. There was also a chance she would break every bone in her body as she hit the railing of the deck below before tumbling into the sea. And that wasn’t counting the possibility that Lindqvist would just shoot her and end everything.

As she debated her chances if she fought back and let Lindqvist push her over the edge, a new sound hit her ears. It was distant, but thrumming ever closer. Helicopters. More than one. They were coming early.

“I’ll let you go,” Marina said, “but not this little snoop. Her meddling has cost us too much already.”

“If you hurt Tracy, I’ll never forgive you,” Johan argued.

“As if you’ll forgive me at this point anyhow,” Marina scoffed. “You and your noble brothers and my oh-so magnanimous sister. Do you really believe for one moment that everything will be all tears and forgiveness after this?”

The pressure of Lindqvist’s gun against her jaw lessened. Tracy strained to get a look at what was happening. Lindqvist had turned his head away from her and was watching Marina. His attention had drifted, which was her chance to break free.

“You’re not above the law,” Johan said, “but you’re still family. Mother will always love you, but no, you won’t go unpunished.”

“Then what’s the point?” Lindqvist asked. “It’s flee or spend the rest of our lives locked up.”

Tracy saw her chance. With as big of a push as she could manage with her awkward leverage against the railing, she shoved Lindqvist. Her move came as a surprise, and instead of firing, Lindqvist dropped his gun. Tracy twisted, curling herself into a ball to regain her balance—although she was so grateful to be safe on the upper deck instead of bent over the railing that she could have kissed the metal.

Halfway through that thought, Johan charged Lindqvist. A dull pain hit Tracy’s side as Lindqvist stumbled against her. The next thing Tracy knew, Lindqvist was tumbling over the railing himself. There was a loud thunk, then a splash. It took a few more seconds to realize Johan had lifted the man and shoved him over the railing, just as he’d been threatening to do with Tracy.

Marina screamed. “Herman!” She dashed to peer over the railing. “Herman, no!”

Tracy scrambled to her feet as fast as she could, panting, dirty, and sweating. Johan threw his arms around her the moment she was on her feet, and Tracy wasn’t too proud to cling to him, shaking as the sound of the helicopters drew nearer.

“Herman!” Marina shouted again. She pushed away from the railing, running for the stairs.

Tracy jerked to run after her, but Johan held her fast. “She can’t go anywhere,” he explained. “I still have the keys to Mack’s boat, and the police are here.” He nodded to the skies.

Sure enough, the helicopters that were closing in fast were painted with the emblem of the Aegirian police force. Tracy glanced out across the water—lit by the early-morning light now—and spotted movement on the horizon, like boats racing toward them. It was enough to make her relax and sag into Johan’s arms. They were both panting and shaky, but they were together and they were alive.

Slowly, they made their way down to the lower deck. Marina was still calling out for Lindqvist, dashing madly around and leaning over the railing, searching for him in the water. All too soon, they spotted his lifeless body, floating face-down under the lower platform. Johan did his best to calm her down, but she was beyond paying any attention to him.

In the end, the only thing that kept her from jumping into the water was the arrival of the police. Several officers were lowered down from the helicopters to assess the situation. A few words from Johan, and Marina was subdued and declared under arrest. Johan explained the situation and sent a few other officers to the office to collect and safeguard the evidence. A short time later, the police boats arrived, taking Marina into custody. The also gave Johan and Tracy a ride back to Solrighavn, since neither of them were up to driving Mack’s boat back. The police said they’d take care of that as well.

It wasn’t until several hours later, after Marina was taken to Solrighavn’s central jail and both Johan and Tracy could shower, change clothes, and get something to eat, that the royal family came together again in the family’s central room.

“If I’d known what you’d face out there,” Viggo said with a grave expression as Tracy and Johan shoveled down sandwiches and coffee, “I never would have let you go alone.” In fact, Viggo had given him such a gigantic hug once they’d made it home safe and sound that Tracy had gotten all teary at the sight.

“After you left, we found a note that made it look like Marina and my father were going to leave from the south side of the island,” Marcia said.

“That’s where the police were concentrated overnight,” Viggo added. “When we realized it was a red herring, we sent the police out after you.”

“Thank God you’re all right,” Marcia added.

“And if you need anything,” Emma said, sitting beside Tracy at the table and rubbing her back, “just let us know. We’re here for you.”

Several of the others expressed their support and love as well, but all of the warm-fuzzies shifted to tension when the queen and Dr. Hayes entered the room.

“Well?” Alek said, rushing to his mother’s side. “Did you get a chance to talk to her?”

The queen nodded, but it was clear she was on the verge of tears and beyond speech. The focus of the family’s sympathy switched to her as Dr. Hayes led her to the sofa under the window. Even Tracy and Johan got up to join them there.

“Marina confessed to everything,” Dr. Hayes said on the queen’s behalf. “It seems that she really did care for Lindqvist, and she’s taking his death hard.”

“It’s like she doesn’t even care what she’s done now,” the queen added in a thready voice. “And she’s done so much.” She ended with a squeak, bursting into tears. Dr. Hayes hugged her tightly, showing more strength and sense than Tracy had ever seen from him.

After a brief pause, Dr. Hayes continued. “The evidence the police found in that office on the rig is thorough and damning. They’ve only just begun to look into things, but it appears as though Marina could spend the rest of her life in prison because of it.”

The queen burst into a sob.

“It’s all right, Mother,” Alek said, sliding onto the sofa beside her and taking her free hand. “We’ll get through this, as a family and as the monarchy. We’ll stand together. Our people will see our commitment to justice and to each other. We’ll be okay.”

“You will,” Tracy whispered to Johan, reaching for his hand.

Johan glanced to her, his smile fond but exhausted. He slid his arm around her waist. “Coming from you, I believe that.” He glanced back to his mother, brother, and Dr. Hayes. “We’re a strong family.”

“You are.” Tracy hugged him sideways, resting her head on his shoulder.

“What’s this ‘you’ thing?” Johan asked, a hint of teasing in his voice. “I’d think after the last twenty-four hours, anyone here would say you’re as much a part of this family as anyone else.”

She laughed, straightening and grinning at him. “I think there are a few technicalities that would say differently.”

Johan shrugged. “They’re just technicalities. They’re easy to get around. A few quick words by a priest, signing a piece of paper….” He shrugged. “Then you’ll be one of us.”

A thrill as potent as any of the adrenaline that had pulsed through her in the last day filled Tracy. “Are you proposing to me?” she blinked.

He grinned. “Something about this conversation sounds familiar.”

She giggled. “Yeah, but are you?”

He shrugged, then kissed her lightly. “Maybe. We’ve got plenty of time to think about that later.”

She made a happy sound and went back to resting her head on his shoulder, her arms around him. “I’m in no hurry. We’ve got all the time in the world.”