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The Knight (Stolen Duet Book 2) by B.B. Reid (19)



I USHERED MIAN away as quickly as possible without it being obvious. Coming here and asking for Garrett’s help had been risky, but for Mian, it was worth it. She didn’t know it and never would, but I’d probably sell the last piece of my soul if she asked.

“Why would you let Anna stay with them if they hate you?” I smiled when she wasn’t looking as she climbed into the SUV. Sometimes, I forget how innocent she really is. To her, there was a clear line between love and hate. To her, our emotions were the only factor and were never what we could gain from doing what we wouldn’t ordinarily.

“They don’t hate me, Mian. They’re afraid of me. They’re afraid of the danger I could bring to their doorstep if they’re involved with me.” My men had used the other vehicles to block the driveway, keeping anyone from getting in or out without my say so.

“Again… why would you ask this of them and why would they agree?”

“It wasn’t easy, especially if threatening them was off the table, but they consider themselves good people who won’t stand by and let a young girl fall into my web. They’re already kicking themselves for being too late to save you,” I added dryly.

“They don’t know me.”

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t lie and say my family hasn’t chewed up and spit out more lives than I can count. My aunt was always a patron of good, and it shamed her to be a Knight. We aren’t good people.”

“I gathered that,” she agreed caustically.

I eyed her as she huddled as far away from me as possible and felt the malicious need to provoke her until she became unhinged. That was our foreplay. “You fell in love with me anyway.”

“I fell,” she confessed, “and then I rose again. I’m over it, Angel. I’m over you.”

“Because I hurt you.” It wasn’t a question. We both know I did, but maybe it wasn’t the reason why. She loved me even when I made it hurt.

I felt the distance between us like a weight on my chest, so I slid across the bench and pulled her into my lap. For once, she didn’t fight me. We were battle-worn enemies still fighting the need to love each other.

“I won’t hurt you, Sprite. Never again.” My hand cupping her face slid down over the milky skin of her throat and rested over her heart. I haven’t felt this vulnerable since the first time I laid eyes on her nine years ago. “Do you believe me?”

Her breasts rose under my palm when she sucked in air, and when she released it, I held my breath. “No.”

Burying my face in her neck so she couldn’t see what she did to me, I whispered, “How can I convince you?” Her shiver when my breath touched her skin tempted me to touch her in other places. My hand left her breast and found her thigh. I was ready to part them and bring her the pleasure her body sought when she stopped me with her hand and shattered my world.

“You choose me.”

I lifted my head and met her gaze. The storm in the jade was silent. Everything I’ve done to her, I did for my family, and if the day came when I’d have to choose, it’d be them.

It would have to be them.


* * *

Mian disappeared upstairs the moment we returned to the estate. The ride back had been silent after she gave her ultimatum. My silence had been answer enough, and when she’d climbed off my lap, I let her, needing the distance myself.

I made my way to the kitchen, figuring that would be where I’d find Lucas and Z, but instead, I found Anna.

She sat crossed legged in the breakfast nook my grandfather preferred when he ate, gazing out the window. In front of her was a ceramic bowl full of Rocky Road, Mian’s favorite, and the spoon dangling from her fingers while ice cream dripped from the end.

“Mian might never forgive you if she saw you wasting her precious Rocky Road.” My attempt at humor fell flat when her indignant cerulean eyes found me watching her.

She took her time setting her spoon in the bowl. “In my opinion, she’s far too forgiving.”

The chill she delivered had me pondering the advantage of offering her a job. Her natural innocence would make a great disguise as my enforcer. Instead, I took a seat across from her and stretched out my legs.

“What are you doing?” She sat straighter and flattened her back against the wall.

“I think it’s time we talk.”

She looked as if she’d rather French kiss a snake. “We have nothing to talk about.”

“I don’t think that’s true.” Neither of us spoke as we willed the other to give in. When she shot forward and braced her hands on the table, I hid my triumph.

“This marriage is a mistake. She already tried to kill you once. What makes you think she won’t do it again?”

“Are you worried about me?”

“I’m warning you. It’s my friend I’m worried for.”

“She’s safe as long as she’s married to me. I won’t hurt her.”

“You can’t really believe that when you’re forcing her to honor a marriage made without her knowledge.”

“Divorce isn’t an option in my family, Anna. Death is the only end.”

“You just said you wouldn’t hurt her,” she accused on a cry. She started to slide from the bench, probably to warn Mian, when I grasped her hands tightly in my own.

“Anna.” Her name was a plea. “She’s in too deep. The blood in her veins no longer belongs to her. It belongs to Alexander’s legacy. If she leaves, she dies.”

“You’re saying you’ll kill her because your Uncle’s book will want it?”

“She’ll die even if I don’t.”

“You’ll protect her,” she demanded.

My head jerked. “I’ll be dead long before they come for her.”

“Your own family will kill you if you let her go?” I didn’t answer. She’d already pieced it together. She just needed to accept it as I was forced to. “This is sick. You’re sick. This entire family is sick.”

I know.

“We’ve been this way for two hundred years, and it’s not about to change because of one girl. I may rule, but they can still hold me accountable.”


“Any eligible heir in my family who wants to take my place.” I let her hands go and sat back. I had her attention now, even if she looked ready to bolt. “If I fail to produce an heir, power simply returns to Alexander’s line. If I betray this family, however, the first eligible heir who kills me will assume power.”

“These rules… can you change them?”

“Never.” My family would consider it their right to kill me for even suggesting it.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’ll keep her… and I’ll protect her.”

She nodded, but the distrust in her eyes never left. “Then I guess there’s nothing left for us to say.”

She took her bowl of melted Rocky Road as she rose from the bench. I watched as she rinsed it out and placed it in the dishwasher. She was leaving, and I was going to let her when she turned back at the edge of the kitchen and hugged her waist.

“Something on your mind?” My voice was casual, but I felt the tension as I waited. She hesitated for a second and then came to a decision.

“Are you only staying married to Mian to protect her?”

I sat back and eyed her. “Would there be another reason?” I mused, even though I knew what she was implying. Everyone except Mian seemed to be convinced I was in love with her… including me.

“Other than the only one that matters?” Her mouth set in a thin line. “No.” She pivoted her golden hair flying around her shoulders as she did. I was left alone to wonder if it was more cruel to keep Mian married to me or to let her leave knowing she’d never be safe.

My phone began to ring while I was piling mountains of meat on a sandwich. Checking the caller id, I tensed when I read the senator’s name. Lucas and Z must have had a sixth sense for trouble because they walked in the moment I accepted the call.

“For your sake, this call better start and end with something I want to hear.” The grins Lucas and Z wore fell as they went deathly still.

“Mr. Knight, as always, speaking with you is a pleasure.”

“Cut the shit. When and where?”

“I hold all the cards, son. You may want to watch how you speak to me.”

I had forced a deep breath before I spoke. “Are you ready to do this?”

“Tonight, in your family’s cemetery. I won’t tell you to be there alone because I’ll have my own protection with me. So if you’re thinking of trying something, don’t. It won’t end well for either of us.”

His warning was fruitless, but I’d pretend to heed it anyway. There was no way in hell I was giving up Mian and Caylen to him, and if he were a smart man, he knew that.

“Don’t worry, Senator. As long as you have what belongs to me you’ll leave here alive,” I lied.

“Good, son. I don’t want bloodshed any more than you.” That was where he was wrong. I wanted his blood spilled at my feet, and if it was with my last breath, I’d have it.

“I’ll see you tonight.” I hung up without waiting for his response.

“So, what’s the word?” Lucas demanded.

“He wants to meet in the cemetery tonight to trade the book for Mian.”

“Do you trust him?” Z questioned.

“No, and that’s exactly why we’re going to be ready.”

“Why would he meet you here? This is your turf. Trapping him will be easy.”

“Exactly, which means he has something up his sleeve. Call Augustine and anyone else we don’t have a choice but to trust. Tonight, we make war.”