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The Lion Tamer (The Sin Bin Book 6) by Dahlia Donovan (21)

Chapter 21


Despite his “yes,” it was two weeks into September before Scottie managed to talk himself into approaching Gray about a date to the Red Card. He’d ignored the idea for a while. It took another run-in with his father to tip him over the edge.

For the third time in a month, his old man had shown up at Scottie’s flat drunk, incoherent, and belligerent. He wanted to slam the door in his father’s face but didn’t. Silus’s admonishment to treat him with kindness stopped him.

Father and son had screamed at each other until the drunken bastard passed out cold on the sofa. Scottie waited until morning to bundle his dad into his vehicle and drive him back to his own home. He dumped him on his bed and left without saying another word.

I’m done.

I can’t do this week after week.

Fuck this guilt I feel.

I don’t owe him a bloody thing.

He’d grabbed his mobile to send a text the second he’d gotten back into his Jaguar.

Scottie: You up for a visit to the Red Card?

Gray: Are you texting because you can’t say the words out loud?

Gray: Meet me at Ruck at closing.

That’s it? Just meet me?

Cryptic American bastard.

Scottie drove up in his Jaguar outside of Ruck in time to see Silus and Zeb walking down the pavement toward the Sin Bin. “You little French bastard.”

Thankfully for all of them, neither Zeb nor Silus heard him. Scottie forced himself to count to ten several times. It always amazed him how his coping skills from rehab worked in all aspects of his life. He watched his younger brother disappear into the club with a resigned sigh.

“Leave the youngsters alone, kitten.” Gray stepped up to the vehicle and rested his arms against the door, hands dangling through the open window. “Dimas and Leo have a private room set up for us to get changed when we arrive.”

“Changed?” Scottie frowned at Gray, who ignored him to climb into the SUV. “What do you mean, changed?”

“Patience, boy.”

With a lot of grumbling, Scottie pulled away from the kerb to drive across Cardiff to the club. He was surprised when Gray didn’t touch him. Trying to drive me crazy.

Parking in the reserved spot in the back of a plain, nondescript brick building, Scottie allowed himself to be led to the red door of the club. The muscled bouncer glanced at them before directing them inside. He couldn’t help the slight shiver up his spine while they made their way through the darkened hallway past a series of rooms before entering one on the left that had a nameplate with Gandalf on it.

“What’s with the name?” Scottie glanced around the sparsely decorated room that felt more like a castle dungeon. “This is some medieval shit.”

“Leo has a sense of humour.” Gray gestured toward two sets of clothing hanging from wrought iron racks on the faux stone wall. “You’ll find the one on the right is yours.”

On closer inspection, Scottie thought clothing might be a stretch for the items designated for him. He picked up a full leather body harness that attached to a jockstrap, with a sense of trepidation. I’m going to freeze my balls off in this and how the hell is this going to keep my identity a secret?

“The club keeps the heat on to ensure both the participants and the voyeurs are comfortable in whatever their state.” Gray waved a piece of what appeared to be parchment paper at him. “They also provide various styles of masks, which are required wearing. I’m leaning toward the puppy mask.”

“Fuck off.” Scottie narrowed his eyes on the smirking American while he stripped out of his clothes. “Not your bitch.”

“Careful, kitten.” Gray set the paper aside and retrieved a large box from the nearby settee. “I picked masks for both of us.”

Scottie forced himself to look inside, only to feel immediately relieved. “Reminds me of something from Casanova.”

Gray lifted out a black-and-gold mask, holding it up to Scottie’s face and carefully securing it with thin straps. It covered his face completely with the elongated nose and sharply pointed jawline going past his chin. “I think this design is called a Bauta. Tie mine on?”

All of their clothes, wallets, and watches went into a safe in the corner. Gray set up the code to lock it, winking at Scottie who felt completely naked in his outfit. Hell. I am fucking nude as can be. He appreciated the way the leather trousers accentuated Gray’s lower half.

“I feel like an idiot.” Scottie stood in front of a full-length mirror checking himself out. The leather jockstrap barely covered his shaft that Gray had already slipped a ring onto. His leather harness rubbed against his nipples whenever he shifted even a little. “What the hell am I doing?”

Gray dropped a hand possessively on Scottie’s bare arse and squeezed each cheek. “You ready? Not too late to back out.”

“As you were.” Scottie heard more confidence in his voice than he felt. “Why do you get actual leather trousers and my arse is hanging out for all to see?”

Gray slid a finger along the cleft of Scottie’s behind. “No more talking, kitten. I wouldn’t want to jump straight to punishment.”

Biting his lip to keep a moan from escaping, Scottie told himself that it was no different from walking onto a rugby pitch. Naked. That’s one big-arse difference. The hand on him distracted him nicely from the sudden attack of nerves.

After attaching a lead to the ring at the base of Scottie’s throat that made up part of the harness, Gray guided him out of their private room. They strode down the dimly lit hallway until reaching what the brochure referred to as the appetiser. It was a section meant for casual dancing and drinks, likely meant to put newcomers at ease.

The waiters were as scantily clad as Scottie. Gray ordered for them both. Scottie remembered almost too late not to speak; a hard tug on the leash let him know his slip had been caught.


I like punishment a bit too much.

It was a truth Scottie hadn’t admitted to Gray. From the bemused smirk, the man already knew it. He had an annoying habit of being able to read his sub’s mind.

“Let’s get comfortable.” Gray found a small table with a single leather armchair in one of the dark corners near the bar. He used his foot to nudge a cushion out from under the table. “Sit, boy.”

Scottie stared from the cushion to Gray who simply drew the leash down to force him to kneel on it. “Bastard.”

“Do I need to check fire or are you simply hoping a second infraction will mean a harsher punishment?” Gray motioned for the waiter to set their drinks on the table. His attention stayed on Scottie. “You are eager for my attention, aren’t you? Good boy.”


Knowing Gray expected an answer, Scottie could only nod in response. He didn’t understand the part of him that thrived in the role of submissive, but he also couldn’t deny it either. The connection with his Dominant brought depth to their relationship that he’d never experienced before.

“Gandalf the Gray.”

“I’d kick your ass if I didn’t appreciate your generosity.” Gray stood up to shake the hand of an impeccably dressed man in a silver mask, who had a submissive kneeling at his side. “Why don’t you two come by Ruck next week so I can return the favour? You can meet my kitten officially.”

“I’ll text you. Enjoy your evening. We’ve set up the Andrew’s room for you. When you finish your drinks, head down the hall to the Main Course. You’ll find one of the doors has a red cross on it. That’s the one you want.” The man nodded to Gray, smirked down at Scottie, and then wandered off with his partner crawling slowly behind him. “We’ll be sure to watch the show.”

“He’s a good Dominant. Overdramatic, but so is his submissive,” Gray commented absently. “Come here, boy.”

Shifting forward on his knees, Scottie had only inched forward slightly when Gray grabbed his head to shove him into his crotch. A hard shaft poked out of the opening on the American’s leather trousers to rub across his mouth. He knew exactly what his appetiser would be.

Gray adjusted himself slightly in the armchair, holding Scottie’s head in place. “Use your tongue, kitten.”

Kittens like cream.

It took immense effort not to laugh at his own idiotic joke. The hard shaft driving deep into his mouth helped a great deal. Scottie’s own cock tried to twitch with interest, but the ring allowed him only the tease of pleasure.

His body hummed with the thrill of being only partially hidden by the shadows. Scottie had his lips wrapped around his Dominant’s cock in plain view of an entire room of men. He sucked harder, took Gray deeper, driven by an exhibitionist urge he didn’t know existed in him.

This will be a good night.

Gray pressed Scottie’s head down while bucking up into his mouth. “Be a good boy and swallow.”

A very good night.