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The Million Dollar Secret by A.K. Leigh (32)

                    Chapter 64

A week later, Sarah had just returned home from work and was indulging in a cup of tea outside on her balcony when she spotted Charles’s car pulling into a visitor’s parking space. He stepped from the car. She waved.

He grinned and quipped back, “Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou, Romeo?”

She giggled, “That’s Juliet’s line.”

“Oh . . . I guess we can both see why you’re the romance writer out of the two of us.”

She laughed. “I guess so.”

“Speaking of writing, that’s why I’m here.”

“Yeah . . . that’s why you’ve been coming here every night for the past week.”

He shook his head. “This is different. I have a surprise for you.”

Confused, she asked, “That has to do with writing?”


“Do I get a bigger clue than that?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. How do you feel about spending the weekend at the cottage?”

“Sounds like fun.”

He gave her a trademark one-cornered smile, “Why don’t you pack a bag? I’ll wait in the car for you.”

“Give me ten minutes.”

“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere and neither is the surprise.”

“You’re not going to tell me what it is until we get to the cottage, are you?”

He smirked, “That’s right, my little curious cat.”

She laughed and, as she rushed inside to pack, the words I’m not going anywhere floated her into their future.



As they waited for the security gate to Joan’s apartment to open later that night, Sarah’s attention drifted to the sign out the front. At the very bottom was something she’d never noticed before: specializing in dementia care.

The words took her by surprise. She’d been past that sign a couple of times, yet this was the first time she’d seen the part about dementia care. Smiling to herself, she remembered the time when Charles had told her that people didn’t really read signs. She hadn’t been convinced back then. Now she was.

But why was he taking her to Joan’s? Hadn’t he mentioned the cottage? Did Joan have something to do with the surprise?

She turned to Charles, “This is the surprise?”

He grinned, “No, this is where I’m telling you what the surprise is.”

“At your mother’s?”

“Yes.” He flashed her a mysterious smile then nodded toward the apartment. “Come on.”

She followed him to the front door in silence and watched him unlock it with his key. Suddenly, nerves started a dance through her solar plexus.

She had no time to dwell on it. Charles stepped over the threshold and called out, “We’re here.”

An excited, “Ooh,” was followed by Joan’s appearance at the end of the hallway. She waved at Sarah, “Come in, darling. She’ll be here soon.”


“Who will be here soon?”

Charles linked his fingers in hers and gave her an encouraging smile, “All in good time.”

They walked side-by-side down the hall then sat together, hands still clasped, on one of the sofas. Joan sat opposite them on another sofa. It was then that Sarah spotted the nurse––Tamara––sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter.

The nurse nodded at Sarah then returned to a magazine on the counter in front of her.

Impatient, Sarah asked, “Do I get a hint?”

Charles faced her and placed his hand over their joined ones, “I read the changes you’ve made to your manuscript.”

“You did?”

“I did.”


“Please don’t be mad.”

She frowned. “People only say that when you know you’re going to be mad.”

“Okay, be mad, but also understand why I did it.”

“What did you do, Charles?”

“. . . I emailed a copy of your manuscript to myself when you went for a break during our writing session on Friday last week.” Her heart pounded in her ears as he continued, “And I think it’s brilliant. You’ve improved so much in these last weeks.”

“Thanks to you.” She looked at Joan, “Both of you.”

“Does that mean you’re not angry at me?”

“Why didn’t you ask me? I would have given you a copy.”

Charles nodded, “I know. I took it because––” A knock at the door stopped him from finishing. “I’ll get it.”

Sarah tilted her face towards Joan and whispered, “What is going on?”

Her mentor offered a mysterious smile, “You’ll see.”

Moments later, Charles returned to the living room. A thirty-something woman was at his side. She wore stylish silver-framed glasses and a black knee-length pencil skirt with matching blazer. She looked ready for an important business meeting.

Sarah felt herself squint. Who was this woman and why was she here?

Charles spoke, “Sarah Woodward, I’d like you to meet Julia Freeman . . . my agent.”


The sudden urge to throw up made Sarah swallow hard. Nobody seemed to notice.

Julia reached her hand toward Sarah, “It’s nice to meet you. Charles has told me so much about you.”

Somehow Sarah was able to smile, despite her growing nerves. She accepted the offered hand and shook it as she replied, “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you too.”

Sarah threw Charles a questioning look while Julia took the seat beside her. From the corner of her eye, Sarah saw Charles sit next to Joan.

Julia had a briefcase in one hand that she plopped onto the floor at her feet.

She caught Sarah’s gaze. A soft, welcoming smile warmed her features. “How about I jump straight into it?”

Sarah nodded, “Please do.”

The suspense was building with each second that passed.

“Charles sent me your manuscript.”

Sarah shot him a shocked look––why would he do that? He gave her an encouraging smile and nod. She focused back on the agent.

The woman continued, “He insisted I read it . . . and I’m glad I listened to him because I fell in love with it.”

“Really?” Sarah heard the doubt in her response.

Julia offered a sympathetic smile then lifted the briefcase from the floor and rested it on her lap. The agent opened it and freed a small heap of papers, bound together by a lone black bulldog clip.

She handed it to Sarah, “I’d like to take you on as a client.”


“This is my standard contract. Please take a few days to read it over then let me know what you decide.”

Sarah felt her mouth open, but no words would come out.

From the opposite side of the room, she heard Joan speak, “The poor darling, she’s gone into shock. Charles, rescue her.”

Sarah felt a familiar soft hand on her shoulder, “I’ll explain everything to her. Thanks for coming out, Julia.”

“No problem. Sarah, I hope we’ll talk again soon.”

Sarah was able to manage a nod. Her gaze refused to budge from the contract in her hands as Charles let the agent out. She wasn’t sure how much time passed before Charles returned. He sat beside her. Without a word, he touched her hand.

She swallowed and looked at him, “What just happened?”

“I loved your rewrites. I showed Mom, and she agreed they were fantastic. So, I emailed a copy to Julia and . . . well, you know the rest now.”

She felt her eyes moisten, “You did that for me?”

He smiled, “Of course.”

She lunged at him and held him tighter than she’d held him before. “Thank you.”



“This is an interesting way to get me into your bed.”

She heard Charles laugh behind her. “I already achieved that with my charm, remember?”

She rolled over and jabbed him in the ribs, “Yes you did. So, what do you want for getting me an agent?”

His expression turned soft and serious. “Your love.”

Her heart swapped places with her throat.

Charles slid closer and pecked a kiss to the tip of her nose.

She grinned, “You have it.”

One side of his mouth curled, “Yeah?”


He released a delighted chuckled then pressed his lips to hers.