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The Omega's Challenge: An Alpha/Omega Mpreg (Roselake Book 1) by Colbie Dunbar (2)


As the pair jogged along the main street and headed to the lake and Nathan’s bar, Jake eyed his companion. He was slightly taller than the omega - maybe two inches - and while Jake’s dark hair was wavy and he was clean-shaven, scruff covered the alpha’s chin and his hair was straight.

I’d love to run my fingers through that! What? Where did that come from? I no more want to touch him than roll around in that dumpster. He’s a conceited prick.

Jake dismissed the incident in the alley when the alpha held him and for a moment the world wobbled and up was down and wrong was right. So wrong and yet so right. But I can’t allow myself to mate with or even be attracted to anyone. Not when I have no idea what the future holds.

Despite the unwelcome pull, the omega couldn’t help note that while the man beside him had been tearing around town, there was no sheen on his cheeks and no drops of salty sweat trickling from his forehead. Though his hands are bloody and my half of the envelope is smeared with scarlet drops.

But even as Jake panted, the fragrant aroma he had detected earlier near the lake drifted around him teasing and taunting him. It was one of the reasons why he had followed the alpha though he pretended he just wanted a weekend away. But I also need to hide for a few days. The omega scanned the street hoping no-one was waiting for him in the shadows.

The alpha inspected Jacob’s red shorts and white T-shirt as they jogged along the sidewalk toward The White Wolf. “Shorts in March? Are you insane?”

Nice to meet you too. “If there was a dress code for this treasure hunt, I didn’t get it.” Jake took in the alpha’s brown jacket, white shirt and chinos. Though he didn’t respond to the criticism, he seethed as they raced almost side-by-side. The alpha’s longer stride gave him the advantage and Jake’s muscles complained as he attempted to keep up. Who wears a button-down shirt on a treasure hunt? His gaze dropped to his companion’s feet. The alpha had identical white sneakers to the ones Jake was wearing.

“We have the same shoes.” Oh God, I sound like a 12-year-old.

The alpha grunted and edged ahead of the omega.

If he injured his leg in the alley, it’s not slowing him down. Jake caught up with the taller man as they crossed the street and a car slammed on its brakes to avoid them. The driver beeped the horn at the pair and yelled. The omega mouthed ‘Sorry’. Did he even notice that pickup?

The effort of jogging was squeezing air out of Jake’s lungs. Sweat dribbled over his chin and his chest ached as they pounded over the narrow path to Nathan’s bar. To their left, the lake shimmering in the soft moonlight brought back memories of being far from Roselake in another country surrounded by men who hated the alphas and omegas. Fear clutched at his heart and he grabbed his chest and whimpered. The alpha side-eyed him but again said nothing.

Think of something else.

“Hi. I’m Jake.”

“Liam.” The alpha didn’t glance at his companion.

Mr. Chatty.

The alpha swerved around a group of screaming revelers wearing green hats and puffing on party horns that uncurled and screeched with each breath. Glad someone’s having fun.

Despite the slight detour, Liam was by his side matching him set for step. From the corner of his eye, Jake noted the broad chest under the shirt and the buttons straining as he pumped his arms. He must lift weights. Though the alpha had not a hair out of place, a tantalizing damp patch in the middle of his shirt had the omega longing to rub his hand over it. He closed his eyes for a moment and imagined the rippled chest and sweat-covered skin, the nipples puckering in the chilly March air and the


“I am. We’re here.”

Shit. I said that out loud.

Liam pointed at the grinning wolf sign that blinked on and off outside the bar.

“Oh yeah. Here we are.” I sound so lame.

The bar was heaving with groups of people arm-in-arm singing ditties out of tune and drunkenly falling over chairs and their own feet. Dregs of green beer slipped from pitchers as waitresses cleverly dodged arms and legs thrust in their direction. The omega scrutinized the bar’s patrons, but they’d all had too much to drink and paid no attention to him.

A drunken omega stumbled into Jake and Liam’s path and flung his arm around the alpha’s shoulder. “Sing with me.”

The alpha winced and Jake caught a whiff of stale beer as the stranger leaned over Liam and drops of spit sprayed onto his chin from the man’s slurred words.

“Get off me.”

“Well, that’s not very nice.”

Dude you spat in an alpha’s face. You deserve everything you get. Liam glared at the drunk and placing his palm on the man’s face, he pushed. Oh, no now I have to do something. But as the omega was about to step between the two, the drunk omega’s friends grabbed him and hauled him outside where he promptly threw up.

Just as well he didn’t do that over those pretty white sneakers. This guy would have had his head. Jake sniggered as he imagined the alpha’s reaction to his shoes being ruined.


The older omega waved at the alpha and after wiping up a spilled drink, threw the small towel over his shoulder. He pushed back strands of graying hair and beckoned the two over. The pair made their way through the crowd accompanied by numerous grunts and ‘Watch its’ as they shoved between groups of strangers. Even Jake who usually wasn’t bothered by unpleasant odors, flinched as his nose made contact with someone’s sweaty armpit. Gross!

“Liam, I should have known.” Nathan gazed at the ragged green envelope spattered with blood that the alpha placed in his palm. Jake gave him the other half. The bar owner grimaced and picked up a corner between two fingers. “Ugh! What did you do? Fight someone for it?

“If only you knew.”

“Ewww, I don’t need details.” The man scrunched up his face and slapped his hands over his ears.

“It’s not like that, Nathan.”

“Definitely not like that.”

Two sets of eyes studied Jake and his cheeks burned under the scrutiny. Jake to Earth. Do you read me? Open a big black hole and swallow me. Please. No? Guess I’m on my own. He slapped a faint smile on his face and opened and closed his fingers in a half-assed sort of wave. Nathan shrugged, but Liam’s lips curled into a sneer.

I’m a fool!

The bar owner turned his attention to the alpha. “But how did you guess the last clue?”

Liam’s eyes flicked over the omega beside him. “You had too much to drink one night and told me your stories.” The alpha pointed to the Chinese character etched into the glass behind the rows of bottles.

A wicked grin spread across Nathan’s face. “Oops.” He glanced at Jake. “Sorry, we haven’t been introduced. Liam needs etiquette lessons. I’m Nathan. Nice to meet you. Are you Liam’s mate?”


“Certainly not.”

The barman raised a brow. “I see.”

“We both found the final clue so we’re sharing the prize.”

“Sharing, yeah.” Liam muttered under his breath but Jake ignored him.

“God, I didn’t think one person would figure it out let alone two.”

Do I tell the truth? I guess so. “I didn’t.”

“What?” The alpha glared at his companion. “You cheated? I knew it. Did you use your phone?” He patted the side pockets on the Jake’s shorts.

“No! What do you take me for?”

The expression on Liam’s face was similar to the one when he was hassled by the drunk earlier. Careful. Don’t forget he’s an alpha. Jake squirmed out of his companion’s reach but secretly wished those long slender fingers could have slipped inside his shorts. No, I don’t. But his dick squirmed in his boxers, and he leaned onto the bar to cover his embarrassment.

“You’ve listened to my drunken tales about China, Liam? I didn’t think anyone paid attention.”

Nathan studied the omega running his eyes over the younger man’s face. “I don’t remember meeting you though.”

“Nope. This is my first time here.”

“Wow! So how did you come to be in the alley?”

Just tell them. Jake pointed at the alpha. “I followed him.”

“You little shit.”

“Hey, you were the one shouting ‘Yes’ at the top of your voice.”

The alpha glared at his companion. Jake eyed the clenched jaw and narrowed eyes. I wonder if he grinds his teeth.

“Anyway, we’re sharing the prize.”

“And we want two cabins instead of the suite.”

“No can do.” Nathan rubbed whisky dregs from the bar as he shook his head. “Do you have any idea what I had to do to get that free suite?”

Jake and Liam shared a glance. “Ewww. No!”

Nathan threw up his hands. “Now that you agree on. Sorry guys. It’s the suite or nothing.”

A weekend. Alone. With him. Is that supposed to be heaven or hell? But being out of town for a few days is vital right so accept it.

“When do you want to go? I can call the manager now.”

“Next weekend.”

“You mean this coming weekend when you say next weekend, right?”

“Yes. That’s what I said.”

That jaw is going to shatter if he clenches it any tighter.

Nathan placed a finger over his lips as the alpha bristled under Jake’s questioning.

Perfect. “Okay, that’s fine.”

“Great. Let me go into my office and I’ll make the call.” The older omega pointed to one ear and raised his voice. “I can’t hear anything in here.” But as he made to leave, he shouted over his shoulder. “Do you want a drink? It’s on the house.”

Jake stared at the lime green froth on the beer that sat waiting in jugs on the counter. Pond sludge. It didn’t appear very inviting. “No thanks.”

Liam shook his head.

The pair stood in silence as the boisterous crowd around them shouted and cursed and called out orders for more beer. The alpha rapped his fingers on the bar and Jake noted the well-manicured nails. He must get those done in Hazlemere.

The omega’s eyes flicked around eying the bottles of whisky, vodka and rum lining the shelves. He examined the different shapes and colors of the labels. My favorite is the vodka. Great branding. He recalled similar bottles when he had entertained customers. Enough. You’re out of that business, Jake. It’s all in the past. Except it isn’t.

The alpha avoided the omega as he glanced at his watch and drummed his fingers on the shiny countertop.

Come on, Nathan. As he urged the bar owner to complete the phone call, the omega wondered how he would cope with an entire weekend cooped up with the alpha. Nathan’s been gone five minutes, and the silence is excruciating.

The omega twisted a ring his grandfather had given him and the worn metal underneath his fingertips gave him comfort. “Ummm, so have you lived in Roselake a long time?”


Great, Mr. Talkative.

“Do you have family here?”

“In Hazlemere.”

“I’m a recent immigrant.” That’s partly true. Sort of. It wasn’t long ago.

The alpha’s eyes widened.

That got his attention.

For the first time, a flicker of emotion flashed across Liam’s eyes. “Just you?”

Jake nodded.

The alpha’s eyes softened. “Did you know anyone here before you arrived?”

Jake pressed his lips together stifling the memories. “Nope.”

“That must have been hard.”

“It was… is okay.” It wasn’t and still isn’t but hopefully that will change. I’d heard of Idriador and found a picture of Roselake with all the roses blooming. I wanted to live in a place where flowers could blossom and not have their petals plucked and their roots yanked out of the ground.

“Something tells me you’re not talking about flowers.”

“Sorry. I got carried away.” Don’t say too much. Keep your secrets under wraps.

Jake stood on tiptoes gazing across the sea of bobbing heads hoping for a glimpse of Nathan but the office door was closed. Where is he? His eyes flicked left and then right. This is worse than waiting at the dentist.

“And what do you do?”

The alpha sighed.

If you think it’s an effort answering my questions, trying asking them!

“I’m a travel writer.”

Could you give me a little something? No? I wish you’d travel somewhere right now. “That’s interesting.” No wonder he’s exasperated listening to my dull attempts at conversation.

“I think it is.”

But as Jake recalled the articles he’d read on different places, he frowned. “Wait. Couldn't you get a free room at the spa and write it on your little blog or whatever?”

Liam bared his teeth.

And speaking of teeth, I must get the name of his dentist.

“I do not have a little blog.”

The alpha’s brittle voice had Jake taking a step back.

“I write for a large travel site.”

Okay. But that didn’t answer my question.

As if reading the omega’s thoughts, Liam continued. “I’m sure I could get a free room but if I’m going to review a resort, my boss prefers I go unannounced.”

Makes sense. “So you’ve never been to The Woodland Resort and Spa even though it’s just outside of town?”

Liam glanced away, and the omega raised a brow. Now what?

“I didn’t say that.”

Spit it out. The omega inclined his head and waited. Liam’s flushed cheeks and his avoiding of Jake’s inquiring eyes told the omega there was more than what the alpha was admitting to. Something juicy, I hope.

“You have been there?”



“The service wasn’t up to standard. It marketed itself as a five-star spa and hotel but I wasn’t impressed.”

“Wait, so the prize for winning the competition is going to a shithole for the weekend?”

“Did I say that?”


“Stop interrupting me.” Liam rubbed the back of his neck. “And you’re freeloading rather than winning.”

“Ouch!” But what is he not telling me?

“I wrote a lousy one-star review and the owner…”


The alpha glared at his companion. “… banned me.” Liam glanced away and studied an older alpha singing karaoke.

Laughter bubbled up Jake’s throat and his shoulders heaved. He leaned over the bar and giggled until his ribs ached. “If it’s so bad, why were you eager to go back?”

“It’s been sold and refurbished. The owner hired new staff, and a friend stayed there last weekend and gave it a thumbs-up.”

He has friends? “So the prodigal son can now return to the scene of the crime.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Are you always overly dramatic?”

Jake cocked his head and pretended to think of an answer. A cheeky grin spread across his face. “Yes!”

The alpha’s lips curved into a smile, but he looked away.

He smiles! The second sign he has warm blood running through his veins.

“It does have a classical ring to it.”


“A prodigal son.”

The alpha rolled his eyes. “If you say so.”

I’ve lost him again.

Jake’s attention was caught by a tray of empty glasses crashing from a waitress’ hands. Splinters of glass stabbed the floor and ricocheted into the walls. But most of the customers merely stepped out of the way and resumed their partying.

“Where is Nathan?” The alpha craned his neck over the crowd. He towered over most of the men and women by a good three inches.

“Maybe you’re on a blacklist.”

“I doubt it.”

“I’ll have to sneak you inside in my suitcase. No, one of those antique trunks you see in murder mysteries.” My anxiety is making me giddy.

“This is going to be one long weekend.”

You’re telling me.

Jake inspected a nail and nibbled on a corner. Despite being surrounded by the stench of stale beer, unwashed bodies and cheap aftershave, there was a distinctive odor that clung to his nostrils. But not the strong vanilla-like aroma that oozed from the alpha’s pores. This was more of a hint or a whisper. But it is coming from him. He leaned toward Liam and sniffed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” The alpha growled before burying his nose in his armpit. “You’d better not be telling me I stink.” The hard edge returned to Liam’s voice.

No, but that sweaty undertone is intoxicating. “Sorry but did you eat something spicy before you came out tonight?”

Liam held his hand to his mouth and puffed. He scrunched up his nose as he sniffed. “Are you saying I have bad breath?”

“Not at all. It’s peppery.”

Liam crossed his arms. “Ginger.”

“That’s it.”

“The cologne I use has a ginger base note. And it’s expensive and definitely does not smell like something that’s been prepared in a wok.”

“A base what what what?”

“It’s what you smell 30 minutes after the cologne has been applied. It lingers.” The alpha grabbed a coaster and shredded it.

Is he always this skittish? Or do I make him nervous?

“Someone I once knew worked in the perfume industry.”

Jake narrowed his eyes hoping to hear more, but his companion clammed up. That must have been a special someone.

“And what about you? Do you have a job?”


The alpha threw up his hands. “Well you know…”

“I’m an organizer.”

“Of what?

Give me strength. “A personal organizer.”

“It sounds like a filing system.”

“Sneer if you want, but I change people’s lives.”

Jake waited for the alpha to ask another question. “I get rid of clutter.”

“As in what people do in the morning after they’ve had a party? You empty the garbage and wash the dishes?”

“There’s a lot more to it than that. I have to deal with people’s ingrained habits.”

The alpha raked his eyes over the omega’s hair and clothes. “And you’re good at it?”

“I have a lot of satisfied customers.”

“Is there enough work around here?”

“Most of my clients are in Hazlemere and beyond, but I prefer living near the lake.”

“Me too.”

A door slamming added to the cacophony of noise, and Nathan eased his way past his staff as they poured drinks and strained to hear shouted orders over the din.

Thank God he’s come to rescue me.

“It’s all sorted. You can check in any time after 2pm on Friday.”

“Thanks, Nathan.” The alpha swirled around and made to shove his way through the crowd.

Our first date draws to a close. And I don’t even get a goodbye.

“Haven’t you forgotten something?” Nathan showed him a box of phones.

Liam fumbled around until he found his - a bright shiny new silver one. Jake grabbed his old one with scratches on the screen and checked for messages but there were none. Good news, I guess.

“Shouldn’t we exchange phone numbers. How will I know where to meet you?”

Liam paused but didn’t glance in the omega’s direction. “Be here outside the bar at 1:30 on Friday afternoon. If you’re late, I won’t wait.”

God, he’s got the charm of a dirty dishrag. And yet that scent

“Great. I’ll be here.”

Without so much as a nod, Liam pushed his way through the crowd and toward the door.

‘Liam!” Nathan flapped his arms in the air as he tried to get the alpha’s attention.


“I forgot. The resort was expecting one person to claim the prize. So… ummm…” The bar owner fiddled with the damp towel over his shoulder.

“I can still go, right?” Jake laid a hand on the other omega’s arm.

“Of course. It’s just that I had to tell them you’re on your honeymoon.”

“What?” Both Liam and Jake shouted in unison.

Nathan’s mouth curled into a cheesy grin and he shrugged. “Sorry. You’ll have to pretend you’re newlyweds.”

A growl rumbled from the alpha’s chest and he bared his even white teeth. Jake shivered and goosebumps pricked over his skin.

“The suite will have a couch in the living area, and I get the bedroom.” He pointed at Jake. “You’ll be sleeping on the sofa.”

Jake had an urge to salute Liam’s retreating back but didn’t want the alpha at his throat. It will be a long weekend. He sighed as the door swung shut behind Liam. But as he sniffed the last of the gingery fragrance, the omega wrestled with his thoughts. He closed his eyes and pictured the alpha’s face as he gripped his arm in the alley. His body tingled and he grabbed the edge of the bar as waves of turmoil lashed his body. I hope you know what you’re doing. Those who play with matches

The younger man and Nathan shared a glance and the barman scratched his chin. “Have a whisky.” He slid a shot glass of amber liquid toward his fellow omega. “You might need more than one.”

Wrapping his fingers around the glass, the omega threw the smooth fiery liquid down his throat and enjoyed the burn. He drained the glass and slammed it back on the countertop. “Thanks. I needed that.”