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The Omega's Challenge: An Alpha/Omega Mpreg (Roselake Book 1) by Colbie Dunbar (5)


Liam tossed and turned on the couch trying to sleep. He flipped through messages on his phone and replied to a few emails before checking the time. Should I go in now? It’s only been an hour since I said goodnight. The alpha threw off the blanket he’d found in a closet, but instead of going into the bedroom, he stepped outside onto the deck. What are you afraid of? That you won’t be able to stay away or you will?

The chilly air nipped at his cheeks, and he shivered. I’m a fool standing here naked. It’s freezing. Goosebumps spiked at his skin as he closed the sliding doors.

As he settled back on the couch and huddled under the blanket, Jake moaned and the alpha shot up. Please let him be all right. Stumbling into the bedroom, his eyes swept over the scene in front of him. Jake had left a lamp on so the bed was bathed in a warm glow and scented candles flickered in the corners so the room was awash in a sickly-sweet aroma. But there’s something else. A new scent. Stronger and sharper than before.

The omega was mumbling in his sleep and had kicked off the duvet. He lay on his side with his bare bottom, pink and inviting, staring up at the alpha.


A frisson of excitement tore through Liam and he gulped and clutched his chest. His heart hammered beneath his hand and he winced and bent forward as it pummeled his body. His breath came in short sharp gasps as his eyes raked over the rounded flesh of the omega’s backside which was smothered in slickness. Liam was mesmerized as it sparkled in the dim light and a reckless lust slithered over him capturing him in its grasp.

I want to be inside him.

His gaze shifted to the silky skin on Jake’s chest and his scruffy chin. The omega’s flushed cheeks matched the color on his butt as though daring the alpha to come closer. I have to get out of here. But his feet were numb and stuck to the floor as he lowered his glance to the omega’s crotch. He feasted his eyes on Jake’s dick that lay tucked in amongst the tangled sheets. He’s huge. A bead of wetness slid from the swollen tip over the length and Liam gnawed at his knuckles as desire took hold of him. He longed to lick the drop of pre-cum and savor it on his tongue.

Jake squirmed and moaned as his fingers searched for the covers.

“No.” Why did I say that?

The omega mumbled, “Liam,” though he didn’t wake up. Instead he turned his head away from the alpha.

Is he dreaming or having a nightmare?

But as the alpha struggled with his raging lust, the omega’s scent taunted him. It’s different. More potent. It was no longer a tart, citrusy fragrance, but an earthy aroma. The muskiness ignited an inferno deep inside Liam and he pushed strands of damp hair away from his face. He raised his hands and clawed at his scalp as the intoxicating smell wafted around him.

The aroma beckoned the alpha drawing him closer to the bed like a siren luring sailors to their doom. Liam shied away from the mattress but his feet ignored him and dragged him closer.

I want him.

He took a step.

I must have him.

He moved closer.

I have to be inside him.

With his fist clenched, he made the final stride

I must claim him.

Wrapped in a web of passion, Liam hovered over the bed, his head screaming in agony begging him to take what was in front of him. Jake’s body jerked and his huge dick bobbed and swayed luring the alpha closer.

He is mine.

The instinct that Liam had locked away escaped as the omega’s eyes opened. The alpha leapt through the air and deftly landed on the mattress. His dick wobbled as it aimed its tip toward the omega like a hunter stalking its prey.


The alpha snarled as the omega blinked and struggled to sit up. Jake shivered as he rested on his elbows and wiped sleep from his eyes. The flush on his cheeks crept over his throat, spread to his chest and down to his hips. Covered in a sheen of sticky sweat, his body shimmered as each droplet sparkled in the lamplight.

Jake opened his mouth as if to speak but instead a shallow panting whistled through his lips. He licked around his mouth and his eyes narrowed to half-mast. With a come-hither grin on his face, he traced around his mouth and popped a finger between his lips.

“You are mine, omega.”

Though he didn’t say anything, Jake’s eyes seemed to be pleading with him. Liam leaned over him and placed a hand on his chest. Both alpha and omega gazed at one another as instinct and primitive urges overrode fear, loneliness, lame excuses and their past. With Jake’s heart fluttering under his palm, Liam shoved him back onto the bed.

“Roll over.”

Jake made to turn but Liam flipped him over so his glorious naked ass lay beneath him.

“On your knees.” The primeval instinct Liam had fought against, reared itself in his gruff voice and terse commands.

Jake clutched his pillow as he wiggled his ass and found his voice. “Don’t make me wait, Liam. Please.”

“Shush. We do this my way.” The alpha way.

Liam shuffled over the rumpled sheets and positioned himself behind Jake. He brushed his fingers over his companion’s backside and coated his fingers in slipperiness. As he lifted his hand, the wetness shimmered in the light. He struggled to get air inside him as he shoved his palm over his face and smothered his cheeks in wetness. The intense musky aroma surrounded and overwhelmed him as he bellowed. “Jake.”

“Liam, please.”

The alpha ignored the omega’s begging though his fervor urged the alpha forward. Liam’s fingers stroked Jake’s hips and pinched the flesh. His companion moaned and wriggled his backside, but Liam grabbed him and held him tight. “Stop!”

Sliding his hands over his companion’s ass, he slid one finger into the crease between both cheeks and stroked up and down. Jake shoved his bottom higher. He’s offering himself to me.

The head of Liam’s swollen cock nudged Jake’s glossy wet butt cheeks and spiked goosebumps spread over Jake’s skin.

“Yes, Liam. Yes.”

The omega glanced over his shoulder as the alpha lined up his cock with his wet hole. Jake shoved his bottom toward his companion, but Liam clamped his hands tighter on the omega’s hips.

The alpha paused waiting until his breathing calmed. The tip of his cock poked the tight entrance, and Jake shuddered.

“Do it.”

With both hands, Liam parted his companion’s butt cheeks and gazed at the hole with slippery wetness trickling out. He wants me. Jake rested his head on the pillow and pushed his ass higher. Clutching Jake’s slick hips, the alpha prodded the puckered entrance with his cock, and the tip slipped inside. The omega groaned and lust spiraled through Liam.

Wait. The rational part of his brain whispered. “There’s no going back.”

I can’t and I don’t want to.

Digging his nails into Jake’s warm bottom, he pushed inside.



“Fuck me hard, Liam.”

“Harder than you’ve ever been fucked before, omega.” Plunging into the tight wetness, Liam’s length stretched and filled the omega. Jake arched his back and slammed his slick behind against the alpha’s hips.

With their flesh fused, the alpha pulled back so just the tip remained and eyed his throbbing cock coated in stickiness.


Jake’s begging urged Liam on. He thrust in again this time deeper and then withdrew. With his fingers clutching the omega’s wet skin, he pounded inside. In and out. The omega gripped around him sending delicious prickling sensations surging through his body.

With the omega matching his partner’s rhythm, Liam bent over him and licked the salty sweat from his skin. His tongue swirled over Jake’s trembling back while his teeth grazed the sumptuous flesh that bucked beneath him. His lips parted but as he made to clamp his mouth over the omega, he froze. No. Not that.

Despite an overwhelming urge to mark the omega as his own, he held back while he continued to ram his dick deeper inside him. Instead of biting his lover, his nails raked along Jake’s’ back leaving a trail of broken skin. The omega wailed beneath him as Liam raised his head.

A gripping sensation curled inside him as he plunged into the omega. Molten waves of pleasure rocked his body as Jake twisted his hips and ecstasy rippled over Liam. Heat radiated through him as a tingling began in his toes and spread to his fingertips. The enticing slapping of his hips hitting Jake’s wet behind had Liam’s nerves stretched taunt. A frenzy was building inside as his dick thrust inside the omega in a repetitive rhythm.

The trauma from being jilted in the past melted away as the alpha plunged into his lover and clawed at his hips. But something’s missing. “I want to see your face.”