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The Playboy Prince by Mikey Lee (8)


Dryce rolled over and ended up face first in a naked pair of breasts. Pulling back, he somewhat recognized one of the three girls he’d brought up to the apartment in the wee hours of the morning. Attempting to shift so he could get off Tom’s spare bed, Dryce felt the weight of the other two girls across his legs. Looking down at his legs, Dryce noticed the other two girls were wrapped up in each other and in the sheets.

Carefully trying to extricate himself from the extra bodies, Dryce tumbled off the bed and landed on his bare ass. He couldn’t help but laugh at himself. Getting to his feet, Dryce located his pants and pulled them on before padding barefoot to the door. Pulling it open, he came face to face with Erik’s smiling face.

“Well, good afternoon sleepyhead. Finally awake I see,” Erik singsonged.

Dryce flipped him off on his way to the kitchen for coffee. Erik laughed as he went back to reading the newspaper he’d found on the coffee table.

“You’re too fucking cheerful in the morning, Tank,” Dryce called over his shoulder.

“It’s not morning anymore,” Erik shouted.

“You’re impossible,” Dryce muttered as he poured the biggest mug of coffee he could find. Leaning against the counter, Dryce sipped his coffee and waited until the caffeine pumped life back into his tired body.

“Head’s up,” Erik said as he stepped into the kitchen, tossing a bottle at Dryce.

Barely getting the mug down before the pill bottle reached him, Dryce haphazardly caught the magic pills Erik always had on him.

“You’re forgiven,” Dryce said as he palmed two pills. Tossing the pills to the back of his throat he washed them down with coffee.

“I asked Mr. Ngo to send the driver to drop off some things for you so you could feel a little more human today, without having to go back to the hotel,” Erik said, indicating the bag in the hallway.

“How do you do it, Tank?” Dryce said, finishing his first cup of coffee and pouring another.

“Do what? Anticipate what you need to function?” Erik asked.

“Yeah,” Dryce said.

“Four years of watching over you, I learned a thing or two about how you operate,” Erik explained.

With a coffee cup salute, Dryce walked down the hall to grab the bag the limo driver had dropped off and disappeared into the bathroom. About to close the door, Dryce popped hi head back into the hall and called out, “Do something about them will you please?”

Erik rolled his eyes and took a deep breath before walking down the hall, past the bathroom, to the room Dryce had spent the night in with the most recent batch of girls. Seeing the three naked girls on the bed, Erik cleared his throat loudly before delivering the bad news and offering to call them each a cab.

* * *

The rest of the day passed quickly with Dryce and Tom playing around with the cars in Tom’s garage.

Erik approached the princes while they had their heads buried under the hood of the Supra. “Why do y’all put all that crap all over an already beautiful car?”

“What do you mean?” Dryce inquired peeking his head out from underneath the hood.

Erik heavy handed patted the top of the raised up hood. “Like this, what’s the purpose of the carbon fiber hood?” Cocking his head toward the rear of the car, “And that, that big ass muffler making all that loud ass noise.”

“Oh my god!” Tom shouted out, “just like talking to my dad over here.”

Laughter erupted from Dryce. “It’s like this Tank. Take a girl…”

“I prefer woman,” Erik intruded in.

“Ok then, a woman,” Dryce continued. “She’s already a beautiful thing. No matter the make or model. Some are bigger than others, and some are faster. Yet, still beautiful. Slap a bit of makeup on them and they can become stunningly gorgeous.”

“Aw yes, but not too much makeup or they become busted,” Tom chimed in.

Dryce stood up stretching his back, wiping his hands off with a shop rag. “What? The hood? It reduces the weight and plus it looks awesome as well. Think of it like a push up bra. As for the exhaust, kinda the same thing. It’s lighter, stronger, bigger pipes, and it allows the engine to breathe. It helps add more O2 for a hotter burn of the fuel. Think of that like a girl that can deepthroat you for an hour straight, and the engine is your dick.”

Erik grinned and nodded at Tom. “And what about you? What’s so great about your car?”

“What do you mean what’s so great about my car?” Tom canked his head to the side, “my car is Nissan Skyline R34 GTR, bro.”

Erik just stood there shaking his head side to side, waiting for the answer to his not rhetorical question.

“The Supra and Skyline have been the biggest competitors for years now. Both are insanely customizable and has an enormous amount of aftermarket parts. Both of them have a straight six engine, for the Supra its the 2JZ and the Skyline has the RB26, both twin turbo,” Tom explained.

“So which one’s better?” Tank shrugged.

“Which one’s better?” Tom laughed nudging Dryce with his elbow.

Mirroring Tom’s laugh, “Which do you prefer? A redhead or a blonde?

* * *

As the sunlight started to fade outside, Tom threw his rag down on the top of the toolbox and looked over at Dryce.

“Let’s go, pretty boy. Time to get washed up and head over to tonight’s race,” Tom called over to Dryce.

“Works for me,” he replied. “Erik, time to get ready to party.”

Erik rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone to update Mr. Ngo.