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The Playboy Prince by Mikey Lee (16)


As the elevator descended, Yally paused their heated make-out session. Breathless, Dryce looked at her. “Is everything ok? Did I do something?” he questioned timidly.

“No.” She straightened his tie around his neck and flattened out his jacket. “You’re still a prince and we’re going down into public.”

She coughed slightly to clear her throat. “Where did you want to go?” she asked, a slight nervousness making her voice quiver.

“Hmm.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Somewhere quiet, somewhere with just you and I.”

Yally turned around and stood next to Dryce. Using the reflection in the elevator doors she smoothed down her jade green satin dress and adjusted herself. “You do realize we’re in freakin’ Dubai, right? This is like the most populated city on the planet. Where exactly do you think we’re going to go that’s private?”

Dryce looked up at her through the reflection like a light bulb had just gone off in his head. “I know. I’ve got the perfect place.” He loosened his tie just a bit from when she fixed it like a hangman’s noose. “It’s down at the far end of the beach.”

“What beach?” Yally asked.

“There’s a place called Palm Island. I know the way to get there,” Dryce said. “But…”

“But? What?”

“I don’t want to take the limo. And, I’m not exactly sure where my car is,” Dryce said. “Plus it tends to draw attention to me.”

“Oh, is that it? That’s fine, we can take my car,” Yally said with a smile as she redirected the elevator to the garage level.

* * *

Yally hopped in the driver’s seat, then hiked her dress up just past her knees. Clicking the seat belt, she glanced over at Dryce. “Your car? You have a Supra right?”

“Yeah, I do. How did you know?” Dryce was a bit taken back that she even knew what a Supra was.

“So are you a Toyota man?” Ro asked, almost like she was starting an interrogation.

“You can say something like that,” Dryce answered.

“You do know that you could have just about any car out there. Why a Toyota and not some expensive ass supercar of some kind?” Ro cranked the engine to the rent-a-car on.

“It is a supercar in my mind. I’d like to believe that I can appreciate beauty and elegance no matter the make or model.” Dryce reached down placing his hand on top of hers on the shifter.

“I can’t agree more. The durability of Toyotas is out of this world. So many of their models are just out right classy,” Ro said pulling out of the parking space. “I used to have an MR2 at one point in my life.”

“An MR2? What year?” Dryce was really excited. Talking about cars was like talking about sex with him.

Not only is this girl by far the most gorgeous creature on the planet, but she’s all into cars and she can kick some serious ass. Dryces’ heart damn near skipped a beat.

“It was a ‘92. Black on black T-top with black leather interior,” Ro glanced over. “Don’t worry, I boosted ol’ girl and added as many ponies in her as I could.”

“What kind of car is this?”

“This is what they call an SUV. You sheltered fuck,” she said pulling her gun out from in between her thighs, sandwiching it between the seat and center console.

Dryce grinned. No one had ever spoken to him like that, not even Austin. “I’m not sheltered. I know what an SUV is… I was talking what kind?” She was such a smart-ass. And he loved it.

“Didn’t pay attention. It’s a fast enough one. And it’s powerful enough for me to do what I need to do,” she said cranking the engine on and pulling out of the garage.

Driving down the highway toward the beach, Dryce couldn’t help but to stare at her. Her legs were just simply magnificent. He took note of her hands. They were beautiful. Soft, clean, gentle looking with a fresh manicure. Yet in the back of his mind, he knew that with those hands she could easily kill anything that moved. Knowing what she was capable of scared the piss out of him, and also excited him beyond belief.

Even with the distance between them in the car, he caught a whiff of her hair. The seductive smell aroused him even more. Focusing back on her legs, his eyes followed them upward until her thighs directed his eyes to the curves of her ass. His pulse increased.

“I… Umm, Yally? I would like to ask you something,” Dryce said with a sense of nervousness.

“Ro… my name is Ro.” She glanced over at him, “Yally is my last name.”

“Ro.” It was the most striking name he’d ever heard. “I love it.”

She smiled and began to blush as she turned her attention back to the road.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to build his courage back up. “Ok, here it goes.”

“Here what goes?” Ro asked.

“Really? Did I really say that out loud?” Dryce said embarrassed.

Smiling even harder, an actual chuckle slipped out of her. “Yes, you did.”

Dryce tried to shake it off and he smiled back at her. “Ok so, how is this going to work? I mean… between us?”

“What do you mean?” Ro asked softly.

“Well… without sounding like a complete dork. I’m actually really into you. But all this… this is all new to me,” Dryce admitted.

“You mean to tell me you’ve never had a girlfriend before?” Ro chuckled. All the research she’d done after she’d been notified about her file being pulled, who had requested it, told her all about the playboy prince in the passenger seat of her SUV.

“I mean… I’ve been with girls before,” Dryce said.

“Yeah, about that.” Ro pulled off the exit leading to the beach and pulled over on the exit ramp. “That shit’s going to stop. Right now. If you’re serious and you want something with me, then all that playboy manwhore shit’s done. Completely. If you can’t handle that then tell me right now and we’ll go back to the hotel.”

“No, no… yeah, yeah… I do, I really do,” Dryce stammered.

“There is no way this will go any further if you can’t commit to me. I’m not about to get my heart broken again by some guy who can’t keep it in his pants when he sees a hot girl,” Ro stated.

“Again?” Dryce ventured.

Ro took a deep breath. “The last guy I was seeing couldn’t handle the real me when he found out what it was that I did. It broke my heart. And I’m not about to put myself out there again, especially not for someone who has a history of fucking anything that smiles at him,” she further explained.

Dryce could only stare at her. She’d known him for less than forty-eight hours and she already had him pegged. Somehow, the beauty behind the wheel could look at him and strip him bare, see into his soul.

A short silence fell over the car until Ro broke it.

“I guess that’s actually a question for the both of us, huh?” Ro started driving, as she somewhat talked to herself about the situation with Dryce. “How is this going to work? What am I going to do now?”

“What is it that you actually do?” Dryce asked.

“I guess you can call it executive protection,” Ro answered immediately. “But, then there was you.” She pulled into a parking spot at the edge of the beach. “I just had to go ahead and answer Mr. Ngo’s damn email. Then I met you.”

“Am I that bad?” Dryce asked.

“No,” she said quickly.

“You’re right though.”

Ro looked at him questioningly. “Right about what?”

“That I was like that. That for the past few years I would fuck any girl who smiled at me once. I guess I never thought much about it before. I didn’t care. After everything that happened with Mr. Ngo, and getting covered in half of the face of a would be kidnapper, I gave up caring about anything. I wanted to forget that all happened. I wanted to live and I’d thought that the drinking and the girls was how to do it. Until I saw you.”

Turning the car off, they both got out. Ro walked around the car and grabbed Dryce by the hand. Walking down towards the beach, Ro scanned the area. There were no cars around, no people, nothing. The waves were calm and smooth. Walking in the sand, halfway to the water line, a gentle gust of wind blew Ro’s hair back exposing her neck. Unable to resist any longer, Dryce, still holding her hand, tried to spin her into him and kiss her neck up and down. Hoping his mouth would make its way down to her chest.

Feeling the tug on her arm, Ro pulled back. She gripped his arm, spun around and hip-tossed Dryce flat on his back. The thud as his back landed on the sand briefly knocked the wind out of him.

“Damn,” Dryce spit out.

“Oh shut up,” Ro said as she straddled him. “If you want to actually be with me, you’re going to have man the fuck up.”

Bending over, she kissed him. Dryce felt like a virgin. Ro was completely different than any woman he’d ever been with before. His hands started to move with a mind of their own. He caressed and inched his hands up her legs under her dress. Her hair draped over his head and face. Again, the smell of her seeped in his nostrils as he breathed her in. It was intoxicating. He felt like a thirteen-year-old boy going through puberty. Like he could explode at any moment. Dryce started to get harder and harder as his hands got closer and closer to her ass. His dick throbbed when he finally cupped her cheeks. He squeezed, pressing her mouth tighter against his lips. Locking tongues, they both moaned.

Ro’s hands meandered over his body. Feeling him throb and twitch excited her even more. She laid flat down on top of him. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Dryce’s hands on her ass shot sparks up her spine.

Dryce pushed her body higher as he sat up in the sand. He parted his legs and bent his knees, forcing her hips deeper into his. His left hand made its way underneath the lace of her panties. Gripping her bare ass, his dick twitched. He reached up with his other hand, grabbing ahold of her waist. He started to slowly pull her panties down.

Ro’s left hand reached back, stopping him. “Oh… hell no, mister. I don’t care how royal you think you are. We’re in the middle of a damn beach, and you’re not getting any sand in my clit.”

“Ugh, you’re such a cock tease,” Dryce joked.

A devilish grin came across her face. “A cock tease huh? Now you’re learning.” Ro kissed him once as rocked her hips against his, feeling the pressure of his hard cock against her core, before she stood up and extended her arm to help him up. “C’mon, I’m hungry. Let’s go eat something.”

“I know what I want to eat right now,” Dryce said, attempting to continue what they started. Dryce pulled Ro towards him until his mouth was level with her pussy. He nuzzled against the soft fabric of her dress and tried to pull her back down into his lap.

“Ha, yeah, no… I was in Iraq about two years ago and I think I’m still digging sand out of places on my body,” Ro jokingly said, pulling out of his grasp. .

“Wait, what were you doing in Iraq?” Dryce asked.

“Umm. Sightseeing,” Ro said over her shoulder as she started back for the car.

With a slight growl, Dryce got to his feet and started after Ro. Adjusting his straining cock, he slipped back into the passenger seat of the SUV and tried to focus on anything but how her bare ass had felt in his hand. His dick twitched again and he could only take a deep breath while he waited desperately for Ro to get them back to the hotel.