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The Road Rebels Motorcycle Club: The Series by Savannah Rylan (78)

Chapter 6



I couldn’t believe I had ridden out here on a motorcycle. A real, roaring, fucked up motorcycle. I had been clinging to a man that tapped into a part of me I hadn’t indulged in years. His muscles rippled underneath my fingertips as I gripped onto every part of him. I knew I was pressing myself into his body. I knew I was getting too close for my own good. I knew what I was doing was a bad idea, but I couldn’t help it. It was like my rational mind was on vacation, and my impulses were taking over. Guiding me to do things I had never done and probably never would do again. I wasn’t the kind of girl who left with some random guy from a bar. I wasn’t the kind of girl who clung to men on the back of their motorcycles.

Hell, I wasn’t the kind of girl who regularly frequented bars in the first place.

But tonight was different. It started with the apartment and spiraled into dinner alone, leading me to try my first beer. To ordering my first basket of wings and eating them all by myself. So many firsts that I had been sheltered from. Simple things that normal people did on a regular basis. I had lived in this box for so long. This box I had allowed my father to create for me for the sake of safety and sanity. I was breaking boundaries set forth for me from the time I was born, and all of it felt exhilarating.

My body was craving more firsts. And that was exactly what I was going to give it.

I went from my first beer and basket of wings to talking to my first guy. Well, not really my first guy, but the first guy I didn’t run through my father’s filter first. It was the first guy I had talked to that went against every stereotype I told myself to stay away from. And that guy offered me my first ever motorcycle ride. Which led to the first time I had ever left a bar with a guy.

Now, I was staring at the shadowed mountains of Nevada for the first time as an adult woman. I was staring at the beauty of the land that surrounded me that wasn’t tainted by the dirty window of a driven town car. I stood by Fox, a man that destroyed every boundary I had ever set forth to keep my father’s worries at bay, and all I wanted was to reach out and take his hand again.

So, I did.

For the first time in my life, I made the first move.

I reached out for his callused hand and wrapped my slender fingers around his skin. I could feel his arm pull taut, almost like he hadn’t expected the motion. I resisted the urge to drop the connection. To render my movement a mistake in an attempt to brush it off. Tonight, was the first night I was making decisions on my own, and I wanted to keep it going.

I wanted to keep giving my life what I wanted to give it.

I felt him relax as he opened his hand for me. He turned his palm up, capturing mine within his. He took a step closer to me as we stared at the view, the silence of the desert draped around us. There were crickets and birds calling in the distance. Snakes slithering and the wind whipping around our bodies. The pale moonlight was casting a glow down onto the desert that made the sandy tundra look like a twisted fairytale.

I looked up at Fox and jumped when I saw his eyes already trained on me.

“What?” I asked.

“Enjoying the view?”

“It’s beautiful out here. Aren’t you going to enjoy it, too?”

“I already am,” he said.

I grinned, blushing underneath his gaze as I took a step closer to him. I threaded our fingers together, wanting more of him as I soaked at the moment. I was nervous and excited. Scared and hopeful. My body was buzzing with electricity, screaming at me to run and fight when there was nothing to run from or fight against. My thumb began to trace patterns on the top of his skin. Faceless drawings his skin would memorize. He pulled me closer to him, his hand releasing mine before he snaked it around my waist.

“Sorry. Did you not like that?” I asked.

I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, watching as a grin spread across his cheeks.

“You apologize a lot. You know that?” Fox asked.

“I know. It’s a bad habit. I’m so-”

I clenched my teeth together as a chuckle fell from Fox’s lips.

“There’s another way to silence those, you know,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“Besides clenching your jaw,” he said. “There’s another way to silence the apologies.”

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“Here, let me show you.”

I felt his arm tighten around my waist, drawing me into his strong body. My hands planted into his chest, feeling the beating of his heart underneath my fingertips. His breath was pulsing against my forehead as my mind began to swirl, knocking up against my skin with excitement as I turned my lips up to his.

I could feel the warmth of his breath against mine as our eyes connected.

“Show me then,” I said in a whisper.

His lips connected with mine and my world came to a crashing halt. The pretty little boxes on the shelves of my soul fell off the walls as the jars of my perfect kitchen crashed to the floor. The perfect world I had created for myself came crashing down in that very moment, taking with it all of the stereotypes my father had ingrained into me to keep me safe. I gripped onto the fabric of Fox’s shirt, pulling him closer as my tongue swiped across his lips. He allowed me access, our tongues colliding in a fiery dance as my hips pressed into his.

I could feel his groin growing, pulsing underneath my heat as our teeth began to clatter. His arms cloaked my back, covering the whole of me as I slipped my arms around his neck. He picked me up off my feet, allowing me time to wrap my legs around him as my hands latched onto the collar of his leather jacket.

I could taste the buttery goodness of the wings on his tongue as the beer on his lips warmed my chest.

My lips swelled from the attach as he raked his teeth across my lower lip. I moaned into him, my legs locking around his waist. I could feel his strength. The meat of his shoulders twitching for me as the muscles of his arms held me close to him. My pussy began to heat, and my tits rose to their painful peaks. A cloud rolled over the moon, showering us in darkness as Fox walked us over to the bench.

No one would be able to see us for miles, so I took yet another risk my body was aching for me to take.

I slid my fingertips underneath Fox’s shirt, allowing my hands time to feel the chiseled peaks of his muscles.

Our kissing grew frantic as my lips traveled his skin. Down his cheek and down his neck, raking along his pulse point as my hands danced on top of his body. His hands gripped my ass, holding their fill of it as I gripped my fingers into his back.

The groan that fell from his throat was music to my ears as my lips nibbled on his skin.

But then, I felt something vibrating against my leg. Three quick buzzes then a pause. Three quick buzzes then a pause. The pattern was distinct. Recognizable. Familiar.

I heard Fox groan as I sat up from him. But it wasn’t the type of groan I wanted to hear.

It was one of frustration as he dug his phone out from his pocket.

“Hold on, beautiful,” he said as he kissed my forehead.

And suddenly, as Fox picked up the phone and slid me from his lap, I felt like an idiot.