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The Royal Marine (The Sin Bin Book 4) by Dahlia Donovan (34)




AFTER THEY TOLD AKASH’S family about the engagement, his lover’s youngest sister went into hyperdrive. She wanted to create the perfect wedding for the two of them. Hamish had only a few demands: no flowers, or religious overtones, and a cake worthy of his talented baker.

His initial worry about Shanti going overboard and turning it into a circus didn’t pan out at all. She truly hoped to create a memorable day for her only brother, and used all of her contacts in the design world to make it happen. Hamish told Akash that they’d have to find a way to thank her for taking on all the work, leaving them to do nothing but relax and enjoy.

The question of where to get married required three months to answer. Neither of them wanted to waste gobs of cash on a wedding. The problem resolved itself when Scottie brought them an invitation to use the Sin Bin; all the men who owned it had discussed wanting to offer it as their gift to Hamish and Akash.

Scottie had gracefully declined an invitation to the ceremony.

Smart man.

Hamish asked Wyatt to be his best man, while Shanti played best woman for her brother. They hadn’t wanted an overly done ceremony. Neither of them was religious, so Nye got himself licensed as a celebrant for a laugh, allowing him to officiate the ceremony.

No flower girls or ring bearers. No ushers. Nothing either he or Akash deemed as unnecessary.

A little over seven months after proposing, December 1st brought with it a beautifully clear and cool winter day for their wedding. They’d slept apart at Shanti’s insistence. She wanted their reactions to each other at the ceremony to be genuine.

“Ready to get hitched?” Wyatt followed him into the nightclub. “Not too late to make a run for it.”

“How long have you been married now?” Hamish stared pointedly at his friend’s wedding band. “Is Aled finally tired of you?”

Any retort Wyatt might’ve made died on his lips when they stepped into the room that usually held live music concerts. Shanti and her friends had worked incredibly hard to turn it into a space fit for a wedding ceremony. The reception would be held on the dance floor—she’d promised the music would be something they could all enjoy.

Navy blue and gold silk covered the walls. Rows of gold chairs with blue sashes made a circle in the centre of the room, with a black carpet running from the doors down through the middle of the chairs. In less than an hour, Hamish would stand at the end of the path, getting married.

Lights had been strung from the rafters. Hamish noticed his military badge had been embossed on each one. He was touched at the fine details Shanti had obviously gone out of her way to include.

“You clean up nicely.” Wyatt stepped over to straighten Hamish’s navy blue bow tie. He’d been thrilled to find Shanti’s selection for him was a simple black suit with white shirt and the tie. “We both do. I’d fuck us.”

Hamish shoved Wyatt away from him. “I will blacken your eye on my wedding day.”

“Brits. No sense of fucking humour.”

“Yanks. No sense of propriety.” Hamish dragged his old friend into a hug. “Thanks for being here.”

“Someone has to prop you up when fear kicks in.”

“And I suddenly regret not asking someone else.” Hamish pushed Wyatt away again, and straightened his suit. “Oh, wonderful, people that aren’t you.”

Twenty minutes later, Hamish found to his surprise that his nerves had kicked in. Their friends and family had gotten seated while he stood with Wyatt and a grinning Nye. Hope he hasn’t decided to play Rowan Atkinson in Four Weddings and a Funeral. I’ll kill him. Akash’ll bring him back, and then we’ll kill him together. His murderous thoughts evaporated when the doors opened, and Akash strode in with Shanti at his side.

Their wedding attire paid homage to their mother’s side of the family. Akash wore a navy blue sherwani, and the long silk coat with golden embroidery went perfectly with his dark trousers. Hamish wanted to drag him over by the scarf around his neck and kiss the life out of him.

Maybe after the I do’s.

“Don’t fucking cry.” Wyatt bent forward to whisper to him, grunting when Hamish elbowed him in the stomach.

He wasn’t crying.

Maybe a stray tear.

Walking beside her brother, Shanti had made herself a bouquet out of gold measuring spoons with a navy ribbon wrapped around them. Hamish smiled through his non-existent tears at the gesture. She’d respected his distaste for flowers even with her own outfit.

They met in the middle of the circle of their friends. Hamish grasped Akash’s hand, tugging him closer. They turned identical glares on Nye when he bungled their names on purpose.

Despite the inauspicious beginning, Nye managed his officiating duties smoothly. Hamish barely recalled any of the words coming out of any of their mouths. He remembered the kiss at the end.

He’d remember it for the rest of his life.

I do.

Those words Hamish would tattoo on his heart until the end of his days. One simple phrase. It signified a vast depth of emotions that he believed he might never be able to adequately express. He’d tried, though, if only for Akash’s sake.

As they walked through the honour guard of his work family, Hamish gripped Akash’s hand tightly. He offered a handkerchief from his pocket to his husband, who was overwrought by emotion. They dodged through a shower of confetti in the Royal Marine colours of blue, gold, green, and red.

Any thought of skiving off died when Padma cornered the two of them by the stairs. She kissed both of them before lecturing them on not leaving before the toasts, and guided them toward the staircase to the reception.

They could still duck out later for alone time.

Hamish planned on it. He wanted alone time with his husband. My Akash. His husband looked absolutely stunning in navy blue silk; he couldn’t help wondering if anyone would notice if they disappeared into the loo for an extended period.

Neither he nor Akash was prone to gifts as a way of expressing their affections. They’d talked a number of times about the tradition of grooms exchanging presents. In their eyes, a better option would be to splurge on an epic honeymoon adventure.

As their resident travel expert, Graham suggested Kandolhu in the Maldives. He’d gone once to the island hotel. They planned on staying for two weeks; Hamish intended to ensure Akash was naked for the duration.

It shouldn’t be hard, but I will be.

All right, focus. Food, dancing, stupid speeches, and then you can fuck your husband.

In the area usually reserved for dancing, Shanti had again worked her magic. Bolts of navy blue and gold sari fabric had been draped from the ceiling to the walls, cascading gracefully over long tables draped in a similar fabric. Each table setting was perfect and understated. No flowers. The table centrepieces were vases etched once again with his company badge, and filled with the same bundles of baking equipment she’d held as her bouquet.

Their fabulous meal of British-Indian fusion had been prepared by Akash’s parents and eldest sister. It was served by the bar staff. Hamish drew his husband into an embrace to let him hide his tears at the effort his entire family had gone to for their wedding.

Hamish ignored the whistles around them, and tilted Akash’s head up for a more satisfying kiss than the one after the ceremony. “Congratulations, Mr Robinson-Ross.”

“Maybe we should’ve considered our initials becoming R and R.” Akash smiled against his lips. “Let’s eat. The sooner this is done, the sooner I can get you out of the suit.”

The meal smelled and tasted amazing. Hamish had no idea what he’d eaten or how much. Akash distracted him with a hand slipped under the tablecloth to rest directly on his cock.

How the hell am I supposed to have a conversation with people?


There will be punishment.

Toasts were made. Dances were danced. They both danced with Akash’s mother and sisters, who made sure to threaten Hamish with bodily harm if they hurt him.

They were sweet and terrifying.

As more and more joined in the dancing, Hamish saw his chance to grab Akash and run for it. They edged around everyone, ducking out of the building after a whispered goodbye to Akash’s parents, who gave them a knowing smile. They tripped up the stairs, laughing and holding hands.


His husband paused by the exit when Alex caught their attention. “Where’ve you two been?”

Alice nudged her brother in the shoulder to push him closer. “We stood guard over your Mercedes.”


Hamish glanced at Akash, who was equally confused. “Why?”

Alex shoved his hands into his pockets, and his eyes darted around uneasily. “People play pranks at weddings.”

“Yes, pranks.” Alice nodded sharply. “Don’t like pranks.”

“We told them off.” Alex sounded rather surprised at his own behaviour. “Told them to go away.”

“Happy wedding day.” Alice dashed forward to hug both of them, then disappeared with her brother.

“What?” Hamish scratched his head, not entirely certain what had happened.

“I believe their wedding present was ensuring no one marked up your vehicle.” Akash followed him out of the club toward the car park. “It’s sweet. They braved conversation with what I imagine were rowdy former rugby players and soldiers.”

“We’ll make sure Aled rewards them for us.” Hamish looped his arm around Akash to drag him into his arms. “Think your sister will mind if your fancy wedding clothes get wrinkled and ripped?”

“We’re not screwing in the car park outside of the club, with CCTV cameras, and everyone that we know within shouting distance.” Akash fell into his arms anyway. “What time’s our flight?”

“Four hours.” Hamish glanced at his watch. “In twenty-three hours, we’ll be at our very own villa in the middle of the ocean for two whole weeks.”


“You will definitely be naked.” Hamish grabbed him firmly by the arse, pushing him against his body. “Let’s go get our luggage at your flat.”

For the duration of their honeymoon, Ganesh would be staying with Shanti. Hamish got the distinct feeling Akash would be fighting with his sister to get the cat back. A worry for after their honeymoon.

After multiple transfers from plane to plane to seaplane, they finally arrived at the Kandolhu resort to find a certain group of former rugby players had decided to surprise them with an upgrade. They went from a standard beach room to one of the ocean villas with a private pool. Hamish already had images flashing through his mind of them enjoying that perk in particular.

Though tired from their day of travel, Hamish found the warm afternoon sun impossible to resist. They kicked off their travel clothes, dug out swim trunks from their luggage, and dove into the pool. It was pleasantly mild, and they floated around, bumping into each other and enjoying the blissful silence only broken by the waves.

They’d been lucky enough for their new home of two weeks to be at the far end of the semicircle of villas. The one directly next to theirs stood empty, offering them a feeling of complete privacy. Hamish washed off the day of travel in the pool and sun.

As the sun started to dip lower in the sky, Hamish crossed over to where Akash floated on his back with his head and neck resting on the edge of the steps leading into the pool. He’d waited two days for his husband. All mine. His patience was not infinite, and had definitely reached its limit.

“I’ve a distinct feeling you’re about to be naughty.” Akash watched him through half-open eyes. “We’ve got maybe an hour before they bring our dinner out to us. I’d rather not give them a show.”

Hamish found the hem of Akash’s shorts, yanking them off and throwing them up on the deck. “Perhaps a preview of the show for a party of one?”

Not waiting for a response, Hamish lifted Akash out of the water to sit on the edge. Sex in the water would’ve been romantic, but he had a friend who’d wound up with an infection after engaging in extracurricular activities in a pool. He’d no intentions of ending their honeymoon early for a trip to the hospital.

“Want to hop in the shower to rinse off?” Akash got to his feet before Hamish could act on his original plans.

He watched his husband stride confidently across the deck into their villa, visible through the floor-to-ceiling glass panels. “Get out of the pool, you idiotic arse.”

It started in the shower, but they tumbled out of it, dripping water everywhere, stumbling toward the bed with their mouths glued together. Hamish caught Akash before he could trip over one of their bags that had been left in the middle of the floor. They collapsed on the mattress with their limbs tangled, teeth clashing together because neither had wanted the kiss to end.

Eventually separating their lips to catch their breath, Hamish flipped Akash over on his stomach, shoving him into the mattress. He slid down his husband’s body, tongue tasting a path down his back to bite him firmly on the arse. His hands gripped each cheek firmly to squeeze roughly.

He pried Akash’s cheeks apart, dragging his thumb along the crease. He swirled his finger around before dipping into him. Exploring the golden, toned body at his mercy would always be a highlight of life for Hamish.

His tongue replaced his thumb. Hamish grinned wolfishly at the immediate reaction from Akash. He stroked his shaft lazily to add to the stimulation.

“You’re killing me.” Akash groaned, his fingers digging into the sheets, bunching them in his hands. “Hamish.

“Don’t worry.” Hamish manhandled him into a better position. “I’m first aid certified.”


“Yours is rather spectacular.” He swatted it to prove his point. “Ready for me?”

“Don’t tease me. Not now.”

With Akash on his side, Hamish pushed his leg up with another quick squeeze to his behind. He teased Akash with the head of his cock briefly, before sinking into him with a hard and satisfying thrust. His lips covered his husband’s, muffling their grunts while he drove up into the magnificent heat he found so incredibly addictive.

Akash brought an arm up around Hamish’s neck to gain some leverage. He met his thrusts as best he could while reaching down to stroke his own erection. “Fuck. I love you.”

“Good,” Hamish grunted against his lips. “We have gone and gotten married.”

His nose pressed against the side of Akash’s head. He breathed in deeply before ramping up his movements. His bollocks slapped against him while he hammered into the man he intended to spend the rest of his life with.

They peaked within seconds of one another. Hamish exploded first. He quickly reached down to wrap his hand around Akash’s to speed up his stroking, until he surrendered to the little death as well.

“Shower to clean up before dinner?” Hamish couldn’t bring himself to move just yet, and used his arm to prop his body up to avoid crushing Akash. “We wouldn’t want to shock them.”

“I’ve a better idea.” Akash rolled away from him, hopped off the bed, and strode confidently out the open doors to the steps leading to the clear ocean waters to dive in. “Oh, it’s lovely out here.”

Saying “so are you” seemed a bit trite. Hamish opted to join him in the warm water instead. They stayed close to the wooden steps, not confident enough to venture far without something covering their bodies. Heaven, he decided, was watching his Aki circle around him in the gentle waves.

Akash nudged by him toward the steps. “I’ll grab towels and dry shorts for us both.”

Hamish’s eyes followed the perfect naked form all the way out of sight into the villa. “Oh, you’re so pathetically lost you’re never coming back from it.”

Supper consisted of steak frites for Hamish and a Maldivian curry for Akash. Ever the baker, his husband wanted to test out new flavours and spices on their honeymoon. They shared a dessert of tiramisu.

Attempted to share a dessert of tiramisu, as Hamish decided midway through it would taste far better eaten off Akash’s chest. And I was right. They’d christened the deck afterwards and learned an important lesson.

Rough sex on wooden planks hurts—and not in a fun way.

The following morning they headed out on a private charter to sail around for a few hours. They snorkelled for a bit before enjoying a picnic lunch on a deserted island by themselves. Hamish ended up with a sunburn, and Akash had an allergic reaction to something on the island. They returned happily to the villa to collapse on the cushioned deckchairs in the shade.

“Scale of one to ten.”

Hamish brought himself out of his doze to blink at Akash. “Scale of one to ten what?”

“How happy are you?”

Hamish threw his arm out to grab the arm of Akash’s lounger, and dragged it across the deck until it rested next to his. “Definitely a ten. You?”

“The proof is in the eating, so I suppose we’ll see.” Akash laughed when Hamish yanked him out of his chair into his own. He straddled his lap. “Thought you’d gotten all sunburnt and intended to never move again?”

“I’m made of sterner stuff.” Hamish wrapped his arms tightly around his husband, forcing him to lie squashed up with him in the deckchair. “Stop wiggling around, I’m taking a nap.”

“A nap?”

“I’ll require my strength to see how many walls in the villa I can fuck you against. I’m partial to the glass ones.” Hamish stroked his fingers up Akash’s spine until he could thread them into the man’s wind whipped hair. “Is this happily ever after, then?”

“Sunburnt in a villa in the Maldives?” Akash rested his chin on Hamish’s chest. “No, we’re in the proving drawer—the best bits are still to come.”

No, the best bit is here in my arms, and I’m never letting him go.






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