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The Shifter's Secret Baby Boy: A Paranormal Romance by T. S. Ryder (43)

Chapter Three


Sullivan couldn’t wait for the evening, but it seemed like the minutes kept dragging on. Every time he looked at the large grandfather clock positioned at the back of his shop, it seemed like the arrows wouldn’t move. He grew frustrated and tried to dive into his work to get his mind off things, but it wasn’t helping. All he could think about was Cynthia and her beautiful face. Her rounded cheeks, cute button nose, and kissable pink lips were stuck in his mind, slowly driving him insane.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the hour arrived. The clock struck six, the gong inside chiming out six times. A bright smile spread across his face. He grabbed his jacket, knowing it was prone to rain and stepped out of his shop, once again making certain that he had locked it up properly before making his way outside. Cynthia was already waiting for him, standing there in a bright green raincoat. “I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?” Sullivan asked worriedly.

“Not at all. I just got here,” Cynthia answered, zipping up her jacket, pulling it tight around her curves. “It’s pretty nasty out there,” she commented. “I just checked the weather.” Inside the mall, it was near impossible to tell what was going on outside. “So where are we going for dinner?” she asked, admiring his leather jacket that hung perfectly off his chiseled body.

“I thought I’d cook for you, would that be okay?” Sullivan asked.

“You want to cook for me?” Cynthia exclaimed, sounding a little surprised. She had been on quite a few dates in her time but never before had a man offered to cook for her, especially not on a first date.

“Yes. Do you like Sichuan Huoguo?” Sullivan asked as if it were a completely normal question.

“What’s that?” Cynthia asked. Was this guy trying to poison her or something?

Sullivan frowned slightly. “Sichuan Huoguo. It’s an East Asian hot pot. It’s a sort of…” He paused, trying to think of the English word he was looking for. “… fondue. It’s really spicy and hot and you can cook whatever you want in it, beef, fish, tofu or vegetables. It’s really good, I promise.” Sullivan reached out and took her hand into his, guiding her toward the exit.

“If you say so. I do like spicy foods, so I’m willing to try it. Then again, I’m always willing to try new things.” Cynthia chuckled. “The food court hates me because I always go around, eating all the food samples at lunch time.”

Sullivan looked down at her, not quite understanding what she was saying, but smiling nonetheless. Even though he had just met her, he already loved her company. She had a gentle aura which radiated positive energy, invigorating him. He just hoped he wouldn’t mess up their date.


“You live here?” Cynthia spat in disbelief. She had been surprised when he had led her to his Tesla, the luxury electric car screaming out millionaire. The soft, leather cushions had felt divine to sit in and the dark, but warm interior, perfectly matched his personality.

“Yes. Welcome to my humble abode,” he said, driving them up the winding driveway. On the top of the hill was a large, impressive manor. It was painted in a light beige and trimmed in a darker brown. It boasted several towers, making it look like a medieval castle, while its modern windows and light fixtures brought it back into the twenty-first century.

Cynthia glanced over at the antique shop owner, thinking there was more to this man than met the eye. From his dark, neatly trimmed facial hair to his sharp nose, he was painstakingly handsome. How was a man like this, with so much money, still single? There had to be something wrong with him, Cynthia thought.

Once they got to the house, Sullivan opened up the large, three-car garage. As expected, there were two more cars inside, both of them luxury and both of them worth more than Cynthia made in a year. “Here we are,” Sullivan announced, getting out of the car and opening the door for her.

She blushed. He was a gentleman too? Her mind tried to find the reason why this man wasn’t taken and why he had asked her of all people to visit his home. She hadn’t even cast a love spell on him. It was all a little odd. But, deep down, there was a part of Cynthia that was ecstatic, excited that the man of her dreams was showing so much interest in her.

“Right this way.” Sullivan took her hand once again, guiding her through the door. Cynthia couldn’t help but stare at the lavish home. It was decorated quite tastefully, with unique art pieces on the walls. The floors were all either high-quality marble or hardwood. The crown moldings had painstaking details carved into them. Cynthia wondered how much a place like this would cost.

When they entered the kitchen, Cynthia was even more impressed. It was huge. The dark granite countertops shone brilliantly as if someone had just polished them. All of the stainless steel appliances looked top of the line. “This is amazing… how do you afford all of this?” Cynthia tried to wrap her head around the fact that she was in the kitchen of some sort of millionaire, maybe even a billionaire.

“Oh…” Sullivan looked at her, quickly trying to come up with a good explanation. He couldn’t possibly tell her that his wealth was acquired through his dragon lineage. At least not yet. She would surely run away, thinking he was crazy. Modern day humans no longer liked to believe that dragons still existed. “I trade in stocks,” he answered. She looked unconvinced and he cursed himself for not thinking of anything better.

“I see…” She squeezed his hand, feeling how it was slightly sweaty. Was he lying? She peered into his eyes, trying to find the answer, but his long hair got in the way, obscuring her view. “Well, let’s make some dinner shall we?”

Sullivan nodded, eager to change the subject. “Would you like to help?”

“Sure, why not?”

Soon, the kitchen was filled with their laughs and giggles as they started to grow more and more comfortable with each other. Cynthia quickly learned that Sullivan was quite the chef, handling his knife with perfect precision. They whisked around one another, their bodies touching every now and again, eliciting a fire between Cynthia’s thighs. She tried to ignore it for most of the night, but by the time they had finished cooking, her hormones were out of control.

She eyed Sullivan with a newfound lust she had never felt before. Her heart had been racing all night.

“Ladies first.” Sullivan beside her at the small dining room table, made of dark mahogany wood and shifted the large steaming pot towards her. She saw the opaque broth staring back at her. It smelt divine, with its various spices floating around on the surface. Her stomach growling at her, she grabbed a pair of chopsticks and picked up a thin piece of flank, dipping it in the broth for a few moments.

In her other hand, she held a wooden shamoji, a sort of spoon with a long handle and a deep, bowl-like base. She plunged it into the broth, letting it fill up before she placed the piece of flank on top as well as some noodles and vegetables. Leaning forward and holding her hair back, she gobbled up the savory bite, her taste buds flooding with euphoria. “This is amazing!” she exclaimed.

Sullivan grinned. “I’m glad you like it.” He chuckled and started to eat as well. As they did, their faces would come dangerously close, hovering over the large pot. When they were nearly done, Cynthia looked up, locking eyes with the stranger. She blushed, suddenly realizing she didn’t even know his name. She had been so obsessed with his good looks and alluring personality that she had never bothered to ask. She felt embarrassed, but despite it all, she was possessed by the need to find out.

“Um… you know… we never did exchange names.”

Sullivan’s eyes grew wide with realization. “You’re right. We didn’t. Well, my name is Sullivan.”

“I’m Cynthia.” Feeling a little shy, she pinned a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“What a beautiful name. The perfect match for a beautiful woman…” he whispered, his voice sensual. He leaned in closer, his lips approaching hers.

Cynthia felt her heart speed up as she gazed into this man’s dark, alluring eyes. She had never felt this way before. It was like her heart was going to break out of her chest at any moment. Her lips tingled in anticipation, seeing Sullivan lean in even closer. His hands reached out, softly cupping her face. His thumb rubbed against her skin, making her melt at his touch.

Suddenly, their lips made contact and it was like fireworks. An explosion of excitement rushed through Cynthia’s body, causing goosebumps to form all over her skin. Her lips locked with his as her arms wrapped around his neck, losing herself in the moment. The world no longer existed as all she could focus on were his perfect lips against hers.

The kiss intensified as Cynthia parted her lips, granting entrance to Sullivan’s tongue. She noticed it was a little more pointed than normal, but quickly forgot about that as their tongues tangled together and Sullivan took her breath away. His hands ran all over her body, going down her spine before resting on her lower back.

Eventually, Sullivan pulled away just as Cynthia thought she would pass out from the lack of air. She sat in her chair, completely blown away, staring at him. “Wow…” she whispered. Her lips were burning and her cheeks were the color of crimson.

Sullivan smirked, a look of dominance flashing in his eyes. He got up and held out his hand. Obediently, she grabbed it, letting him hoist her up and out of her seat. “I’m glad you enjoyed that…” he whispered, his hot breath caressing her neck as he leaned down, his lips gently brushing against her flesh. “I can make you feel so much better if you let me…” he said, his sexy whisper shooting right through her, awakening her lust once more.

His lips pressed against her neck, letting his teeth graze against her delicate flesh, teasing her. Cynthia couldn’t help but moan, shivering in pleasure. There were no words to express the way she felt, her mind swimming.

Sullivan’s lips ventured down, toward her collarbone, lingering there a moment before he started to suck on the hollow of her neck. Cynthia moaned even louder, the sound exciting the dragon who felt his ever-growing cock twitch in his pants. His hands tightened around her wide hips, knowing that he wanted this woman.

His hands traveled upwards, getting dangerously close to her voluptuous bosom. He reached up, taking one of her large breasts into his hand, fondling it lovingly. She bit her lip, moaning once more, enjoying the sensation. Sullivan grinned, planting small kisses all over her sweet globes before straightening himself and looking at her, his eyes blazing. “Why don’t we take this upstairs?”