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The Tower (The Tarot Series Book 1) by Rhylee Davidson (26)

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“It’s still early and we have the whole day ahead of us. Is there anything special you’d like to do today, Katrina?”

“No, not really. I just need to see if the parts for the Camaro are in. If they are, I’d like to get to work on the car so I can race Friday night.”

“I’m planning on running the ‘stang Friday, as well. We can trailer the cars over together, like we did last time. It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day. What do ya say we head out on the beach or take the boat out, whichever you prefer? Later this afternoon, we can run into town and see if your parts are in. If they are, I’ll help you put them in after dinner. We can stop at the store and pick up whatever you want to eat on our way back. I’ll even do the cooking.”

“That sounds like a plan. We should probably stop by your place when we’re out, so you can grab some clothes and other essentials you might need while you’re staying with me.”

“Good idea.”

“And Tony…thanks for being so understanding about…well…about everything. I don’t know why you put up with me, but I’m glad you do and that you didn’t go running for the hills like most guys would have. That is, after they bitched me out and called me a slut and god only knows what else.

“I guess I just like the abuse…no seriously, I walked into this with my eyes wide open Kat, and besides I care about you, and I know you don’t want to hear this right now, but I love you. I guess we’ll just have to see where that takes us, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess we will. I love you too, Tony. I always have. We’ve been friends and like family for as long as I can remember; but now that you’re all grown up and a total hottie, may I add, that changes things. I just don’t know if that means I’m in love or even if I want to be.”

“I suppose we’ll both have to figure that part out then.”

Anxious to change the subject, Kat decides, “I’m going to run upstairs and change into a bathing suit. If you don’t mind, I’d like to head out to the beach today.”

“That works for me. I have a gym bag in the trunk of my car and I keep a suit in it for the sauna after my workouts. I’ll go grab it and change. I’ll meet you out back.”


Feeling totally relaxed while lying on her stomach with the sun heating her skin, Katrina lifts her head to watch the waves gently lapping against the shore.

“Mmm, this is exactly what I needed; a relaxing day on the beach with the sounds of seagulls calling and waves lightly crashing against the sand. I feel wonderful.”

Sliding in next to her, Tony runs his hands up and down her body, “You sure do.” Flashing her a naughty smile he asks, “Are you ready for some more sunscreen? I’ll do your back.”

“I think I’m ready for you to do my front,” she purrs and seductively rolls over onto her back.

“Oh, I’ll do your front all right…hmm…where to start?” They grin at one another as Tony squeezes a generous amount of sunscreen into his hands and, starting at the top of her shoulders, begins gently rubbing it into her skin. Leaning over, he softly blows on her skin behind the trail of lotion. Her skin prickles and nipples tighten. His hands move down her body, lightly gliding over her breastbone to the tops of her creamy breasts. Looking down at the pointy nipples pressing against the thin triangles of Kat’s bathing suit, Tony leans in, placing his mouth over one nipple while easing his fingers beneath the fabric that covers the other. He rolls the hard pebbled tip between his thumb and forefinger, as Kat finds herself moaning out loud and growing hot with desire.

Reaching up, Kat places her hand against the outside of Tony’s swimming trunks, feeling his growing erection in her hands.

“Move the top out of your way and put your mouth on me, Tony. I want to feel your tongue and teeth scrape against me.”

He eagerly uses his tongue and teeth to send little shocks of electricity spreading through her body. Immediately, she grows wet and ready for sex.

Not able to stand it any longer, Kat lifts his face to hers as she gazes with desire into his eyes. Taking her mouth, he aggressively kisses her, leaving her breathless. Enjoying the heat between them, Kat pulls Tony down on top of her, covering her body with his. Through their swimsuit bottoms, Tony’s hard cock presses against the cleft between her legs as they gently rub themselves against one another. “Kat, we can’t do this out here on the beach with people walking by. Come on, let’s get in the water.” Kat smiles up at Tony as he climbs off her, taking her hand and helping her up off the cabana chair. Hand in hand, they head towards the Gulf. Just before they hit the water, a young woman stops them.

“Oh hi! Kat and Tony right? How are you guys? We met at Marina Jack. I’m Taylor.”

“Yes, I remember. Hi Taylor.”

“Hey Taylor.”

“Funny running into you two here. Do you guys come to this beach often?”

“Actually, I live here.” Kat turns and points toward her home. “The white two-story up there is mine. So when we want to get some sun, if we’re not out on the boat, we’re usually out on the beach. How about you? What are you doing here?”

“Just grabbing some sun. Actually, I’m further down the beach that way,” Taylor motions south. “I’m just walking the beach to get some exercise. I can only lie there for so long. Well, it looks like I’m interrupting you guys again. I’ll let you go take your swim.” Kat and Tony grin stupidly at one another.

“Uhh, yeah it was getting hot up there, so we thought we’d cool off in the water,” said Tony.

“When you’re done with your walk, why don’t you stop by and join us for a drink? We have a cooler on the patio filled with beer and a chilled bottle of wine.” Tony frowns at Katrina, surprised at her offer.

“Thanks Kat. I think I will. Go take your swim and I’ll finish my walk. See you in a little while.”

In unison, “Okay, see ya.” Heading into the water, Tony whispers, “Well, that blows our plans. Why’d you have to invite her?”

“The public beaches on either side of me are starting to get crowded now. It would be a little obvious that we were having sex in the water at this point anyway.”

“Yeah, but it would still be fun,” Tony quips dragging Kat into the water. They both laugh. Scooping her up into his arms, Tony runs into the surf while Kat screams and giggles. “Ready to get wet?”

Batting her eyelashes at him she pants, “I’m already wet.” Groaning, Tony leans over and savagely kisses her, sucking on her ample bottom lip. As her lips open to him, their tongues meet, touching, sliding, and probing. When they finally separate, Tony looks deep into her eyes and whispers, “Are you sure you want to wait?”

“No, I don’t want to wait, but there are too many onlookers out here right now.”

Closing his eyes and shaking his head in an effort to regain his control, Tony opens his eyes, staring down at Kat with heat still blazing in their depths. Bending down, he breathes into her ear, “Then I guess you’ll need to cool off!”

Kat’s eyes grow wide and she squeals, “You wouldn’t dare!”

Grinning down at her, he rubs his thumb over her perfectly shaped bottom lip and threatens, “Wouldn’t I?” Then, abruptly releasing his hold on her, he drops her into the emerald green water.

Now completely submerged, Kat jumps up, wiping her eyes and sputtering, “You jackass. Just wait, I’ll get even.”

Laughing, Tony lifts her out of the water. “Wanna go again?”

“Don’t you dare,” she says, glaring at him. Leaning over her, he flicks out his tongue, licking the salt water dripping down the right side of her cheek. He stops at the side of her mouth as she parts her lips, and they kiss passionately. When they finish making out and taking a swim, they head to shore, grabbing their towels as they make their way up to the patio at the back of the house.

A few moments later, Taylor approaches, as Kat is towel drying her hair. “Hi again.”

Kat inquires, “Did you enjoy your walk?”

“Yes, I did.”

“That’s good.”

Walking over to the cooler, Tony reaches in to the ice, withdrawing a couple of Shock Tops. “Are you ready for a beer, Taylor?”

“Thanks Tony, that would be great.”

Handing first Kat, then Taylor, a chilled brown bottle, he invites her, “Pull up a chair and join us.”

“Thanks, Tony.” He nods in response.

“So, are you here on vacation?” he asks.

“No. I recently moved to the area.”

“Oh that’s nice, do you like it here?’

“So far.”

“Where are you from?”

“I moved around a lot, but most recently from San Diego.”

“Oh, it’s beautiful out there. I’ve been there a couple of times,” says Kat. “Why did you leave? Do you have family here?”

“No, not exactly. I left because my mom recently passed away and I didn’t really have any reason to stay in San Diego after that.”

With compassion in her voice, Kat offers, “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Where’s your dad? Is he in the picture or did he pass away, too?”

Not wanting to have this discussion Taylor mumbles, “I don’t know. I never knew my father.”

“So you moved out here not knowing anyone? No friends, no family?”

“I came out here to start over. I never said I didn’t know anyone here.”

“Well, that’s good that you have someone you know in town. It makes adjusting to a new life easier,” Kat responds, looking into Tony’s eyes.

Finishing her beer, Taylor stands up, thanking Kat and Tony.

“I really should be getting back. I have some things I need to do today. Thanks for the cold beer and it was really great seeing you both again.”

“Nice to see you too, Taylor. If you’re on the beach again, don’t be a stranger, stop by.”

“Thanks Kat, I think I’ll do just that.” As she turns to leave, a devious grin appears on Taylor’s face as she steps away.

“Bye Taylor.”

“See you around, Tony,” she calls out and heads down the beach, disappearing into the crowd.