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The Virgin's Promise by Angela Blake (182)

Chapter Five


When she awoke, Dean was already gone. He did leave a note on the fridge, telling her he’d gone to a business meeting. Kayla didn’t know if it was true or if he was just trying to screw the neighbor’s daughter. It didn’t really matter to her. She already planted the seeds last night.

Kayla took a shower and got dressed. She left the house and drove back to her apartment to wash her clothes, get some new ones and make sure nothing went missing in the time she’d been gone. Fortunately for her, everything seemed to be in place. Even the grumpy old cat that liked to sleep by her kitchen window was still there, probably relaxing after rummaging through the compound garbage bin.

When she was ready she dumped her stuff in the trunk of her car and drove over to Sofia’s place, which was a much nicer house in a more established neighborhood. She drove right up and helped herself inside. Sofia was in her living room, dressed in a large shirt and nothing else, just lounging on the couch and watching television.

“Took you long enough,” Sofia greeted. She was eating a Hot Pocket.

Kayla plopped right next to her, grabbed Sofia’s hand and guided it to her mouth. She then took a bite out of Sofia’s Hot Pocket then said, “Too tired.”

“Slut,” Sofia commented in a dry manner, her eyes glued to the TV.

Kayla shook her head with a smile, “Shut up.”

“You did wear the lingerie and fuck him all night, right?” Sofia asked.

Kayla nodded.

“Slut,” Sofia concluded, this time with a smile forming on her lips.

Kayla laughed and acknowledged she did seem to go over her usual borders. This was entirely new territory for her but it also felt quite liberating, “I had fun.”

This time Sofia looked at her, “Am I hearing this right?”

“Yeah,” Kayla replied. “I actually had fun.”

“Did you get the bug in?”

Kayla nodded. Unbeknownst to Dean she had placed a spy cam in his clothes and on his phone. She and Sofia could now see what he was doing and where he was at any given moment. There was nothing left for him to hide. They could even access his browsing history on his phone and see all his photos.

“So, let’s see what he’s doing!” Sofia jumped to life. “I want to know if he keeps photos of all his bitches, you know, like a trophy collection?”

Kayla rolled her eyes, “Check his browsing history first. I want to see if he’s been doing anything else.”

Sofia took her laptop and turned it on. It took a while for them to get the accompanying spy software to run since they had to register Dean’s number and synch it with their account but after a few minutes they could instantly track him on a map. As it turned out, Dean wasn’t at work but was on a yacht.

“That fucking liar,” Kayla said softly, almost to herself. Don’t get too affected. You know he isn’t serious. You shouldn’t be so surprised.

“Okay, well at least we know he isn’t at some business meeting,” Sofia commented. “Let’s see his browsing history.”

Sofia clicked around. What they found was shocking. Dean Marshall ran an underground BDSM group. Even more shocking was that he had used some of Kayla’s photos as promotional material and referred to her on his site as his “pet.”

“What an asshole!” Kayla shouted in frustration. She tried to calm herself down but she was boiling with anger. It was already a struggle not to grab the laptop and toss it against the wall.

“He’s an interesting little fellow,” Sofia said as she continued to browse through the sites Dean had visited. As it turned out, he posted ads on sites, searching for young girls who were into the BDSM lifestyle. Once he’d meet them he’d have sex with them first to try them out and then bring them to the BDSM meeting where they would be stripped, tied down and humiliated or fucked in front of a crowd.

Kayla finally understood Dean’s promiscuity. Dean wasn’t a playboy. He was a Dominant who owned no permanent sex slave. He was just in it for the lifestyle and kept the business running so that the community could thrive.

That would explain the fire in his eyes last night. He enjoys being dominant. He wants me to be as submissive as possible. Kayla shuddered when she thought about it. She had willingly become his submissive toy last night and now Dean thought he could do whatever he pleased with her. Maybe he was already planning to bring her to this basement community, show her off, and then leave her for a new toy to play with.

That wasn’t going to happen.

“I’m not going to be a pet he can auction off to other men,” Kayla stated firmly. “I’m going to be the girl that Dean Marshall keeps.”

“You’re going to be his submissive girl?” Sofia asked, hoping to get a clearer answer.

“I don’t know if it will come to that but I do know I’m not going to let him toss me out to others,” Kayla said. “Just because he’s some rich billionaire with a monster cock it doesn’t mean I’ll literally do anything he says. I thought BDSM was a give-and-take kind of thing, where the dominant takes over but also rewards his slave? Well, I want my reward.”

“I don’t know if I should congratulate you for putting that in such a poetic manner or if I should shudder in disgust because you also seem like a runaway bitch,” Sofia told her.

Kayla shrugged, “Look, I don’t know either. All I know is if I can get Dean to keep me around instead of dumping me, I win.”

“Okay, when you put it like that it’s simpler and it sounds less like you’re trying to knot a conspiracy or something,” her friend said. “What if you still lose and he dumps you anyway?”

“Well fuck,” Kayla answered. “If it all ends up for naught I guess you won’t mind joining me for a drink and hope some pervert will buy us something and take me out on a date.”

Sofia smiled, “As long as that pervert has a decent face, I guess. What are you going to do right now? I mean, you can’t just go back there like you know nothing.”

“Oh I’m going to give him the shock of his life,” Kayla said. “Last night was just an appetizer of things to come.”

Sofia giggled at the mere thought of what Kayla had in mind and the two spent the rest of the day watching television and ordered pizza. From time to time they monitored where Dean was, tracking his phone with the GPS. It was already near dinner time before Kayla decided it was time to go back.