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The Walls of Levi by Kristy Marie (22)

Isle of Man TT



I’m here.


I stand on the edge of the cliff and watch the sun set on the Isle of Man. It’s an unbelievable feeling. All the years I trained for this. All the races I’ve been through to prove to people that I could be here. All the hours, all the blood, sweat, and tears… yes, there have been tears. It has been worth it.

It’s surreal, standing here. I watch the waves come up and lap against the rocks below. It’s calming. Really unbelievable.

We flew in from Dublin earlier and just been exploring everything around us. It’s a magnificent place.

“What you doing out here all alone?” Kathleen asks, as she wraps her arms around me from behind.

I didn’t hold back from her. I let her get in behind the walls pretty quickly.

After they carted Fred off to jail and Rick got word that Wilson and Russell were in custody, I didn’t waste any more time. I told Micah I liked this girl, and I was going for it. She was so excited, I thought she was going to tackle me. Kelly was pretty much the same way.

It’s only been two weeks, but we’ve been through a lot and we’ve bonded. I like having her around. She keeps me in the light. She makes me want to fight to stay in the light at all cost. She also knows a lot about racing.

I can’t imagine her being out there alone again. And she was alone. Charise is a friend of hers, but they have two different lives and rarely see each other. That’s not the type of best friend she needs.

We’ve talked about her going to law school, and it’s something that is going to happen. I want her happy. Becoming a lawyer that fights against trafficking is what she wants now, and I’m going to make sure it happens for her.

Now that her father is fully aware of everything that went on, he’s on board too. He realized that even though he tried to shelter her, evil was still able to get to her. She wasn’t safe. No amount of sheltering keeps anyone ‘safe’. If anything, it hurts sometimes. I don’t want to shelter Kathleen, but I am determined to keep her safe.

“Just thinking,” I say, as I turn in her arms and put my hands on her hips. She cocks her head to the side and gives me a little smile. I think I may be falling in love with that little smile.

“Wanna know a secret?”

“What you keeping from me, pretty girl?”

“I knew about this race that Friday.”

I think back to that race. Kathleen and I have talked about that race, among many other things over the last two weeks. We have come to the realization that if I hadn’t taken that race, things may not have turned out like they did. Maybe they would have, though. Who knows? We like to think that everything is connected for a reason.

She saves me, and she doesn’t even realize it. I know that I was meant to save her.

“I’m not surprised.” She gives me a mock pouty look. She wanted me to act outraged. I have let myself go a little with her. I show her all my sides. She already knows about the darkest one, so why not show her the rest.

“You don’t play fair sometimes.” She playfully slaps me on the chest.

“I know where I will play fairly with you at.” I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder before she can protest.

“Levi James, put me down,” she yells, beating me with her little fist on my back. When that doesn’t slow me down, she starts popping my butt.

“Keep hitting me on the butt, that’s just going to get you more of what you like.” She starts laughing and her butt slaps grow weaker. I walk fast until we get to our room. Tossing her on the bed, I watch as her beautiful black hair fans out around her. She’s giggling, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard a sweeter sound.

“We’ve got forty-five minutes before Ron comes looking for me. Let’s make it count.” I slowly climb onto the bed on top of her and gently place my lips to hers. She isn’t giggling anymore.

I was right before; these pouty lips are sweet and heavenly.


“Day one of training, man. We are here! You ready for this?” Ron is pumped. He couldn’t be happier to be here. I think he may be more excited that I am.


He’s not.

He’s just excited.

“I’m ready, man. This is what we’ve been working for.” I straddle my beloved bike. Dale is a genius. There were a few minor things that were wrong with the bike, and in no time, he had it fixed and ready to go.

I look down and see the Clover Racing logo in front of me and smile.

We’ve made it. I didn’t get here alone. I have had help from the beginning. My journey started out as an escape from evil, but with the parents I chose, with the friends that have had my back as much as I’ve had theirs, and with team mates that love this as much as I do – it has brought me here and it has been worthwhile.

Fred started beating me at an early age. My escape at first was running. When he and Mary would start arguing, I knew I was going to get caught in the cross fire at some point. I would tear out the front door and run to someone else’s house.

Soon, I got a bicycle for free. Some kid a few blocks over got a new one, and without hesitation, I told him I would take his old one. He gladly handed it over. I hid it in the bushes for weeks. If Fred or Mary knew I had it, they would have taken it away and then beat me for having it in the first place.

When I met Ron, he immediately knew something was up with me and it was deep. Not a lot of people knew what was going on at the James’ house. Micah’s parents and Chance’s parents pretty much helped me keep things quiet, so I wouldn’t get taken away by the state. I wouldn’t have survived that. I know I wouldn’t have.

Ron saw me riding my bike, a new bike at this point. He asked me if I had ever ridden one with a motor. I had no idea what he was talking about.

He then introduced me to the dirt bike. After that, I was hooked.

And now, we are here.

Dale comes up beside me and sticks his hand out for a fist bump. I quickly give it to him. His wife is here with him on the island. I don’t know if he has ever taken her on a real vacation. The amount of happiness coming out of that woman is almost intense.

“It’s almost time, Levi. How are you feeling?” Dale walks around the Suzuki and checks everything out while I’m sitting on it. He isn’t anything if he isn’t obsessive about his work.

“I’m good. I’ve never been more grounded, man.”

He nods and steps back. “You’re both ready then.”

I have three practice races this week. This is the first one. This is the first time I will be on the course. I lay down on my bike and center myself with it. This machine will be what is between life and death every time I am on the mountain. While I know there is a chance of not walking off this island, I’m at peace with it.

I chose this life. Speed is my go to. My adrenaline craves this as much as my soul does. I will finish. Then we will go home.

Ron and Dale walk off to get my helmet and gloves. I am suited up in my leather already. I just need the finishing touches. I smell her before she touches me, and I smile. There is just something about the way she smells. it’s uniquely her and I’ve noticed it from the first moment I met her. While it was masked with fear then, it still hit me out of nowhere.

Kathleen runs her finger from my shoulder blade down my arm as she walks by me, then turns and stops. “Hey stud,” she says with that little smile on her face.

“Hey beautiful.” She has her hair tied back and sunglasses on. A Clover Racing shirt is tight across her chest and it’s turning me on. I like my brand on her.

“You’ve got this, you know.” I can tell she’s nervous and that humbles me a little. I’ve always had people worry about me and my safety, but never like this.

“I do.” I wait and watch her for a few more seconds. “Come here.” She steps closer, and I grab her by the hips.

“I have a lot to live for. Do you hear me?”

“Yea,” she says.

I gently put my hands on both sides of her face. “I’m talking about you Kathleen. We are just starting. I’m not about to let it end right now.” She gives me one of her huge smiles, and I know I’ve said the right thing.

Ron and Dale come back with my gear and they ask Kathleen to help me put it on. She immediately jumps in like I knew she would. She loves and knows racing way more than I thought she would. That surprised me in a very good way. I asked her what she thought about certain things; her vision of Clover Racing has inspired me. We make a really great team. A team that I can see growing.