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The Walls of Levi by Kristy Marie (6)

Chapter 6



I wake up from my nap to the ringing of my phone. Again, I know it’s dad. Isn’t it sad that he’s the only person that calls me?

I need a life.

“Hey dad.”

“Kathleen, Wilson will pick up at seven pm. I expect to you be dressed nice and ready to go.”

“Gee, Dad. It’s nice to talk to you. My day went great. Did yours?”

“Don’t be a smarty pants, Katie. This is important.”

I sit up on the couch. I’m awake now and getting really angry.

“Important? For whom, dad? You? Wilson? I guarantee you it isn’t for me. I don’t even like this guy. I agreed to go out with him for you. You do realize that I’m twenty-nine and I can get my own dates, right? And before you make a smart comment about that… no, I don’t have a date. No, I’m not seeing anyone. But I don’t need your help to find the one either, dad.”

It’s silent on his end. I pull the phone away from my ear to make sure he didn’t hang up on me. After a few more seconds, he speaks. “You’re right Katie, and I’m sorry. You are twenty-nine and you’re not even close to being married. It worries me. That’s all.”

“Dad, there is nothing wrong with being unmarried. We are in the twentieth century. Times have changed. Women, namely me, can support themselves. We are capable of doing things without a man around. We are capable of breathing and feeding ourselves. Women are not completely inept.”

Again, after a minute or two of silence, he speaks again. “Yea. I know.” He sounds defeated a little and that surprises me, as well as making me feel guilty.

“I’m sorry. I think you’re trying to help. I hope that’s all you’re doing, but it isn’t helping dad. You’ve got to let me live my own life.” He knows he does; he just doesn’t know how.

“You’re right. But will you still go on the date tonight? I know you don’t want to, but I need you to. I don’t really want to tell you why.”

I take a deep breath. I figured he was using me the whole time, but now that I have confirmation, it hurts. However, I love my dad. I’ll do this for him, but this is the last time.

“I’ll go. This is the last time, though. I can’t keep doing this.”

“Ok. I hear you, and I will remember it. I think Wilson is ok for what it’s worth.” It’s not worth anything. The guy is a square. He tells me again what the plans are, and I reaffirm to him that I will be ready.


Wilson knocks on my door at seven pm sharp. It annoys me that he is precise. It shouldn’t, because all girls want a man that takes life seriously and doesn’t make you wait. This guy, though. He is way too serious and stiff for me.

I open the door with my fake smile plastered across my perfectly made up face.

“Hello Katie. You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. Are we ready to go?”

“After you,” he says, with his arm outstretched.

Wilson isn’t bad looking. He would be a great catch for someone. He’s tall, perfectly tanned, and well groomed. Tall, dark, and handsome would work for him. There is just something about him that doesn’t call out to me. I believe in chemistry.

Wilson and I do not have any. If anything, he gives me the creeps.

He opens the door to his expensive car and waits for me to get situated before shutting it. I watch him as he walks around to the driver side. He has a type of arrogance that screams douche. I roll my eyes as he gets in and quickly put the smile back on my face. I just need to get through tonight and I won’t have to see him again.

We pull up to one of the most expensive Italian restaurants in Martinsville. I’ve only been here one time. It was with my dad and a client of his. It isn’t my favorite place because I am much simpler than this. This is his doing, though. Apparently, he thinks he is impressing me by being able to afford this place.

He’s not.

The maître d’ leads us to a table on the right side of the restaurant. Outside the wall of windows is a fountain and a garden lit up with lights. They have several arbors set up with white lights strung up over them. It is quite beautiful and romantic.

Somewhere you would love to be, if you were really enjoying your date.

I’m not.

After being seated and placing our wine order, Wilson tries to engage in conversation.

“So, Katie, how have you been lately?”

“I’ve been good. Working. That’s about it.”

“That’s good. Your dad said you were doing well at his firm.”

Of course, he and my dad have talked about my job there at his firm. I’m the part time secretary and the part time office assistant. Judy has been with my father for as long as I have been alive. She was my mother’s best friend and basically helped my dad and me stay afloat after my mom passed. I seriously think my dad wants me to take her place when she is ready to go into retirement.

Dad just doesn’t realize that Judy isn’t going anywhere until he does.

“I am. I help where ever he and Judy need me.”

Our wine arrives, so we pause our conversation and test it. After taking a sip and liking it, I take another.

“Are you going to do anything else with your life?”

I choke on my wine.

“Excuse me?”

He places his napkin on the table and says, “I’m sorry. That didn’t come out the way I intended for it to.”

His facial expression says he said exactly what he intended to.

“Listen Wilson. I appreciate this date. I understand that you are doing this for my dad. I don’t know why, and I don’t really care. What I do care about is my life. It’s none of your concern what I do with it. Your question came across exactly how you intended it to, and I don’t appreciate it.”

I gather my purse and stand.

“You’re leaving? Don’t be such a bitch, Katie.”

That’s it. I don’t even say anything, I turn and walk out of the restaurant.

As I get outside, I step to the side and pull my phone from my purse. The only person I have to call is my dad.

After several rings, which is odd for him, he answers. “Hello? Katie?”

“Hey dad. Can you send a car to the restaurant? I’m done with this date.”

“Katie, is everything ok? Why are you doing this?”

“Dad. I’m telling you to send the car. I’m not riding anywhere with Wilson. The date is over. I’ll tell you about it when I see you.” My tone of voice must tell him how serious I am.

“Ok. Give the driver ten minutes and he will be there.”
I look around. The streets are busy, but there is still an eerie feeling at this time of night when no one is around that I know.

“Tell him to hurry, dad. I love you.” I hang up and take a seat on the bench that is situated up against the wall of the restaurant.

I see Wilson come outside. He is on his phone, and he looks angry. He must be talking to my dad. I can’t tell from here what he is saying. I don’t move. I don’t want him to notice me. His car is parked on the opposite side of the building, so he doesn’t need to walk this way. However, he steps closer to where I’m sitting. Still on the phone, his back is to me, but I can hear him now.

“I don’t know where she went. Did you see her leave?” There’s a pause. Who could he be talking to? We came here alone.

I thought.

“Well find her. I have a lot of money tied up in this.”

Do what? My dad didn’t say anything about money. What is Wilson talking about? I look around to see if anyone looks like they are looking for me. I look back at Wilson and he is walking fast towards the other side of the building. He must be going to his car.

I get up and walk towards the restaurant door. I will wait inside. That may be safer at this point.

Before I can get there, arms come around me from behind, and I am picked up off the ground. I’m in so much shock, I can’t scream at first. Once I see that I am being taken towards the street, I finally find my voice. I let a scream out that would break crystal.

My attacker momentarily loses his grip, but not fully. Not enough for me to get away from him. Once he turns me toward the street, I see that he is carrying me towards a dark sedan that has its door open.

I scream again.