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The Wedding Flight by SJ McCoy (19)

Chapter Nineteen


Smoke sat next to Cameron watching the runway through the window in the pilots’ lounge.

A couple of pilots came in and gave them an odd look. “Are you in the right place?” asked one of them.

Smoke smiled through pursed lips. “Not yet, but I’m hoping we soon will be.”

The guy smiled back at him. “It looks like quite a story.”

“It’s not as bad as you might think.” He could imagine how it must look. Two guys dressed in tuxedos, sitting at the airport in Vegas.

“Do you want to tell us about it?” asked the other guy.

Smoke looked out the window and watched Papa Charlie thunder down the runway and then taxi around onto the ramp. “Sorry. We don’t have time.” He grinned. “Our ride is here.”

All four of them watched as Papa Charlie came to a stop and a golf cart trundled out to meet it. Smoke smiled as the door opened and then the steps came down. Piper looked like a million dollars in her bridesmaid’s dress. He shot a sideways glance at Cameron. He looked like a starving man who’d just been offered a steak.

Once the steps were down, Piper stepped aside, and he caught sight of Laura. Damn! His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. His whole body felt as though it was buzzing with happiness and love. There she was—his lady, soon to be his wife. His Laura.

The other pilot turned to smile at him. “Whatever the story is, you’re a lucky guy.”

Smoke nodded. He was, and he knew it. “Thanks. I’m not going to push my luck any further. I’m going to get in that plane, fly her home, and marry her. Come on, Cam.”

The two pilots grinned and wished them luck as they left.

Laura and Piper were coming through the doors from the ramp when Smoke and Cameron reached them.

Smoke went straight to Laura and closed his hands around her waist. “Gorgeous. Abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous,” he breathed.

She looked up into his eyes. “You too.” She sank her fingers into his hair and pulled his head down to kiss him.

He was lost until he heard a round of applause break out. He lifted his head, and they both smiled around at their well-wishers. “Thanks, everyone,” said Smoke. “I got the girl; now we just have to get to the chapel on time.”

When they were all in Papa Charlie, Smoke smiled at Piper. “Thanks, Piper, you’re the best. I think you know you’re not flying us back though, right?”

Piper laughed. “I suspected as much.” She looked at Laura. “I don’t think I’m taking the right seat either, am I?”

Laura shook her head. “No. That’s my seat for this flight.”

Smoke raised an eyebrow at Cameron. He hadn’t managed to take his eyes off Piper yet. Smoke didn’t think he’d have too much of a problem spending the flight back here with her.

When they were settled in the cockpit, Smoke helped Laura buckle herself in. “I hope it doesn’t spoil your dress.”

She smiled. “Nothing can spoil this day. Do you think I care if the dress gets a few wrinkles? You’ll only be taking it off me as soon as you can anyway.”

He nodded his agreement. “I love the dress. It’s stunning, but I’ll be taking every last stitch off you just as soon as I can.”

She smiled and lifted her foot, pulling up the hem of her dress to reveal a pair of sexy-as-hell heels. Smoke sucked in a deep breath.

“Even the stitches in these?” she asked with a teasing smile.

He pursed his lips. “Those can stay, but you’d better keep them covered up for now. I have to concentrate. I have to fly. I have to get us to the chapel on time.”

~ ~ ~

Forty minutes later, Laura smiled as the mountains rose up to greet them. “I love this place so much.”

Smoke nodded. “Me too. I never thought I could settle in a place like this, but that first time I flew you up here, it felt different. The mountains reached up to welcome me back, and it felt like it could be home.”

She nodded. “And now it is—our home.”

“Yep.” Smoke brought the plane down to land and taxied off the runway. “The place where we’re going to get married—in less than fifteen minutes.”

“It’s okay. We’ll make it.”

Smoke brought the plane to a stop and reached over to touch her cheek. “We already have, lady. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They both stopped in their tracks when Smoke opened the door to the cabin, and they caught sight of Cameron and Piper. They were all tangled up in each other kissing like their lives depended on it.

Laura looked at Smoke, and he shook his head in amazement. She’d never seen him look so shocked. He cleared his throat loudly, and Cameron and Piper sprang apart.

Cameron looked at them apologetically while Piper kept her eyes down and straightened her dress.

“Sorry to disturb you,” said Smoke with a laugh. “But it’s show time. We’re back, and we all need to get to the church.”

Once they were inside the building, Laura kissed him one more time. “I’ll see you at the altar—unless you need my help with anything before you get there.”

He laughed. “Thanks. I think I can take it from here.”

Jack came rushing toward them. “Are you all okay?”

“It’s all good, Jack. Panic over,” said Smoke.

Jack gave him a sheepish grin. “Panic? Me, panic? I don’t know what you mean. I’m just supposed to be giving my cousin away, only she’s not here, and the guy I’m supposed to be giving her to is stuck in Vegas somewhere. No panic.”

Laura linked her arm through his. “It’s okay. Everything’s as it should be now. All the details are back in place.”

Jack laughed. “The crucial details are taken care of. You’re both back here and only ten minutes away from the chapel, but we still need to take care of the details of getting you there. I’ll relax once we’re walking down the aisle and this guy is standing at the front waiting for you.”

“And on that note,” said Smoke. “This is me gone.”

Laura smiled to herself as she watched her fiancé walk away.

~ ~ ~

When they reached the parking lot, Smoke stopped dead. “Shit!”

“What? What’s wrong now?” asked Cameron.

“I don’t have my truck here,” said Smoke. “I didn’t even think.” He stood there staring around the parking lot. How could he have forgotten that? No way was he going to hitch a ride in Laura’s limo.

They both looked up as an SUV pulled into the parking lot. It came to a stop in front of them and the passenger door swung open.


His dad laughed. “I’m not such a useless old fart as you think. Jump in. I’m going to have to speed if you want to beat the girls to the church.”

Smoke climbed in the front seat and Cameron scrambled in the back. “How did you know?” asked Smoke.

His dad tapped the side of his know. “As I said, I’m not as useless as you both think. I’ve been keeping tabs on you. I tracked your plane back to Vegas, and it hasn’t left again since it landed. I tried calling both of you and got no answer, so I knew you were in the air somehow.” He grinned. “When I checked Papa Charlie, it was due to land back here.” He shrugged, looking very pleased with himself. “I thought you might need a ride.”

Smoke grinned. “You thought right. You’re a life saver. Thanks, Dad.”

Cameron laughed and they both turned to look at him. “This is awesome,” he said. “First, we were rescued from Vegas by the bride and her bridesmaid, now you’re here to save the day.”

Smoke exchanged a look with his dad. He didn’t trust himself to speak. They just held each other’s gaze for a long moment. He didn’t know what words could ever express all that he felt.

His dad found them. “I love you, son.”

Smoke had to blink. “I love you, too, Dad.”

~ ~ ~

At two minutes to two Laura stood in the entrance to the chapel, holding onto Jack’s arm.

“Are you ready?”

She nodded. She’d never been more ready for anything in her life. She hugged Piper, who’d been very quiet since they got off the plane, “Are you okay?”

Piper grinned. “A little ashamed of myself, but I’m so happy for you, Laura.”

Laura laughed. “Then get your ass down that aisle and let them know I’m coming.”

All heads turned as Piper began her walk down the aisle ahead of them and the music began to play.

Laura felt as though she was walking on air as she and Jack made their way past all their friends and family. She tried to blink away the tears as she smiled at them all. This place, these people, they’d become her life in the last couple of years. She squeezed Jack’s arm. It was all because of him. She spotted Emma, trying to wipe her eyes and hang onto baby Isabel. If she and Jack hadn’t met, Laura wouldn’t be here now. Michael winked at her as she went by. He was a good guy; he’d helped her and Smoke on their way, too. Dan held her gaze for a long moment. Her quiet, shy cousin who’d built such a great life for himself here, with Missy who stood beside him grinning at her and nodding. There were so many more smiling faces. Ben and Charlotte, Holly and Pete, April and Eddie, Kenzie and Chase, Nate and Lily—they all merged into one big happy blur.

As they got closer to the front, she finally let herself look at Smoke. He met her gaze and smiled, and she wanted to run the last few yards and fling herself at him. He was everything. He jerked his head toward the front row where her mom was dabbing at her eyes. Aunt Christine stood beside her and next to her was Aunt Cindy. Laura blew her a kiss—she may not have seen her for years, but like the people here at the lake, she was a friend who had become family. She’d come all the way from San Antonio to be here today for her.

She looked at the other side of the aisle and smiled at Madeleine and Cole. She’d grown to love them in the time she’d known them. Chelsea stood beside them and gave her a little wave. Laura smiled through her tears. She hoped that Chelsea would become a sister in time. Behind them stood Hope and Chance with Seymour. Pete’s parents were there, too. She smiled when she spotted Lawrence and Shawnee. Clay met her gaze and nodded, and for one wild moment she wondered if she’d attend his wedding someday.

She watched as Piper reached the front and stood off to one side. Cameron hadn’t taken his eyes off her the whole way.

A couple more steps and she was there. Jack reached down and kissed her cheek then placed her hand in Smoke’s. Smoke held his gaze for a moment. Then looked down at her. This was it. She couldn’t help it. She laughed.

~ ~ ~

Smoke stared into her blue eyes. He’d known on the day he met her that those eyes were full of fun. He loved that whenever he looked into them now, he saw love. He was one lucky guy, and he knew it.

She laughed, and he had to laugh with her. They were finally here.

He cast a quick glance at his parents. He’d never thought he’d see this day. He hadn’t thought he’d ever marry, not after what happened with Anabel, and he’d never thought he’d be reunited with his family. Now, thanks to Laura, it was all happening.

The chaplain looked at them both and smiled. “Glad you could both make it,” he said with a smile.

Laura laughed again and muttered, “Not as glad as we are.”

Smoke couldn’t take his eyes off her as the chaplain led them through their vows. She looked so earnest as she promised to love honor and obey him for the rest of her life.

She gave him a wicked smile when he made the same vow, raising her eyebrow as he said the word obey. He smiled through pursed lips. He’d get her back for that.

It was over so quickly. Cameron handed him the rings. They slid them onto each other’s fingers, and then the chaplain was telling him he could kiss his bride. He did. He closed his hands around her waist and pulled her against him. Her hands closed around the back of his head pulling him down to her, and they kissed as if they were alone in the world. When he finally lifted his head, a round of applause broke out, and he grinned at the crowd who got to their feet.

Laura smiled up at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure we get to the reception.”

He scowled at her. “You’re not going to let me forget about this morning, are you?”

Her eyes danced as she shook her head. “Never.”

He laughed. “In that case …” He bent down and wrapped his arm around her legs.

“Smoke! Don’t you dare!”

It was too late. He’d already thrown her over his shoulder and started to make his way down the aisle.

~ ~ ~

Laura smiled at Smoke when Jack tapped his spoon against his glass to get everyone’s attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen. I won’t keep you long.”

The hum of conversation died down. “Don’t believe him,” called Pete. “We’re going to be here for a while.”

Jack laughed and shook his head. “Not this time. I like making speeches. I think most of you know that, but tonight, I think fewer words will mean more.” He turned to Smoke and Laura. “I just want to ask you all to join me in congratulating two of the very best people I know.” Everyone cheered at that. “I’ll be honest,” Jack continued. “I warned both of them off the other when they first met.” Laura smiled, remembering that. “But I was wrong. I couldn’t have been more wrong. These two were made for each other. They’ve made each other’s lives better.” Jack nodded at Smoke’s parents. “They’ve healed each other’s wounds and made each other happy. They’re an example to all of us that you don’t have to give up who you are in order to make someone else happy. When it’s right, you make someone else happy just by being yourself.” He smiled at Smoke. “I was afraid for each of you that it wouldn’t work out that way, and I couldn’t be happier to have been wrong. Here’s to a long and beautiful marriage. I love you guys.”

Everyone got to their feet and joined him as he raised his glass to them. Laura felt the tears prick her eyes again.

Smoke leaned over and kissed her cheek. “He’s right you know. You make me happy by being you.”

She smiled. “I thought I just made you happy because I let you be you.”

“Nope. I love the freedom to be me, but I love you more.”

“I love you, Cole Alexander Hamilton. I love you for being you. I love that you let me be me. I love our life.” She smiled up at him. “I love that you’re now my husband.”

“I love that you’re finally my wife.” He smiled and waved his arm out at the room full of people. I love that this is our life and these are our friends. I love that we live here.”

She nodded. “I think there’s something magical about this place. I really do.”

Smoke smiled. “There has to be. It must’ve been magic that turned Nate from a manwhore into a devoted boyfriend.”

Laura laughed as they watched Nate and Lily get up from their table. He put his arm around her shoulders as they went over to talk to Gabe and Renee. “That must be the same magic that worked on you, right?”

Smoke shrugged. “I guess so. I think there’s more of it in the air, too.”

“I think you’re right.” Laura followed his gaze to where her mom was sitting with Clay McAdam. She shook her head. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what develops there.”

“Yep, and with Chris and Seymour.” He jerked his head to where the two of them were standing talking.

Laura laughed. “There’s magic everywhere you look. I think Cam and Piper have finally tapped into it.”

Smoke pursed his lips. “I think we’ll have to wait and see with them.”

“What do you mean?”

He smiled. “I don’t know if that one will be long-lasting magic or just a quick bang.”

Laura laughed. “You thought that’s all we were going to be.”

“So did you.”

“Yeah, I did. I’m glad we were both wrong.”

Smoke smiled as he slid his arm around her shoulders. “Me too. For once neither of us gets to gloat.”

She reached up and planted a kiss on his lips. “Today I think we can both gloat. We finally got what we wanted.”

“And now we get to live happily ever after, right?” he asked with a grin.

“We do.”

He got up and took her hand, pulling her to her feet to join him.

“Where are we going?”

He snaked his arm around her waist. “To our room, to get started on that happily ever after.”

She laughed and looked back at the room full of guests.

“They’ll still be here when we come down,” said Smoke.

They would. The friends and family in that room would be around for the rest of their lives. She knew it, and she loved it. Right now, what she wanted most was to go and make her husband a happy man;







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