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The Wedding Flight by SJ McCoy (17)

Chapter Seventeen


Smoke sighed a big sigh as he stepped off the bus. Finally. They were here. All he wanted to do now was find his lady, dance with her, have fun with what was left of the evening and then take her home—at least to bed, wherever that might be. He and the guys had all had rooms in Vegas. He hoped the girls had rooms here. He’d have to see what the arrangements were. He’d been irritated about having to hire a guy to fly them here. He much preferred to fly himself than have someone else fly him around, but Jared was a decent guy. They’d invited him to come along with them, but he’d declined, instead taking a room at a motel by the airport and saying he’d be on call if he was needed again. Smoke planned to drop him off in Vegas on the way home in the morning.

Pete came to stand by his side. “Are we ready?”

“More than ready. And listen, Pete, thanks for everything you did to make Vegas happen. I am grateful.”

Pete grasped his shoulder. “That’s okay, bud, I get it. Sometimes following a tradition, doing what you’re supposed to do, isn’t any fun when there’s something else that you want to do instead. All I wanted was for you to have a good time tonight. If that means being with Laura, then I’m happy we’re here. And hell, it means I get to be with Holly, too. You’re not going to hear me complaining.”

Jack came to join them. “We’re not going to hear you complaining? Even after things didn’t go along with your plan?”

Pete shook his head. “Nope. I’ve learned my lesson and learned it well. A plan is supposed to help things go smoothly. If it’s not helping, then it goes out the window.”

Jack smiled. “I don’t know, you letting go of your stranglehold on control, Smoke and Nate giving up their wild ways to become loving husbands. It’s like the world is shifting on its axis.”

Pete laughed. “S’funny. I thought that when you said you and Em were both coming out tonight and letting Alice babysit little Isabel.”

Jack made a face. “We weren’t going to miss it, and I might be a doting daddy, but we do go out sometimes.”

Smoke and Pete grinned at each other. “Yeah, once every blue moon,” said Smoke. “I’m honored.”

Jack smiled at him. Smoke knew full well that this was the first time both he and Emma had left town for a night since they’d had Isabel. It was a big deal.

“Let’s get everyone inside,” said Pete. “Then I can feel like I’ve done my bit and I can hang with Holly. Once you’re with Laura, I’ll feel like my work here is done.”

Smoke watched Pete walk past the line outside and go straight to the doorman. The doorman smiled and nodded and lifted the rope for them all to go inside. He couldn’t wait to find Laura.

He smiled when he spotted her. She was standing at the top of the stairs talking to Hope. He smiled as Chance came to stand beside him. “How the hell did two guys like us get so lucky?”

Smoke shook his head. “I don’t like to question it. I just accept it, and I’m grateful. Every day I’m grateful for the twists and turns in my life that landed me right here, right now.” Chance didn’t reply, and Smoke bit the inside of his lip. That had been a bad thing to say. Maybe Chance still wished his life hadn’t twisted the way it had. “Sorry.”

Chance shook his head. “Don’t be. I can’t say I’m grateful for everything that happened in my life, but I can say I’m grateful to be right here, right now, with Hope.”

Smoke grasped his shoulder. “I’m glad. What do you say, shall we go get ‘em?”

Chance grinned. “I wondered what we were waiting for.”

Smoke felt like his heart might explode in his chest when Laura turned and spotted him. Her beautiful smile lit up her face. “There you are.”

He snaked his arm around her waist and drew her against him, planting a kiss on her lips. “Here I am.”

Her blue eyes were full of fun as she smiled at him. “Hey, gorgeous.”

“Who are you calling gorgeous, gorgeous?”

She laughed. “You.”

“What do you say? Do you want to get out of here? Make the most of your last night as a single woman?”

She shook her head. “That’s what I’m doing.”

He slid his hand down and cupped her ass. “I don’t mean by dancing and drinking and hanging out with your friends. I mean by going and screwing some guy’s brains out.” He held her closer, pressing his hips against her. “This guy.”

She laughed. “Later. We can hardly get everyone here and then just disappear on them.”

“They’d understand.”

“They probably would, but there are a couple of people I’d like you to meet.”

He scowled. “Like who? All these guys you were hanging out with while I wasn’t here?”

“Yes. There’s Lawrence and Shawnee and Carson and Oscar and Clay. Oh my God, Smoke. You should have seen it when my mom and Clay met. It reminded me of the first time we met.”

He smiled remembering the day he’d flown Emma, Holly, and Missy to San Francisco. When he’d let the steps of the plane down to let them out, Laura had been standing on the tarmac waiting to greet them. He’d been a goner from the moment he laid eyes on her—even if it had taken him a while to realize it. At first, all he’d thought he wanted to do was … His smile faded. He liked Laura’s mom; he’d hate to think of some guy taking advantage of her. He felt responsible for her.

Laura laughed. “Don’t look like that. You look like Jack. Clay’s a good man. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“I’ll take your word for it, but you’ll have to introduce me.”

“I will. He should be on stage soon, but I’m sure we’ll see him when he’s done.”

Smoke dropped a kiss on her lips. “If we stay that long.”

~ ~ ~

Chance tightened his arm around Hope’s shoulders. “How’re you doing, honey?”

“Better now that you’re here.”

He smiled. “Me too. I just wish your dad had come. He was looking forward to tonight.”

Hope smiled up at him and pointed. “I called him when I knew you guys were coming. He seems to have made a new friend.”

Chance narrowed his eyes as he watched Seymour sitting on a sofa talking to a dark-haired woman. She looked familiar. “Is that Dan’s mom?”

“No,” said Hope, “it’s Laura’s aunt.”

Chance chuckled. “One and the same. Chris. I like her. She’s good people.”

“She seems nice. Dad certainly seems to like her. Do you think …?”

Chance shrugged. “I have no clue. I’m not going to get excited just yet. Even though I know you are.”

He loved the way she smiled.

“Just don’t be disappointed if nothing comes of it. He’s come a long way since we met, but I think he’s got a long way to go still. And Chris has a history of her own.”

“She does?”

“Yeah. I don’t know the full story, but she’s my sister’s mother-in-law. I’ve heard snippets, and I’ve pieced some together. She’s Dan and Jack’s mom. Dan and Jack had a rough childhood. Their dad died when they were still in their teens. Their mom has never remarried.”

Hope looked puzzled.

“My guess is that Chris loved their dad, even though he was a mean drunk. She’s either never stopped loving him or never trusted herself to be with anyone else since.” He held Hope’s gaze. “Even if your dad is ready to start dating again, Chris may be a little too complicated for him.”

He was afraid he’d see disappointment in her eyes when he said that. Instead, she chuckled.

“What? What’s so funny about that?”

“We Davenports are good at complicated. In case you hadn’t noticed.”

Chance hugged her to him and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I guess. If you can put up with me, you have to be.”

~ ~ ~

Kenzie dug Piper in the ribs as they danced. “Looks like your night just took a turn for the better.”

Piper tried to look innocent, but she’d already seen Cameron arrive. He was leaning on the balcony watching them.

“How?” asked Chelsea who was dancing with them. “I thought you were one of the few singles who’d still keep me company after the guys arrive.”

Piper didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to blab to Chelsea about how attractive her brother was!

Kenzie had no such qualms. “That Cameron guy. He’s been sniffing around Piper ever since he first came up to Summer Lake.”

Piper wanted to sink into the floor, but Chelsea smiled at her, then looked over at Cameron. “Oh!”

“Sorry if you were interested,” Kenzie said with a laugh, “but Cameron’s got his sights set on our Piper here.”

Piper tried not to cringe as she gave Chelsea an apologetic smile.

Chelsea laughed. “You’ve got no worries there. He’s my brother.”

“Dammit.” Kenzie laughed. “I knew that. Sorry, it’s just getting confusing now everyone’s related somehow.”

“It is,” said Chelsea with a smile. She turned to Piper. “Do you like him?”

Piper nodded slowly.

“Well, come on, let’s go talk to him then.”

Piper wasn’t sure if she was flushed with excitement or embarrassment as she followed Chelsea off the dance floor and up the steps to where Cameron was standing.

~ ~ ~

Ben sat back on the sofa and wrapped his arm around Charlie’s shoulders. They’d danced for a little while, and now they were sitting in the quiet lounge with a few of the others. “Are you having a good time?”

“I am. This is awesome. I’m not much into clubbing as you well know, but this is more like a soap opera anyway.”

Michael laughed. “You’re right there, Charlie girl.”

Megan nodded. “I can’t keep up.”

“I’ll fill you in,” said Missy with a grin. “Smoke’s brother and Laura’s best friend keep making a beeline for each other any time they get within a hundred yards of each other.”

Emma nodded. “I’m betting they’re going to be our next Summer Lake romance.”

Ben laughed. “And if Em says so, then you know it’s going to happen.”

“I don’t know,” said Missy. She looked across to the opposite balcony where Chris was sitting talking with Seymour Davenport. “Cameron and Piper have been circling each other for a couple of weeks now. Chris and Seymour aren’t wasting any time. They might beat them to it.”

Ben smiled. “Has Jack seen that yet?”

Emma shook her head vigorously. “No! I don’t know what he’s going to say. He and Pete went to sort out rooms for everyone, but he’ll be back soon. You know what he’s like about his mom.”

Missy laughed. “That could prove interesting.”

“I hope interesting is the right word,” said Emma. “I’m worried.”

“He’ll be fine,” Dan reassured her. “They’re only talking.”

Missy looked up at him and smiled. “You don’t see it, do you?”

“I do see it, and I like it, so I’m trying to convince myself that Jack will be okay with it, too. Look at her, Miss. I haven’t see her look that happy in years.”

Ben followed Missy’s gaze as they all looked at Chris and Seymour again. It did seem like there might be something more than a friendly conversation happening between them. “Maybe it’s their time? We’ve all found our perfect partners, and we’re settled down and happy. Maybe it’s time for some second chances at love.”

Charlie rested her head against his shoulder. “Aww, you just want to see everyone happy, don’t you?”

“I do.”

They all sat up as the music faded out and the DJ announced that Lawrence Fuller and Shawnee Reynolds were coming on stage. Ben grinned and looked around for Chase and Eddie. He knew they’d been looking forward to this.

Kenzie came up the steps with April and Chelsea, and Ben waved at her. “Where’s Chase?”

Kenzie laughed. “Where do you think? He and Eddie are right down there by the stage like a pair of groupies. I thought they were going to throw their panties at Matt McConnell when they spotted him before. Now they’re hanging off the stage for Lawrence and Shawnee. They might pass out when Clay McAdam comes on.”

Ben laughed. “They’re in their element.”

Kenzie nodded. “I know. It’s awesome really. I just like to laugh at them. Thanks again, boss man.”

“Hey. I’ve told you. There’s no need to say thanks.”

Charlie grinned at Kenzie. “If we thank anyone, it should be Laura and Smoke. It’s taken his whole life, and if it weren’t for their wedding, I doubt Ben would ever have left the resort to run itself. I didn’t think he’d ever leave it if you weren’t there. Now we get two nights in a row.”

Ben smiled. Charlie was right. It was about time he let the staff run the place. He’d been checking his phone every fifteen minutes, and there was nothing—no messages, no pleas for help. He just hoped everything was going smoothly—and that it would go smoothly again tomorrow when he and Kenzie and Chase and Eddie all went over to Four Mile for Smoke and Laura’s reception. He felt bad that Angel had stayed back at Four Mile tonight, but at the same time, he liked knowing that she’d be on hand if there were any problems at the resort.

They all turned as Lawrence Fuller and Shawnee Reynolds came out on stage. Smoke and Laura came to sit down with them, and Kenzie grinned at Smoke. “I’m so glad you guys decided to come join us. It was killing me that Chase and Eddie weren’t going to get to see this.”

~ ~ ~

Laura smiled. “I know that was bothering me. There were so many things about tonight that weren’t quite right if we weren’t all here together.”

“Well, now we are,” said Smoke. He pressed his lips against her hair and murmured “But how long do we have to stay? I want to take you home, lady.”

She turned and planted a kiss on his cheek. “I know, but I really want you to meet Clay, and we can’t just walk out on everyone.”

“I know, but don’t expect me to be patient.”

She laughed. “I know better than that.”

As they sat and listened to Lawrence and Shawnee sing, Laura smiled to herself. She was happy for them. She was looking forward to seeing Lawrence propose. He planned to do it at one of their televised concerts. She wondered how impatient he must be feeling right now. He and Shawnee had been together on and off for some twenty years. She had a feeling that they were going to become more than just clients—they already were, she wouldn’t be here tonight if they weren’t her friends.

Smoke’s arm tightened around her shoulders. “Where’s your mom?”

Laura looked around. “She was sitting over there with Chelsea last time I looked.”

“Yeah. She’s not there now, though. I thought I saw some guy taking her backstage.”

Laura tried to hide a smile. Was she with Clay again?

“I’d better go see if she’s okay.” Smoke was scowling.

“Now you sound like Jack,” she said with a laugh.

“I feel like Jack. I need to look out for her, protect her.”

“Aww, aren’t you the sweetest?”

His eyebrows knit together. “It’s not funny, Laura.”

She laughed. “It is!” She was surprised when he shrugged and got to his feet. “Seriously?” she asked.


She got up and followed him. She didn’t want him causing any problems by being too protective. They stopped on the steps when they met Jack and Pete coming up them.

“You don’t need to worry about it,” said Pete, “but some of us are going to head home tonight. We couldn’t get rooms for everyone, but we do have enough planes, since your folks have theirs and Chance and Hope have offered up seats on theirs, too.”

Smoke scowled. “I don’t want to go home.”

“So, stay.” Pete grinned at him. I reckoned the two of you would want to stay here, and Cam since he’s your best man.”

“Okay. You’re in charge of getting everyone else home and to the church in time. I have to go.”

“Where?” asked Jack. “Is everything okay?”

Laura laughed. “It is, but Smoke’s starting to think like you. He’s off to make sure my mom isn’t being taken advantage of by Clay McAdam.”

Instead of the laugh she’d been expecting, Jack frowned. “It’s not funny, Laura. Our moms need someone looking out for them.”

Smoke nodded. “And have you seen that yours is still talking to Seymour Davenport?”

Jack’s head came up, and he started scanning the room looking for her.

Laura looked at Pete. “Are they for real?”

Pete shrugged. “I’m staying out of it.”

“And so should you,” said Jack. “I’m going to see what she’s up to.”

Laura couldn’t help laughing as Jack spotted his mom and Seymour and went striding off toward them.

“Come on,” said Smoke. “I promise I’ll be good, but I need to know your mom’s okay.” He took the steps up the side of the stage two at a time and Laura trotted after him. She was starting to wonder if she was the one who was being unrealistic. She’d hate to think of her mom stuck back here in a difficult situation. As they turned the corner, she was reassured—more than reassured. Her mom and Clay were standing outside the dressing room door. Clay was holding both her hands and smiling down at her. Laura grabbed Smoke’s collar and dragged him back around the corner. She had to cover her mouth with her hand to hold her laughter in.

Smoke’s eyes were round with surprise. “Holy shit!”

“Yeah. Now, do you get why I wasn’t worried?”

A big grin spread across Smoke’s face as he nodded. “Yeah, I get it. She looks so happy.”

“She does.” Tears pricked Laura’s eyes. “And she deserves to be happy. Let’s leave her to it?”

“Okay.” Smoke smiled through pursed lips. “But I’m sorry. I need to make sure she’s on one of those planes home tonight.”

Laura nodded. “We should. If he likes her that much, he can come see her there.”

“Hell, invite him to the wedding if you want. He can see her again tomorrow, but I don’t like the idea of her staying here tonight.”

Laura grinned. “I will; I’ll invite him and the others.”

“Good, let’s get back up to the lounge before they know we’re here.”









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