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These Arms Of Mine by M.L Briers, A.B Lee (28)





Julian couldn’t say that he wasn’t enjoying the thrill of the fight – that would be an out and out lie. The more they came at him – the more he relished each and every kill.

It had been a while since he’d gone into battle and he’d missed the excitement – the sheer rush of the bloodlust that washed through him.

He was old enough to be able to control it when it mattered, but then and there; it didn’t matter. The only downside that he could see was the witch that was dispensing death as quickly as he was.

At the rate that they were putting them down – there wouldn’t be enough to go around for much longer, and he’d bet that Michael and Nathaniel were taking their fair share of the kill for themselves…

On the plus side; the professor hadn’t fired a single shot to date, but only because neither he nor the witch were letting any mutts through their ranks.

Julian turned in place and swiped his claws through the air. The feel of flesh, blood, and bone beneath the razor sharp talons was satisfying; as he cut across the man’s throat and dropped him to the floor at his feet.

The monster within him raised its head and he pushed it down. Then wasn’t the time to give himself over to the bloodlust completely.






Michael wrapped his hand around Jessica’s wrist and yanked her behind his back, putting his body between her and the human mutt that came for her – fangs down and claws out – he reached out with his other hand and ripped the man’s throat clean out.

His annoyance level was high. He’d sworn to protect the witch from the beasts, and yet, he found that he was also protecting her from herself.

She was too gung-ho to get into the fight, and that could be dangerous for the both of them.

“Stay behind me…” he bit out.

“Stop getting in my way…” she bit back, miffed that the man seemed to think he had to protect her when she had the magic at her fingertips that could do the job for her.

“Do as you are told…”

If they hadn’t of been in the middle of a pitched battle then she would have given him a piece of her mind right there and then, but while the mutts kept coming; his male chauvinist ways would have to be put on the backburner for her to shove down his throat at another time…






Morgana felt the arms of steel wrap around her from behind and she let out a jolt of her magic that sprung those arms free. She was quick to step away from the danger, and she turned in place to see black eyes staring back at her from the man mountain that had attempted to take her out of the game.

She lifted her palms and sent her magic through her hands, blasting the man backwards against the brick wall, and she watched with satisfaction as he slid downwards to the floor…

Nathaniel spotted the alpha – Tom Deaton dropped his chin towards his chest – his eyes locked on the vampire as he flicked out his claws and his fangs elongated.

It appeared that he wanted a shot at Nathaniel as much as the vampire wanted to end him.

He was the key to saving any humans that had not already gone through the change under the full moon. He was the key that would stop the abductions, because only an alpha’s bite could change a human into a werewolf…

Both men pushed off – running across the room towards each other as Deaton roared his intent…

Morgana turned in place. Her eyes took in the alpha as the men met in the middle … and then there was a split second of pain that shot through her head before she was falling towards the ground and the lights went out.






Nathaniel hadn’t exactly met his match. A werewolf, even an alpha, was no match for a vampire, and the man had to know that, and yet, there were always the times when a lucky strike could even up the odds…

That wasn’t going to happen that day…

Nathaniel’s claws were buried deep within the flesh of the man’s chest, and he tore downwards. The pain that seared through Deaton’s body was right there within his eyes, etched into his face.

Nathaniel drew his arm back and punched forwards once more, embedding his hand in through the man’s chest and closing his fist around the alpha’s heart … a moment later; Nathaniel was pulling it free from his body, and the light took a long moment to die in Deaton’s eyes as he dropped to the floor…

Nathaniel turned in place and scanned the room … no more bad guys to be had … and no Morgana either.

His heart lurched into his throat and he strained to hear some sign of her. All he could hear was the fighting that continued in other areas of the compound.



He fisted his claws into the palms of his hands and held onto the rage that tore through him.

He would find her, and whoever had taken her would die.






Nathaniel had searched the whole compound gleefully killing off any stranglers that he found along the way. The one thing that he couldn’t find was Morgana. Even her scent had been cloaked from him.

The others had gathered the humans – the ones that had been bitten and had not gone through the change yet. He paid them little mind, except to note that Morgana’s friend was among them.

Julian moved closer to him and Nathaniel turned his rage filled eyes towards the man.

“Hold onto that feeling, Nathaniel…” Julian cautioned him, but he needed no such words. He knew what he needed to do…

“Find her…” Nathaniel bit out.

The fever in his blood was turning to bloodlust, but there was no one left to kill – not unless he included the people on his side.

“We will…” Julian assured him, but it fell on deaf ears.

The man – the monster – was fast becoming one.

Nathaniel knew that he needed to hold onto that rage or he’d see red. He’d either slaughter everyone on site or they’d take him down, and he couldn’t let that happen until Morgana was safe.

He needed her to be safe.

He’d done this.

He’d dragged her into this mess when he should have been sending her off in the other direction, especially once he knew who the alpha was…

If she died then so would he, but not until he had his vengeance…